07:02:00 #startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 4th July 2024 07:02:00 Meeting started Thu Jul 4 07:02:00 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 07:02:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 07:02:01 #info Meeting information and agenda can be found here: 07:02:01 #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-4th-july-2024/19089 07:02:01 I am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive. 07:02:01 #topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info 07:02:10 #intro Otto Mäkelä, community 07:02:20 #info Raine Mäkeläinen, sailor @ Jolla, chairperson today 07:02:22 #info Otto Mäkelä, community 07:02:32 #info Matti Viljanen, community 07:02:36 #info Crabster - lurker 07:02:44 #info Björn Bidar, sailor @ Jolla 07:03:11 #info TheKitchenSink community 07:05:11 #topic Changing the weather provider for the next release (5mins -- asked by tuplasuhveli) 07:05:19 #info User @tohaturok was able to utilise OpenWeather API for 07:05:19 #info the Weather app. Have there been any plans or work done 07:05:19 #info to include this (or any other API change) to the upcoming 07:05:19 #info Sailfish release? 07:05:25 #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/change-weather-provider-to-yr-no-for-the-default-weather-app/18078/13 07:05:33 #info We have been following closely tohaturok's work. It's great work! 07:05:33 #info Same time we're progressing with open sourcing of the weather app 07:05:33 #info but requires still actions from our side. 07:05:42 I also commented to this matter right after tohaturok completed switch. 07:05:42 #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/change-weather-provider-to-yr-no-for-the-default-weather-app/18078/15 07:07:00 (also, for some reason, under the current Sauna release I have not been to get MeeCast to work as a weather data provider, or was this addressed somewhere?) 07:07:41 ExTechOp, I doubt that it has something to do with Sauna release 07:07:55 #info piggz communiy 07:08:13 ExTechOp, did you check this one https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/change-weather-provider-to-yr-no-for-the-default-weather-app/18078/20 07:08:17 #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/change-weather-provider-to-yr-no-for-the-default-weather-app/18078/20?u=rainemak 07:08:56 ExTechOp, working as a weather data provider leaves many open questions 07:08:58 Was about to link that. 4.6.0 disabled the weather widget by default. 07:10:19 ExTechOp, hopefully your MeeCast issue is only about the dconf 07:10:47 We have only two topics. Let's extend this by 5mins. 07:11:03 MeeCast gave me weather in the Events view, it no longer works after Sauna. Could of course be something else, will look at that. Thanks! 07:12:16 ExTechOp, no longer works or no longer visible 07:12:45 dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/force_weather_loading true 07:13:01 No longer visible, so sounds like its that 07:13:23 "To note that it takes effect when entering the events view again so it was open need to do couple of swipes to get out and back." 07:13:54 ExTechOp, great. Indeed sounds like this. 07:14:55 time to move on 07:15:01 #topic DBusInterface (Nemo.Dbus) docs and properties (5mins -- asked by rubdos) 07:15:07 And that indeed did work. Thanks! 07:15:14 Great! 07:15:22 #info DBusInterface is not very easy to work with in it’s current 07:15:22 #info state. According to the source code, it exposes some very useful 07:15:22 #info properties like a status field, but I haven’t been able to use it 07:15:22 #info yet. Any chance this gets documented? getProperty is also 07:15:22 #info undocumented, but is rather useful. Additionally, exposing DBus 07:15:24 #info properties as QML properties would be even more awesome! 07:15:24 #info 07:15:26 #info Currently, I’m using DBusInterface by updating some QML 07:15:28 #info properties when a signal comes in, and that sounds far from 07:15:30 #info ideal. 07:15:32 #link https://github.com/sailfishos/nemo-qml-plugin-dbus/blob/92ef3cde592458cded496293eeb30e6238763b78/src/plugin/declarativedbusinterface.cpp#L182 07:15:37 #link https://gitlab.com/whisperfish/whisperfish/-/merge_requests/598#note_1976614353 07:15:41 #link https://gitlab.com/whisperfish/whisperfish/-/merge_requests/598/diffs#e9b960c09e426eff2ff74126e613e8655a83d052_342_342 07:15:56 #info Note added regarding DBusInterface documentation. 07:15:56 #info When it comes to exposing D-Bus property as QML properties that is 07:15:56 #info quite a bit more complex that you may initially think. That would 07:15:56 #info likely require that developer using DBusInterface would need to 07:15:56 #info declare properties in QML and then through meta object 07:15:58 #info DBusInterface would update them given that those are declared in 07:15:59 #info the first place. 07:18:58 As usual contributions are welcome for the DBusInterface documentation itself. 07:20:04 Silence... 07:20:28 If no comments, time to move on 07:20:37 #topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) 07:20:42 #info Any open PRs to discuss? 07:23:15 I don't have an open PRs to mention, but it was nice to see all of the build chain improvements going through. 07:23:56 Yeap, it's getting better and better... step-by-step 07:24:27 This kind of changes are easier to handle by doing incremental updates 07:24:44 Similar changes that jlaakkonen is doing with connman 07:24:49 Is there a timeline for Rust 1.79? 07:24:52 https://github.com/sailfishos/rust/pull/23 07:25:18 Sorry, scroll bug... I'm here :) 07:25:39 Would need to check gecko build against that one 07:25:55 (you may have already discussed the Rust update, but I missed it if you did I'm afraid) 07:26:22 It sounds like there's some more to do before it goes through then. 07:26:45 shall we move to general discussion... we can continue this one there 07:26:58 Sounds good. 07:27:05 #topic General discussion (10 mins) 07:28:46 We'll have a look at improving the documentation 07:28:58 flypig, I'd interested to hook esr91 to our OBS. What's the status of the repositories. Of course, WebView, Browser, WebGL combo do not need to work on the wip branch. 