18:00:27 <sledges> #startmeeting Mer-hybris Porters bug triage 18:00:27 <merbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 31 18:00:27 2015 UTC. The chair is sledges. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 18:00:27 <merbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:33 <sledges> Welcome to the Mer-hybris Porters bug triage! 18:00:56 <sledges> situ: just 2 bugs \o/ so you can sleep soon:) 18:01:01 <situ> yay! 18:01:10 <sledges> we can make an hour earlier from next time 18:01:17 <situ> Alright. 18:01:17 <sledges> #info We'll start with the bugs: https://bugs.nemomobile.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=trivial&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Hybris-ing&email1=need-triage&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&order=bug_id&product=Hardware%20adaptation&query_format=advanced 18:01:27 <sledges> #topic https://bugs.nemomobile.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795 - 2015-03-14 10:23:08 18:01:27 <merbot> Nemo bug 795 in Hybris-ing "[hammerhead]terminal has small keyboard" [Normal,New] 18:01:48 <situ> didn't we review it last time ? 18:02:19 <sledges> this is a duplicate 18:02:22 <sledges> trying to find closed one 18:04:11 <sledges> closing as invalid 18:04:13 <sledges> with message: cause of not building a productised image via sfa-mer , essentially adding nemo:devel:hw:lge:hammerhead repo, which contains backports like fingerterm in this case 18:04:31 <situ> Ok 18:04:59 <sledges> marking as fixed, actually 18:05:11 <sledges> #topic https://bugs.nemomobile.org/show_bug.cgi?id=806 - 2015-03-27 20:29:17 18:05:11 <merbot> Nemo bug 806 in Hybris-ing "[hammerhead] no internet connection when roaming" [Normal,New] 18:05:19 <sledges> that's a tough one 18:05:28 <vgrade> woops sorry for late arrival 18:05:37 <sledges> vgrade: we're nearly done:)) 18:07:02 <sledges> Low/normal ? 18:07:12 <sledges> few people i know use data roaming ;) 18:07:23 <vgrade> sledges: sure I've had roaming on N5 18:07:58 <sledges> vgrade: data? 18:08:28 <vgrade> think so, quite expensive to test that oone 18:08:51 <situ> Low/Major. 18:08:59 <sledges> very true :D maybe logs will be enough for some connectivity dude? 18:09:03 <vgrade> Low/Major/Expensive 18:09:13 <sledges> :D 18:09:19 <sledges> done 18:10:07 <sledges> but 3 UK offers home rates in Spain, starting April 18:10:24 <sledges> i heard this ad 10 times today whilst on road:)) 18:10:44 <sledges> moving on 18:10:51 <sledges> to tasks 18:10:58 <sledges> #info moving on to tasks https://bugs.nemomobile.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=task&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=TRIAGEDUPSTREAM&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Hybris-ing&email1=need-triage&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&order=bug_id&product=Hardware%20adaptation&query_format=advanced 18:11:08 <sledges> #topic https://bugs.nemomobile.org/show_bug.cgi?id=805 - 2015-03-30 14:17:29 18:11:08 <merbot> Nemo bug 805 in Hybris-ing "check if QDeviceInfo can return device codename" [Task,New] 18:11:24 <sledges> PR merged \o/ 18:12:20 <sledges> updating pp 18:13:24 <situ> sledges: Probably we should follow a process to keep bugs updated, a fixed issue with New state is strange. 18:13:44 <situ> sledges: For e.g. mentioning bugzilla id in PR. 18:14:20 <sledges> situ: so now we'll put it to resolved 18:14:40 <sledges> good point on linkint to bz 18:14:52 <sledges> *linking 18:15:51 <sledges> in some companies(TM), when a commit with "Fixes BUG_ID#xxx" is tagged, bugs are closed automatically;) 18:16:11 <sledges> hope current works on community BZs will take that in too 18:17:00 <situ> sledges: It closes github issues too. 18:17:01 <sledges> this bug is not really about that PR 18:17:04 <sledges> PR just illustrates 18:17:15 <sledges> situ: It? 18:17:31 <situ> sledges: Fixes #github_issue_id in commit message. 18:18:26 <sledges> eternal dilemma - where to file bugs? bz or gh ; 18:19:17 <sledges> bug closed 18:19:25 <situ> Not sure about that one. 18:20:13 <sledges> we'll go with the flow for now, see the trends of Mer BZ merge, but that's offtopic here 18:20:32 <situ> ok. 18:20:33 <sledges> #info that's all for bugs/tasks 18:20:35 <sledges> #topic AOB 18:20:48 <sledges> next meeting time? 18:20:58 <sledges> propose to make it 1hour earlier 18:20:59 <situ> 1 hour early sounds good to me. 18:21:13 <sledges> 15 UTC it is then 18:21:18 <sledges> any objections/suggestions? 18:22:24 <sledges> goin goin gone 18:22:55 <sledges> thanks every1! you're welcome to go through not taken bugs during your tea time:) 18:22:59 <sledges> #info Not taken bugs: https://bugs.nemomobile.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=critical&bug_severity=major&bug_severity=normal&bug_severity=trivial&bug_severity=enhancement&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Hybris-ing&product=Hardware%20adaptation&email1=not-taken%40&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&query_format=advanced&order=priority%2Cbug_id&query_based_on= 18:23:14 <sledges> see you in a week! 18:23:18 <sledges> #endmeeting