14:30:09 <cybette> #startmeeting SailfishOS, open source, collaboration: 26-Nov @ 14:30 UTC 14:30:09 <merbot`> Meeting started Thu Nov 26 14:30:09 2015 UTC. The chair is cybette. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 14:30:09 <merbot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:30:21 <cybette> #info Welcome to another week of SailfishOS OSS and collaboration meeting 14:30:27 <cybette> #info Meeting info and agenda: http://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2015-November/006760.html 14:30:38 <cybette> I'm the meeting chair for today and will be keeping time and order. Please behave and show mutual respect, and let's have a productive discussion! 14:30:43 <cybette> #topic Brief introductions (5 min), prefix your information with #info 14:30:45 <Stskeeps> #info Carsten Munk, Jolla CTO, R&D, for a few days still 14:30:50 <Tofe> #info Christophe Chapuis, community member 14:30:55 <situ> #info Siteshwar, community 14:30:58 <locusf> #info Aleksi Suomalainen, community 14:31:02 <kimmoli> #info Kimmo Lindholm, community 14:31:03 <cybette> #info Carol Chen, community member, hatless meeting chair today 14:31:10 <ghosalmartin> #info Martin Ghosal, community 14:31:11 <stephg> #info Steph Gosling, community 14:31:13 <sunweave1> #info Mike Gabriel, Debian developer and software developer, new Jolla owner..., community 14:31:16 <vgrade> #info vgrade, community 14:31:20 <mattaustin> #info Matt Austin, community 14:32:20 <cybette> if you're just joining, please intro yourself with #info 14:32:40 <gcobb> #info Graham Cobb, community 14:32:40 <lainwir3d> #info Richard Rondu, community & app developer 14:32:56 <a1kar> #info Amilcar Santos, app developer 14:33:02 <pketo> #info Pami Ketolainen, backend developer @ Jolla 14:33:04 <mikelima> #info Luciano Montanaro, community, hobby developer 14:33:16 <DylanVanAssche> #info Dylan Van Assche, community, hobby developer 14:34:13 <cybette> one more minute for intros (prefix with #info) 14:35:17 <cybette> ok let's get on with the topics 14:35:37 <cybette> #topic Explore options to decentralize Jolla, SailfishOS and Mer essential infrastructure - bobsummerwill (15 min) 14:35:43 <cybette> #info - repositories, web-sites, automated build infrastructure, together.jolla.com, etc. Having any single individual or company solely responsible for such foundational infrastructure is a risk in any situation, let alone in the current situation. 14:35:49 <cybette> #info Backups are always good. Simplest case we would look to "copy". Better would be an ongoing multi-site "mirror". Best would be something truly decentralized based on IPFS as a long-term aim. 14:36:08 <Stskeeps> so, did M-bobsummerwill manage to make it here? :) 14:36:21 <cybette> bobsummerwill is not here, we can still discuss this in general 14:36:28 <Tofe> We can also quite his mail: "How can we de-risk and decentralize essential infrastructure for Sailfish and Jolla? How can the community help keep Sailfish alive whatever happens to Jolla Inc?" 14:36:35 <Stskeeps> else i'll just summarize in general the current situation, overlapping a bit into next topic 14:36:45 <cybette> Stskeeps: please do 14:37:04 <iekku> o/ 14:37:09 <Stskeeps> so for everyone on the same page, we published https://blog.jolla.com/open-letter-jolla-community/ and https://cdn.jolla.com/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/Jolla_press_release_20112015_FINAL_62.pdf since last 14:38:02 <Stskeeps> naturally the dust has now settled a bit down and we have as we always have, reorganised ourselves in the software organisation under our glorious software lead veskuh, with functioning sdk, ui team, hw team, testing team and release guys 14:38:19 <Stskeeps> not as many people as we used to be, but hey :) 14:38:55 <cybette> #info since last meeting, Jolla has published a press release and blog post 14:39:03 <cybette> #link https://cdn.jolla.com/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/Jolla_press_release_20112015_FINAL_62.pdf 14:39:08 <cybette> #link https://blog.jolla.com/open-letter-jolla-community/ 14:39:09 <Stskeeps> we're spending this time taking a look at our infrastructure