07:00:07 <rainemak> #startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 8th August 2024
07:00:07 <sailbot> Meeting started Thu Aug  8 07:00:07 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
07:00:07 <sailbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
07:00:07 <rainemak> #info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:
07:00:07 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-8th-aug-2024/19334
07:00:07 <rainemak> I am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.
07:00:07 <rainemak> #topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info
07:00:54 <ExTechOp> #info Otto Mäkelä, community
07:00:55 <rainemak> Warm welcome for everybody and thanks for joining
07:01:02 <rainemak> #info Raine Mäkeläinen, sailor @ Jolla, chairperson today
07:01:12 <pvuorela> #info Pekka Vuorela, Jolla
07:01:13 <rainemak> welcome flypig
07:01:19 <rainemak> and pvuorela
07:01:27 <direc85> #info Matti Viljanen, community
07:01:28 <flypig> Good morning!
07:01:38 <flypig> #info David Llewellyn-Jones, community
07:01:49 <sebix[m]> #info sebix, community
07:02:24 <rainemak> nice to see people joining
07:03:15 <rainemak> we'll need to promote next meeting outside of the forum as well
07:03:42 <rainemak> welcome sebix[m] as well
07:04:26 <rainemak> only two questions today but reserved 20mins for general discussion
07:04:33 <rainemak> questions / topics
07:05:27 <rainemak> let's start
07:05:43 <rainemak> welcome TheKitchenSink, just-in-time
07:05:46 <rainemak> #topic Getting a confirmation from Jolla about VoLTE support for 000 / 112 emergency calls when t2G/3G network/s are shutdown (5mins -- asked by TheKitchenSink, Substitute flypig)
07:05:49 <TheKitchenSink> Thank you
07:05:56 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> I’m looking for an official answer to my question posted
07:05:56 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> on the forum here.
07:05:56 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> The shutdown of 3G in Australia is due to take place Aug
07:05:56 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> 31st 2024 in order to make 000 (our emergency number)
07:05:58 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> calls they will have to be routed over VoLTE after this
07:06:00 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> date and according to the guidance we are receiving from
07:06:02 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> our carriers not all phones/operating systems will do
07:06:04 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> this, so i’d like to confirm if mine will.
07:06:06 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink>
07:06:08 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> Evidently this applies to 911/112/999 in other countries
07:06:10 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> as well as more places shut 2G/3G services. My forum post
07:06:12 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> does link to some documentation provided to end users
07:06:14 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> about the pending shutdown and emergency call support. In
07:06:16 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> the event that Sailfish doesnt support this (or support
07:06:18 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> is some time away) this is something that needs to be
07:06:20 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> very clearly communicated due to its safety critical
07:06:22 <rainemak> #info <TheKitchenSink> nature.
07:06:24 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> We are testing with Finnish emergency call centre (hätäkeskus). On
07:06:28 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> next round, we are focusing our testing to the Jolla C2 Community
07:06:30 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Phone. We answer to the forum as well.
07:06:32 <rainemak> #info <Jolla>
07:06:34 <rainemak> #link https://112.fi/sijaintitieto
07:07:17 <TheKitchenSink> do you have any idea what the phone will try and do if i call 000 after the shutdown?
07:07:21 <sebix[m]> So it won't be ready before Aug 31st?
07:08:33 <rainemak> sebix[m], nope, unfortunately not. Will that mentioned Australian operator shutdown both 2G and 3G services.
07:08:44 <rainemak> or TheKitchenSink
07:08:50 <TheKitchenSink> every australian network is turning off 3g
07:08:54 <direc85> I guess it tries to find any working network to dial through that...
