Thursday, 2021-01-14

sledges#startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 14th January 202108:00
sailbot_Meeting started Thu Jan 14 08:00:06 2021 UTC. The chair is sledges. Information about MeetBot at
sailbot_Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.08:00
sledges#info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:08:00
sledgesI am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please behave, and respect engine timing.08:00
sledges#topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info08:00
* sledges pokes sailbot_ with a stick08:01
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sledges#info Simonas Leleiva - privateer for Jolla08:02
ViGe#info Ville Nummela - Sailor@Jolla08:02
karry#info Lukas Karas - community member, developer08:03
abranson#info Andrew Branson - Jolla08:03
fridl#info fridlmue - Community08:03
sledges#topic Silica control: ExpandingSection (10 min -- asked by fridlmue)08:06
*** sailbot_ changes topic to "Silica control: ExpandingSection (10 min -- asked by fridlmue) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 14th January 2021)"08:06
sledges#info <fridlmue> ExpandingSection is in the "ComponentGallery" but not in the Documentation. In the last meeting it was mentioned it would not be part of the API yet.08:06
sledges#info <fridlmue> I use it in an App and would love to leave it like that as it is a nice control. But the Animation is nicer in the ComponentGallery than in my app and I don't find no documentation for that.08:06
sledges#info <fridlmue> Is it planed to add it to the API and provide Documentation? Is my App now "illegally" in the Harbor? ;p (And how to influence the Animation to make it nicer?)08:06
sledges#info <fridlmue> Long version:08:07
sledges#info <Jolla> ExpandingSection is not documented, but allowed component that is part of public API. The transition issues you are describing sound like a bug, could you link example code to the forum discussion so we can check?08:07
fridlSure, I can do that! I would assume wrong usage at the moment ;-)08:08
fridlCan I help with providing documentation when fully understood the component?08:08
flypig#info David Llewellyn-Jones - sailor@jolla&late08:09
jpetrelldocumentation help is definitely appreciated :)08:10
flypigThe documentation source files aren't public, I think.08:11
jpetrellnot sure there is any08:11
jpetrelloverall ExpandingSection has limited uses, inside platform we have only used it to implement few dual SIM settings08:12
ViGeYup, we should think about the processes who the community members could help us with the documentation08:12
ViGeThis doesn't apply only to ExpandingSection but our documentation in general08:12
fridljpetrell: If documented for sure it would be used more often ;-)08:12
flypigI guess it's best to receive any documentation in qdoc format.08:13
jpetrelloften when user opens a particular page you want to show all the information in full, and allow scrolling through all the content without requiring taps in between to open sections08:13
jpetrellbut sure expanding sections has its uses, if you have repetitive content under many sections08:13
jpetrellthe expanding animation can be a bit obtrusive with sections resizing and headers moving to left and right simultaneously08:14
fridlOk, I think from my side we are done here. Summary: 1) We can use it 2) No official docs, help welcome (no defined way at the moment) 3) animations can be tricky with this component08:17
fridl4) I can ask for help with the specific issue on the forums.08:18
flypigNice summary :)08:18
sledges#info No official docs, help welcome (no defined way at the moment, format most probably qdoc)08:19
sledgesjpetrell: are you ok with following that forum thread for bug reports etc, or should we stick to these meetings for info exchange?08:20
sledgesah, you already mentioned "could you link example code to the forum discussion so we can check"08:22
sledgesif any aspects in the forum thread still get unanswered, please raise them in these meetings08:22
sledgeslet's move on08:22
sledges#topic OpenSSL 1.0 deprecation (10 min -- asked by Thaodan)08:22
fridlOk, I'll do!08:22
*** sailbot_ changes topic to "OpenSSL 1.0 deprecation (10 min -- asked by Thaodan) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 14th January 2021)"08:22
sledges#info <Thaodan> What are the plans for the deprecation of OpenSSL 1.0 and moving forward with later OpenSSL versions.08:23
sledges#info <Jolla> In the upcoming Sailfish OS version we have updated OpenSSL to the latest stable version
sledgesin fact Thaodan was the one who updated as you can see:)08:25
sledgeshe probably wanted to raise this topic because community kept asking:)08:25
ViGeHe wanted to raise the topic as a heads up so that the community members are aware of what's happening :)08:26
fridlsledges: So we know, keeping asking helps ;-P08:26
flypigWhat will happen to apps in harbour that are now incompatible?08:27
ViGeflypig: They will keep on working08:27
ViGeat least for the time being08:27
ViGethe validator will display a warning if you try to use openssl 1.0 in new packages08:28
flypigI thought it wasn't backwards binary (or source) compatible.08:28
ApBBBthe way i read the question the answer seems to be what Vige answered.08:29
flypig"They will keep on working": that's good :)08:29
ApBBBie for how long they will continue to work etc08:29
ViGeApBBB: It has not been decided when we will remove the old libraries, but it will happen eventually08:30
sledges#info Harbour apps using 1.0 will continue working for the time being08:32
sledgesnaturally, the 1.1.1 libraries to harbour rules are also (being) added08:34
sledgeslet's move on from this topic (and 1.0 eventually:)08:35