usage, documenting things in the software asset (sailfishos), cleaning up a few things, talking and helping talking to investors and potential investors and figuring out what we really do 14:39:28 <Stskeeps> we have an upcoming release still we're seeing what we can do about 14:40:07 <Stskeeps> we've also moved to a new location in helsinki (planned for a while) that some of you have helped actually moving, so, send those GPL compliance requests to the new address 14:40:18 <Stskeeps> so, the lights are still very much on in Jolla Oy. 14:40:35 <Stskeeps> how long remains to be seen, but for now, we're good 14:40:36 <sunweaver> Good to hear!!! Thanks for keeping the heads up!!! 14:40:39 <stephg> my understanding is that there are two infras here: the mer one inc the public OBS and a jolla internal one:- I presume you're talking about the latter? (infra wise) 14:40:49 <Stskeeps> jolla internal one, but merproject could need donations too 14:40:52 <Stskeeps> talk to lbt for that 14:41:13 <stephg> #link http://merproject.org/donations.html 14:41:39 <vgrade> #link https://www.mail-archive.com/mer-general@lists.merproject.org/msg01485.html 14:42:03 <cybette> #info Jolla has reorganized its software organization with functioning SDK/UI/HW/testing/release teams, taking a look at infra usage, documenting software assets, etc. 14:42:14 <Tofe> are there, currently, things that could be mirrored ? TJC maybe ? 14:42:44 <Stskeeps> mmm, that one is challenging since it's a dynamic website 14:42:48 <Stskeeps> also 14:43:05 <Stskeeps> with our release cycle going out, we've pushed stuff to our community cbeta people as well, to help them test a bit deeper than usual 14:43:10 <Stskeeps> so, machine is even running 14:43:14 <Stskeeps> much thanks to them 14:44:52 <Stskeeps> also, as an additional note, since you guys have asked - many of you have backed the tablet and through that the sailfishos 2.0 development process, to make it fit to tablets 14:45:20 <Stskeeps> and i'd like to emphasise that this same code is available for you, in non-commercial means, to work together with the sailfishos porters to put it on existing android tablets 14:45:38 <cybette> #info Lights are still on in Jolla Oy even with a reduced crew, with help from community cbeta members in testing, community members lending a hand in the Helsinki move etc. 14:45:46 <Stskeeps> it's all one codeline, so same one that people use to make let's say, nexus 5 port 14:46:56 <Tofe> (still for TJC) I guess even a snapshot would reassure people; but mainly I wonder if that would cause IP issues of some sort 14:46:57 <Stskeeps> but getting back on topic.. we're still getting visibility in the company about what we can do; so i don't have much to propose right now 14:47:13 <Stskeeps> as it also requires effort from our part 14:47:36 <stephg> Stskeeps: presumably many of the potential actions are dependent on legal consultation and obviously ongoing stuff with investors... 14:47:39 <Stskeeps> stephg: yup 14:47:53 <Stskeeps> but naturally we're taking a look at worst case scenario too 14:48:26 <stephg> so with a worst-case in mind should we, the community be doing stuff already, I suspect we already are, if so, what etc. 14:48:26 <Stskeeps> in the end most of it will need a factual release to go out 14:48:30 <cybette> 2 more min (we can continue some of this in next topic as well) 14:48:39 <Stskeeps> to switch over server locations or whichever 14:49:49 <sunweaver> so what services are there that Jolla could hand over / delegate to community people? 14:50:36 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: it's a bit unclear just yet what exactly is problematic, but we could theoretically take for example the online checkers (the ones your phone connects to to verify if it's really online), or perhaps, release mirroring, etc 14:51:19 <Stskeeps> perhaps better for next week's meeting with a little more visibility 14:51:30 <Stskeeps> dust has settled but it's still foggy :) 14:51:33 <cybette> #info About what services Jolla can handover to community, it is a bit unclear right now. Perhaps online checkers, release mirroring etc. 14:51:38 <stephg> +1 if you're also