#mer-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration – 12th December 2019
Meeting started by abranson at 09:02:50 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2019/mer-meeting.2019-12-12-09.02.log.txt
- Meeting information and agenda can be found
here: (abranson,
- https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2019-December/008965.html
- Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with # info (abranson, 09:06:28)
- Alexander Akulich - Telepathy developer
- Ville Nummela - sailor@jolla (ViGe,
- Nico - community member (Nico[m],
- David Llewellyn-Jones - sailor @ Jolla
- Leif-Jöran Olsson, community (ljo,
- Andrew Branson - sailor at Jolla and first time
chair! (abranson,
- Vincent Knecht - community (vknecht,
- Martin Kolman - community member & modRana
developer (M4rtinK,
- Damien Caliste, community (read-only today
:) (dcaliste,
- Introduce (some more) packaging conventions (Asked by Kaffeine - 10 mins) (abranson, 09:12:34)
- we have a lot of layouts and approaches in
(external, not MER) projects packaging. To name a few, we have: 1.
"rpm dir + 'upstream' git submodule", 2. "rpm + upstream submodule +
a dir with extracted and patched sources", 3. "spec + tarball" (not
in OBS, but right in the packaging git repo), 4. "rpm + git subtree
with applied patches", 5... . (abranson,
- As far as I understand, the modern approach is
to have "rpm + <package-name> directory with git submodule". I
would like this approach to be approved and documented. Just a few
lines on a page in Sailfish wiki will prevent the further disorder
and let other developers help you to clean up the current packaging
stuff (abranson,
- These packaging formats are described in detail
on the wiki
- Repo with rpm folder (with few patches if
needed) with package named submodule is the preferred way if there
are not many changes to the submodule code. (abranson,
- If there are a lot of changes to the upstream
code then a submodule+patches might become quite complicated to
maintain so then the third option mentioned in the link above with a
upstream submodule and a package named folder with whole source in
the repo might be more convenient. (abranson,
- The selected option of course depends on
whether the upstream sources are available in a git repository, if
not then a copy of the sources in git is needed. Use of the obsolete
spec+tarball format should not be used. (abranson,
- ACTION: Look at
summarizing the format criteria on the wiki page to make things
clearer for community devs (abranson,
- Bad audio quality on Xperia X and Jolla phone (Asked by Nico[m] - 10 mins) (abranson, 09:26:28)
- Bad audio quality on Xperia X and Jolla phone (Asked by Nico[m] - 10 mins) (abranson, 09:26:44)
- some details about the topic: I listen to a lot
of music on the go. One thing that always bothered me, is that the
audio quality in Sailfish seems a lot worse than when using Android
or even my Nokia N9 (iirc). There seems to be a consistent noise
floor, when using high quality head phones. (abranson,
- More info:
I would really appreciate it, if there would be some way to fix
that, as it seems to be an issue with the way SailfishOS handles the
hardware, not in the software decoding, etc. (abranson,
- Part of the answer is in this tjc reply:
mainly the part about The root of the problem is that somehow the
volume control only scales the waveform in software, while the final
amplifier is always at maximum volume. This is "feature" in normal
audio use cases, it's just how the audio adaptation is implemented
in Android. However, there are (abranson,
- The thing is, we haven't implemented any
offload playback, due to it being quite complicated thing to do.
Mainly because of so many places it requires work on, first
PulseAudio doesn't bend so easily to passthrough playback (there
exists already passthrough playback but it's targeted for spdif or
like, it was encapsulated with some thingamaboob I don't remeber
right now, so something needs to be done to handle wav or
- Second part of the answer is, right now we use
pretty much whatever the adaptation says it has, and we may or may
not misuse it slightly as we cannot use the interface 1:1 how
audioflinger does. It very well may be that we don't have some ACDB
or other switch in correct state as many adaptations have additional
parameters which are seemingly not needed but "do things".
- General discussion (20 min) (abranson, 09:36:33)
- https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/nemo-qtmultimedia-plugins/merge_requests/2
- Next meeting time and date (5 min) (abranson, 10:13:20)
- Next meeting will be held on Thursday 9th
January 2020 at 09:00 UTC (abranson,
Meeting ended at 10:19:16 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- Look at summarizing the format criteria on the wiki page to make things clearer for community devs
People present (lines said)
- abranson (65)
- Nico[m] (26)
- r0kk3rz (16)
- vknecht (15)
- M4rtinK (11)
- Kaffeine (10)
- ViGe (7)
- Venemo (7)
- merbot` (3)
- flypig (3)
- jusa (3)
- FireFly (2)
- ljo (2)
- TheKit[m] (2)
- dcaliste (1)
- pvuorela (1)
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