07:30:52 I think the FIREFOX_ESR_91_9_X_RELBRANCH_patches branch, which is the ESR 91 branch I'm working on, should build and work. 07:30:52 Congratulations by the way flypig for your dedication. Seeing it working on the blog was a great achievement. 07:31:02 I'll also have to check on the status property, as rubdos[m] has the status property "doesn't seem to work" - I think that means onStatusChanged() doesn't work 07:33:21 direc85, declaring D-Bus properties as QML properties would be tricky. Think about QML property bindings and plausible mess that we'd cause when breaking them from C++ when D-Bus property changes. 07:34:19 Thanks dcaliste... finally my I've found a use for my pigheadedness ;) But I have to say it pales into comparison with your own dedication working on qmf etc. 07:34:40 dcaliste, totally agree! Huge effort and what a dedication & commitment from flypig 07:35:23 Thanks rainemak. Have to get it over the line now. 07:36:51 like commented on the last week's newsletter... I thinking that we'd pause irc meetings for time of July 07:37:02 I'm 07:37:42 Thank you flypig, indeed, I'm currently trying to upstream the SSO patch in QMF… It took me some months also, but not of daily work ! 07:38:41 Great work flypig, enjoy the latest win! 07:38:57 Thanks direc85 :) 07:38:59 rainemak, pausing seems fair to me. Many people will be on vacation. And if not it will be plenty of discussions ready for the restart. 07:39:11 dcaliste, so you have a link to the SSO patch? 07:39:33 The upstreaming : https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt-labs/messagingframework/+/573489?usp=search 07:40:01 And the original patch : https://github.com/sailfishos/messagingframework/blob/master/rpm/0003-SSO-integration.patch 07:40:17 I agree about pausing. It's nice to have the meetings, but I appreciate it's a lot of work and it's good to breath occasionally. 07:40:46 I'd say that we have seen great achievements from many! Being it gecko, qmf, llvm, rust, ... 07:40:47 The original was not upstreamable as is, because it created a hard dependency on SSO. So I've reworked it to put the SSO mechanism behind a plugin. 07:40:54 I agree too; I'll be away for some time as well 07:41:20 Thanks dcaliste. I'm out of touch here, but might this bring OAuth to IMAP? 07:41:37 Thank you rainemak :) 07:41:41 direc85, are you saying that when you update a properly, you'd expect a dbus signal to be emitted, but it's not? 07:41:43 Oh yes, if needed it won't be a lot of work. 07:41:57 dcaliste, that's really amazing! Wonderful! 07:42:46 moving on 07:42:49 #topic Next meeting time and date (5 mins) 07:42:56 Proposing Thursday 8th August at 07:00am UTC 07:43:19 flypig, do you know a server where I could test it ? I mean OAuth2 on imap ? gmail.com has its own XOAuth2 but I'm more thinking of OAUTHBEARER. My provider don't offer it… 07:43:29 If its ok I just have a quick question that can be addressed after the meeting from wintery land down under? and thanks to all of you for your work! 07:43:36 rainemak: LGTM 07:43:42 Then we could set a target for next community newsletter to 1st August 07:43:58 That 8th August would work. 07:44:05 That's fine with me rainemak. 07:44:14 dcaliste, not off the top of my head, but if I think of something open I'll let you know. 07:44:24 flypig, I think it's the other way around; when the DBus interface status changes, onStatusChanged(status) seems to not fire. The idea is to check that the DBus service exists so we can hide/show the relevant UI bits. 07:44:53 direc85, so the issue is for consuming a dbus service, not exposing one? 07:45:09 flypig, yes 07:45:17 direc85, I vaguely remember that we added some sort service registered 07:45:23 direc85, I see, thanks for clarifying. 07:45:36 Thank you flypig. 07:45:54 rainemak, thanks, I'll check that 07:46:04 It rings a bell of mine too... 07:46:18 Actually gmail.com also offers OAUTHBEARER, so I may test it with gmail… 07:46:28 TheKitchenSink, please do ask; nice to see you from down under! 07:46:37 watchServiceStatus: true 07:46:41 then status should work 07:46:49 Sha1 2ce103f2820cdaff2ce0136248bf85cd1df795b7 07:47:03 @Flypig thanks! - Hopefully this is an ok place for it but I was after an official answer (and am happy for that to be after the meeting) to my question in the forum - https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/volte-provider-support/11501/331 07:47:07 Asking/confirming if SailfishOS routes emergency calls for 000 (australia) / 112 over VoLTE (given the safety critical nature of my question in the face of a pending countrywide 3G shutdown in the next few months (and the fact I cant test it myself) if possible id like an official answer) but like I say happy for that to be in the forum after the meeting!/Taken on notice 07:47:30 #info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 8th August 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-08-08T0700Z 07:47:33 Aug 8th works for me tii 07:47:37 *too 07:47:41 I wish relaxing and sunny summer! 07:48:08 Thanks rainemak, you too! 07:48:27 Thank you everyone, have a good summer! 07:48:31 Thanks, enjoy the summer! It's been quite a nice one so far! 07:48:31 Thank you, happy summer (or winter) for all ! 07:48:50 Enjoy the winter.... Oh right summer for most of you! 07:48:52 Ah yes, TheKitchenSink, enjoy your winter break! 07:49:03 no break here! 6 months away for us! 07:49:10 See you in a month 07:49:16 its all upside down in the land downunder! 07:49:19 TheKitchenSink: I don't know the answer I'm afraid, but it looks like the sort of question that Jolla would want to give an official answer to. So would be a perfect question for the next meeting. 07:49:22 #endmeeting