documenting interally atm 14:51:49 <Tofe> Yes, it looks like it's a bit early to ask 14:51:55 <cybette> #info Topic might be better for next week's meeting with more visibility 14:51:57 <Stskeeps> and i'm the wrong person to ask personally 14:52:01 <kimmoli> harbour QA? 14:52:05 <cybette> ok, with that, let's move on to next topic 14:52:10 <sunweaver> Making an OS survive requires the code to be publicly structured, I fear. 14:52:10 <pketo> Tofe: re TJC mirroring/snapshot, from the top of my head I would say that is probably very difficult to do 14:52:12 <M4rtinK> I will note there are existing checkers (Fedora one, etc.) 14:52:21 <cybette> #topic Status report from Jolla the company - SfietKonstantinW (30 min - 10 min for state, 20 for QA) 14:52:27 <sunweaver> And requires the packages being hosted decentralized. 14:52:27 <cybette> #info Since Jolla is having some troubles recently, and that the light has not yet been casted on all the details, I would like to have a report from sailors about the state of the company. 14:52:31 <M4rtinK> also configurable checker path might help 14:52:35 <cybette> #info Maybe not the full picture, but at least to inform us how is the real state of the company (good ? bad ? waiting for something to happen ? etc) 14:52:37 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: it is, connman.conf 14:52:50 <Stskeeps> i think 14:52:59 <cybette> #info Status update has been shared by Stskeeps in previous topic, please see meeting minutes/logs 14:53:04 <M4rtinK> Stskeeps: that should probably be enough 14:53:10 <Stskeeps> oh, and, it kinda varies, but we actually sell phones still! 14:53:20 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: but now for average joe consumer :) 14:53:26 <Stskeeps> now=not 14:53:43 <Stskeeps> we have a very good adoption rate in people upgrading, so we're likely to get most people sorted out 14:53:52 <sunweaver> I will advertise Jolla smartphones whereever I can... 14:54:01 <Stskeeps> #link http://shop.jolla.com/eu_en/cat-jolla.html 14:54:05 <Stskeeps> it goes in and out of stock occasionally 14:54:06 <M4rtinK> an app can be made worst case to set it :) 14:54:23 <cybette> SfietKonstantinW: do you have something additional to ask/add to this topic? 14:54:35 <sunweaver> Can the tabled be pre-ordered still/again? 14:54:36 <cybette> or is he around.. 14:54:47 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: sadly no, as we haven't also delivered those who already pre-ordered 14:54:59 <sunweaver> Ok.... 14:55:20 <Stskeeps> there's a bit less sailors here today but that's because our irc client box is moving office too :) 14:55:33 <Tofe> :p 14:55:36 <Stskeeps> and i can't represent jolla in the next meeting, personally, so we didn't postpone 14:55:42 <Coolgeek> can you still do some repair ? 14:55:49 <Stskeeps> Coolgeek: i don't have visibility on our care side 14:55:51 <Stskeeps> sorry 14:56:08 <Coolgeek> no pb 14:56:13 <Stskeeps> i can offer reflashings locally in warsaw, poland, though ;) 14:56:26 <iekku> :D 14:56:36 <Stskeeps> or perhaps at fosdem if needed 14:56:54 <Stskeeps> which is another great place you all should go; http://fosdem.org 14:57:00 <cybette> #info Jolla phones are still on sale, in and out of stock occasionally. Jolla tablets cannot be pre-ordered, as they haven't delivered earlier pre-orders. 14:57:01 <Stskeeps> and submit talks, if you have something to talk about 14:57:34 <sunweaver> Is there a donation link for Jolla? 14:57:45 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: it's kinda hard for a finnish company to receive donations 14:57:59 <Stskeeps> which is why indiegogo campaign has been to our hong kong office 14:58:07 <Stskeeps> (as that's, technically, a donation, with perks) 14:58:13 <sunweaver> well, I rather mean: a shop item that costs some money with nothing to be delivered. 14:58:17 <Stskeeps> donation is the wrong view 14:58:25 <Stskeeps> not at the moment 14:58:30 <M4rtinK> that reminds me - devconf (www.defconf.cz) takes place week after FOSDEM & the same applies :) 14:58:32 <sunweaver> maybe that's an option. 