15:00:27 <cybette> #startmeeting SailfishOS, open source, collaboration: 17-February @ 15:00 UTC 15:00:27 <merbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 17 15:00:27 2015 UTC. The chair is cybette. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 15:00:27 <merbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:38 <kimmoli> >o< 15:01:04 <cybette> #startmeeting SailfishOS, open source, collaboration: 17-February @ 15:00 UTC 15:01:50 <cybette> #info Welcome to another week of SailfishOS OSS and collaboration meeting 15:01:55 <cybette> #info Meeting info and agenda: http://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2015-February/005695.html 15:02:02 <cybette> I'm the meeting chair for today and will be keeping time and order. Please behave and show mutual respect, and let's have a productive discussion! 15:02:15 <cybette> (I'm also on a train where the connection is spotty enroute, so Keep Calm and Chat On if I become unresponsive and need to reconnect, like what just happened) 15:02:29 <cybette> #topic Brief introductions (5 min), prefix your information with #info 15:02:38 <kimmoli> #info Kimmo Lindholm, TOHs et al 15:02:48 <locusf> #info Aleksi Suomalainen, Nemo community 15:02:50 <faenil> #info Andrea Bernabei, nemo contributor and Jolla user 15:02:50 <cybette> #info Carol Chen, Community chef at Jolla, hatless chair with bad connection today 15:02:57 <situ> #info Siteshwar, community 15:03:01 <dirkvl> #info Dirk van Leersum #tohkbd 15:03:11 <Tofe> #info Christophe Chapuis, community 15:03:12 <iekku> #info Iekku Pylkk�, Developer Community sailor at Jolla 15:03:12 <reviewjolla> #info Simo Ruoho, community, contribution, DIT 15:03:31 <spiiroin> #info Simo Piiroinen, Jolla, mostly nemo middleware 15:03:44 <pvuorela> #info Pekka Vuorela, jolla 15:04:20 <pketolai> #info Pami Ketolainen, Bugzilla, TJC and other services development @ Jolla 15:05:32 <cybette> couple more minutes, intro with #info 15:06:22 * pketolai will be mostly in the kitchen, but ping me if needed :) 15:06:33 <cybette> pketolai: ok :) 15:06:57 <iekku> pketolai, :D 15:07:12 <cybette> let's dive into topics 15:07:56 <cybette> #topic tohkbd2 (or other external input devices) language/layout support - kimmoli (20 min) 15:08:20 <kimmoli> kröhm 15:08:22 <kimmoli> Me, dirk and andrew == the team TOHKBD. I'm resposible on the SW side. 15:08:23 <cybette> #info from kimmoli - Sailfish external input device (e.g. uinput) is hard fixed to US layout. For external input devices to work properly, there needs to be a way to configure/change input locale/layout. 15:08:57 <kimmoli> yes. that is the current issue here 15:09:10 <kimmoli> blocking progress atm 15:09:43 <kimmoli> i have tried to change it in few places, iirc qtwayland 15:09:54 <cybette> kimmoli: sorry to interrupt, just summarizing, please go ahead 15:09:58 <kimmoli> but nothing i have done, hadnt have any effect 15:10:38 <faenil> kimmoli: just random though, I remember once there was a -keymap argument passed to lipstick, have you checked that? 15:10:45 <faenil> linking to a .qmap 15:10:54 <faenil> random thought* 15:10:55 <kimmoli> faenil: no, not seen that 15:11:08 <faenil> don't know if it's still there, it used to be there months ago 15:11:28 <pvuorela> giucam had some ideas how to set layout for wayland clients. (ping :)) 15:11:35 <kimmoli> https://github.com/kimmoli/qtwayland/commit/67dd35d27743da63629080231cfc8d208d883c0e 15:11:43 <kimmoli> https://github.com/kimmoli/qtwayland/commit/8b973c4d6ff89ae3312922698ab8ccfa692f2fb6 15:11:48 <kimmoli> these i have tested, no effect 15:12:06 <kimmoli> this was based on this https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtwayland/commit/ffc1183b6fbf4fc16bbf5bc0ff5f7eaff4af1e7c 15:12:18 <giucam> the first one should work 15:12:21 <giucam> i remember testing it 15:12:49 <Tofe> anyway these are just the defautl values, aren't they 15:12:53 <giucam> yes 15:13:05 <faenil> kimmoli: 15:13:07 <faenil> [root@Jolla nemo]# cat /var/lib/environment/compositor/60-boston-ui.conf 15:13:07 <faenil> EGL_PLATFORM=fbdev 15:13:07 <faenil> QT_QPA_PLATFORM=hwcomposer 15:13:09 <faenil> LIPSTICK_OPTIONS="-plugin evdevtouch:/dev/input/event0:rotate=0 -plugin evdevkeyboard:keymap=/usr/share/qt5/keymaps/boston.qmap" 15:13:14 <faenil> that's what I meant ^ 15:13:24 <faenil> not sure it has to do with what you need, just thought I'd name it :) 15:13:48 <kimmoli> evdevkeyboard sounds promising though 15:14:21 <giucam> given the homescreen is in process with the compositor the keymap must be changed below it 15:14:53 <kimmoli> qmap is some compiled thing? 