07:02:06 <rainemak> #startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024
07:02:06 <sailbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 17 07:02:06 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
07:02:06 <sailbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
07:02:13 <rainemak> #info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:
07:02:13 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-17th-october-2024/20226
07:02:13 <rainemak> I am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.
07:02:17 <rainemak> #topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info
07:02:19 <rainemak> Sorry for being a bit late
07:02:37 <piggz[m]> #info piggz community
07:02:57 <piggz[m]> Gm flypig
07:02:59 <ExTechOp> #info Otto Mäkelä, community
07:03:05 <flypig> Morning!
07:03:08 <direc85> #info Matti Viljanen, Jolla
07:03:14 <flypig> #info David Llewellyn-Jones, community
07:03:29 <Crabster> #info Crabster - lurker
07:03:58 <rainemak> #info Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla
07:04:11 <pvuorela> #info Pekka Vuorela, Jolla
07:04:49 <sebix[m]> #info Sebix, community
07:05:56 <rainemak> alright, let's get started
07:06:03 <rainemak> #topic What are Jolla’s plans on re-releasing the ca. 15 Open Source Software components at GitHub (2 mins -- asked by olf)
07:06:10 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-17th-october-2024/20226/2
07:06:35 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Too long question to be pasted here. Hence, above link. Yes, there
07:06:35 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> are components in the roadmap that we're planning to open source.
07:07:09 <dcaliste> #info Damien Caliste, community
07:08:57 <rainemak> Next topic is similar. So, maybe we move there already.
07:08:58 <sebix[m]> Is that the complete answer?
07:09:09 <rainemak> yes
07:09:16 <rainemak> #topic Jolla Weather App (2 mins -- asked by cquence)
07:09:39 <rainemak> #info <cquence> Any updates on restoring/opensourcing/creating a plug-in
07:09:40 <rainemak> #info <cquence> architecture to load custom weather backends for the weather
07:09:40 <rainemak> #info <cquence> application? I really like MeeCast but I do miss the original
07:09:40 <rainemak> #info <cquence> Jolla weather app.
07:10:11 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Same as above. Plug-in architecture might be a good idea how ever #info <Jolla> APIs tend to be quite service specific. How would like to see
07:10:11 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> architecture evolving?
07:10:59 <ExTechOp> Any info on the time scale for this?
07:12:10 <rainemak> On the roadmap, hoping to get some of them out still during fall.
07:15:19 <rainemak> #topic Decouple the device encryption password with the login screen (2mins asked by Systematics)
07:15:26 <rainemak> #info <Systematics> As raised concern in previous meetings I would like to use a
07:15:26 <rainemak> #info <Systematics> long and complex device encryption password for my
07:15:26 <rainemak> #info <Systematics> smartphone. Without a fingerprint reader I would need to type
07:15:26 <rainemak> #info <Systematics> the long and complex password (special characters) every time
07:15:26 <rainemak> #info <Systematics> if I want to unlock my phone. The C2 does not have a
07:15:27 <rainemak> #info <Systematics> fingerprint reader. What is the current state of decoupling
07:15:29 <rainemak> #info <Systematics> the password?
07:15:39 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Thanks for raising this again. We have not implemented anything on
07:15:39 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> this regards but this is not forgotten either. This keeps popping
07:15:39 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> up every-now-and-then.
07:17:13 <rainemak> Maybe somebody could remind me but I do not think we promised to implement this. Implementing this add extra bit of complexity to the device lock handling.
07:17:28 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/allow-to-decouple-luks-password-from-used-security-code/7950
07:18:14 <piggz[m]> Reminder, community ports already have this :)
07:19:36 <rainemak> yeap
07:20:28 <rainemak> a question: how frequently you shutdown your device?
07:21:31 <direc85> As rarely as I can :)
07:21:33 <piggz[m]> Well, probably too regularly. Waydroid on volla x23 can leak quite the ram, and too often i have to reboot, but thats an issue for me, not generally :)
07:21:36 <ExTechOp> Not that often, maybe every couple of weeks.
