08:00:09 <Jaymzz_> #startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration – June 28th 2017 08:00:09 <merbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 28 08:00:09 2017 UTC. The chair is Jaymzz_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 08:00:09 <merbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:00:21 <Jaymzz_> #info Meeting information and agenda can be found here: https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2017-June/007921.html 08:00:33 <Jaymzz_> I am the meeting’s chairperson today and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please behave, respect the timings and be gentle. 08:00:52 <Jaymzz_> #topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with # info 08:01:03 <nh1402> #info nh1402, community member 08:01:10 <locusf> !info Aleksi Suomalainen, Nemo dev, porter, sfos community 08:01:11 <merbot> locusf: (info <url|feed>) -- Returns information from the given RSS feed, namely the title, URL, description, and last update date, if available. 08:01:15 <Jaymzz_> #info James Noori - Community Manager @ Jolla 08:01:17 <ljo_> #info Leif-Jöran Olsson, community member 08:01:18 <r0kk3rz> #info Lewis Rockliffe, community 08:01:23 <chriadam_> #info Chris Adams, developer at Jolla 08:01:32 <LarstiQ> #info Wouter van Heijst, infra at Jolla 08:01:38 <Venemo_j> #info Venemo_j Timur Kristof, cbeta community member 08:01:45 <Xray2000> #info Rudi Timmermans, app dev 08:01:45 <locusf> #info Aleksi Suomalainen, Nemo dev, porter, sfos community 08:02:00 <eekkelund> #info eekkelund 08:02:05 <HUBAT> §info hubat, community member 08:02:16 <M4rtinK_phone_> #info Martin Kolman, community member and modRana developer 08:02:24 <pavi[m]> #info pavi, community 08:02:31 <jwalck> #info Jonatan Walck, community member 08:02:35 <bshah> #info Bhushan Shah, KDE Plasma Mobile, Halium 08:02:37 <locusf> wrong prefix galore ftw 08:02:43 <oniongarlic> #info Kaj-Michael Lang, app developer 08:02:47 <LarstiQ> locusf: very hipster 08:03:38 <veskuh> #info Vesa-Matti Hartikainen, Program Manager @ Jolla 08:03:48 <jusa_> #info Juho Hämäläinen, Developer @ Jolla 08:04:01 <sledges> #info Simonas Leleiva, sailor {at} Jolla 08:04:01 <tadzik> #info tadzik, community member, app developer 08:04:26 <kro> #info kro, user 08:04:55 <Stskeeps> #info Carsten Munk, CTO @ Zipper, community member 08:04:56 <citylight2> #info citylight2, user 08:05:07 <Jaymzz_> Nice, we're quite many today! 08:06:12 <Jaymzz_> #topic "emoji" support in clipboard (10 min, asked by nh1402) 08:06:15 <Jaymzz_> #info The Sailfish clipboard doesn't support copying "emoji's", are there any plans to add support? 08:06:31 <nh1402> the question speaks for itself, I think 08:06:40 <chriadam_> pvuorela: might know about that one? 08:07:49 <tbr> moaning 08:08:08 <Jaymzz_> This is exactly why I say 5 min ain't never enough ;) 08:08:58 <pavi[m]> What happens with other unicode characters? 08:10:06 <nh1402> when you try to copy an "emoji" and paste it, it appears as a diamond with a question mark in it 08:11:09 <sledges> nh1402: only in dalvik apps 08:11:11 * LarstiQ wonders how much source/destination matter 08:11:11 <Jaymzz_> nh1402: What if you have the emoji keyboard from openrepos installed? Does the same thing happen? 08:11:25 <sledges> just copied it fine from emoni keyboard across native apps 08:11:56 <sledges> s/emoni/emoji 08:12:06 <nh1402> ok so it's not fully supported 08:12:16 <nh1402> just natively 08:12:16 <sledges> so, aliendalvik issue 08:12:59 <Jaymzz_> sledges: Does that mean we can't fix it? 08:13:10 <pavi[m]> Ahh android specific issue. Showing up as Diamond means the encoding is not supported. 08:13:31 <sledges> it doesn't ;) looks like something for TJC to get some votes.. 08:14:05 <Jaymzz_> nh1402: You heard (read) the man! Make it a TJC post and father proper votes for it so we can make it happen :) 08:14:21 <lupastro> hi 08:14:28 <Jaymzz_> Hello 08:14:28 <locusf> sailfish usually renders characters which it doesn't recognize as encodable as question marks 08:14:31 <nh1402> I'll do that after the meeting, as the next topic, was also started by me 08:14:40 <nh1402> raised* 08:14:49 <Jaymzz_> Alright then, I'll change topic in a sec 08:15:07 <nh1402> locusf: it was both a diamond and a question mark 08:15:12 <nh1402> the question mark was in the diamond 08:15:20 <Jaymzz_> #action nh1402 to make a post on TJC and gather votes so sailors can do their magic 08:15:38 <Jaymzz_> #topic: dismissing notifications (10 min, asked by nh1402) 08:15:39 <sledges> thanks nh1402 08:15:49 <Jaymzz_> #info I find it quite irritating that you have to wait for the notification pop up to go away, having a way to dismiss it would be highly appreciated. I'm aware a swipe gesture would probably conflict with other gestures, but just a dismiss button would suffice I feel. If the button that says dismiss, or an arrow pointing to the left is up to you, just have a way to dismiss it, please. I hate waiting for it to go away before I can 08:15:50 <Jaymzz_> use that part of the screen again. 08:16:10 <Venemo_j> yes, I totally agree 08:16:37 <M4rtinK_phone_> +1 08:16:46 <LarstiQ> also with remorse timers blocking page stack navigation 08:16:55 <nh1402> I think that too is self explanatory 08:16:57 <Venemo_j> this is especially bad when you try to enable wifi or mobile data and a notification pops up and covers the switch 08:17:26 <Jaymzz_> I agree with this one too. We should be able to swipe it away if needed. 08:17:36 <sledges> when do you need to touch at the top of an app? probably mostly on android apps..:) 08:17:40 <chriadam_> jpetrell: any thoughts on this? 08:17:47 <Jaymzz_> jpetrell: I think this should be your area 08:17:57 <Venemo_j> sledges: like I said when you try to enable wifi 08:17:59 <Jaymzz_> chriadam_: ha, you beat me :D 08:18:04 <chriadam_> ;-) 08:18:12 <sledges> Venemo_j: i added less used buttons as top row there ;) so it's less thumb stretching 08:18:39 <Venemo_j> that's a workaround 08:18:42 <Venemo_j> not a fix 08:18:58 <LarstiQ> sledges: in Tidings for example to get back to rss feed from reading an article 08:19:22 <sledges> no swipe? 08:20:02 <sledges> Venemo_j: yep, while waiting for fix:) 08:20:50 <Venemo_j> +1 to Jaymzz_ idea to be able to “swipe away” the notifications to dismiss them 08:21:04 <nh1402> I did suggest that in the topic 08:21:15 <nh1402> I also said it might conflict with other gestures 08:21:25 <Venemo_j> which ones? 08:21:45 <M4rtinK_phone_> I don think it will conflict 08:21:57 <nh1402> “swipe away” the notifications to dismiss them 08:22:10 <nh1402> "I'm aware a swipe gesture would probably conflict with other gestures" 08:22:11 <r0kk3rz> native apps should take it into account, but androidy apps often have buttons on the top 08:22:11 <M4rtinK_phone_> as long as it is started on the notification 08:22:13 <Jaymzz_> I think if your finger is on the notification itself while swiping, it won't conflict with anything else. The only "problem" will be reaching the notification on the top left corner of the device 08:22:30 <M4rtinK_phone_> exactly 08:22:37 <HUBAT> +1 for swiping away to dismiss 08:22:40 <c_la_phone> hi, sorry for being late 08:22:46 <nh1402> Jaymzz_: the same argument can be said for the app covers, but the gestures were replaced by buttons 08:22:59 <qeef_> Could be possible to disable notifications in settings? 