15:15:35 <pvuorela> also to be noted that we need to add a layout setting for usb keyboard. might be related to this. 15:15:53 <kimmoli> and Bluetooth ? 15:16:16 <giucam> kimmoli: anyway, if you call QWaylandInputDevice::setKeymap(...) e.g. in LipstickCompositor ctor it should work 15:16:17 <pvuorela> ehm, was supposed to say bluetooth. 15:16:34 <giucam> for wayland clients 15:17:32 <kimmoli> i have some random memories about messing with setKeymap'ish but it changed just the local thing 15:17:38 <kimmoli> but it could be with xkb 15:18:20 <Tofe> can any qtwayland client call that compositor API, or is some DBus connector needed? 15:18:35 <giucam> no, they can't 15:18:56 <Tofe> I thought so, would be quite weird security-wise otherwise :) 15:19:53 <Tofe> What I mean is that some evolution seems to be needed in lipstick so listen to that request -- or to expose a configuration tool to the user. 15:20:31 <giucam> the problem is that is only half the problem. that won't change the keymap used by the homescreen 15:21:28 <kimmoli> ok, i have some pointers for to look later. 15:21:57 <kimmoli> i have few more issues in line. 2nd is that the CAPSLOCK stopped working after some sailfish update 15:22:37 <giucam> do the other modifiers work ok? 15:22:37 <kimmoli> it did work still during summer. i.e. i emit KEY_CAPSLOCK down, but it gets released after first keypress 15:22:49 <kimmoli> (this can be ofcourse a bug in my sw) 15:23:13 <kimmoli> shift works fine 15:23:27 <Tofe> verr num ? (if any) 15:23:29 <kimmoli> others, well no, as there is no compose 15:23:34 <dirkvl> and text selection is dropped after you release shift 15:23:40 <dirkvl> i believe 15:24:22 <kimmoli> that compose is 3rd issue, but i hope that it is solved when we get better layout support 15:24:51 <giucam> not sure what could be the issue.... qtwayland doesn't seem to be the problem, at least on desktop 15:25:16 <kimmoli> but i will doublecheck my code first 15:25:27 <cybette> 2 min 15:25:33 <kimmoli> 4th is the aliendalvik support. i.e. scancode mapping there: https://app.younited.com/?shareObject=443e4bdf-da24-8d41-65f8-182d49b6111a 15:25:37 <giucam> have a look at the output when exporting WAYLAND_DEBUG=1, check the modifiers events going 15:25:49 <kimmoli> giucam: ok 15:26:12 <kimmoli> i have ways to monitor also evdev 15:27:02 <kimmoli> i can see scancodes are passed from uinput/evdev to alien, but it complains cannot map 15:27:28 <giucam> no idea about that 15:27:38 <cybette> kimmoli: let's wrap up the topic. do you have enough to go on with? 15:27:58 <giucam> i think try having the layout right in lipstick and wayland first, maybe alien will fix magically ;) 15:27:58 <kimmoli> at least something 15:28:59 <cybette> at least you know who to contact :) 15:29:08 <kimmoli> so, as no tohkbd yet available, these can be tested with BT keybs 15:29:53 <kimmoli> #info ask more from giucam pvuorela faenil 15:30:00 <cybette> we can take the discussion to regular channels. let's move the meeting on 15:30:07 <cybette> thanks for info-ing :) 15:30:22 <kimmoli> thanks 15:30:24 <cybette> #topic General discussions - everyone (10 min) 15:30:49 <reviewjolla> Hi all, just checked in to share some feedback on one of the previous meeting action: http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2014/mer-meeting.2014-11-04-15.00.html 15:31:07 <reviewjolla> Action 1 was fulfilled except for the visuals (afaik), but the idea kind of dried, imo either to the lack of visibility or just being a bad idea. 15:31:21 <reviewjolla> Unfortunately there was no interest towards the discussion of the reasons, so can't say really. https://together.jolla.com/question/61926/hot-questions-of-the-month-november-december/ 15:31:36 <reviewjolla> So... 15:31:41 <reviewjolla> I'd like to ask if we give this another shot, or havr another ideas to use "hot" tag on TJC, or just get rid of it for now as a dedicated tag 15:32:01 <cybette> any comments or feedback for this? 15:32:16 <cybette> reviewjolla: thanks for joining and bringing this up 15:32:46 <reviewjolla> :) 15:33:28 <faenil> what is Jolla's current approach to those hot topics? 15:33:33 <faenil> were any of those fixed? 15:33:48 <faenil> is there anything Jolla needs help with, or similar? 