07:08:58 <TheKitchenSink> so there will be zero coverage countrywide
07:09:01 <rainemak> usually they leave 2G as a backup
07:09:09 <TheKitchenSink> no 2g either
07:09:29 <TheKitchenSink> This article explains the 3G network closures, VoLTE capable phones, and VoLTE Emergency Call capability, which is important to understand so that you can continue making calls, including to Triple Zero (000), when 3G networks are switched off in Australia. It is essential you have a phone capable of VoLTE Emergency Calls, otherwise you will not be able to make calls to Triple Zero (000) when the 3G networks are
07:09:37 <TheKitchenSink> is the official advice
07:09:44 <TheKitchenSink> https://amta.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Understanding-VoLTE-and-Emergency-Calls-ahead-of-3G-Closure.pdf
07:11:15 <rainemak> One thing that I would like to add is that we have seen in various occasions that operators can configure their networks very differently.
07:11:42 <flypig> Is there a way to test without calling the number? My guess is there isn't (or someone would have mentioned it), but something like that'd be helpful given all the different operators Sailfish users are using.
07:12:10 <TheKitchenSink> not that i know of
07:12:21 <TheKitchenSink> i know there is an established protocol for corporate testing
07:12:28 <TheKitchenSink> but not for end users
07:12:34 <rainemak> that's why we need to reserve a special slot from local emergency call centre
07:12:48 <flypig> Thanks for clarifying TheKitchenSink.
07:13:20 <rainemak> but we do have cellular network testers that can be used for testing but those are not 4G capable
07:14:03 <sebix[m]> So the best what Australians can do, is the C2?
07:14:31 <rainemak> sebix[m], I'd assume Xperia series is the same
07:14:38 <rainemak> oops, forgot to follow timing
07:14:51 <direc85> Is there no Sony Xperia 10 III available in Australia(n frequencies)?
07:15:05 <rainemak> do we need extra time for time?
07:15:23 <TheKitchenSink> the 10 iii works with volte in aus
07:15:42 <TheKitchenSink> the question is does it route emergency calls
07:15:55 <rainemak> Adding 5 more mins, so topic ending 20mins past
07:15:55 <TheKitchenSink> and i think so @rainemak
07:17:41 <TheKitchenSink> what i have heard is that it might be modem firmware related
07:17:45 <TheKitchenSink> so a question for sony
07:18:15 <rainemak> I vaguely remember that emergency call numbers are checked from low level things... With that I'd assume that 000, 112, 911, etc would work. I didn't even know that 000 exists.
07:18:25 <TheKitchenSink> but the relevant stanrd for aus is E000 support, and the international standard we have been told to look for is "VoLTE Emergency Call capability"
07:18:56 <rainemak> That's heard and as said we'll reply to forum as well
07:19:05 <TheKitchenSink> according to the warnings we are getting some phones wont use volte for emergency calls even if they use volte the rest of the time
07:20:11 <rainemak> alright, hopefully this discussion shed light on this topic
07:20:20 <rainemak> let's move on
07:20:21 <rainemak> #topic Jolla blog updates (5mins -- asked by b100dian)
07:20:26 <rainemak> #info <b100dian> Is there any reason the recent developments (e.g. 4.6, mind2
07:20:26 <rainemak> #info <b100dian> etc) where not also blogged about? I would assume that you’re
07:20:26 <rainemak> #info <b100dian> going to when new devices are supported, but you used to update
07:20:26 <rainemak> #info <b100dian> on dot releases too.
07:20:27 <TheKitchenSink> yes thanks
07:20:58 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> The Sailfish OS Forum is more suitable for writing about recent
07:20:58 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> developments. Thinking is that we would be steering this kind of
07:20:58 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> communication to the Forum as it is also more suitable for
07:20:58 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> discussion. That said, you are right that we have not blogged
07:20:58 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> recently, but we have not abandoning our blog either.
07:22:01 <rainemak> Let's see what we write to the blog next :-)
07:22:44 <rainemak> Question to you, do you see it similar that even technical / development topics should go to forum.
07:22:46 <rainemak> ?
07:23:45 <sebix[m]> High level information to the blog, details to the forum?
07:23:46 <direc85> I have enjoyed the blog posts, but the newsletter has been great too
07:23:47 <rainemak> I think lively discussion on this kind of matters would be of a great help for the whole Sailfish OS community
07:24:15 <rainemak> and blog doesn't really support well discussion part
07:25:11 <sebix[m]> Anyone interested in jolla/SFOS will first go to the website and then sees the last news is 1½ years old
07:25:21 <rainemak> sebix[m], something like that yes whilst the line between them is thin.