08:23:02 <Jaymzz_> c_la_phone: Welcome :) 08:23:08 <sledges> Jaymzz_: if you want to dismiss it, means you needed to access something at the top already:) 08:23:21 <c_la_phone> Jaymzz_: thanks :) 08:23:30 <Venemo_j> since the notification only disturbs you when you want to use the topleft corner, it's not a bad thing having to reach the topleft to dismiss it 08:23:47 <Jaymzz_> nh1402: Yeah but that's quite a different story as we needed a fluid home screen. With app covers being swipable, I don't think th eexperience would have been as fluid really 08:23:55 <Jaymzz_> sledges: Word 08:24:57 <Jaymzz_> Time is almost up and we didn't get a solution from jpetrell. He is unfortunately not available to answer this (yet). 08:25:27 <Jaymzz_> nh1402: we could bring this issue up during the next meeting if it failed to get an answer by the end of the meeting. What says you? :D 08:25:33 <sledges> i hate to say this..but TJC time;) 08:25:51 <Jaymzz_> Boom! :D 08:26:17 <nh1402> I'll get on to it now 08:26:18 <Jaymzz_> Actually, I think it is valid, As you can see a lot of people including me are sharing the same experience and wanting the same feature. 08:26:20 <r0kk3rz> i did suggest that TJC items should be created for these :) 08:26:23 <nh1402> r0kk3rz: looks like you were right 08:26:33 <Jaymzz_> Alright then 08:26:59 <r0kk3rz> unfortunately a lot of the time it seems that TJC improvements are filed under /dev/null 08:27:05 <Jaymzz_> #action nh1402 make another TJC post. Feel free to paste the link here during the general discussion so they won't get ignored or missed 08:27:27 <pavi[m]> There was one member from telegram saying that he also finds this issue annoying. 08:27:33 <Jaymzz_> We need to move on now, running over time 08:27:51 <Jaymzz_> pavi[m]: You take the link to telegram please whenever it's created! thanks :) 08:28:03 <Jaymzz_> So they can vote too 08:28:12 <pavi[m]> yeah sure 08:28:12 * M4rtinK_phone_ things its partially due to TJC is not a real bug/issue tracker so important stuff easiky gets lost in the noise 08:28:26 <r0kk3rz> M4rtinK_phone_: keep banging that drum! 08:28:44 <Jaymzz_> I'm moving on guys 08:28:49 <Jaymzz_> #topic Any update on Xperia X process? (10 min, asked by kro) 08:29:00 <Jaymzz_> #info Is it foreseeable if the Xperia X Compact will be supported as well (HW-specs look very similar to the non-Compact X, except for the screen obviously) 08:29:30 <kro> no additional info (except my personal preference to have a phone sized about same as the Jolla 1) 08:29:47 <Jaymzz_> #info a blog post is scheduled to be published this week addressing the situation of Xperia X. Until then I can't share more than what we already have shared till now. 08:29:56 <r0kk3rz> many people have expressed a desire for the X Compact 08:30:16 <M4rtinK_phone_> I dont even want to *think* how bad it woukd be if we would develop Fedora and RHEL with just askbot for all outside issue and bug tracking ;-) 08:30:29 <kro> Jaymzz_: ok, that counts as an answer then :) thanks 08:30:37 <Venemo_j> M4rtinK_phone_ +1 08:30:38 <Jaymzz_> About the X compact: First of all let us be done with the normal X, any other device could be considered afterwards. kro 08:30:49 <LarstiQ> M4rtinK_phone_: no? Sounds like a fun thought exercise to realize how good you have it ;) 08:31:04 <lupastro> well....it would be interesting to know if an image will be provided, or the device will be shipped with it already installed 08:31:20 <Venemo_j> would be nice to know 08:31:28 <Jaymzz_> kro: We have already said that we are not going to stop at Xperia X. But we need to get that done first before thinking about other projects. Think about the limited resources ;) 08:31:38 <lupastro> i am without a mobile phone now. and i am waiting the announcement to buy the X, X Compact, or wait... 08:31:43 <r0kk3rz> i expect that will be the subject of the blog post 08:32:05 <Jaymzz_> lupastro: Your answer will be on the blg post! 08:32:06 <r0kk3rz> or hope rather 08:32:34 <lupastro> nice....however, i already reserved an X, just in case.... 08:32:58 <Jaymzz_> I'm pushing to get the post out ASAP, but since it's a rather sensitive matter, it needs many extra eyes to read it and approve it first. 