14:58:47 <Stskeeps> we sadly need a little more amount of money than donations could bring in :/ 14:58:56 <iekku> Stskeeps, deadline for talks has gone already. 14:58:57 <sunweaver> I understand. 14:58:57 <M4rtinK> www.devconf.cz is correct, sorry 14:58:59 <cybette> #info Stskeeps recommends FOSDEM event for all, where he can offer reflashing of Jolla devices 14:59:00 <Stskeeps> iekku: nop, not devrooms 14:59:04 <locusf> yep 14:59:19 <sunweaver> My impression is that many people in the FLOSS realm have not noticed the Sailfish OS, yet. 14:59:20 <situ> iekku: I think you can still submit lightning talks. 14:59:37 <cybette> #info There is no donation link for Jolla as it is problematic for a Finnish company to receive donations 14:59:47 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: also possibly due to us having closed UX, which turns off some, but many have a jolla 14:59:53 <Stskeeps> or are happy enough about Android 14:59:53 <iekku> Stskeeps, it says 9th of october on their call for participation 15:00:04 <Stskeeps> iekku: yes - but the individual developer rooms are open still :) 15:00:09 <Stskeeps> embedded devroom sometime in december 15:00:21 <locusf> yep phdeswer knows about that 15:00:26 <sunweaver> is there any reason for keeping the UX closed (still)? 15:00:35 <locusf> I do have one talk pending but I probably have to cancel it 15:00:43 <iekku> Stskeeps, ah ok 15:00:44 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: well, we spoke about that at least meeting, it's now at investor/board level to discus 15:00:44 <a1kar> can we "flattr" Jolla apps ?? It could be another way to donate... 15:00:56 <Stskeeps> a1kar: i think that'd fall to same category 15:00:57 <sunweaver> +Stskeeps: ack. 15:01:08 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: it's a bit difficult to talk about open sourcing when you're in debt restructuring 15:01:14 <cybette> #info M4rtinK mentions DevConf event, occurring a week after FOSDEM 15:01:15 <sunweaver> You could get more devs in when code would be publicly available. 15:01:18 <cybette> #link https://fosdem.org/2016/ 15:01:21 <Stskeeps> yeah, that's understood 15:01:23 <cybette> #link http://www.devconf.cz/ 15:01:39 <sunweaver> +Stskeeps: I get that. 15:02:00 <Stskeeps> so, yeah, one week later after massively bad news, we're still here and lights are still on 15:02:05 <Stskeeps> any questions? 15:02:05 <Stskeeps> :P 15:02:16 <kimmoli> what is the new address? 15:02:27 <mikelima> Stskeeps: you understand, what about the shareholders? 15:03:00 * sunweaver would really love to pre-order a tablet... ;-) 15:03:02 <Stskeeps> kimmoli: in kamppi area in helsinki, i don't recall the exact address 15:03:16 <Stskeeps> mikelima: well, i can't know the state of shareholder or board minds at any point in time :) 15:03:29 <SfietKonstantinW> damn, I missed the meeting 15:03:39 <Stskeeps> mikelima: when there's debt restructuring there's usually a creditor's board and an administrator who 'helps' you making the 'right' decisions.. 15:03:54 <Stskeeps> (to get the debts paid, etc) 15:04:03 <cybette> I think it's Fredrikinkatu 42 (new address for Jolla Helsinki office) 15:04:13 <mikelima> Stskeeps: of course, it is a bad time discussing this *now*... 15:04:15 <cybette> let me info that.. 15:04:33 <Stskeeps> mikelima: it was never supposed to go in this direction, and trust me, it has been a loooong discussion topic :) 15:05:04 <cybette> #info New address for Jolla Helsinki office is Fredrikinkatu 42, 00100 Helsinki 15:05:05 <M4rtinK> btw, what about selling some swag for slightly inflated prices ? ;-) 15:05:14 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: we're quite low on swag, sadly 15:05:26 <Coolgeek> what about Intex, does the partnership still exist ? 15:05:29 <cybette> SfietKonstantinW: do you have more questions for this topic? We're in the Q&A part now. 15:05:38 <Stskeeps> Coolgeek: i can't comment that, sorry, you have customer confidentiality.. 15:05:42 <Coolgeek> ok 15:06:01 <Stskeeps> (and yes, we all love the '42' in the office location name) 15:06:06 <stephg> heh 15:06:11 <sunweaver> ;-) 15:06:15 <M-bobsummerwill> Hello everyone! 