#sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 4th July 2024

Meeting started by rainemak at 07:02:00 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Meeting information and agenda can be found here: (rainemak, 07:02:01)
    2. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-4th-july-2024/19089 (rainemak, 07:02:01)

  1. Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info (rainemak, 07:02:01)
    1. Raine Mäkeläinen, sailor @ Jolla, chairperson today (rainemak, 07:02:20)
    2. Otto Mäkelä, community (ExTechOp, 07:02:22)
    3. Matti Viljanen, community (direc85, 07:02:32)
    4. Crabster - lurker (Crabster, 07:02:36)
    5. Björn Bidar, sailor @ Jolla (Thaodan, 07:02:44)
    6. TheKitchenSink community (TheKitchenSink, 07:03:11)

  2. Changing the weather provider for the next release (5mins -- asked by tuplasuhveli) (rainemak, 07:05:11)
    1. <tuplasuhveli> User @tohaturok was able to utilise OpenWeather API for (rainemak, 07:05:19)
    2. <tuplasuhveli> the Weather app. Have there been any plans or work done (rainemak, 07:05:19)
    3. <tuplasuhveli> to include this (or any other API change) to the upcoming (rainemak, 07:05:19)
    4. <tuplasuhveli> Sailfish release? (rainemak, 07:05:19)
    5. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/change-weather-provider-to-yr-no-for-the-default-weather-app/18078/13 (rainemak, 07:05:25)
    6. <Jolla> We have been following closely tohaturok's work. It's great work! (rainemak, 07:05:33)
    7. <Jolla> Same time we're progressing with open sourcing of the weather app (rainemak, 07:05:33)
    8. <Jolla> but requires still actions from our side. (rainemak, 07:05:33)
    9. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/change-weather-provider-to-yr-no-for-the-default-weather-app/18078/15 (rainemak, 07:05:42)
    10. piggz communiy (piggz[m], 07:07:55)
    11. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/change-weather-provider-to-yr-no-for-the-default-weather-app/18078/20?u=rainemak (rainemak, 07:08:17)

  3. DBusInterface (Nemo.Dbus) docs and properties (5mins -- asked by rubdos) (rainemak, 07:15:01)
    1. <rubdos> DBusInterface is not very easy to work with in it’s current (rainemak, 07:15:22)
    2. <rubdos> state. According to the source code, it exposes some very useful (rainemak, 07:15:22)
    3. <rubdos> properties like a status field, but I haven’t been able to use it (rainemak, 07:15:22)
    4. <rubdos> yet. Any chance this gets documented? getProperty is also (rainemak, 07:15:22)
    5. <rubdos> undocumented, but is rather useful. Additionally, exposing DBus (rainemak, 07:15:22)
    6. <rubdos> properties as QML properties would be even more awesome! (rainemak, 07:15:24)
    7. <rubdos> (rainemak, 07:15:24)
    8. <rubdos> Currently, I’m using DBusInterface by updating some QML (rainemak, 07:15:26)
    9. <rubdos> properties when a signal comes in, and that sounds far from (rainemak, 07:15:28)
    10. <rubdos> ideal. (rainemak, 07:15:30)
    11. https://github.com/sailfishos/nemo-qml-plugin-dbus/blob/92ef3cde592458cded496293eeb30e6238763b78/src/plugin/declarativedbusinterface.cpp#L182 (rainemak, 07:15:32)
    12. https://gitlab.com/whisperfish/whisperfish/-/merge_requests/598#note_1976614353 (rainemak, 07:15:37)
    13. https://gitlab.com/whisperfish/whisperfish/-/merge_requests/598/diffs#e9b960c09e426eff2ff74126e613e8655a83d052_342_342 (rainemak, 07:15:41)
    14. <Jolla> Note added regarding DBusInterface documentation. (rainemak, 07:15:56)
    15. <Jolla> When it comes to exposing D-Bus property as QML properties that is (rainemak, 07:15:56)
    16. <Jolla> quite a bit more complex that you may initially think. That would (rainemak, 07:15:56)
    17. <Jolla> likely require that developer using DBusInterface would need to (rainemak, 07:15:56)
    18. <Jolla> declare properties in QML and then through meta object (rainemak, 07:15:56)
    19. <Jolla> DBusInterface would update them given that those are declared in (rainemak, 07:15:58)
    20. <Jolla> the first place. (rainemak, 07:15:59)

  4. Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (rainemak, 07:20:37)
    1. <Jolla> Any open PRs to discuss? (rainemak, 07:20:42)
    2. https://github.com/sailfishos/rust/pull/23 (flypig, 07:24:52)

  5. General discussion (10 mins) (rainemak, 07:27:05)
  6. Next meeting time and date (5 mins) (rainemak, 07:42:49)
    1. Next meeting will be held on Thursday 8th August 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-08-08T0700Z (rainemak, 07:47:30)

Meeting ended at 07:49:22 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. rainemak (79)
  2. flypig (22)
  3. direc85 (14)
  4. dcaliste (12)
  5. ExTechOp (9)
  6. TheKitchenSink (7)
  7. sailbot (2)
  8. Thaodan (2)
  9. Crabster (1)
  10. piggz[m] (1)

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