08:01:09 <Jaymzz_> #startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration – August 9th 2017 08:01:09 <merbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 9 08:01:09 2017 UTC. The chair is Jaymzz_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 08:01:09 <merbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:01:21 <Jaymzz_> #info Meeting information and agenda can be found here: https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2017-August/007964.html 08:01:31 <Jaymzz_> I am the meeting’s chairperson today and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please behave, respect the timings and be gentle. 08:01:43 <Jaymzz_> #topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with # info 08:02:07 <Jaymzz_> #info James Noori, Sailor @ Jolla / Meeting chair 08:02:23 <LarstiQ> #info Wouter van Heijst, infra at Jolla 08:02:51 <nh1402> #info nh1402, community member 08:03:10 <nekron> #info Nekron, community member 08:03:30 <oniongarlic> #info Kaj-Michael Lang, community member/app developer 08:03:32 <ced117> #info Cedric Heintz, community member 08:04:45 <Drummer12> #info Drummer12, community member 08:05:43 <sledges> o/ 08:06:17 <hge> "o/" is an invalid command 08:06:44 <Mister_Magister> #info Mister_Magister, community member 08:06:55 <Jaymzz_> I don't see r0kk3rz here, and first topic is his. I think we should start with nh1402's topic since he's here 08:07:21 <Mister_Magister> i almost forgot about ut 08:07:29 <nh1402> Mister_Magister: was an alternate to the topic 08:07:35 <Mister_Magister> Jaymzz_: but i'm alternative to r0kk3rz tipic 08:07:48 <Jaymzz_> Mister_Magister: Ah I missed that :) 08:08:03 <Jaymzz_> alright we continue with r0kk3rz topic then :) 08:08:14 <Jaymzz_> #topic App Plugins for Harbour Apps (15 min, asked by r0kk3rz ) 08:08:24 <Jaymzz_> #info Lets say you had a modular front-end App, and it has pluggable back-ends for different services, how can we accomplish such a thing in Harbour? Since currently it requires all additional things to be packaged into the one RPM. eg. if someone makes a libpurple front-end App and doesnt want to add all the possible libpurple services into the one package. 08:09:09 <Jaymzz_> We have LarstiQ and sledges today answering technical questions. So the stage is yours people! :) 08:09:27 <LarstiQ> eh, only for what I'm qualified for ;P 08:09:35 <Jaymzz_> Yes :D 08:09:53 <pketo> I'm also here :) 08:10:02 <Mister_Magister> Well when i make app based on libpurple ina pp i'm using only libpurple but there are many plugins so i can't include all of them. 08:10:31 <Mister_Magister> like libpurple-facebook and other packages so i would have to make separate apps for every plugin or something 08:10:46 <Jaymzz_> pketo: o/ 08:11:07 <Mister_Magister> so we need solution in harbour for that 08:11:23 <chriadam_> you mean, some form of .so bundling? 08:11:56 <chriadam_> long term, flatpak runtimes might help here. short term, I defer to pketo's wisdom. 08:11:56 <pvuorela> maybe it was more as an example, but libpurple is not allowed in harbour to begin with. 08:12:04 <Mister_Magister> i think libpurple plugins works in other way than only .so file 08:12:20 <LarstiQ> pvuorela: depending on libpurple, or bundling libpurple? 08:12:25 <Mister_Magister> pvuorela: why? 08:12:45 <r0kk3rz> sorry guys, i was being accosted by managers :) 08:12:50 <pvuorela> LarstiQ: depending. but yea, app could bundle a separate instance which might apply better here. 08:12:54 <Mister_Magister> r0kk3rz: my man! 08:13:17 <LarstiQ> pvuorela: iirc that's the route that has been discussed, and then the plugin problem still stands 08:14:03 <Mister_Magister> I got this problem when planning to put my app to harbour but it can show later too 08:14:23 <r0kk3rz> pvuorela: libpurple not allowed in harbour? even packaged in an app? 08:14:28 <Jaymzz_> 4 minutes remains of this topic 08:14:49 <pvuorela> r0kk3rz: using system's libpurple is not allowed. separate instance inside the application is ok. 08:15:16 <LarstiQ> r0kk3rz, Mister_Magister: is the issue that a "libpurple plugin" app will not get through QA because it depends on another app to work? 08:15:21 <LarstiQ> or is there some technical problem 08:15:51 <r0kk3rz> beyond libpurple i can see situations where you have modular apps and dont want to install all the modules in one package 08:15:53 <Mister_Magister> LarstiQ: i would have bo make every libpueple plugin as another app in harbour 08:16:10 <tbr> Not that it matters for me but does that also disqualify it from being used together with the system telepathy? 