08:33:07 <M4rtinK_phone_> I hope both will be covered 08:33:08 <r0kk3rz> sledges: any word on opening up the adaptation work for porters? 08:33:20 <kro> Jaymzz_: I can offer my eyes to look over it ;) 08:33:29 <r0kk3rz> Jaymzz_: you have my approval! 08:33:36 <lupastro> kro, +1 08:33:39 <lupastro> :) 08:33:42 <M4rtinK_phone_> as each basically targets a different group of users 08:33:53 <Jaymzz_> kro, r0kk3rz Sure, just let me get it past some sailor's eyes first haha :D 08:33:53 <pavi[m]> Jaymzz_: Isnt the phone supposed to come out by end of the week? 08:34:11 <pavi[m]> We are getting a blog post instead of phone? 08:34:13 <nh1402> pavi[m]: are you referring to the Q2 thing? 08:34:15 <r0kk3rz> Jaymzz_: just tell them i said it was fine, they'll understand :) 08:34:28 <sledges> r0kk3rz: this question will be addressed after blog post 08:34:37 <r0kk3rz> sledges: cool cool 08:35:26 <Jaymzz_> pavi[m]: A blog post can contain many things ;) I stand by my advice, please wait until the post is published! 08:35:37 <lupastro> so....then we will have to wait. i hope not much longer.......... 08:35:47 <Jaymzz_> Not much at all. 08:36:06 <Jaymzz_> Alright moving on :) 08:36:10 <Jaymzz_> #topic Any update on SIP integration (10 min, asked by kro) 08:36:20 <Jaymzz_> #info there hasn't been any update from Jolla in a while: https://together.jolla.com/question/415 08:36:28 <Jaymzz_> #link https://together.jolla.com/question/415 08:36:37 <Jaymzz_> So, this one alrady has a TJC post sledges :P 08:36:50 <pavi[m]> ohh Yeah SIP is more important for me than the new phone 08:37:01 <sledges> whew `,:) 08:38:00 <kro> so current status seems to be: there's the necessary software in repos, a package jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-sip exists and basically works (by adding a page to setting to set up a new SIP account), but the account itself isn't really usable - no possibility t make outgoing SIP calls 08:40:06 <pavi[m]> I think someone was able to make calls using existing account. 08:40:06 <kro> meaning "only" UI needs SIP integration, and some tweaks to make sound properly work over headphone/bluetooth 08:40:09 <r0kk3rz> too hard basket im assuming, this has been hanging around for years 08:40:22 <Stskeeps> developer who worked on it is not working with jolla either anymore 08:40:35 <jusa_> well, the short answer about SIP status is: no work has been done for it for a while 08:40:56 <kro> anything on the roadmap? 08:41:00 <pavi[m]> Stskeeps: That was the answer 2 years back :( 08:41:07 <jwalck> I can just +1 that this is something I'd really like to see, and something I used on the N900 and now sorely miss:) 08:41:51 <HUBAT> jwalck +1 08:42:04 <ljo_> +1 08:42:06 <pavi[m]> Even if we get SFOS on shiny devices whats the point when we cant even make a VOIP call using the native OS? N900 had it. 08:42:12 <jwalck> since Jolla is not a one person company, someone dropping off musn't mean development stops forever? Maybe point to "The new guy"?:) 08:42:38 <r0kk3rz> well sailfish wasnt on the n900 08:42:50 <jusa_> short of voicecall-ui I'd think it's something community could do, unfortunately jolla doesn't currently have resources to further the implementation 08:42:51 <Xray2000> +1 08:43:32 <jusa_> I can try to give tips where to work on, if somebody is interested 08:43:43 <locusf> jusa_: so voicecall needs just a way to switch between voip/gsm ? 