08:00:08 <rainemak> #startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 30th January 2025
08:00:08 <sailbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 30 08:00:08 2025 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
08:00:08 <sailbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
08:00:16 <rainemak> #info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:
08:00:16 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-30th-january-2025/21721
08:00:16 <rainemak> I am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.
08:00:16 <rainemak> #topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info
08:00:23 <rainemak> #info Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla
08:00:33 <ViGe> #info Ville Nummela, community
08:01:20 <Crabster> #info Crabster - lurker
08:02:02 <abr> #info Andrew Branson - sailing by
08:02:18 <toastal> #info toastal, community
08:02:19 <direc85[m]> #info Matti Viljanen, Jolla
08:04:38 <rainemak> Proposing that we spend a bit of time for FOSDEM as few us are going there
08:04:52 <rainemak> then leaving still good amount of time for general discussion
08:05:08 <rainemak> welcome all
08:05:35 <rainemak> #topic FOSDEM 2025 (10mins -- asked by Jolla)
08:06:22 <rainemak> Here's various related links
08:06:31 <rainemak> #info Forum FOSDEM 2025 topic
08:06:31 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/fosdem25-stand/20747
08:06:31 <rainemak> #info Flypig's talk on mobile browser
08:06:31 <rainemak> #link https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-6411-mobile-browsers-the-best-of-times-the-worst-of-times/
08:06:31 <rainemak> #info Sailfish Community Meetup 1st February 2025 Brussels - Sat 8:30 PM
08:06:33 <rainemak> #link https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-meetup-1st-february-2025-brussels/21765/9
08:06:36 <rainemak> #info Sailfish OS Community BoF on Sun 11:30 AM
08:06:38 <rainemak> #link https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-6773-sailfish-os-community-bof/
08:06:40 <rainemak> We try to organize another BoF as well. Let's see.
08:06:59 <dcaliste> #info Damien Caliste, community
08:07:02 <rainemak> Let's utilize that FOSDEM 2025 forum thread as well
08:07:07 <rainemak> hello dcaliste
08:07:08 <dcaliste> Sorry to be late.
08:07:13 <rainemak> np
08:08:12 <rainemak> for the Sailfish BoF we try to organize some kind of a stream or way to follow also remotely
08:08:41 <rainemak> or let's say we were bouncing that idea with abr
08:09:06 <toastal> Are FOSDEM talks recorded/posted? I coincidentally just read the blog post about the browser & would love to see the talk.
08:09:24 <rainemak> talks are recorded
08:09:46 <rainemak> I don't recall whether BoFs are
08:11:05 <rainemak> thank you everybody helping to organize all sort of things
08:11:48 <rainemak> surely there are tons great tracks to follow...
08:15:20 <rainemak> few sailors traveling to FOSDEM on Friday afternoon - so you should have a good chance to meet us there
08:15:23 <abr> No the BoFs aren't if I remember right. We just get a conference room to ourselves.
08:16:57 <rainemak> let's move on...
08:17:02 <rainemak> #topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)
08:17:31 <dcaliste> It could become a interesting reading in the community newsletter if someone summarizes the discussions in the BoF.
08:18:19 <rainemak> dcaliste, that's good idea... also summing up FOSDEM happening in general
08:18:51 <rainemak> BoF summary could be a post of it's own as well
08:19:24 <dcaliste> It won't be as nice and interesting as being there, but well...
08:19:25 <rainemak> let's continue Fosdem related things on general discussion
08:20:54 <rainemak> anybody, open PRs? pvuorela, dcaliste, abr, flypig[m], ?
08:21:38 <dcaliste> Not now, several discussions are going on about QMF.
08:21:46 <rainemak> That's good
08:22:17 <rainemak> let's move to the general discussion then...
08:22:21 <pvuorela> yea, nothing special to discuss for me, but the qmf stuff has been progressing nicely.
08:22:31 <rainemak> #topic General discussion (30 mins)
08:22:38 <rainemak> #info We have now community calendar - thank you abr
08:22:38 <rainemak> #link https://docs.sailfishos.org/Support/community.ics
08:22:39 <rainemak> Contributions via https://github.com/sailfishos/docs.sailfishos.org
08:22:39 <rainemak> Example https://github.com/sailfishos/docs.sailfishos.org/pull/433
08:23:33 <dcaliste> Yeh thank you, and it was a good idea to use UTC and get rid of the timezone defintion.
08:24:29 <rainemak> Sailfish BoF via sailfishos-meeting? Would that nice? We would have live meeting minutes. Then later we could wrap it up / summarize to forum.
08:24:31 <abr> I didn't know that ical files contain the full history of used timezone for the last century or so.
08:24:54 <rainemak> Would that be nice?
08:25:38 <ViGe> rainemak: sounds like a good idea to me
08:25:47 <abr> someone would have to spend the whole time typing very fast!
08:26:09 <abr> unless we could get an AI to do it :)
08:26:45 <rainemak> abr, could be similar to normal meeting minute notes
08:26:52 <Nico> Oh, neat, calendar!