08:16:35 <LarstiQ> Mister_Magister: 1) is that a problem? 2) you could make bundles of plugins, like xmms2 packaging in Debian does 08:17:05 <Mister_Magister> r0kk3rz: can explain better than me :D 08:17:20 <chriadam_> Jaymzz_: we might need some more time for this topic 08:17:45 <Jaymzz_> chriadam_: you need 5 minutes or 10? :) 08:17:56 <Mister_Magister> LarstiQ: can apps inside harbour depend on each other?\ 08:18:21 <r0kk3rz> i guess the question is, would we want to handle modules as 'seperate apps' in harbour with a dependency. or is it up to the app developer to download modules to the main apps data directory 08:18:22 <chriadam_> r0kk3rz: can you describe what the issue is? I'm confused what the "wanted behaviour" is. i.e., is it that you'd like to submit a single package which contains all of your dependencies (including potential plugins for those deps) OR is it that oyu want to potentially install some "partial" thing which can then be extended later on by OTHER packages/apps? 08:18:23 <pketo> Harbour at the moment does not allow dependencies 08:18:29 <sledges> are we on the other side? 08:18:33 <sledges> :D 08:18:41 <sledges> apparently meeting is on 08:18:46 <sledges> somewhere in a parallel universe 08:18:47 <Mister_Magister> pketo: this is what we are talking about 08:18:57 <Jaymzz_> sledges: Yeah man, don't you see our messages? 08:19:06 <Mister_Magister> sledges: what do you mean? 08:19:07 <LarstiQ> chriadam_: the latter 08:19:08 <Jaymzz_> #info 10 minutes added to this topic 08:19:18 <pketo> and dependencies between applications are not supported by the store backend either 08:19:57 <LarstiQ> pketo: I don't suppose there is programatic access to request an app to be installed either? 08:20:06 <LarstiQ> to let developers manually do that 08:20:07 <Mister_Magister> pketo: that's a problem we came to talk about. because if i make my app using only libpurple and make libpurple-facebook as another app it will work? 08:20:30 <LarstiQ> the alternative is letting the users resolve dependencies 08:20:42 <sledges> thanks Freenode for messing things up big time :D http://imgur.com/a/GEOQ5 08:20:55 <pketo> Mister_Magister: it will not work 08:21:10 <LarstiQ> sledges: have you configured your irc client to ignore all of us? ;P 08:21:20 <Mister_Magister> pketo: main app can work standalone but i want to make plugins for libpurple into sotre 08:21:41 <r0kk3rz> chriadam_: i'm mostly just talking about modular apps, and I wasnt sure how it would be feasable or desirable to handle that in a harbour situation. hence the discussion topic 08:21:51 <Jaymzz_> LarstiQ: He doesn't see any of our replies XD 08:22:07 <pketo> Mister_Magister: yes, I understand that, but it is not possible at the moment, and will require quite a lot of work on the server side to make it work 08:22:19 <LarstiQ> pketo: which part will not work? 08:22:27 <Mister_Magister> pketo: that's why we are talking isn't it :D 08:22:51 <pketo> LarstiQ: store api and the dynamic store repository does not handle the dependencies 08:22:57 <LarstiQ> pketo: right, but ignore that 08:22:58 <r0kk3rz> pketo: yes that was one of the reasons we wanted to raise this early, because it will take you guys time to figure out what you want to do, and do it :) 08:23:10 <LarstiQ> pketo: if you upload two seperate apps, and install them manually, that should work, right? 08:23:18 * sledges is now reading http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2017/mer-meeting.2017-08-09-08.01.log.txt :P 08:23:42 <sledges> LarstiQ: yep, some parts of me or laptop decided had enough xD though /ignore says nuffin :P 08:23:43 <Mister_Magister> LarstiQ: that is quite solution if it would work 08:23:49 <pketo> LarstiQ: well yes, nothing prevents that,except maybe our QA rules 08:23:50 <chriadam_> LarstiQ: not necessarily. QA might reject the "second" app if it immediately breaks / has no functionality (which will occur in the case that the QA person didn't first install the original app, I think) 08:23:51 <Mister_Magister> because main app can work standalone 08:24:02 <Mister_Magister> and plugins will not make anything by themselfs 08:24:06 <LarstiQ> pketo, chriadam_: hence my original question about QA 08:24:46 <LarstiQ> so we need to decide whether to allow that in QA, and/or