07:22:28 <direc85> Typically it's the X10III pulseaudio bug that forces me to reboot. Restarting the service doesn't always restore the audio in phone calls. Something like once every 2-3 weeks.
07:22:58 <sebix[m]> At least daily or until I lose audio in phone calls and have to reboot quickly :/
07:25:14 <rainemak> same for myself, as rarely as I can => thus I do not really unlock the luks too often. So likely, my device would be already unlocked state if I'd loose it.
07:26:53 <rainemak> Thanks for the answers. Shall we move on.
07:27:16 <rainemak> #topic SB2 bugs prevalent in Qt6 builds (7mins asked by rinigus)
07:27:34 <ExTechOp> direc85 It'd be nice if that finally got fixed
07:27:35 <rainemak> #info <rinigus> We have frequently wrong permissions for files that were
07:27:35 <rainemak> #info <rinigus> generated during package builds of Qt6. Similar was for Qt515.
07:27:35 <rainemak> #info <rinigus> Corresponding bug report was filed a while ago. Any progress
07:27:35 <rainemak> #info <rinigus> regarding it?
07:27:35 <rainemak> #info <rinigus>
07:27:37 <rainemak> #info <rinigus> Corresponding bug: SDK sometimes creates files with 000
07:27:38 <rainemak> #info <rinigus> permissions
07:27:40 <rainemak> #info <rinigus>
07:27:42 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sdk-sometimes-creates-files-with-000-permissions/15140
07:27:44 <rainemak> #info <rinigus>
07:27:48 <rainemak> #info <rinigus> Bug report updated with the example from Qt6 build.
07:29:55 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Some of did poke this or something similar. We'll update rinigus
07:29:56 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> and piggz you directly once we have something.
07:30:04 <piggz[m]> Eager to get a fix for this one :)
07:30:42 <piggz[m]> Qt6 is expected to hit chum soon (tm)
07:30:52 <rainemak> that's by the way nice works!
07:31:13 <piggz[m]> Ta :)
07:32:03 <rainemak> pvuorela, direc85, by any chance do you recall who did see this? Maybe it was mal who commented about the above?
07:32:49 <flypig> Out of curiosity, do you know which part of the toolchain is writing the wrong permissions?
07:32:49 <direc85> I remeber some conversation in #sailfishos, I'll have a peek there.
07:33:33 <rainemak> generally speaking, sb2 may cause troubles like it did when we first introduced rust
07:33:35 <pvuorela> i have no idea here.
07:33:37 <piggz[m]> Flypig mostly the part that writes *.qmltypes files
07:34:41 <rainemak> I'm not too into this topic but I'd expect that sb2 lua scripts could lead to something
07:34:50 <flypig> Thanks :) I don't know which bit does that off the top of my head... the qmoc compiler?
07:35:00 <ViGe> no it's not that
07:35:19 <ViGe> it was something something qmlregistersomething
07:35:39 <flypig> Okay, thanks. That's interesting (just curiousity).
07:35:53 <piggz[m]> Flypig, i cant remember rn, but something like vige says, will be in some logs
07:36:01 <ViGe> Looks like the logfile is already gone from OBS :( or at least I can't find it now
07:38:52 <rainemak> I'd say that we do not to need to solve this right now. Same time it sounds we get good start with this topic already. Nice to see ViGe as well.
07:39:06 <piggz[m]> Qmltyperegistrar
07:39:32 <ViGe> rainemak: I almost missed this again, I should have some alarm for these meetings...
07:40:12 <rainemak> let's move on
07:40:19 <ViGe> It might be that the easiest fix is to accelerate qmltyperegistrar. Or then see what it does and really fix the underlying issue which is most likely in sb2.
07:40:27 <rainemak> #topic SFOS 5.0 telephony and data stack (5mins asked by cquence)
07:40:28 <direc85> It was mal who commented on that, but there's not much to add here.
07:40:42 <rainemak> #info <cquence> Can you please provide some clarification whether the new
07:40:42 <rainemak> #info <cquence> telephony and data stack will become the new standard for all
07:40:42 <rainemak> #info <cquence> devices? If not, which devices will be getting it? Since C2
07:40:42 <rainemak> #info <cquence> doesn’t support 5G, what are the plans for enabling 5G in this
07:40:42 <rainemak> #info <cquence> new stack? Will you be using a different device for development?
07:40:43 <rainemak> #info <cquence> Any information you can share will be helpful.
07:41:12 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Eventually it'll replaces current approach. There are hardware
07:41:13 <rainemak> adaptation specific bits as well. Xperia 10 IV and 10 V are still using older approach.
07:41:32 <rainemak> let's try again...
07:41:33 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Eventually it'll replaces current approach. There are hardware
07:41:33 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> adaptation specific bits as well. Xperia 10 IV and 10 V are still
07:41:33 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> using older approach.
07:44:22 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-news-29th-august-2024-c2-update/19793/7
07:46:24 <rainemak> I guess, nothing more to update on this.
07:46:29 <flypig> Is this AIDL telephony interface due to a move to Android 13?
07:46:53 <rainemak> A13 but I don't know why for example Sony still uses HIDL
07:47:25 <rainemak> there's by the weird IDL misinterpretation in Android sources
07:47:26 <flypig> Thanks (and sorry, I didn't read that entire thread, so it's probably all there already).
07:49:22 <rainemak> I cannot find it now... something regarding definition vs description somewhere
07:49:47 <rainemak> moving on
07:49:47 <rainemak> #topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)
07:50:12 <rainemak> we don't need to use 5mins here if not really needed
07:50:41 <rainemak> I'd rather leave more time for general discussion if there's need for that
07:52:01 <rainemak> let's move to general... we can continue PR discussion there as well if needed
07:52:07 <rainemak> #topic General discussion (7 mins)
07:53:37 <rainemak> We're eagerly waiting to get Jolla C2s to our logistic partner here @ Tampere Finland
07:55:18 <piggz[m]> Wondering if i should have got a c2 ......
07:57:17 <ExTechOp> I've now installed Sailfish on my Sony Xperia 10V (works fine as far as it goes), and am interested in knowing how things are expected to proceed?
07:57:32 <flypig> I'm certainly excited to find out what the phone is like... it looks great in the videos, but that never gives a full picture.
07:57:50 <flypig> The shop currently says "sold out" for the C2, but is the plan to reopen orders once it starts to ship?
07:57:54 <ViGe> I was also too slow in making up my mind and was faced with the "sold out" text when I was finally ready to order one :(
07:58:24 <flypig> ExTechOp: could you elaborate on "as far as it goes"? I've not had time to flash my 10V yet, so wondering what to expect.
07:58:51 <rainemak> ExTechOp, once we have new vendor blobs that are working better we do a hotfix to re-enable camera and give instructions how to update 10 IV and 10 V
07:58:57 <ExTechOp> The mentioned problems of charge levels not updating and so on.
07:59:38 <rainemak> we're running out of time
07:59:46 <flypig> ViGe: I remember that happening to me with the original C. It's always a shame if you *want* to buy it but can't!
07:59:48 <ExTechOp> rainemak Thanks for the update!
08:00:36 <rainemak> flypig, let's figure out a link for you regarding known issues
08:00:40 <rainemak> #topic Next meeting time and date (1 min)
08:00:45 <rainemak> Proposing Thursday 31st October at 07:00am UTC
08:01:10 <flypig> rainemak: thank you, your discussion already helped (I shouldn't hold back from installing).
08:01:16 <flypig> Halloween
08:01:24 <rainemak> ah, true that
08:01:55 <rainemak> would it still work
08:02:25 <flypig> LGTM!
08:02:39 <rainemak> #info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 31st October 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-10-31T0700Z
08:02:40 <ViGe> works for me, I already added a reminder to my calendar :-D
08:02:42 <ExTechOp> Indeed, do we have people from countries who have that day off?
08:02:46 <flypig> Sorry, my Halloween comment was just an observation, not a reason not to have the meeting!
08:03:05 <flypig> ExTechOp, are there any?
08:03:41 <rainemak> That is it for this week. Thank you all!
08:04:02 <rainemak> #endmeeting