15:34:13 <cybette> #info revisiting "hot topics" on TJC that was discussed in previous meeting http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2014/mer-meeting.2014-11-04-15.00.html 15:34:40 <reviewjolla> Topics gained some activity in the beginning (while there was visibility), but this just dried. But well, if nothing special, let's just leave it to TJC mods to decide what they want to do with the tag. That's all *:) 15:35:35 <pketolai> idea was/is probably good, but haven't had time to work on the visibility of the hot topics 15:35:37 <electrolux> faenil: there's indeed a lack of traction for this initiative, but as we've deloyed the "Tracked by Jolla" mechanism, we could of course prioritize from the pool in hot… 15:36:02 <faenil> electrolux: ok, cool 15:36:43 <Tofe> maybe it depends also on the status of the hot topic: if the discussion is finished, then solving the issue is up to Jolla, and there isn't much to write on those topic until the release 15:36:43 <cybette> reviewjolla: a good idea might be to propose this for a future meeting so we can properly discuss this (and get the right people involved in the meeting discussion), e.g. whether some of our more current changes also achieve the same desired goal 15:36:55 <iekku> +1 15:37:08 <iekku> topic for next meeting? 15:37:36 <electrolux> reviewjolla: pketolai is right, still some work on visibility for the Featured tags, I hope to propose something within this iteration still... 15:38:24 <cybette> yes let's have this at next meeting if ok with reviewjolla, also good to have notice and prepare from Jolla side if needed 15:38:26 <reviewjolla> so, "project" maybe coming back to live after some further actions? 15:38:54 <reviewjolla> when is the next meeting? (if i'm to bring the topc again) 15:39:03 <cybette> reviewjolla: that's next topic :) 15:39:14 <reviewjolla> :D 15:39:18 <Tofe> that was a smooth transition ! 15:39:20 <cybette> one more minute. any other general qn/discussion? 15:39:27 <cybette> Tofe: true :D 15:39:49 <reviewjolla> epic MWC! (unless there's another meeting before... ;) ) 15:40:07 <cybette> alright, let's transition to.... 15:40:13 <SfietKonstantinW> damn, I missed this meeting :( 15:41:01 <cybette> #topic Wrap up and next meeting (5 min) 15:41:06 <cybette> damn disconect 15:41:23 <cybette> sorry... ok in two weeks time it's MWC 15:41:43 <iekku> is it then 1 week or 3 weeks from now? 15:41:43 <cybette> so a probable date for next meeting will be March 10 (tuesday) 15:41:59 <iekku> +1 for that. sailors are busy before MWC 15:42:58 <cybette> better 3 weeks, I think a lot of us will be super busy next week 15:43:27 <cybette> any objections? :) 15:43:51 <reviewjolla> a short meeting between Jolla sailors/community sailors, however, might be nice before MWC? (maybe after Jolla's schedule is known first) 15:44:09 <reviewjolla> with only MWC topic... 15:44:10 <cybette> iekku: could you chair? (i'll be backup) 15:44:11 <dirkvl> that sounds practical 15:44:25 <iekku> cybette, i can 15:44:31 <cybette> iekku: thanks 15:44:51 <cybette> reviewjolla: irc meeting only to discuss MWC? 15:45:16 <reviewjolla> yeph, to last updates, to get into mood together maybe. More casual 15:45:31 <Tofe> but wouldn't Jolla like to keep some surprises for MWC ? 15:45:33 <iekku> reminder: we can't talk a lot what we are about to show or do at mwc. else than what has been told in public 15:45:48 <reviewjolla> +1 15:45:53 <cybette> yes to what Tofe and iekku said 15:45:59 <cybette> :) 15:46:09 <cybette> feel free to ping us if you have specific qns on MWC 15:46:11 <reviewjolla> so, just to get into mood together (still it'd be great) 15:46:57 <cybette> hang out and chat with us in the #jollamobile or #sailfishos channels, the mood is there :) 15:47:02 <faenil> does Jolla have additiona passes for MWC by any chance? xD 15:47:16 <cybette> faenil: query me after meeting 15:47:19 <iekku> +1 for cybette 15:47:25 <faenil> oh cool! 15:47:43 <iekku> most of sailors aren't going to MWC, but doing huge amount of work before that 15:47:52 <cybette> #info Next meeting Tues Mar-10 @ 15:00 UTC, Chairperson iekku (cybette backup) 15:47:58 <reviewjolla> yeah, we'll find the mood without one :) so +1 for 3weeks 15:48:14 <cybette> thanks all, let's get back to work! 15:48:27 <cybette> or cooking or whatever :) 15:48:31 <iekku> reviewjolla, let's get the mood up at all channels instead of having meeting :) 15:48:37 <cybette> cheers 15:48:39 <reviewjolla> +1M 15:48:40 <iekku> cybette, thanks for chairin 15:48:41 <iekku> g 15:48:43 <cybette> #endmeeting