15:06:24 <Stskeeps> and i personally love it too, since it's much closer to the hotel i usually stay at :p 15:06:32 <kimmoli> if someone is interested about legislation, http://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/1993/19930047 15:07:32 <cybette> M-bobsummerwill: hi :) we already covered your topic, hope you can find good info in the logs 15:07:35 <Stskeeps> http://www.expat-finland.com/pdf/legal_framework_for_doing_business_in_finland.pdf is an interesting if you want to know the challenges of doing busienss in finland 15:08:15 <Stskeeps> section 10 on insolvency and corporate reorganisation 15:08:30 <SfietKonstantinW> cybette: my questions got already answered I guess 15:08:42 <SfietKonstantinW> sadly, no news from "the financial part" 15:08:55 <SfietKonstantinW> but I guess transpacency can't go up to that level 15:08:59 <Stskeeps> as you can also understand that investor discussions are quite sensitive 15:09:12 <M4rtinK> closer to Harbor too ;-) 15:09:21 <cybette> SfietKonstantinW: yes those are more sensitive questions 15:09:23 <Stskeeps> so we're doing much more than it seems, not just sit around and read reddit 15:09:24 <Stskeeps> :P 15:09:24 <SfietKonstantinW> Stskeeps: indeed 15:09:40 <mikelima> uh... Is the harbour still functioning? I may try to update some of my apps, not that it will help 15:09:58 <Stskeeps> i'm not sure 15:10:03 <Stskeeps> ask on mailing list? 15:10:06 <cybette> 10 more min for this topic (Q&A about current status in Jolla) 15:10:16 <SfietKonstantinW> a bit sad that we are clueless about what's going on 15:10:21 <Tofe> Can we know when there'll be next news? Or do you even know? 15:10:37 <Stskeeps> Tofe: i know as little as you do, the right puzzle pieces can fall into place whenever 15:10:41 <iekku> SfietKonstantinW, i think sailors have same feeling. 15:10:56 <Stskeeps> and of course we're all hoping for the best :) 15:11:05 <Tofe> yup 15:11:43 <stephg> Stskeeps: I guess with an administrator therer is a good chance for the wrong peices too 15:11:46 <SfietKonstantinW> do you know how much time we need to wait 15:11:47 <SfietKonstantinW> ? 15:11:47 <M4rtinK> btw, people right now seem to be willing to help 15:11:51 <SfietKonstantinW> approximatively ? 15:11:55 <stephg> but about that there is nothing anyone can do 15:11:56 <Stskeeps> SfietKonstantinW: i don't know 15:12:04 <SfietKonstantinW> broad estimate ? 15:12:08 <SfietKonstantinW> weeks, months ? 15:12:12 <SfietKonstantinW> (years ?) 15:12:20 <Stskeeps> SfietKonstantinW: it's probably best to keep weekly meetings for now 15:12:22 <iekku> SfietKonstantinW, wait for what? 15:12:31 <Stskeeps> there's a .. lot that can change, for worse, or for good, at any point 15:12:31 <M4rtinK> as for example the office move help shows 15:12:36 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: yep 15:12:39 <Tofe> They talked about the december financial round in the blog, so it's one month at most, I'd say 15:12:50 <SfietKonstantinW> ok 15:12:59 <coderus> #info hello i missed meeting too :D 15:13:01 <M4rtinK> so it might be good to give people something they can help with 15:13:15 <M4rtinK> to keep the dynamic 15:13:27 <M4rtinK> resource permitting of course 15:13:37 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: i'll pass that on, right now we just need visibility on what is possible and what's not 15:13:44 <coderus> Any news on tablets delivery? 15:14:03 <Stskeeps> coderus: i don't have any news, there's a post by saarnio at https://blog.jolla.com/open-letter-jolla-community/ 15:14:05 <M4rtinK> like helping translate, some early alpha testing builds 15:14:18 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: nod 15:14:38 <rweickelt> When can we expect paid apps in harbour? What are the hindrances? Why has this been left open for so long? 15:14:38 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: we were very close to deploying our solution for this, so we need visibility on that 15:14:50 <Stskeeps> rweickelt: i think that's quite uncertain given the company situation 15:14:53 <M4rtinK> even just "help us bz writing guides/howtos/guides/docs" 15:14:56 <cybette> M4rtinK: I think sailors (and recent ex-sailors) are aware of community's desire to help and we'll do our best to share such info when we have them 15:15:17 <coderus> Stskeeps: okay, just need to wait next year, i thin :D 15:15:17 <M4rtinK> definitely 15:15:58 <kimmoli> i just hope we do not need to arrange blankets and soup 15:16:02 <cybette> 5 more min 15:16:04 <Stskeeps> rweickelt: i know this isn't a very satisfactory answer, but we're in survial mode at this point 15:16:04 <M4rtinK> just noting it wil e a waste to just keep people waiting until the big things are decided :) 15:16:14 * sunweaver would volunteer with finding bugs / providing patches. 15:16:26 <Stskeeps> contributing to the mer side is always useful, as well 15:16:30 <Stskeeps> as that keeps the base system going 15:16:56 <SfietKonstantinW> about mer and base system 15:16:57 <M4rtinK> as we can't really directly influence when these decisions happen ourselves 15:17:00 <SfietKonstantinW> oh I will ask this on #mer 15:17:02 <sunweaver> Is there a chart that shows what's part of Mer, what is part of Sailfish OS and what is part of Jolla UX code? 15:17:09 <cybette> #info Community is more than willing to help, and it would be great to keep these meetings on a weekly basis so we can get updated on what we can do 15:17:11 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: https://sailfishos.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Sailfish_Architecture_v0.5.1.png 15:17:22 <sunweaver> +Stskeeps: thx 15:17:22 <targon> About selling overpriced swag: My company donated to doctor helicopter in lapland (Aslak). Paid 350€ for 2 reflective vests and certuificat in frame. 350€x10 000 would make 3,5 m€ - costs. 15:17:40 <Stskeeps> targon: not bad 15:18:10 <sunweaver> I'd be interested in getting Xwayland run on Jolla, btw. 15:18:18 <vgrade> Stskeeps: how much of the internal processes are open now, thinking https://github.com/bayoteers 15:18:19 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: i think javispedro already tried this 15:18:19 <sunweaver> S-OS, I mean. 15:18:32 <sunweaver> ak, will contact him. 15:18:37 <Stskeeps> vgrade: not sure, i haven't dared to dive into the bugzilla code we're running 15:19:07 <Stskeeps> vgrade: but mer and jolla bugzilla shares a lot 15:19:16 <vgrade> possibiilty there for community have a poke around 15:19:44 <Stskeeps> well, here's a thought, if you guys have ideas for swag, or graphics, or whichever, naturally that's welcome 15:19:45 <sunweaver> +Stskeeps: on that diagram (https://sailfishos.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Sailfish_Architecture_v0.5.1.png) I cannot find "Mer". 15:19:51 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: there's a little blue logo 15:19:52 <Stskeeps> that's mer 15:20:02 <Stskeeps> practically equal to sailfish os 15:20:12 <Stskeeps> i think there was just a bit of inkscape accident 15:20:16 <Stskeeps> err, sailfishos core 15:20:21 <Tofe> Stskeeps: is the bugzilla of Mer currently in sync with the bugs reported to Jolla 15:20:29 <cybette> #topic General discussions - everyone (10 min) 15:20:34 <cybette> carry on... 15:20:50 <Stskeeps> Tofe: for anything related to mer sw we enforce that it should happen in mer bz at integration level 15:21:22 <merlin1991> since we're back in a general topic, I think we have enough space on maemo.org for a potential release mirror 15:21:56 <sunweaver> A mirror httpredir service would be useful, I guess. 15:22:00 <sunweaver> Like http.debian.net 15:22:02 <Stskeeps> merlin1991: the complicated part becomes about the hw adaptation bits 15:22:10 <Stskeeps> main OS is 'easy' 15:22:11 <sunweaver> hw adaptation bits? 15:22:15 <Stskeeps> yeah 15:22:19 <merlin1991> Stskeeps: I know licensing is fun ... 15:22:19 <Stskeeps> you know, closed blob drivers etc 15:22:29 <coderus> yeah, how to mirror repos requires credentials auth? 15:22:41 <sunweaver> so there are repos that require authentication? 