if/how to allow formal dependencies 08:24:53 <chriadam_> right 08:25:07 <chriadam_> and then things like... per-app users potentially in teh future 08:25:16 <LarstiQ> the argument against presumably is that this is a rare case 08:25:23 <pketo> and then it is also not very good user experience, if one installs the lets say facebook plugin, and it doesn't do anything 08:25:29 <chriadam_> to allow another application to load a .so which was bundled as a dep within another application 08:25:42 <LarstiQ> pketo: tradeoff against not being able to do it at all 08:25:43 <nekron> so is sideloading plugins for harbour apps okay? 08:26:03 <LarstiQ> nekron: in what sense? 08:26:05 <Mister_Magister> it would be good to make that app plugins on the app page 08:26:12 <chriadam_> LarstiQ: I'm more worried about 1) security implications, 2) complication implications (i.e., if we add support for this, does it make it harder to transition to flatpaks or something in the future) 08:26:18 <Mister_Magister> so after installing app you can look at plugins 08:26:40 <nh1402> this plugin thing can apply to more than just the libpurple thing, if anyone is aware of Tasker on Android, it has tons of plugins 08:26:47 <LarstiQ> chriadam_: worried for which solution? Relaxing QA? 08:26:53 <r0kk3rz> chriadam_: yes i did think this would have to align with any sandboxing plans you might have 08:27:09 <Jaymzz_> 3 minutes left, do we need more time chriadam_ pketo r0kk3rz? 08:27:13 <chriadam_> LarstiQ: I don't know much about packaging or QA or anything related. I just mean in general. 08:27:23 <chriadam_> Jaymzz_: probably not. ball is in our court now to figure out plans I think 08:27:29 <chriadam_> r0kk3rz: do you agree ^ ? 08:27:52 <r0kk3rz> Jaymzz_: I think people have understood what we're asking, and can continue the discussion internally if its something jolla wants to pursue 08:28:18 <Mister_Magister> yeah i agree 08:28:21 <Jaymzz_> Alright, sounds good. I'll move on in a moment 08:28:26 <nekron> LarstiQ: I mean I upload my harbour app and create some app option to sideload, i.e. from a different source than harbour to expand functionality 08:29:03 <LarstiQ> nekron: imo that's not distinguishable from normal app behaviour 08:29:15 <Jaymzz_> #info Valid question. Sailors shall figure out new plans to resolve this problem 08:29:39 <pketo> well, for example situations has support for downloading additional plugins, iirc 08:30:06 <r0kk3rz> pketo: and thats handled within the app, downloading binaries to the app directory presumably 08:30:20 <pketo> something like that 08:30:26 <r0kk3rz> if thats harbor acceptable, then thats a possible solution 08:30:35 <Jaymzz_> Running over time guys keep that in mind and wrap it up please :) 08:30:53 <r0kk3rz> Jaymzz_: ok, done :) 08:30:58 <Jaymzz_> #topic Cookie Policy (10min, asked by nh1402) 08:31:09 <Jaymzz_> #info It's a legal requirement in the EU to warn users visiting your website that you use cookies, it doesn't look like together.jolla.com, merproject.org or jolla.com do this. Although the latter may not need to. 08:31:29 <Jaymzz_> IMO that should be easily doable 08:31:36 <nh1402> I think the topic speaks for itself 08:31:58 <nh1402> it's been a legal requirement for a while 08:32:08 <remote_> i wish european sites would also geo-ip target this 'bug' 08:32:17 <remote_> cause all other nations has to suffer from this bs 08:32:24 <LarstiQ> nh1402: afaik it is only in certain cases 08:32:28 <r0kk3rz> its really annoying 08:32:30 <LarstiQ> and most sites overdo it 08:33:39 <Jaymzz_> LarstiQ: So you mean our case is not required to? 08:33:54 <LarstiQ> Jaymzz_: not claiming that, I haven't looked into it 08:34:23 <LarstiQ> just saying it's not a blanket requirement, so if nh1402 can more clearly specify what exactly is in violation that makes it easier to pass on to site devs 08:34:32 <Jaymzz_> Okay we can do that, and if we were required, I don't see anything preventing us from adding a message 08:34:57 <LarstiQ> Jaymzz_: well, time and effort, but if that's needed to comply no choice 08:35:05 <Jaymzz_> exactly 08:35:40 <Jaymzz_> #info Jolla will look into this issue, and if it was a requirement for our case, we will add it to our websites. 08:35:46 <Jaymzz_> nh1402: Is that OK? :) 08:35:54 <nh1402> yes 08:36:03 <Jaymzz_> Alright cool 08:36:17 <Jaymzz_> moving on then 08:36:23 <Jaymzz_> #topic General discussion (15 min) 08:37:24 <Jaymzz_> discuss away :) 08:37:24 <LarstiQ> (http://ec.europa.eu/ipg/basics/legal/cookies/index_en.htm for the previous topic) 08:37:54 <remote_> mm... news on cbeta progress? 