sledges#topic General Discussion (30 min)08:35
*** sailbot_ changes topic to "General Discussion (30 min) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 14th January 2021)"08:35
sledgesHere's hoping that everyone had a good holiday break given the world's state!..08:35
ApBBBits no fun when you have to stay in :/08:36
ApBBBBTW are we getting a 3.5 release or the next release is 4.0?08:36
sledgessnow fun? ;)08:36
sledgesflypig: that was a legitimate question though :P08:37
ApBBBi have to get to the mountains to find snow around my part of the world. and i cant. (lockdown etc)08:37
sledgeswe're still allowed to go outside for recreation08:37
flypigThe snow in Finland looks wonderful!08:37
ApBBBsledges traveling is not allowed between prefectures so i cant reach it. and the ski resorts are closed. :/08:38
ApBBBhave you had any discussions about new apis??? after the poll etc?08:39
sledgesno snow here either (would have to travel thousand miles to reach one), so have to work with what we've got :( "no snow jogging" etc. But the frosty "Beast from the East" is approaching they say08:40
sledgesViGe: how did that poll go? ^^08:40
birdzhang[m]1What's Jolla's unique App Support tech for Linux? I know you can't tell me, but i still want ask :)08:41
ViGesledges: It went really well, we got 76 answers!08:41
ApBBBbirdzhang[m]1 i don't think there is anything special. after all its just linux08:42
ApBBBVige any discussions about the apis?08:42
ViGeApBBB: If you mean Jolla internal discussions, those happen all the time :)08:43
birdzhang[m]1ApBBB: I don't thinks so, maybe it means GUI apps08:43
ApBBBVige now we need the actual apis :P08:44
sledges#info API poll went really well with 76 answers08:46
ViGeApBBB: Yeah, that's the hard part... but we'll get there!08:46
ApBBBwhat pleases me is that the location one that is high on the list is just a switch. and i hope that you will turn it on.08:47
ApBBBon the subject of push notifications. wasn;t there an effort back in the early days of sfos for something like that??08:48
flypigI think some of the results were a little surprising (to me, at least). Push notifications being one of them.08:48
ApBBBby the community i think but cant remember much.08:48
flypigSledges, you may need to amend your info line above. There are 78 answers now ;)08:50
sledgesis nice we could update qtlocation and qtpositioning recently as they are not governed by licence change08:50
sledgesflypig: logs have timestamps ;)08:50
ViGeApBBB: Well, QtPositioning upgrade is already coming in the next release. I'm afraid QtLocation might have to wait a bit longer. But it's definitely on our todo list.08:50
sledgesViGe: i hope we're talking about the same thing:)
ViGeflypig: push notifications was surprising to me as well, as I don't recall anyone being vocal about it!08:51
abransonPush notif wouldn't be as popular if background services were allowed08:51
karrywith QtLocation, is there any decision for plugin implementation? If I undertand it correctly, it is just api specification that may have various implementations...08:51
flypigabranson, that's a good point. Hadn't thought of that.08:52
abransonif you take away that need, they're only used for spamming ;)08:52
ViGesledges: even if QtLocation was upgraded, it's not allowed in Harbour (yet) :/08:52
ApBBBvige my mistake. position is the easy one. not the location one. as you explained in the forum08:52
sledgesViGe: ok, upgrade vs api, got it08:52
riniguskarry: I presume qtlocation "update" is on the level of qt 5.608:55
rinigusnot sure if it includes update in plugins08:56
rinigus(but I haven't looked into these old specs)08:56
ApBBBi hope that for 4.0 we will see a QT update08:56
ApBBBif it cant be updated (for lisencing reasons or whatever) it might even make more sense to move to another toolkit :P08:57
fridlApBBB today brings up the elephants in the room, haha08:58
ViGerinigus: the qtlocation and qtpositioning were upgraded to 5.4.08:58
rinigus... just looked up on when it was released - 10 Dec 2014 :) .08:59
ApBBBfridl sfos needs to move forward09:01
ApBBBso many things are held behind by the old Qt09:01
sledgesand on that bombshell it's time to end (the topic)09:04
sledges#topic Next meeting time and date (5 min)09:04
*** sailbot_ changes topic to "Next meeting time and date (5 min) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 14th January 2021)"09:04
sledgesProposing 11th February at 8am UTC09:04
sledges4 weeks from now, you might guess why ;)09:04
dr_gogeta86why ?09:06
dr_gogeta86despite dropping 4.x09:06
sledgesdr_gogeta86: "despite dropping 4.x" that's pure speculation09:08
dr_gogeta86I will wait so09:08
sledgesbtw, expect one more "last l10n round extension" soon (within days), be curious, and you'll know what release is what version:)09:09
sledges#info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 11th February 2021 at 8:00am UTC:  2021-02-11T08Z09:09
sledgessince no objections09:09
sledgesthanks all!09:09
sailbot_Meeting ended Thu Jan 14 09:09:48 2021 UTC.09:09
sailbot_ Minutes:
sailbot_ Minutes (text):
sailbot_ Log:
*** sailbot_ changes topic to "Next meeting will be held on Thursday 14th of January 2021 at 8:00am UTC. Topics can be read here:"09:09
dr_gogeta86sledges, i hope to contribute again in traslation09:09
sledgesjolly good, Italians need you:)09:10
sledgesti aspettiamo09:10
karryThank you for the meeting and all the informations. I am going to use ExpandingSection :-P bye09:10
fridlkarry: Tell me, if you found out how to use probably ;-)09:11
dr_gogeta86sledges, seen fravaccaro quit and cleanup all the evidence09:14
sledgesallora torno a fare i reviews personalmente:)09:17
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