07:00:17 <rainemak> #startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 16th May 2024
07:00:17 <sailbot> Meeting started Thu May 16 07:00:17 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
07:00:17 <sailbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
07:00:17 <rainemak> #info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:
07:00:17 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-16th-may-2024/18513
07:00:17 <rainemak> I am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.
07:00:19 <rainemak> #topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info
07:00:26 <ExTechOp> #info Otto Mäkelä, community
07:00:34 <rainemak> #info Raine Mäkeläinen, sailor @ Jolla, chairperson today
07:01:57 <direc85[m]> #info Matti Viljanen, community
07:02:15 <rainemak> Hello direc85[m] and ExTechOp !
07:02:43 <ExTechOp> I'd hope we aren't the only three here today?
07:02:44 <direc85[m]> Hello rainemak!
07:03:12 <pvuorela> #info Pekka Vuorela, Jolla
07:03:12 <ExTechOp> Ahoy Crabster?
07:04:53 <rainemak> We have one topic today.
07:05:36 <rainemak> Let's give a moment for flypig
07:06:02 <__flypig> #info David Llewellyn-Jones community
07:06:10 <__flypig> Sorry! Connection issues, thanks for waiting!
07:06:27 <rainemak> Welcome pvuorela and __flypig as well
07:06:35 <rainemak> #topic Issues sending text messages w/ VoLTE enabled on Xperia 10 iii (10mins -- asked by Louis)
07:06:41 <rainemak> #info <Louis> After upgrading → I can’t send text messages on
07:06:41 <rainemak> #info <Louis> my Xperia 10 iii using TDC (largest Danish provider). Other
07:06:41 <rainemak> #info <Louis> providers also affected. Link: When VoLTE is active sending sms not
07:06:41 <rainemak> #info <Louis> possible - SFOS - #10 by Louis 2 - I would really
07:06:41 <rainemak> #info <Louis> appreciate if Jolla would trace what changes was made which led to
07:06:42 <rainemak> #info <Louis> this. (VolTE for Xperia 10 ii was introduced with this upgrade.).
07:06:46 <rainemak> #info <Louis> Still broken in
07:06:50 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/when-volte-is-active-sending-sms-not-possible-sfos-4-4-0-72/13174/10
07:07:20 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> There are multitude of things that can affect. This issues has been
07:07:20 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> discussed extensively in forum in two topics. Further, there's a table
07:07:20 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> in the forum that containing VoLTE provider support. It could be
07:07:20 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> that VoLTE modem configs might be wrong for operators, causing SMS
07:07:20 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> to fail even if calling works.
07:07:22 <rainemak> #info <Jolla>
07:07:23 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Please enter your input to https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/volte-provider-support/11501, thanks.
07:07:26 <rainemak> #info <Jolla>
07:07:28 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/volte-provider-support/11501
07:07:30 <rainemak> #info <Jolla>
07:07:32 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Let’s continue gathering feedback / input to https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/14452
07:07:35 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/14452
07:12:31 <rainemak> No further comments, I think we can move on.
07:12:32 <ExTechOp> (apparently the note in that VoLTE is only avaliable on 10 III has now become outdated, since there are also data points for 10 II devices?)
07:13:51 <rainemak> ExTechOp, correct. Xperia 10 II received support after 10 III.
07:14:10 <rainemak> #topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)
07:14:16 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Any open PRs to discuss?
07:14:16 <direc85[m]> I've had a few times an issue that the SMS is marked with a circle (iirc) (sending in progress) but never got the checkmark (message sent). Copy-paste-sending results in the same, but the message actually got sent. Either visiting airplane mode or rebooting the device fixed that. Those happened on my Xperia 10 III with fwiw.