08:38:51 <kayuz6> and the cbeta is doing the test with 2.1.2 or 2.1.1 image on xperia x? 08:39:14 <Jaymzz_> remote_: It might see a slight delay as we might change some plans, but nothing is concrete so it is on-going as before. 08:39:15 <sledges> 2.1.2 08:39:27 <Jaymzz_> kayuz6: 2.1.2 is being tested by cbeta 08:39:36 <Jaymzz_> on Xperia 08:40:05 <Mister_Magister> Lately i faced the problem that lipstick doesn't have option to rotate by 180* if the screen inside phone is inserted upside down 08:40:32 <sledges> Mister_Magister: it's an intended restriction, tablet can do 360 08:40:47 <sledges> yet android apps rotate the phone 360 if they need so (like google maps) 08:41:07 <Jaymzz_> why would you insert screen upside down? or are you talking about the moto port that was upside down? 08:41:08 <sledges> very useful to adjust in the car phone holder 08:41:34 <Mister_Magister> sledges: i mean in android there is a build,prop param to rotate screen 180* if it's mounted upside down 08:41:45 <r0kk3rz> Jaymzz_: i believe he means the actual device pixel orientation 08:41:50 <nh1402> imo if the user wants to use the phone upside down they should be able to. 08:41:53 <Mister_Magister> but there is nothing like that in lipstick so i'm forced to have my phone upside down 08:41:59 <Jaymzz_> aa ok 08:42:21 <Mister_Magister> Jaymzz_: i'm talking about poty 08:43:05 <sledges> Mister_Magister: you should grep porters logs for framebuffer orientation 08:43:32 <sledges> OrokuSaki had that problem on his tablet years ago 08:43:49 <Mister_Magister> sledges: thanks will do 08:44:51 <pvuorela> Mister_Magister: you want your app to rotate upside down or specifically lipstick? 08:45:05 <kayuz6> and a little rocky question: the android runtime on Jolla phone will always be 4.1? 08:45:05 <kayuz6> thank you for info Jaymzz 08:45:41 <Mister_Magister> pvuorela: i'm porting sfos to phone with upside down screen 08:46:13 <krnlyng> there is a trick to tell hwcomposer to rotate the image by 180 iirc. 08:46:34 <pvuorela> Mister_Magister: oh right. then quite far from user doing this or that. 08:47:05 <Mister_Magister> krnlyng: more info? 08:48:40 <krnlyng> https://github.com/libhybris/libhybris/blob/master/hybris/egl/platforms/hwcomposer/hwcomposer_window.cpp#L411 try returning different rotation here 08:50:00 <Jaymzz_> #link https://github.com/libhybris/libhybris/blob/master/hybris/egl/platforms/hwcomposer/hwcomposer_window.cpp#L411 08:50:06 <Mister_Magister> welp i think we will continue that on #sailfishos-porters channel :) 08:50:43 <Jaymzz_> 3 minutes remains guys :) 08:51:59 <sledges> remote_: cbeta testers are loving xperia's camera ^-^ 08:52:20 <kayuz6> there is any chance that Sony, looking at how beatiful sailfish os is on their xperia, will make it as their default os? 08:52:53 <Mister_Magister> Is there any news about sfos for X Compact? 08:52:56 <r0kk3rz> maybe a non-zero chance, but still quite small 08:52:58 <sledges> and so do SFOS Berlin group 08:53:09 <Jaymzz_> kayuz6: We can't really comment on behalf of Sony. And that is a future discussion of course :) 08:53:17 <nh1402> kayuz6: seeing as they're the main contributor to AOSP after Google, I doubt it 08:53:40 <Jaymzz_> Alright time's up guys 08:53:42 <remote_> sledges: nice to hear! 08:53:45 <Jaymzz_> moving on 08:53:54 <Jaymzz_> #topic Next meeting’s time and date (5 min) 08:54:03 <Jaymzz_> Proposal: Wednesday, 23rd of August 2017 at 08:00 UTC 08:54:25 <Jaymzz_> Keeping it bi-weekly :) I guess everyone is fine with it as usual, right? 08:55:04 <Jaymzz_> And I take that as a yes 08:55:13 <r0kk3rz> +1 08:55:14 <chriadam_> no complaints from me 08:55:18 <ced117> i wont be available that date, but not a problem 08:55:19 <Jaymzz_> #info Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 23rd of August 2017 at 08:00 UTC 08:55:32 <Jaymzz_> ced117: if you had a topic, set someone to cover for you 08:55:43 <ced117> of course Jaymzz_ 08:55:55 <Jaymzz_> Thanks everyone for attending today's meeting :) 08:55:59 <chriadam_> thanks! 08:56:04 <ced117> thank you :) 08:56:07 <kayuz6> very good sailors, (I am looing or sailors) :) 08:56:08 <Jaymzz_> Minutes will be sent to your emails for the pleasure of your eyeballs :D 08:56:20 <Jaymzz_> Cheers! 08:56:23 <Jaymzz_> #endmeeting