07:25:27 <direc85> Blog posts could attract more attention outside the community, so using that for "bigger milestones" could work
07:25:43 <ExTechOp> Blog posts also hit social media better.
07:26:10 <rainemak> sebix[m], direc85, ExTechOp : good known feedback
07:26:20 <flypig> It's a good point about the blog getting more coverage. But I also think that's one of the reasons the forum makes it easier for Jolla to post more frequently. It can be a bit more relaxed.
07:26:35 <rainemak> flypig, correct
07:26:55 <rainemak> and it might be we steer also blog posting to more relaxed direction
07:27:00 <rainemak> to be seen
07:27:15 <sebix[m]> Let the Mind 2 do the conversion of a forum post to a blog post 😜
07:27:29 <flypig> Haha; love that idea :)
07:27:48 <rainemak> 5 extra mins for this, topic ending 30mins past
07:28:27 <ljo_> Independent of channel, please add links the now available peertube videos if linking to YT
07:28:41 <rainemak> as an example, blog could have also discussion / interviews with community members let's say
07:28:58 <flypig> ljo_, do you have a link you can share here?
07:29:40 <sebix[m]> You can also remove the comment function in the blog entirely and instead use the forum for that purpose.
07:30:10 <flypig> I'd love to hear from different users all over the world how they're using Sailfish OS/M2.
07:30:23 <rainemak> regarding social media... we also have now Mastodon account (abusing the topic a bit)
07:30:25 <rainemak> #info Follow us in Mastodon
07:30:25 <rainemak> #link https://techhub.social/@jolla
07:30:50 <rainemak> let's move on
07:31:00 <rainemak> #topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)
07:31:02 <flypig> I'm so happy about Jolla being on Mastodon :)
07:31:26 <rainemak> ^ let's advertise our next community meeting there as well
07:31:26 <ljo_> flypig: Here is the  channel: https://friprogramvarusyndikatet.tv/c/jolla, and lateat video with 13 views already: https://friprogramvarusyndikatet.tv/w/g7Kr2kfZWST6RnpdWCdSrZ
07:31:31 <direc85> I am too :)
07:32:08 <flypig> Sorry, the topic has overspilled a bit, but thank you ljo_, really appreciate it!
07:32:09 <ljo_> +1
07:32:16 <rainemak> +1
07:32:21 <rainemak> flypig, no worry
07:32:53 <rainemak> maybe not too many PRs discussion due to summer time
07:33:07 <rainemak> summer time over here, let's say
07:34:48 <rainemak> #topic General discussion (20 mins)
07:35:05 <flypig> rainemak: you commented on some browser PRs (thank you!) and I've not had a chance to act on them; sorry for that.
07:35:21 <sebix[m]> How are the sales for the C2 going?
07:35:30 <ExTechOp> So, we are in August now. There is a lot of info about the C2, but what is the expected schedule for the Sony Xperia 10IV and V ports (I assume SFOS 5.0 also)?
07:35:30 <ExTechOp> There is a note on Mastodon about the camera being disabled in the first release, are other old bugs (like losing sound, not having echo cancellation) resolved?
07:38:21 <Thaodan> Echo cancellation  not working/buggy was related to the adaptation/version of the odm/blobs this time we have much newer blobs.
07:38:23 <rainemak> flypig, thanks, no worry. Struggling myself with the engine on top of 4.6.0 and devel -- could be wayland protocol related, don't know. Your version and my version with fixes (clang, glibc, rust) work on top of 4.5.0 device. Need to do small quirks to get my 5.0.0 build working on top 4.5.0 image.
07:40:13 <flypig> Thanks for all your work trying it on different builds. I'll upgrade my dev device to 4.6.0 next week and try to contribute to finding the wayland issue.
07:40:20 <direc85> As a side note, it's great to see rapid development happening on all fronts, especially after all the difficulties last year!