08:43:50 <locusf> ie telepathy accounts 08:43:53 <jusa_> locusf: "just" 08:43:54 <jusa_> ;) 08:43:58 <locusf> heheh 08:44:00 <r0kk3rz> jusa_: please do 08:44:08 <LarstiQ> r0kk3rz: are you volunteering? 08:44:25 <r0kk3rz> LarstiQ: no :) 08:44:44 <Venemo_j> perhaps summarize in a TJC post 08:44:55 <jusa_> it's quite a lot of work still, and most likely need to dive in to the mysterious world of ohm/policy/prolog/dres 08:45:12 <sledges> Venemo_j: beat me to it:) 08:45:24 <abranson_> *the* TJC post 08:45:34 <nh1402> prolog as in the logical programming language? 08:45:37 <locusf> jusa_: anything on the audio routing side? 08:46:06 <Jaymzz_> Just FYI, I'm giving more time to this topic since it's an actual on-going discussion 08:46:15 <jusa_> locusf: anything? many things, yes :) 08:46:50 <locusf> jusa_: I mean I saw some pulseaudio stuff related to voip at some point 08:47:17 <locusf> resource policy things might be tricky though 08:47:46 <jusa_> as there's been a while since anything's been done with the feature just summarizing what's the actual status is a bit work too.. but like I said, if somebody is really interested in implementing SIP further I can try to help 08:48:35 <Jaymzz_> jusa_: What's the best way for the volunteer to contact you? 08:49:22 <jusa_> I'm hanging at (all?) the usual joints in freenode irc, I'll answer when I can 08:50:48 <jusa_> but those things can be done outside this meeting, I think the actual question "what's the status" was answered as much as possible for the moment 08:50:55 <Jaymzz_> There we have it. So bottom line is that we haven't been able to touch this in a long time but if any kind developer would like to help us out and get this thing running, jusa_would be more than happy to help out whenever he can. 08:51:29 <Jaymzz_> Yes. Moving on, this one went way over time, but thanks jusa_for explaining what's up. 08:51:47 <Jaymzz_> #topic General discussion (15 min) 08:51:50 <M4rtinK> thanks! :) 08:52:14 <Jaymzz_> so, nh1402did you create those TJC posts? :) 08:52:50 <kro> thanks jusa_ for the explanations! :) 08:53:01 <oniongarlic> any ETA on fix for the incoming calls not working bug? 08:53:20 <sledges> #info ping jusa_ on irc if yiu want to help with SIP (ohm/policy/prolog/dres expertise/curiosity required) -- this is from previous topic 08:53:25 <nh1402> Jaymzz_: yes, both 08:53:41 <nh1402> https://together.jolla.com/question/163349/have-a-way-to-dismiss-notifications/ 08:53:50 <nh1402> https://together.jolla.com/question/163348/emoji-support-in-clipboard-for-android-apps/ 08:53:58 <Jaymzz_> Guys, those in favor of these topics, please go ahead and vote! 08:54:10 <Jaymzz_> pavi[m]: Could you take these links to telegram please? :) 08:54:13 <M4rtinK> will do 08:54:52 <GAndrel> any plans to update HADK porting guide? 08:54:57 <sledges> #link ? pls :) 08:55:01 <Jaymzz_> and thanks nh1402 for creating those. 08:55:04 <Jaymzz_> sledges: yes sir 08:55:15 <Jaymzz_> #link https://together.jolla.com/question/163349/have-a-way-to-dismiss-notifications/ 08:55:16 <r0kk3rz> GAndrel: sledges needs to finalize HADK 2.0 08:55:24 <Jaymzz_> #link https://together.jolla.com/question/163348/emoji-support-in-clipboard-for-android-apps/ 08:55:25 <sledges> GAndrel: working on that (plans) 08:56:06 <r0kk3rz> GAndrel: what areas do you want updating? the previous HADK is still quite relevant 08:56:42 <sledges> niggly bits mostly, i gather 08:57:18 <locusf> aarch64? 