============================================================================= #sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 30th May 2024 ============================================================================= Meeting started by rainemak at 07:00:24 UTC. The full logs are available at https://irclogs.sailfishos.org/meetings/sailfishos-meeting/2024/sailfishos-meeting.2024-05-30-07.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Meeting information and agenda can be found here: (rainemak, 07:00:24) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-30th-may-2024/18640/ (rainemak, 07:00:24) * Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info (rainemak, 07:00:24) * Otto Mäkelä, community (ExTechOp, 07:00:42) * Raine Mäkeläinen, sailor @ Jolla, chairperson today (rainemak, 07:01:05) * Matti Viljanen, community (direc85[m], 07:02:45) * Andrea Scarpino, SailfishOS user, maintainer of some app (ilpianista, 07:03:04) * Pami Ketolainen, sailor @ Jolla (Keto, 07:04:59) * Ruben De Smet, rubdos (rubdos[m], 07:05:10) * Sony Xperia 10 IV and V base firmware for Sailfish installation (5mins -- asked by ExTechOp) (rainemak, 07:05:59) * Please let us know at your earliest convenient time what version (rainemak, 07:06:05) * of the Sony Xperia 10 IV and V base firmware you want to have at (rainemak, 07:06:05) * Sailfish install time. Once we get our phones and run them a while (rainemak, 07:06:05) * on Android (to verify they are functioning normally, as you (rainemak, 07:06:05) * recommend), the system may want to update itself to beyond what (rainemak, 07:06:05) * the Sailfish installer expects, and this of course could be (rainemak, 07:06:07) * problematic. (rainemak, 07:06:08) * Yes, thank you. Yes, do inform you as soon as possible. Currently (rainemak, 07:06:21) * it’s Android 13 based. (rainemak, 07:06:21) * The Jolla Mind2 (5mins -- asked by jojomen) (rainemak, 07:10:42) * Long list of questions. Hence, a link to forum. (rainemak, 07:10:49) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-30th-may-2024/18640/3 (rainemak, 07:10:49) * Thank you jojomen & throwaway69 for the Jolla Mind 2 questions. (rainemak, 07:11:03) * Anything related to the Jolla Mind 2 please join to the established (rainemak, 07:11:03) * Jolla Mind 2 discord server 10 there’s a mind2 channel. There are (rainemak, 07:11:03) * technical people to give you answers. (rainemak, 07:11:03) * (rainemak, 07:11:03) * We’ll pass these questions to Mind 2 team. Thanks. (rainemak, 07:11:05) * LINK: https://discord.gg/K3BaqkuK (rainemak, 07:11:06) * Jolla Community Phone 2 (5mins -- asked by jojomen) (rainemak, 07:15:50) * 1) How long will it last on a battery charge? (Say, compared to the XA2 or 10III.) (rainemak, 07:15:57) * 2) Does it run a mainline kernel? (rainemak, 07:15:57) * 2.1) If not, for how long is the SoC supported by its (rainemak, 07:15:57) * 2.1) manufacturer? (rainemak, 07:15:57) * 3) Which periferals use mainline drivers? (rainemak, 07:15:57) * 3.1) For those that do not, for how long are drivers supported by (rainemak, 07:15:59) * 3.1) the manufacturer? (rainemak, 07:16:01) * Thank you for your questions! (rainemak, 07:16:27) * 1) Seems to be lasting long but unfortunately, I do not have (rainemak, 07:16:27) * comparison numbers. (rainemak, 07:16:27) * 2) No, it doesn’t run mainline kernel. (rainemak, 07:16:27) * 3) No, it doesn't use mainline drivers. (rainemak, 07:16:27) * Licence subscriptions (5mins -- asked by jojomen) (rainemak, 07:19:58) * What developer subscription options will there be? (rainemak, 07:19:58) * (rainemak, 07:19:58) * The SFOS app ecosystem relies on individual efforts, with no (rainemak, 07:19:58) * feasible way to recuperate costs. Making sure an app works and (rainemak, 07:19:58) * looks ok means testing on many devices, which would make (rainemak, 07:19:59) * subscription costs high for the developer. As a result, developers (rainemak, 07:20:01) * will be incentivized to limit testing. (rainemak, 07:20:03) * What kind of models would you like to see? Calling proposals from (rainemak, 07:20:08) * those who feel it concerns them. (rainemak, 07:20:08) * Some details on few topics I care (5mins -- asked by ilpianista) (rainemak, 07:27:34) * Is there any plan to implement these features? If not, could (rainemak, 07:27:42) * you please opensource the components? (rainemak, 07:27:42) * (rainemak, 07:27:42) * 1) Automatically mount *encrypted* sd-card (rainemak, 07:27:42) * 2) ICE (In Case Of Emergency) field on lock screen 1 (rainemak, 07:27:42) * Option to scramble PIN layout when unlocking device 1 (rainemak, 07:27:43) * (rainemak, 07:27:47) * EDIT: using patchmanager to solve those isn’t a viable solution (rainemak, 07:27:49) * as I don’t want to mess with hacky workarounds. (rainemak, 07:27:51) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/automatically-mount-encrypted-sd-card/12023 (rainemak, 07:28:02) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/ice-in-case-of-emergency-field-on-lock-screen/6726 (rainemak, 07:28:02) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/option-to-scramble-pin-layout-when-unlocking-device/6944 (rainemak, 07:28:02) * Currently these are not in the roadmap. First two would be nice