15:22:51 <Stskeeps> perhaps we should just put it all out on a torrent with a password we give out in case of doomsday 15:22:54 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: yeah 15:23:01 <SfietKonstantinW> sounds god 15:23:02 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: so jolla1 repos are only available to jolla1 15:23:02 <SfietKonstantinW> good 15:23:09 <sunweaver> aren't the non-free packages in a separate repo? 15:23:14 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: that's basically it 15:23:14 <SfietKonstantinW> no hw adaptation repo, but some packages to be installed in a torrent 15:23:46 <cybette> #info There may be enough space on maemo.org for a potential release mirror for Sailfish OS, however the HW adaptation bits will be problematic 15:24:17 <merlin1991> are there updates in the hw adaption repo, or can a device update to latest sf after a factory reset with just the non hw repos? 15:24:20 <Stskeeps> tld;r we don't want maemo.org to get sued by somebody (not us) 15:24:28 <Stskeeps> merlin1991: i think it really can't that easily 15:24:30 <Stskeeps> too much tied in 15:24:33 <merlin1991> dang 15:24:49 <Stskeeps> other options include stuff like ipfs 15:25:22 <Tofe> Stskeeps: you like that one, don't you :) 15:25:27 <Stskeeps> Tofe: oh you have no idea :) 15:25:27 <sunweaver> it's not about storage, I guess, but about reachability, right? 15:25:29 <M-bobsummerwill> cybette: yes thanks! Just finished catching up 15:25:31 <Stskeeps> yeah 15:26:02 <cybette> M-bobsummerwill: great :) if you have further questions, ask now! 15:26:11 <Stskeeps> well, we'll investigate what we can do 15:26:13 <M-bobsummerwill> Stskeeps: IPFS +1 15:26:13 <sunweaver> so you need designated partners that mirror your site but don't make stuff public? 15:26:31 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: it's complex due to the distribution limitations on those things 15:26:33 <M4rtinK> escrow ? 15:26:34 <sunweaver> and hook the mirrors into auth infrastructure provided by Jolla? 15:26:47 <M-bobsummerwill> \ 15:27:26 <cybette> 3 more min for topic 15:27:39 <sunweaver> and if people provide VMs + Storage to Jolla? 15:27:46 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: the problem is that in worse case scenario, there's no jolla :) 15:27:49 <sunweaver> so Jolla stays in charge? 15:27:51 <Stskeeps> as in legal entity 15:28:09 <sunweaver> What will happen to code not yet opensourced? 15:28:21 <M-bobsummerwill> You could encrypt those parts and push them out to IPFS while keeping the key private? 15:28:40 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: it'll be treated as an asset in an bankruptcy situation 15:28:42 <M4rtinK> I think a question should be asked - how to do a CSSU ? 15:28:52 <M4rtinK> worst case 15:28:57 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: that's probably somewhat easy, ssu.ini adjustments 15:29:05 <M4rtinK> or is that impossble ? 15:29:12 <Stskeeps> but you may need a full repo copy (i'm not sure) 15:29:19 <Stskeeps> to resolve dependencies 15:29:19 <sunweaver> +Stskeeps: okay... 15:29:26 <M4rtinK> in case Jolla goes down 15:29:44 <M4rtinK> eq. worst case scenario 15:30:04 <cybette> great discussions, and we should keep this going regularly, which brings us to the next topic 15:30:04 <Stskeeps> for the closed source bits you can't do any 'tricks' like put it in IPFS before and hand out the password at last day of operation, that may be seen as trying to screw over debtors 15:30:05 <M-bobsummerwill> M4rtinK: Backup! 15:30:08 <cybette> #topic Wrap up and next meeting (10 min) 15:30:08 <Stskeeps> as in, source 15:30:42 <Tofe> Stskeeps: we could buy that asset afterhand for 1$ :p 15:31:00 <Stskeeps> that's also a solution (and no, don't start planning how to bankrupt us..) 15:31:02 <coderus> just one Q. it's unclear sutuations with tablet deliveries. but what about Lastu Case i backed? Can it be delivered? 15:31:06 <merlin1991> don't remember anymore, but is a repo needed to get usb networking/dev mode up? or is that harmattan I'm thinking about 15:31:07 <M-bobsummerwill> Stskeeps: Fingers crossed for approval of investor open-sourcing before that then! 15:31:08 <Stskeeps> coderus: that i don't know 15:31:17 <Stskeeps> coderus: (personally) 15:31:27 <Stskeeps> you can try to ask care, which is still active, afaik 15:31:45 <coderus> just regular jolla-care@? 