#sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 13th February 2025

Meeting started by rainemak at 08:00:01 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Meeting information and agenda can be found here: (rainemak, 08:00:01)
    2. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-13th-february-2025/21897 (rainemak, 08:00:01)

  1. Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info (rainemak, 08:00:11)
    1. Otto Mäkelä, community (ExTechOp, 08:00:29)
    2. Andrew Branson, sailing by (abr, 08:00:36)
    3. Ville Nummela, community (ViGe, 08:00:43)
    4. Matti Viljanen, Jolla (direc85[m], 08:01:05)
    5. Crabster - lurker (Crabster, 08:01:08)
    6. David Llewellyn-Jones, community (& bad connection) (flypig_, 08:01:33)
    7. Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla (rainemak, 08:01:36)
    8. Damien Caliste, community (dcaliste, 08:02:17)
    9. Peter G. - Community (lurking today) (nephros, 08:02:32)
    10. Pekka Vuorela, Jolla (pvuorela, 08:03:11)

  2. Community communication tools and needs (10mins -- asked by rainemak) (rainemak, 08:05:23)
    1. <rainemak> Discuss started at FOSDEM BoF about community communication (rainemak, 08:05:29)
    2. <rainemak> channels and methods. We should try to find ways how could (rainemak, 08:05:29)
    3. <rainemak> we communicate better with AsteroidOS and other projects (rainemak, 08:05:29)
    4. <rainemak> near by. We do have our usual fortnight newsletters and IRC (rainemak, 08:05:29)
    5. <rainemak> meetings. How should we evolve & improve in this front? (rainemak, 08:05:29)

  3. Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (rainemak, 08:31:16)
    1. Ruben De Smet, community (rubdos[m], 08:32:23)

  4. General discussion (10 mins) (rainemak, 08:37:04)
  5. Next meeting time and date (2 mins) (rainemak, 08:51:52)
    1. Next meeting will be held on Thursday 27th February 2025 at 08:00am UTC: 2025-02-27T0800Z (rainemak, 08:54:41)

Meeting ended at 08:54:51 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. rainemak (68)
  2. rubdos[m] (19)
  3. nephros (13)
  4. ExTechOp (11)
  5. abr (9)
  6. ViGe (6)
  7. direc85[m] (5)
  8. dcaliste (5)
  9. flypig_ (4)
  10. sailbot (2)
  11. Crabster (1)
  12. pvuorela (1)
  13. Keto (1)

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