07:14:46 <Zyuc2G> I can confirm this is happening with my XA2
07:14:51 <Zyuc2G> (on 4.5)
07:15:08 <rainemak> ^ that's no VoLTE related issues then
07:15:10 <rainemak> not
07:16:00 <Zyuc2G> In addition, SMS sending reliability has gotten worse. I've temporarily switched back to Xperia X, to see if the issue exists on 4.5. I'm curious to see if it's software or not.
07:16:04 <Zyuc2G> (sorry slightly offtopic)
07:19:12 <direc85[m]> I use SMS messages roughly weekly, and have had very little issues.
07:19:30 <rainemak> dcaliste, pvuorela, __flypig : any PRs to discuss?
07:19:46 <rainemak> direc85[m], same here
07:19:52 <ExTechOp> (The only issue I have is that received messages often appear multiple times, each time with a notify sound)
07:19:58 <__flypig> I'm just having a look, but nothing springs to mind for PRs.
07:20:29 <direc85[m]> (When I send SMS messages, sometimes it gets duplicated or triplicated on the receiving end)
07:20:32 <direc85[m]> (It's very rare though)
07:20:40 <rainemak> Thanks... As there are no bug reports today. Let's move to general discussion.
07:20:43 <dcaliste> Hello rainemak, pvuorela merged yesterday the decryption PRs. Thanks a lot.
07:20:47 <Crabster> #info Crabster - lurker, late ;)
07:20:49 <__flypig> I'll add my voice to the good SMS experience. I think I've experienced something similar very occassionally Zyuc2G, but it's usually reliable for me.
07:21:09 <rainemak> #topic General discussion (15 min)
07:21:21 <rainemak> We can continue SMS discussion here as well :-)
07:21:30 <dcaliste> This PR https://github.com/sailfishos/voicecall/pull/15 on the possibility to add a call filtering API is currently actively discussed. I need to answer pvuorela's comments.
07:21:34 <ExTechOp> I just spent a long weekend on the Åland Islands, and there I had to reset the phone (Sony Xperia 10 III, with SFOS at least daily because the sounds had stopped working. Returning to mainland Finland and the capital region, I've not had this happen again.
07:21:34 <ExTechOp> Perhaps this long-standing issue is somehow related to bad radio fields and/or roaming (for some reason, Ålcom is tagged as being a roamed network, in spite of fully supporting Elisa clients at base prices)?
07:21:39 <dcaliste> I'll do today or tomorrow, I think.
07:21:52 <pvuorela> nothing particular from me.
07:21:59 <pvuorela> dcaliste: cheers :)
07:22:23 <dcaliste> Hello pvuorela. Thanks for the merges of decryption PRs.
07:22:41 <dcaliste> I will work on encryption in the coming weeks, I think.
07:22:44 <rainemak> pvuorela, could that Åland issue be related to those weird timezone issues?
07:23:02 <Crabster> I have the feeling that the operators messing with ims/rcs makes sms and mms unreliable, been going on for a while now
07:23:50 <direc85[m]> Roaming has been mostly fine for me, but one trip in Sweden mobile data just wouldn't work no matter what we tried with the operator (Elisa FI). Later it was suggested to remove the PIN code from the SIM card, but the next trip to Sweden was a-ok...
07:23:50 <__flypig> MMS issues I've always had (and always assumed it was my MMS settings being incorrect).
07:24:13 <__flypig> I definitely experience differing behaviours when roaming, especially with VoLTE. As a total aside, I'd love to visit the Åland Islands.
07:24:45 <rainemak> Crabster, yeap... my feeling is that in Finland operators are configuring networks more or less by the book but at central/south Europe this likely is not the case
07:25:01 <__flypig> ExTechOp: when you say "sounds had stopped", do you mean all sounds, or just for calls?
07:25:03 <pvuorela> rainemak: timezone affecting to anything sound things would feel strange.
07:25:47 <rainemak> pvuorela, but was Åland on of those missing timezones?
07:25:57 <rainemak> one of
07:26:20 <ExTechOp> __flypig I mean the long-standing bug discussed here https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/4-1-0-23-4-0-1-48-4-4-0-64-4-5-0-16-no-notification-sounds-ringing-sms-alarm/4886
07:26:20 <ExTechOp> (and Åland is of course supposed to be on the same timezone as the rest of Finland)
07:26:39 <rainemak> pvuorela, didn't mean that directly affecting to mobile network
07:26:53 <__flypig> Thanks for clarifying ExTechOp.
07:27:20 <ExTechOp> (however, I don't know on what time zone the mobile base stations the ships carry with them are, perhaps permanently Swedish?)
07:28:01 <pvuorela> rainemak: it should have a timezone. recall connman had some problems interpreting it but wouldn't think it had effects too widely, was mostly about mapping it to finnish wlan domains or something.
07:28:02 <ExTechOp> (I was at a hotel right next to the harbour, so my phone indubitably heard those)
07:28:10 <Thaodan> #info Björn Bidar , Sailor @ Jolla
07:28:20 <Thaodan> sorry a little late
07:28:31 <Thaodan> but better late than never
07:28:31 <ExTechOp> The late Mr. Bidar
07:28:32 <direc85[m]> The audio lost issue hits me sometimes too, but as Bluetooth audio still works, it can sometimes be a day until I notice it...
07:30:12 <Thaodan> I had MMS issues even in Finland sometimes
07:31:07 <Thaodan> Telia tried to tell my configuration was wrong but a few days later it was working as normal
07:31:38 <Crabster> rainemak: fyi, currently ordinary sms from the uk does not get through to dk, also my house alarm is currently unable to send out sms, surely network related and unrelated to sfos
07:32:42 <rainemak> Crabster, yeap
07:34:06 <Thaodan> regarding notification sounds we output them now on the speakers even when a headset is connected for the Xperia 10 ii. This feature currently works only  devices older than Android 11
07:35:27 <rainemak> We can extend this by 5mins
07:39:58 <direc85[m]> MMS has worked for me, but I'm not an active user. The only issue I have hit is the recipient having the phone memory too full (not a smartphone). In that sense, SFOS devices having a large shared storage is really nice!
07:41:36 <rainemak> Anybody coming to Jolla Love Day 2?
07:42:25 <ExTechOp> I just registered for it!
07:42:32 <rainemak> Nice!
07:43:01 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/jolla-love-day-2/18610
07:43:24 <ExTechOp> So, Sony Xperia 10 V is on the schedule?
07:43:28 <__flypig> I'll be following the livestream of coures (no need to register for that, right?). I wish I could be there in person.
07:43:36 <dcaliste> I would like to, it would be nice to say hello, but Finland (while looking like a beautiful country) is too far from my place...
07:44:09 <rainemak> __flypig, correct, no need to register for the livesteam
07:44:13 <rainemak> livestream
07:45:34 <rainemak> time to schedule next meeting...
07:45:42 <rainemak> #topic Next meeting time and date (5 mins)
07:45:42 <rainemak> Proposing Thursday 30th May at 07:00am UTC
07:46:13 <Thaodan> Xperia 10 V has some upstream bugs
07:46:13 <Thaodan> .
07:46:32 <ExTechOp> Two weeks from now would be 30th May, which would work for me.
07:46:33 <rainemak> kind of normal rhythm as we skipped last Thursday
07:46:49 <Thaodan> ExTechOp: Xperia 10 v has some upstream bugs
07:47:19 <Thaodan> a good place to look for the status of the device is Sony aosp
07:47:58 <rainemak> #info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 30th May 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-05-30T0700Z
07:48:11 <Thaodan> https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/bug_tracker
07:49:32 <rainemak> Hoping to see many of you next Monday in person or online
07:49:34 <rainemak> Thank you all!
07:49:46 <__flypig> Thank you rainemak, all!
07:49:50 <ExTechOp> Thanks everyone, again!
07:49:57 <Crabster> thx #?
07:50:06 <rainemak> #endmeeting