08:27:13 <dcaliste> I won't be able to attent it this week-end, ilve. As far as I'm concerned, a summary will already be very nice.
08:28:40 <rainemak> Before somebody asks, here's update status for Xperia 10 IV and 10 V https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-news-23rd-january-2025-jolla-c2-next-batch-available/21791/10
08:29:04 <rainemak> #info status update for Xperia 10 IV and 10 V: https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-news-23rd-january-2025-jolla-c2-next-batch-available/21791/10
08:29:14 <abr> I created another calendar PR to add the BoF meeting
08:29:21 <dcaliste> abr, about TZ defintion, it's not mandatory, mentioning the name of the TZ could be enough and you rely on the system having a definition for this name. Obviously, Windows and Linux don't use the same naming conventions, so for better portability of its events, Mozilla (and others) are providing the full TZ definition in every serialisation...
08:29:23 <rainemak> abr, thanks
08:29:33 <rainemak> dcaliste, we'll try to summarize it somehow
08:29:51 <dcaliste> Thank you rainemak, that's really great.
08:30:22 <toastal> (thanks for the status update )
08:30:27 <abr> dcaliste: interesting. it's not a lot of data when you're not looking at the text, so I can see why they do it. Going back to 1923 does seem a bit silly though :)
08:32:13 <toastal> UTC is nice when you don’t live in a place with daylight’s savings. The +X makes the math easy as well, but juggling DST is unfun.
08:33:47 <rubdos[m]> <rainemak> "#info We have now community..." <- Thanks for the ics btw. I am watching an exam, otherwise I would have been here :)
08:33:47 <dcaliste> The calendar you're using to view the data is doing the conversion to show it in local time. It's a pain for the one who is creating the event. Need to pay much attention.
08:35:13 <rainemak> rubdos[m], you're welcome. This was a good initiative and simple methods used to implement it
08:35:40 <ExTechOp> #info Otto Mäkelä, community
08:35:49 <rainemak> welcome ExTechOp
08:36:18 <ExTechOp> (this is what happens when you come in late to work and are attacked from all sides with the things that happened overnight)
08:37:44 <ExTechOp> I of course missed what was discussed earlier, but is there anything new on Sony Xperia 10V firmware updates?
08:39:55 <rainemak> ExTechOp, no update on firmware... just that it will receive Sailfish 5
08:40:49 <rainemak> latest status update here https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-news-23rd-january-2025-jolla-c2-next-batch-available/21791/10
08:42:22 <ExTechOp> I am unsure if I've installed it correctly, I have SFOS on it but without Android™ AppSupport?
08:47:00 <rainemak> ExTechOp, we do not have license for AppSupport and friends yet published. We'd like to have camera, fingerprint and battery status working. That said, we should consider releasing some sort of a beta support which would have AppSupport but other issues would be there. Note that we have not communicated license prices for new supported phones (I'm referring to one time license price).
08:47:16 <rainemak> ExTechOp, your setup sounds right
08:47:28 <ExTechOp> Thanks, I'll wait for update then!
08:48:25 <rainemak> ExTechOp, sounds to me that you would like to get AppSupport?
08:52:06 <rainemak> Worth noting that along with next release we do have greatly improved microG support. Many of us have been testing and enjoying it quite a bit.
08:52:07 <ExTechOp> Well, this is the reason for SFOS for me, I prefer having a phone where the business model is not spying on me, but for reasons beyond me I need to use certain Android software for my daily stuff.
08:52:07 <ExTechOp> For example, Tiima, Epassi and OmaMehiläinen are essential for work, Signal, c:geo and MobilePay for hobbies (yes, I know about Whisperfish).
08:53:49 <rainemak> ExTechOp, there are quite often those few Android apps that you need
08:53:53 <rainemak> indeed
08:55:03 <rainemak> Sailfish 5.0 early access release for all supported device might be closer than you could even imagine
08:55:14 <ExTechOp> \o/
08:55:34 <rainemak> alright. time is almost up
08:55:54 <rainemak> Time to schedule a next meeting
08:56:06 <rainemak> #topic Next meeting time and date (2 mins)
08:56:15 <rainemak> Proposing Thursday 13th February at 08:00am UTC
08:56:42 <rainemak> ^ the usual biweekly rhythm
08:56:59 <ExTechOp> Will likely be travelling then, but I'll try to be there if possible.
08:57:04 <dcaliste> I'm ok with this date and time.
08:57:30 <rainemak> #info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 13th February 2025 at 08:00am UTC: 2025-02-13T0800Z
08:58:19 <rainemak> Thank you all! For those who are joining to FOSDEM, let's meet there.
08:58:44 <ExTechOp> Thank you everyone!
08:58:55 <direc85[m]> Thanks all!
08:58:58 <ViGe> thanks!
08:59:03 <dcaliste> Thank you, enjoy the Fosdem and its discussions.
08:59:20 <Nico> Looking forward to seeing some of you at FOSDEM :3
08:59:59 <rainemak> Nico, Likewise
09:00:05 <rainemak> #endmeeting