15:31:48 <cybette> some of you might know this already, iekku and I are no longer in the Jolla boat. we are still part of the community like all of you and happy to be chairing these meetings. However, others are welcome to do this as well. 15:31:53 <coderus> means care@jolla? 15:31:56 <M4rtinK> IMHO hw adaptation bits are less critical if open sourcing can go through 15:32:12 <cybette> coderus: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new 15:32:17 <w00taK> w00t 15:32:18 <Stskeeps> M4rtinK: it's quite critical for the average user 15:32:22 <M4rtinK> as community can worst case continue developing on hadk devices 15:32:25 <coderus> ah zendesk, thx cybette! 15:32:29 <M-bobsummerwill> Thanks, cybette! Happy fishing from your lifeboat. 15:32:38 <M4rtinK> Stskeeps: defnitely 15:32:41 <Stskeeps> but yeah, for coder community 15:32:46 <sunweaver> If the Jolla UX'ish phone shall survive in the long run, you need to opensource as much of the code as possible. 15:32:50 <cybette> M-bobsummerwill: thanks :) 15:33:16 <sunweaver> and: I get all your issues being around atm. 15:33:17 <Stskeeps> sunweaver: http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2015/mer-meeting.2015-11-19-14.30.html , http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2015/mer-meeting.2015-11-19-14.30.txt 15:33:18 <cybette> let's now confirm time for next meeting so we can keep this discussions going 15:33:25 <Stskeeps> cybette: same time next week? 15:33:43 <kimmoli> +1 from here 15:33:48 <Stskeeps> i'm not sure who's representing jolla at this point, but let's try to get somebody out 15:33:56 <cybette> Thurs 3/12 @ 14:30 UTC, any objections? 15:34:03 * sunweaver won't be available then, but in the following Thursdays (in a 2-weeks on-and-off rhythm). 15:34:13 <cybette> (unfortunate timing for M-bobsummerwill as usual I suppose) 15:34:19 <M-bobsummerwill> >>IMHO hw adaptation bits are less critical if open sourcing can go through 15:34:20 * sunweaver will support you guys whereever possible. 15:34:33 <M-bobsummerwill> Yeah - but that's unfixable, so go for it. 15:34:37 <sunweaver> Please consider already coming to next (far-way) DebConf. 15:34:48 <sunweaver> (or I may also volunteer in giving a talk there). 15:34:50 <Tofe> cybette: timing seems ok 15:35:06 <DylanVanAssche> +1 15:35:10 <daitheflu> sounds like I missed everything 15:35:25 <M-bobsummerwill> RE: HW adaption bits meaning the supporting blobs and closed source for the Jolla Phone and Jolla Tablet? 15:35:31 <iekku> i'm not sure if i can join, so i can't chair 15:35:35 <Stskeeps> M-bobsummerwill: nod, but also third party bits 15:35:45 <Stskeeps> alien dalvik, xt9, exchange support 15:35:49 <cybette> any volunteers for chairing the meeting? 15:36:09 <kimmoli> is the tablet exchange open? 15:36:17 <Stskeeps> no 15:36:20 <Stskeeps> cybette: i guess i can 15:36:24 <Stskeeps> since i won't be representing jolla 15:36:34 <cybette> Stskeeps: that's great, thanks! 15:36:39 <M-bobsummerwill> Right, right, so everything currently unreleased but required to put together the Jolla Phone and Jolla Tablet releases from scratch? 15:36:40 <iekku> Stskeeps, thanks! 15:36:51 <Stskeeps> M-bobsummerwill: tld;r yes 15:37:02 <cybette> #info Next meeting Thurs Dec-3 @ 14:30 UTC, Chairperson Stskeeps 15:37:03 <M-bobsummerwill> Happy fishing to you too, iekku! 15:37:10 <cybette> ok 3 mins to wrap up :) 15:37:17 <iekku> M-bobsummerwill, thanks :D 15:37:52 <sunweaver> one more thanks for keeping heads up. 15:38:23 <mattaustin> Thanks everyone 15:38:28 <stephg> +1 15:38:36 <sunweaver> One feedback/suggestions: If delivery of ordered devices gets delayed: try providing as much transperancy and communication on the reasons behind it. 15:38:43 <M-bobsummerwill> Thanks for the info, everybody! I've updated my newly arrived Jolla Phone to 2.0 and will be developing on it today :-) 15:39:04 <cybette> M-bobsummerwill: have fun with it! 15:39:23 <sunweaver> when waiting for my device, the communication could have been more transparent. People who order a Jolla atm will wait weeks, if they have to. But it's good to let them know. 15:39:33 <iekku> thanks everyone! 15:40:02 <cybette> ok thanks everyone for the great meeting today. see you next week! 15:40:09 <cybette> #endmeeting