07:40:33 <flypig> direc85: +1 to that.
07:40:47 <rainemak> sebix[m], going steadily. Regarding the final payment, each and everybody will receive a personal link for it. You can be rest assured we won't request the final payment until we are clear with the final delivery schedule of the limited batch.
07:41:37 <direc85> All* my devices are at 4.6 already so I'd need to flash 4.5 to test the browser. I understood there's no older flashable images available, correct?
07:41:52 <rainemak> ExTechOp, I do have my fingers crossed still that we'd get fixed vendor blobs so that we'd not need to release it with disabled camera
07:42:47 <rainemak> With current blobs, Xperia 10 V also has an issue with battery status indication not updating <= fixes were provided but we have not yet received newer build
07:43:08 <direc85> I'm equally waiting for newer bolbs on X10III :)
07:43:25 <flypig> direc85, you have the moral high ground then :D I should have upgraded mine to 4.6 already too.
07:44:02 <Thaodan> But the fix is trivial, it's just adding the missing blob so battery status should be very likely unless something else comes up.
07:44:20 <rainemak> Xperia 10 V is usable as battery life lasts a day or so... but if you use it heavily, sudden shutdown is not nice after running out of battery.
07:44:46 <rainemak> flypig, better leave also 4.5.0 as a backup
07:44:49 <Thaodan> Regarding older devices we have  to have a way to work with community to update them to newer Android releases.
07:45:20 <rainemak> flypig, applies for both device and dev env... for dev env, just create a new 4.6.0 target next to the 4.5.0
07:46:10 <flypig> rainemak, yes, I don't have any excuse for not updating to the new dev env given how easy it is to switch.
07:46:26 <rainemak> direc85, it's not about flashable or not... on top of 4.6.0 esr91 crash on about first swap right after external glcontext creation.
07:47:58 <rainemak> #info If you haven't yet replied to C2 feedback survey, please give a look
07:48:01 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/jolla-c2-community-phone-your-feedback-is-needed/19522
07:49:30 <rainemak> Planned closing date is 18th Aug. As it's a planned date, it might move forward. Thing is that we do need to get survey results on our hands early enough so that we have a chance to respond, plan, act, etc.
07:50:15 <rainemak> 5mins left
07:52:29 <direc85> flypig, are there a lot of tasks (besides cleanup) with esr91 still?
07:52:32 <rainemak> flypig, great progress with esr91! I just love to follow your blog about it.
07:53:24 <direc85> flypig, also, it's been very uplifting to see all the bufs getting squashed and features working!
07:53:32 <direc85> *bugs
07:53:39 <ljo_> +1
07:53:42 <flypig> Thank you. And good question direc85. Audio and video, a width bug, clean up and fixing this wayland issue are the things I have in my head currently.
07:54:03 <rainemak> let's up with audio and video?
07:54:16 <flypig> I've not applied the patches yet :)
07:54:21 <rainemak> :-)
07:54:37 <flypig> It might be super-simple to apply them. I'm hoping so, but you never know...
07:54:46 <rainemak> I feel that
07:55:01 <rainemak> let's start wrapping up
07:55:13 <rainemak> and schedule next meeting
07:55:22 <rainemak> #topic Next meeting time and date (5 mins)
07:55:31 <rainemak> Proposing Thursday 22nd August at 07:00am UTC
07:55:45 <rainemak> So back to normal rhythm
07:55:52 <direc85> lgtm
07:56:06 <flypig> +1 lgtm!
07:57:42 <ExTechOp> Sounds good.
07:58:00 <rainemak> let's try to attract new comers by promoting next meeting on Mastodon
07:58:05 <ljo_> On holiday, but  good chances progress on M2 language addition then
07:58:20 <rainemak> Great
07:58:32 <rainemak> #info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 22nd August 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-08-22T0700Z
07:58:55 <rainemak> Happy to see you all! Thank you everybody!
07:59:07 <ExTechOp> Thanks everyone!
07:59:14 <rainemak> #endmeeting