08:57:47 <GAndrel> Nexus 4 porting is no more, I'm thinkg how to start and bumping at "CyanogenMod" 08:59:21 <r0kk3rz> GAndrel: seek help in #sailfishos-porters 08:59:22 <sledges> locusf: hadk document is arch-independent, that extends to src dhd 09:00:47 <GAndrel> r0kk3rz: OK 09:00:59 <locusf> sledges: okay 09:02:54 <Jaymzz_> I think I can safely say that general discussion is over? :) 09:03:19 <Jaymzz_> And that's a yes, so moving on. 09:03:22 <Jaymzz_> #topic Next meeting’s time and date (5 min) 09:04:01 <Jaymzz_> So 2 weeks fro now is Wednesday, 12th of July 2017. Same time, 08:00 UTC. Everyone OK with that? 09:04:19 <mattaustin> I'm guessing this blog post might cause discussion/questions... shall we meet again next week? Or is 2 weeks better? 09:04:51 <r0kk3rz> it should be clear and straight forward right Jaymzz_ :) 09:05:03 <mattaustin> :) ok then! 09:05:04 <Jaymzz_> This meeting is a bi-weekly meeting. I think we can hold that discussion in the comment section of that blog post. Will that be OK? 09:05:16 <mattaustin> Sounds good 09:05:30 <Jaymzz_> r0kk3rz: IMHO it is. It depends on your POV too ;) 09:05:39 <abranson_> not sure about that - blog post comment sections are only for refund discussions aren't they? 09:05:59 <Jaymzz_> mattaustin: We most definitely can discuss it here in 2 weeks time, too, if needed! 09:06:10 <Jaymzz_> abranson_: Putting salt on my wound huh? :DD 09:06:29 <Jaymzz_> nay, OPEN wound. 09:06:51 <jwalck> that's ok, this is a good time! 09:06:57 <Jaymzz_> But anyhow, let's say 2 weeks from now :) 09:07:01 <mattaustin> :) 09:07:04 <jwalck> I might not make it due to vacations, but that's life:) 09:07:24 <Jaymzz_> #info Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 12th of July 2017 at 08:00 UTC 09:07:33 <r0kk3rz> Jaymzz_: will any sailors be around then? isnt that midsummer break? 09:08:35 <Jaymzz_> r0kk3rz: Many will be away (I will be away too, but since I work remotely, I just need a laptop and an internet connection so that's fine) but I think we will have enough people here. Let's see if we'll have so many topics 09:08:50 <pavi[m]> I would also like to have a meeting after blog post. 09:08:57 <pavi[m]> It will raise too many questions. 09:09:24 <pavi[m]> And its not every month that we get a new device. 09:09:50 <Jaymzz_> Ok let me see if anyone would be available to answer, I'm not promising anything but if I managed to make a meeting happen by next week wednesday only dedicated to the blog post, would it be ok? 09:10:11 <nh1402> "I would also like to have a meeting after blog post." 09:10:16 <pvuorela> (sorry, was elsewhere during the meeting. commented on t.j.c that emoji clipboard works all the way for me.) 09:10:32 <nh1402> depends on if pavi[m] means immediately after the blog post, or next week 09:10:58 <pavi[m]> Yeah 1 week to read the blog comments :) 09:11:30 <Jaymzz_> I'll get back to you guys on the usual mailing list about this. I can't promise anything since the schedule is tigt esp with summer holidays closing on us 09:11:32 <nh1402> not sure if I want to read comments about tablet refund 09:11:59 <Jaymzz_> nh1402: I think it will be reduced since we addressed some stuff on our previous post. 09:12:16 <pavi[m]> Yes thats all we want. Only for the blog post. Thanks 09:12:21 <r0kk3rz> Jaymzz_: yeah good luck with that, the refunders are persistant 09:12:47 <Jaymzz_> pavi[m]: Alright let me see what I can do. 09:12:58 <Jaymzz_> r0kk3rz: you know it. But let's be positive ;) 09:13:04 <Jaymzz_> Anyway, time to end the meeting now 09:13:37 <Jaymzz_> Thanks everyone for joining and prticipating. I'll email you the minutes as usual and if I could arrange a meeting dedicated to the blog post, I will email you again. 09:13:43 <Jaymzz_> So keep your eyes peeled. 09:13:46 <Jaymzz_> Cheers! 09:13:50 <Jaymzz_> #endmeeting