================================================================================== #sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 5th September 2024 ================================================================================== Meeting started by rainemak at 07:00:19 UTC. The full logs are available at https://irclogs.sailfishos.org/meetings/sailfishos-meeting/2024/sailfishos-meeting.2024-09-05-07.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Meeting information and agenda can be found here: (rainemak, 07:00:20) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-5th-september-2024/19811 (rainemak, 07:00:20) * Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info (rainemak, 07:00:20) * Otto Mäkelä, community (ExTechOp, 07:00:39) * Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla (rainemak, 07:00:49) * Vlad G., community (b100dian[m], 07:01:22) * Matti Viljanen, Sailor @ Jolla (direc85, 07:02:01) * Björn Bidar, Sailor @ Jolla (Thaodan, 07:03:40) * Is Jolla C2 new telephony stack going to be open source, including VoLTE/5G? (10 mins -- asked by vlagged) (rainemak, 07:05:16) * Some details about the topic: The “Jolla C2 Community Phone (rainemak, 07:05:16) * deliveries 3” thread starts with the mention of a new Android 13+ (rainemak, 07:05:16) * telephony stack and the recent messages there asked for support (rainemak, 07:05:16) * testing the VoLTE compatibility. As the previous VoLTE (rainemak, 07:05:16) * implementation was proprietary, I would like to know if the next (rainemak, 07:05:18) * one will have a brighter future and be open sourced. The next best (rainemak, 07:05:20) * thing - will packages be available to community ports? Thanks! (rainemak, 07:05:22) * Jolla C2 is a unisoc device. For VoLTE this means that ofono (rainemak, 07:06:26) * vendor plugin will be for unisoc hardware adaptation. Similarly as (rainemak, 07:06:26) * there is that qti plugin. Whether it is then open sourced eventually (rainemak, 07:06:26) * or not is more complex question as there's a vendor dependency. (rainemak, 07:06:26) * Let's make first a solid VoLTE for Jolla C2. (rainemak, 07:06:26) * piggz community porter (piggz[m], 07:06:51) * Damien Caliste, community (dcaliste, 07:07:02) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-news-29th-august-2024-c2-update/19793/7 (b100dian[m], 07:10:20) * The answer partially covered already in the forum (rainemak, 07:10:22) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-news-29th-august-2024-c2-update/19793/7 (rainemak, 07:10:25) * Replacing device lock maximum attempts with attempt delays (10 mins -- asked by pvuorela) (rainemak, 07:15:39) * The device lock settings has had configurable maximum attempts. (rainemak, 07:15:39) * When that is reached, the device is put into locked state. The (rainemak, 07:15:39) * setting has been vague on the UI, not fully explaining what it (rainemak, 07:15:39) * does, and also dangerous as unlock attempts might happen (rainemak, 07:15:39) * unintended in a pocket, or by a toddler, etc. It hasn’t protected (rainemak, 07:15:43) * the sensitive data too well either as nothing gets done to that. (rainemak, 07:15:45) * So instead of configurable maximum attempts, we are considering (rainemak, 07:15:47) * adding pauses on retries after too many failed attempts in short (rainemak, 07:15:49) * time. (rainemak, 07:15:51) * LINK: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/how-to-unlock-the-encryption-of-your-home-if-you-dont-know-your-lock-code-bruteforce/3004/8 (direc85, 07:27:51) * No strong comments / feelings against pvuorela's proposal (rainemak, 07:31:24) * Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (rainemak, 07:31:32) * General discussion (10 mins) (rainemak, 07:40:25) * Next meeting time and date (5 mins) (rainemak, 07:52:31) * LINK: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFcbasJX67Fu-aGxxQ (Thaodan, 08:00:29) * Next meeting will be held on Thursday 19th September 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-09-19T0700Z (rainemak, 08:00:46) Meeting ended at 08:00:53 UTC. Action Items ------------ Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * rainemak (84) * Thaodan (27) * b100dian[m] (10) * direc85 (10) * ExTechOp (8) * piggz[m] (8) * Brian_ (7) * pvuorela (6) * dcaliste (5) * sailbot (2) * rubdos[m] (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot