08:01:13 #startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 12th December 2024 08:01:17 Meeting started Thu Dec 12 08:01:13 2024 UTC. The chair is pvuorela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:01:31 #info Meeting information and agenda can be found here: 08:01:37 #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-12th-december-2024/21250 08:01:46 I am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive. 08:01:50 #topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info 08:02:08 #info Pekka Vuorela, Jolla 08:02:19 #info Matti Viljanen, Jolla 08:02:49 #info David Llewellyn-Jones, community 08:02:54 #info Crabster - lurker 08:03:52 #info Ville Nummela, community 08:06:30 a bit quiet today. 08:06:51 also no topics suggested for the meeting. we'll have the common items for open PRs and the generic discussion. 08:06:59 #topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) 08:07:53 do we have aything needing discussion? 08:08:27 It's not an open PR, but did I see correctly that Mal fixed Gecko rendering for native ports? 08:08:39 https://github.com/sailfishos/gecko-dev/pull/169 08:09:16 yea, something on that direction. 08:09:39 That's really excellent to hear. Great job! 08:10:29 indeed! 08:12:27 maybe that's about the PRs, moving forward. 08:12:38 #topic General discussion (10 mins) 08:12:58 from our side at least couple things worth noting: 08:13:07 #info Mind2 live stream today at 12:00 EET, https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/jolla-mind2-the-birth-live-stream/21323 08:13:11 that's in a couple of hours 08:13:27 91 minutes :) 08:13:48 #info Sailfish 5.0 RC5 is coming up. Includes VoLTE for C2 and bug fixes. Also planned to be used for the next C2 batch. 08:14:28 Unfortunately I can't make it live, but I suppose the recording will remain on YouTube? 08:15:29 i'm not sure myself, but maybe 08:16:17 Okay, hopefully; we'll see! 08:21:23 Good to hear about RC5. Is it an OTA update for all official devices? 08:21:23 #info Otto Mäkelä, community (coming in very late) 08:21:59 Morning ExTechOp! 08:22:34 flypigSailfishOS[m]: let's see, hoping we could get this released finalized for all soon. 08:22:36 Like flypigSailfishOS[m] asked, do we have any more info on firmware updates to Sony Xperia 10V ? 08:24:08 i think there were some udpates but also some problems just using new blobs. might require some changes elsewhere. or something on that direction. 08:25:09 On a separate topic, has Jolla finalised its plans for FOSDEM in February? 08:25:55 i don't myself know much on that front. 08:26:07 I'm really hoping that some of you will join the Linux on Mobile stand (Sailfish OS will be represented there of course!) 08:26:26 would be good indeed. 08:27:35 And it would be great to have a BoF as in previous years. Anyway, if/when there's news, please share :) 08:27:53 i can note raine that you asked 08:28:09 Thank you! 08:30:02 ok, 10 minutes passed some time ago already. 08:30:14 if no other things, we could finalize the meeting 08:30:27 #topic Next meeting time and date (2 min) 08:30:38 The usual 2 week meeting schedule would get us 26th day in the middle of Christmas, and week later for 2nd of January isn't much better. 08:30:42 Our proposal is to start the year at 9th of January with either meeting or newsletter. 08:30:44 There's a in gap in the schedules and we're not yet sure which suits us better to have first. 08:30:47 We should have better idea on that next week, and decide between the two. 08:31:45 Sounds good. Plenty of time to check the forum for the date between now and then. 08:32:27 good good, let's do it so 08:32:39 #info Next meeting will be held either on Thursday 9th or 16th January 2025 at 08:00am UTC: 2024-10-31T0800Z, date to be confirmed next week 08:32:44 Please announce the date before leaving for christmas holidays though 08:32:51 ViGe: yes, that's the plan. 08:33:23 #endmeeting