and (rainemak, 07:28:10) * valuable (surely 3rd one as well). Scrambling the PIN layout needs (rainemak, 07:28:10) * more thinking. Very valuable input, we’ll consider these to the (rainemak, 07:28:10) * roadmap. (rainemak, 07:28:10) * Software licences (5mins -- asked by jojomen) (rainemak, 07:32:43) * Please elaborate a bit on the good news about the GPL v3 “not (rainemak, 07:32:43) * being a problem” (announced during Love Day) and the possibility (rainemak, 07:32:43) * to open source parts (like happened briefly in October last year) (rainemak, 07:32:43) * Let’s clarify. We did not announce that GPLv3 is good. Sami talked (rainemak, 07:33:05) * about former limitation that we had. Let’s see what future (rainemak, 07:33:05) * brings :). (rainemak, 07:33:05) * LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nEC3sVExAU&t=5365s (rainemak, 07:33:05) * Catching Ctrl-Enter in QML (5mins -- asked by direc85) (rainemak, 07:37:24) * Requested 10mins, giving you 5mins. (rainemak, 07:37:24) * Many desktop chat applications can be configured so that while (rainemak, 07:37:34) * typing a message, Enter on the keyboard makes a new line and (rainemak, 07:37:34) * Ctrl-Enter or Shift-Enter sends the message. Using a Bluetooth or (rainemak, 07:37:34) * USB keyboard with Sailfish OS, it doesn’t seem to be possible to (rainemak, 07:37:34) * catch the modifier keys in QML TextArea item to replicate the (rainemak, 07:37:34) * behaviour. Is it possible to catch the modifiers, and if so, how (rainemak, 07:37:35) * could it be done? If not, would it be possible to have this (rainemak, 07:37:37) * feature in a future release? (rainemak, 07:37:39) * (rainemak, 07:37:41) * PS. Yes, the context is Whisperfish here, but this should apply to (rainemak, 07:37:43) * Messages and other messaging applications too - if they choose to (rainemak, 07:37:47) * implement it. There are plenty of other keyboard-navigation ideas (rainemak, 07:37:49) * I have, but let’s start with this first. (rainemak, 07:37:51) * Sorry Direc85, we just didn’t have time try to sort out this for (rainemak, 07:37:53) * you. (rainemak, 07:37:55) * (rainemak, 07:37:57) * That said, we’ll get back to you on the matter. (rainemak, 07:37:59) * Please ping me if don’t hear from us. (rainemak, 07:38:01) * Delete email action for events view (10mins -- asked by direc85) (rainemak, 07:41:38) * As I receive quite a lot of update notifications via email, and (rainemak, 07:41:38) * just reading the title is enough, it would be handy if there was a (rainemak, 07:41:38) * third action for the email in events view - deleting the email. (rainemak, 07:41:38) * I’m sure others users too would find good use of the feature. Some (rainemak, 07:41:38) * applications already provide more than two actions, for example (rainemak, 07:41:39) * WhatsApp messages offer three actions, so that shouldn’t be an (rainemak, 07:41:41) * issue. Could this feature be added to to Email in a future (rainemak, 07:41:43) * release? (rainemak, 07:41:47) * While could fit some uses, we need to be cautious on deleting (rainemak, 07:42:12) * content which cannot be (easily) returned. Commonly that’s protected (rainemak, 07:42:12) * by remorse items, and notification actions can be even more easy to (rainemak, 07:42:12) * trigger by accident. However, the remorse from client side does not (rainemak, 07:42:12) * necessarily fit the notification system that well. Also, while we (rainemak, 07:42:12) * cannot control how many notification actions Android apps use, there (rainemak, 07:42:13) * should probably be some threshold of going over the two. (rainemak, 07:42:17) * (rainemak, 07:42:19) * That said, we see and hear your point of view. (rainemak, 07:42:21) * Ruby dropped from repos (2mins -- asked by rubdos) (rainemak, 07:53:23) * The changelog of 1 mentioned the removal of Ruby from the (rainemak, 07:53:31) * SailfishOS repositories. I’m probably the only one using it (the (rainemak, 07:53:31) * university restaurant menu gets pushed to my Pebble over DBUS with (rainemak, 07:53:31) * that script), but I’d love to know the reasoning behind this. (rainemak, 07:53:31) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/changelog-sauna-4-6-0/18531 (rainemak, 07:53:39) * We do not have anything requiring Ruby in the stack anymore. For a (rainemak, 07:53:46) * long time, it was only a build requirement for some component, but (rainemak, 07:53:46) * as that is no longer the case, we decided to drop Ruby to cut down (rainemak, 07:53:46) * the maintenance burden, build cycles, etc. (rainemak, 07:53:46) * Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (rainemak, 07:56:18) * Any open PRs to discuss? (rainemak, 07:56:18) * General discussion (5 min) (rainemak, 07:58:53) * Next meeting time and date (2 mins) (rainemak, 08:01:28) * Next meeting will be held on Thursday 13th June 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-06-13T0700Z (rainemak, 08:02:38) Meeting ended at 08:02:54 UTC. Action Items ------------ Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * rainemak (175) * direc85[m] (21) * rubdos[m] (11) * ilpianista (10) * abr (8) * ExTechOp (6) * dcaliste (6) * sailbot (2) * Keto (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot