09:00:31 <Jaymzz> #startmeeting Sailfish OS, Open Source, Collaboration 9th of January 2017 09:00:31 <merbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 9 09:00:31 2017 UTC. The chair is Jaymzz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Meetings. 09:00:31 <merbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 09:00:42 <Jaymzz> #info meeting information and agenda can be found here: https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2017-January/007648.html 09:00:50 <Jaymzz> I am the meeting's chairperson today and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please behave, be gentle and show due respect. 09:00:59 <Jaymzz> #topic Brief introduction (5 minutes) . Please prefix your name/handle with # info 09:01:16 <Jaymzz> #info James Noori, Community Manager, Jolla 09:01:43 <DylanVanAssche> #info Dylan Van Assche, developer 09:01:54 <ljo_> #info Leif-Jöran Olsson, community porter 09:01:56 <Jaymzz> seems like bot did not register the topic, but it will be okay in minutes later on 09:01:59 <Venty> #info Martin Ebnoether, Jolla/SailfishOS Fanboy 09:02:04 <otsaloma> #info Osmo Salomaa, app developer 09:02:05 <sledges> #info Simonas Leleiva, hw'n'l10n@jolla 09:02:46 <occirol> #info occirol, SailfishOS supporter 09:02:47 <M4rtinK> #info Martin Kolman, community & modRana developer 09:02:56 <pketo> #info Pami Ketolainen, backend developer @ Jolla 09:03:34 <r0kk3rz> o/ 09:03:49 <abranson_> #info Andrew Branson, dev @ Jolla 09:04:02 <Aldrog> #info Andrew Penkrat, app developer 09:04:05 <r0kk3rz> #info Lewis Rockliffe, community 09:04:11 <RodSeq> #info Rodolphe Sequeira, community 09:05:10 <Sage__> #info Marko Saukko, Sailor @ Jolla 09:05:21 <oniongarlic> #info Kaj-Michael Lang, app developer 09:05:41 <veskuh> #info Vesa-Matti Hartikainen, Program manager at Jolla 09:05:48 <dcaliste> #info Damien Caliste, community 09:06:20 <Jaymzz> Thanks all, moving on -> 09:06:24 <Jaymzz> #topic Google Play Services (10 min, asked by RodSeq) 09:06:33 <Jaymzz> #info The Gplay services app is not well integrated in the OS yet. Would it be possible to have a stable "frozen" Gplay services app on the Jolla Store to be downloaded like other Android apps ? There is already a great solution developped on OpenRepos (https://openrepos.net/content/coderus/opengapps-pico-installer#comment-16413) that would really help simplifying the Saiflish user experience for basic users while to my view granting all the necessary 09:06:33 <Jaymzz> Gplay services permissions. 09:07:55 <Jaymzz> RodSeq: the stage is yours :) 09:08:08 <RodSeq> Thanks, Hi all ! 09:08:44 <RodSeq> think the question is well resumed in my post in TJC 09:09:11 <Sage__> link to the post? 09:09:44 <r0kk3rz> well the aqua fish came with gplay stuff out of the box, so perhaps its something the carriers can do if they choose 09:09:50 <r0kk3rz> s/carriers/oems 09:11:18 <Jaymzz> RodSeq: Do you have a link to the TJC post? Time is ticking :) 09:11:33 <RodSeq> yes 09:12:09 <DylanVanAssche> maybe because Intex has permission from Google to include it in their Android devices and they used that to include it in the Aqua Fish? As far as I know, Jolla doesn't have this permission? Just an idea... 09:12:15 <RodSeq> https://together.jolla.com/question/54157/sailfishos-open-source-collaboration-meeting-planning/?answer=152943#post-id-152943 09:12:31 <Jaymzz> #link https://together.jolla.com/question/54157/sailfishos-open-source-collaboration-meeting-planning/?answer=152943#post-id-152943 09:12:44 <RodSeq> on the Intex phone, the Gplay services are present on Aptoide 09:13:17 <RodSeq> if you install it, you don't have any icon in the App Menu like for other Android apps 09:13:57 <DylanVanAssche> Is the Aptoide store enabled with the Jolla repo or with an Intex repo? In the Jolla 1 the Aptoide store has a repo 'jolla' 09:14:23 <RodSeq> while if you install the pico-installer developped by coderus, then you have Google play installed like any other standard app 09:14:24 * kimmoli is late 09:15:04 <r0kk3rz> RodSeq: on aquafish you can just generate an app icon, i assume its deliberately hidden for a reason 09:15:17 <RodSeq> @DylanVanAssche Jolla repo 09:16:33 <DylanVanAssche> Then Jolla should explain this why since they are maintaining these repos. 09:17:30 <Jaymzz> I will give this topic another 5 minutes since it isn't concluded yet. Sage or Veskuh any replies? :) 09:18:23 <veskuh> #info Jolla does not distribute GPlay services, and this is not likely to change. 09:18:40 <Jaymzz> thanks veskuh 09:18:55 <nh1402> Intex might have the license for it in their Android devices, but I don't think there is a loophole to allow them to put it on their Sailfish device tbh 09:19:23 <Jaymzz> RodSeq: Any more questions? :) 09:19:30 <DylanVanAssche> No idea then why the Google Play Services are visible then in the Jolla repo on Intex Aqua Fish 09:19:55 <nh1402> India don't tell to follow copyright law that closely, like China and Pakistan. 09:20:12 <veskuh> Aptoide’s repo names and contents are not somehting we control. 09:20:24 <nh1402> tend* 09:20:25 <RodSeq> @veskuh thanks, so Google is still somehow not allowing to use the Google Play Services like a standard Android app ? 09:20:32 <DylanVanAssche> Thanks for the info @veskuh 09:20:38 <Jaymzz> #info Aptoide’s repo names and contents are not somehting we control. 09:20:52 <nh1402> you need their license to use the Google Play Services 09:20:59 <coderus> afaik by Google policy services can be preinstalled only on Android based devices. And intex Google services is a dark hack. 09:21:09 <nh1402> indeed 09:21:41 <coderus> afaik Google just never allow manufacturers to include google services on any non-Android based device 09:22:01 <veskuh> RodSeq: Yes, like nh1402 said. You need a license and pass some requirements from them. 09:22:02 <Jaymzz> Alright time is almost up guys 09:22:17 <Jaymzz> We should move on in a few moments 09:22:22 <nh1402> yes 09:22:39 <RodSeq> @coderus @veskuh even installed post-prodution ? 09:23:02 <Jaymzz> RodSeq: hope you got your answer, otherwise continue in general discussion, we can't stay on this topic any longer 09:23:16 <Jaymzz> Will move on after the last question is answered 09:23:39 <RodSeq> @Jaymzz thanks, my question has been answered 95%, thanks ! 09:23:55 <nh1402> well Google Play services isn't an app to begin with, it's a library thats packaged as an apk 09:24:05 <Jaymzz> OK than the rest can be discussed in general discussion towards the end. Moving on 09:24:12 <Jaymzz> #topic Promotion of polished Sailfish Ports on Sailfishos.org (15 min, asked by r0kk3rz ) 09:24:19 <Jaymzz> #info I have recently been taking a look at the available device ports on the Mer Wiki and for the most part its fairly confusing with a mix of out dated and abandoned device ports and a bunch of well working and maintained ones (i have a list here).It would be great if we could come up with some criteria and put device images and descriptions on Sailfishos.org somewhere so they are more visible to people investigating Sailfish. 09:24:37 <Jaymzz> r0kk3rz: here you go! 09:24:52 <r0kk3rz> hi everyone, so in the last meeting there was a comment about there being too many unfinished ports 09:25:12 <r0kk3rz> which got me thinking that we do a bit of a poor job of promoting the best ones 09:25:50 <r0kk3rz> and on top of that, the only thing on sailfishos.org is the HADK and nothing about available ports 09:26:27 <DylanVanAssche> that's a good idea since people are searching for a way to have a SFOS device which is difficult at the moment so a port is a solution for this. 09:26:29 <kimmoli> (link to the mentioned Mer wiki) https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Adaptations/libhybris 09:26:51 <Jaymzz> #link https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Adaptations/libhybris 09:27:06 <r0kk3rz> i compiled a list of what I think are the worthy ones 09:27:08 <pseudodev> Well, I ported for my device two days ago.... https://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-e-2015/orig-development/rom-sailfish-os-2-0-t3534208 09:27:09 <r0kk3rz> #link https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Adaptations/libhybris_reboot 09:27:25 <r0kk3rz> which is a decent chunk 09:27:27 <M4rtinK> I could see some criteria that if satisfied would promote the port to an official port list 09:27:34 <sledges> r0kk3rz: what was the criteria? 09:27:59 <r0kk3rz> all major features working, available recent image 09:28:15 <piggz_> Glad to see mine on there 09:28:20 <kimmoli> r0kk3rz: that table could contain sfos release 09:28:23 <oniongarlic> a good idea, having sfos port on merwiki is confusing if you don't happen understand the relationship 09:28:23 <r0kk3rz> but now we have things like store and OTA available to be developed, perhaps those should be requirements as well 09:28:30 <M4rtinK> still one would have to take into account that this might change, eq. port getting stuck at old Sailfish OS version/no maintainers, etc. 09:28:41 <r0kk3rz> M4rtinK: OTA helps this greatly 09:29:11 <kimmoli> and i would say up-to-date info in the wiki, yesterday were looking for hammerhead and bacon recent info, and could say it is scattered around the internetz 09:29:27 <pseudodev> r0kk3rz: I just ported with all features working. Can it be official? 09:29:37 <nh1402> speaking of OTA are there any plans to update via a GUI 09:29:46 <r0kk3rz> kimmoli: yeah ive been trying to collect as much information scatterd from around the web onto the wiki for that reason 09:29:47 <pseudodev> *almost all 09:30:20 <kimmoli> and imho we need proper way to host CM base images too 09:30:54 <nh1402> well moving forward wouldn't it be Lineage? 09:31:03 <piggz_> Yes, and an official page for each.... i find xda not the best platform for this 09:31:12 <sledges> I once suggested to add score for ports: points for green boxes, more points for important features, even more for recent sfos version, and OTA 09:31:23 <r0kk3rz> pseudodev: make a nice wiki page for your device :) 09:31:29 <sledges> then even mer wiki could simply be sorted according to those points by default, entering a nice race/competition altogether 09:31:50 <pseudodev> r0kk3rz: how do I do that!? 09:32:09 <kimmoli> sledges throwing a challenge? 09:32:23 <sledges> kimmoli: and we need prizzes :D 09:32:34 <kimmoli> fame and honey? 09:32:34 <tortoisedoc> sledges : + 10+ 09:32:37 <sledges> sadly mediawiki is not as scripty 09:32:43 <r0kk3rz> sledges: porter of the year awards 09:32:53 <kimmoli> that is mal already 09:32:54 <r0kk3rz> sledges: every year it goes to mal 09:33:16 <sledges> :D 09:33:22 <mal> :D 09:34:03 <r0kk3rz> anyway, it sounds like we agree on the cleanup 09:34:10 <kimmoli> i think xda is ok'ish for discussion, or tmo, or together, or whatever the porter prefers 09:34:14 <Jaymzz> awesome 09:34:14 <sledges> returning back to adding champion ports to sailfishos.org: nice but extra maint. overhead, and has a risk to go just as stale (even more risky than wiki, as it would be probably 1-2 sailors only maintaining that bridge, as opposed to mer wiki community effort) 09:34:15 <r0kk3rz> what about promotion on sailfishos.org? 09:34:35 <piggz_> Can Jolla get stats from the store regarding downloads per port? This could indicate port popularity 09:35:00 <M4rtinK> shouldn't there be eventually a sailfishos.org wiki ? 09:35:05 <tortoisedoc> piggz_ +100 09:35:10 <sledges> piggz_: let's wait for new hadk+official jolla store opening/rules/announcement, and try that;) 09:35:19 <r0kk3rz> sledges: is it possible to get community accounts for the sfos wiki? 09:35:21 <tortoisedoc> sledges : new? 09:35:22 <M4rtinK> IIRC the idea was to have it editable by external people with change review 09:35:23 <sledges> M4rtinK: there is, you mean open to contributions? 09:35:25 <tortoisedoc> sledges : when? :D 09:35:33 <sledges> tortoisedoc: you know when :DD 09:35:37 <nh1402> I would say whichever Sailfish related website has the most traffic should show off the polished ports 09:35:42 <tortoisedoc> sledges : SOON(tm) :D 09:35:45 <sledges> bingo! 09:35:51 <tortoisedoc> sledges : so perhaps never? 09:36:02 <M4rtinK> sledges: yep - open to (reviewed) contributions 09:36:10 <sledges> lol, many SOONs never been never ;) 09:36:21 <sledges> M4rtinK: separate meeting topic;) 09:36:25 <M4rtinK> sledges: should lower the burden to Jolla-people & make it more likely to be up to date 09:36:30 <sledges> unless veskuh has it on the hitlist:) 09:36:32 <DylanVanAssche> sledges: new HADK with support for 64bit? 09:36:32 <tortoisedoc> sledges: its not very helpful to say "lets wait for this to happen" (which implies it will) and then talk about it possibly never happening :P 09:36:36 <M4rtinK> sledges: well, could host the good-port list :) 09:36:36 <jwalck> sorry for a late entry, I had a meeting at ten that was supposed to be 10 minutes... :) hi! I'll keep up with the next part 09:36:51 <sledges> tortoisedoc: new hadk preview is already available for early testers;) 09:37:06 <nh1402> I suppose this is for Android 6 09:37:07 <tortoisedoc> sledges : aha! early internal testers 09:37:11 <tortoisedoc> sledges : ? 09:37:25 <Jaymzz> SO MUCH TEASING GOING ON!!!! :D 09:37:29 <sledges> M4rtinK: sailfishos.org/hadk is going to merge with sailfishos.org/wiki (hw adaptation article) to tell you that the least 09:37:33 <tortoisedoc> lolz OMG 09:37:34 <Yaniel> I think jolla officially adopting community ports would encourage people a lot 09:37:38 <sledges> tortoisedoc: sailfishos-porters 09:37:50 <tortoisedoc> sledges : got it 09:37:58 <Jaymzz> 2 more minutes guys! Let's wrap up! 09:38:07 <kimmoli> yes or no? 09:38:12 <tortoisedoc> YES! _Å 09:38:17 <tortoisedoc> (whatever the question was) 09:38:20 <tortoisedoc> :D 09:38:28 <M4rtinK> sledges: ok, good to know :) 09:38:47 <r0kk3rz> ok, so it sounds like a maybe once the wiki is open to contributions for sfos.org 09:39:00 <sledges> yes, until then i suggest to introduce "porting points" ;) 09:39:08 <r0kk3rz> but there is still work to do, if anyone wants to help with the wiki cleanup 09:39:51 <kimmoli> well, atleast there is link to mer-wiki in sailfishos.org 09:39:53 <sledges> "porcupoints" 09:40:01 <sledges> there's that 09:40:08 <Jaymzz> #info everyone agreed on cleaning up the wiki 09:40:19 <tortoisedoc> rum shots 09:40:25 <Jaymzz> r0kk3rz: We done? :) 09:40:29 <tortoisedoc> thats the one 09:40:39 <r0kk3rz> yep Jaymzz we done, thanks 09:40:46 <Jaymzz> Awesome! Moving on 09:40:56 <Jaymzz> #topic QtLocation and Qt 5.6 licensing in general (20 min, asked by otsaloma) 09:41:03 <Jaymzz> #info There is vague information on the mailing list about Qt modules being kept at 5.2 due to LGPLv3 licensing reasons, despite a general update to 5.6. This raises a few questions. What is the problem with LGPLv3? Which Qt modules will be held back? Is Qt eventually moving all modules to LGPLv3 and what would that mean for Sailfish OS? If modules are frozen, are they effectively stable and fit to be allowed in store (e.g. QtLocation)? And why hold 09:41:03 <Jaymzz> modules back to 5.2 instead of updating to the last LGPLv2 version, 5.4. or 5.5 09:41:21 <otsaloma> Hello 09:41:22 <Jaymzz> otsaloma: The stage is yours! 20 minutes begins now. 09:41:38 <otsaloma> Summary is above, i'll expand on it a bit 09:42:02 <otsaloma> There two questions: (1) QtLocation and (2) Qt >= 5.6 licensing in general 09:42:27 <otsaloma> (1) Thus far, we've assumed QtLocation would be allowed in store apps with 5.6, but is that still the condition and will it ever happen? Considering QtLocation has had much improvements since 5.2, can't you at least upgrade to the last version before the license change, 5.5 or 5.4? 09:43:24 <otsaloma> (2) Can we get a list of modules held back in 5.6? And do we get any new modules? 09:43:27 <piggz_> Sledges: official? I think it works on my port now :) 09:43:40 <otsaloma> That's it. Can we start with QtLocation? 09:44:00 <sledges> piggz_: doesn't mean it's official;p 09:44:22 <sledges> sorry for overlap 09:44:33 <piggz_> Sorry 09:44:49 <tortoisedoc> https://github.com/qt/qtlocation -> seems to list GLPV3 LGPLv3/2.1 09:45:44 <otsaloma> I looke through the Qt website, but I didn't manage to find licenses listed by module. Only conflicting information in non-official sources. 09:46:56 <tortoisedoc> question is, why is LGPLv3 not an option for QtLocation? 09:47:45 <Jaymzz> #link https://github.com/qt/qtlocation 09:47:47 <tortoisedoc> did anyone 09:47:51 <piggz_> Or more generally any lgplv3 code 09:47:52 <tortoisedoc> *not go to lunch yet :P 09:47:55 <Sage__> Hi, we are checking this at the moment. Aiming to have solution for it in the first quarter of 2017. 09:48:15 <tortoisedoc> Sage__ can you detail more on what you are checking on? 09:48:18 <Aldrog> Hasn't whole Qt move to GPLv3/LGPLv3? 09:48:21 <tortoisedoc> (licensing / versions?) 09:48:22 <Jaymzz> #info we are checking this at the moment. Aiming to have solution for it in the first quarter of 2017. 09:48:44 <piggz_> Aldrog: thats 5.7 i think 09:49:27 <veskuh> Traditionally big companies did not like (l)gpl v3. This is why it has been avoided by us so far. Like Sage said, we are analyzing if there is still any reason to avoid and change the policy if we can. 09:49:53 <DylanVanAssche> If you guys find a solution to upgrade QTLocation will it then allowed in the store for devs? 09:50:08 <tortoisedoc> veskuh : is there a particular reason for this (l)glp v3 "allergy"? 09:50:10 <M4rtinK> still, this is about applications, right ? 09:50:11 <sledges> by us and by Mer in general 09:50:17 <Jaymzz> #info Traditionally big companies did not like (l)gpl v3. This is why it has been avoided by us so far. we are analyzing if there is still any reason to avoid and change the policy if we can. 09:50:26 <tortoisedoc> M4rtinK : and harbour? 09:50:33 <M4rtinK> if app developers are OK with the license 09:50:37 <tortoisedoc> M4rtinK : and sdk? :) 09:50:39 <M4rtinK> then that's the problem ? 09:50:54 <M4rtinK> *what's the problem 09:51:40 <Aldrog> piggz_: yep, looks like they partly changed licenses in 5.6 and finished transition with 5.7 09:51:49 <tortoisedoc> M4rtinK : LGPLv3 blocking QtLocations update -> excluding it from harbour 09:51:51 <otsaloma> Is the license a problem for Jolla or third-party apps? Does Jolla have a commercial license for Qt? 09:52:09 <veskuh> tortoisedoc: Some of the constraints of it has been seen as too much (by big companies), but I think opinions have been changing. 09:52:13 <M4rtinK> tortoisedoc: why should it be excluded from Harbour ? 09:52:29 <DylanVanAssche> M4rtinK: if understand correctly, if the update comes through eventually. It will be allowed in harbour? 09:53:02 <M4rtinK> tortoisedoc: I don't think I have seen any reason *why* GPGv3 is problem for Harbour/SDK & applications 09:53:30 <nh1402> are there any plans to add a qtnfc module for ported devices? 09:53:30 <tortoisedoc> M4rtinK: LGPLv3 in this case I assume? 09:54:19 <M4rtinK> tortoisedoc: yeah, at least Qt Location seems to be LGPLv3 09:54:32 <tortoisedoc> compatibility matrix : https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#v2v3Compatibility 09:54:40 <tortoisedoc> (scroll down at the bottom almost) 09:54:45 <veskuh> DylanVanAssche: That’s the intent. 09:55:03 <DylanVanAssche> veskuh: thanks for the info :) 09:55:29 <tortoisedoc> veskuh, M4rtinK im no lawyer, but in non-static linking conditions LGPLv3 code should be ok with LGPLv2.1 09:56:26 <tortoisedoc> so application code as LGPLv2.1 should be ok with LGPLv3 qtlocation 09:56:30 <tortoisedoc> *should* :) 09:57:12 <Jaymzz> 5 minutes remaining 09:57:43 <M4rtinK> well still don't see the issue 09:57:43 <tortoisedoc> can anyone from Jolla side comment on this? :) 09:57:50 <piggz_> So, is that an action on jolla to feedback licence info to the community 09:58:06 <M4rtinK> Poor Maps, which uses Qt Location, for example is GPLv3 09:58:28 <M4rtinK> so that should not be an issue 09:58:35 <M4rtinK> and many other apps are as well 09:59:04 <M4rtinK> or is the problem proprietary applications ? 09:59:14 <piggz_> Also can we get feedback on the modules stuck at 5.2 and why? Is this currently being reviewed? 09:59:37 <M4rtinK> well, the modules can't be used for Harbour at all at the moment so I don't see how this would be an issue 09:59:43 <otsaloma> I'm happy if we get QtLocation for store apps Q1, but would still like to get a module listing, e.g. on the mailing (or is there still a roadmap webpage?) 09:59:46 <M4rtinK> piggz_: +1! 10:00:07 <otsaloma> *mailing list* 10:00:18 <DylanVanAssche> otsaloma: +1 10:00:20 <M4rtinK> otsaloma: yeah, there is a lot of stuff that could be useful, like Canvas 3D for example 10:00:29 <nh1402> nfc 10:00:58 <piggz_> Yeah, im also holding out for qtlocation 10:01:03 <Jaymzz> otsaloma: 1 minute remains, are we almost done? :) 10:01:25 <M4rtinK> did we get any reasonable official answer ? ;-) 10:01:43 <nh1402> i'm holding out for qtnfc for sfdroid reasons 10:01:48 <otsaloma> Yes, I think we're done enough 10:01:59 <M4rtinK> not much info though ;-) 10:02:09 <Jaymzz> otsaloma: Alright then moving on in a few moments 10:02:21 <Jaymzz> M4rtinK: Any more things you wanna know? :) Time's up tho 10:02:52 <Jaymzz> M4rtinK: Let's move on to general discussion and you can discuss it more over there 10:03:05 <Jaymzz> #topic General Discussion (15 minutes) 10:03:47 <otsaloma> I general, what modules are available is the kind of a thing we'd like to know in advance, not after an OS update is released 10:04:00 <M4rtinK> otsaloma: +1 10:04:05 <DylanVanAssche> otsaloma: +1 10:04:12 <ghosalmartin> this might be completely offtopic, but is there any effort for qt5.6? or is that atleast somewhere on the roadmap 10:04:17 <M4rtinK> it rather critical info 10:04:37 <M4rtinK> can be a reason not to write an application if critical modules won't be available 10:04:46 <M4rtinK> or to make it quite a bit harder 10:05:01 <M4rtinK> for example modRana uses it's own map widget instead of Qt Location 10:06:05 <pketo> to summarize: we are reviewing the licenses before we can update the libraries, and we need to update the libraries before they can be accepted in harbour. veskuh, Sage__ , am I right? 10:06:08 <r0kk3rz> ghosalmartin: next update! which is coming SoonTM 10:06:19 <ghosalmartin> r0kk3rz, I love soon :P 10:06:42 <r0kk3rz> ghosalmartin: this one is probably actually soon, like in the next month or two 10:06:51 <veskuh> pketo: yep 10:06:58 <DylanVanAssche> Will 'pip' installer from python ever be allowed to be used by harbour apps? Python has a lot of fantastic modules we can use but some of them need some special requirements (compiling, ...) which are handled by pip. It's harder for devs to include them in the RPM 10:07:40 <DylanVanAssche> it's already installed in the python3 version of every SFOS device 10:08:07 <r0kk3rz> otsaloma: you can watch the harbour check list on git somewhere, i'll find the link for you 10:08:08 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: but it would need gcc & co to compile C extensions, right ? 10:08:17 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: I don't think that's installed by default 10:08:49 <r0kk3rz> otsaloma: https://github.com/sailfish-sdk/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator 10:09:33 <otsaloma> @r0kk3rz: the validator is the last thing to be updated. I'd like to know sooner! 10:09:36 <DylanVanAssche> M4rtinK: yes, but if that's not allowed no problem. But pure Python packages installing though PIP is much easier and they are always up-to-date then, now every Python package needs to be manually included into the RPM with the SDK 10:10:23 <Jaymzz> half time ;) 10:10:41 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: so maybe better pip support in the SDK ? 10:10:54 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: to make the packages standalone 10:11:29 <DylanVanAssche> Yes that would be nice, maybe the same thing as you can install packages now in the SDK for every target. Standalone packages are not allowed in harbour sadly 10:13:25 <Jaymzz> 5 mins remaining 10:13:26 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: I mean to make the application package bundle the stuff from pip to make it standalone 10:13:59 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: and indeed - it would be good if one could submit multiple packages for one app 10:14:19 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: that would be often helpful for updates & cleaner (less bundling hacks) 10:14:33 <DylanVanAssche> Yes that's why I mean, you can use pip then in the mer sdk to compile those CPython modules and combine it into one package specific for x86 or arm 10:14:40 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: OpenRepos for example can do that 10:14:57 <M4rtinK> DylanVanAssche: (multiple packages) 10:15:29 <DylanVanAssche> M4rtinK: Openrepos has already several of those packages with Python modules but the whole problem that I can't publish my app to harbour then... 10:16:08 <M4rtinK> indeed 10:16:23 <DylanVanAssche> https://github.com/dasimmet/Sailfish-Python 10:16:57 <DylanVanAssche> here's a template that fixes this but it's using fpm instead of the SDK? 10:17:14 <Jaymzz> 2 minutes remaining guys, let's wrap up :) 10:17:57 <DylanVanAssche> Maybe Jolla can include this into the SDK? 10:18:41 <M4rtinK> I think SDK-based Python packaging could be improved quite a bit in general 10:19:01 <DylanVanAssche> +1 10:19:07 <oniongarlic> is gstreamer now fully 1.x based? 10:19:46 <Jaymzz> Time's up guys, gonna give it a couple more monutes as I see a question here, then Ill move on 10:19:48 <DylanVanAssche> M4rtinK: Will set this as a topic for the next meeting 10:19:54 <sledges> +1 10:20:20 <abranson_> oniongarlic: yeah we're on 1.8 of gstreamer now. the 0.10 packages are disappearing. 10:20:33 <Jaymzz> Alright, moving on in 30 sec 10:20:54 <Jaymzz> #topic Next meeting date (5 min) 10:21:24 <Jaymzz> First Monday of Feb? That will be Feb 6th 2017 10:21:30 <Jaymzz> Same time (0900 UTC) 10:21:33 <Jaymzz> Votes? 10:21:33 <DylanVanAssche> perfect! 10:21:37 <sledges> fosdem ;p 10:21:49 <DylanVanAssche> oh that's right :p 10:21:52 <oniongarlic> abranson_: great 10:21:53 <sledges> that makes it Saturday the 4th ;) 10:22:02 <r0kk3rz> well, monday post fosdem 10:22:06 <Jaymzz> sledges: right! 10:22:12 <r0kk3rz> maybe on the tuesday instead? 10:22:23 <sledges> r0kk3rz: https://together.jolla.com/question/154586/fosdem-it-together-2017/?comment=154700#comment-154700 10:22:36 <sledges> it's to do the meeting -there- ;) 10:22:36 <Jaymzz> sledges: 13th of feb? 10:22:41 <sledges> Jaymzz: ^ 10:22:45 <Jaymzz> sledges: Oh sorry 10:22:54 <Jaymzz> sledges: totally forgot about that 10:23:01 <sledges> np, that's what i'm here for:D 10:23:02 <r0kk3rz> sledges: heh, not such a bad idea, get people on skype or something 10:23:09 <sledges> youtube style webinar 10:23:10 <r0kk3rz> i think we periscoped it last time 10:23:12 <sledges> if we pull off some 4G 10:23:30 <sledges> was very bad connection on cybette's phone:) so only initial and low-fi periscope 10:23:36 <r0kk3rz> yup 10:23:37 <DylanVanAssche> I have an eduroam pass and I think the ULB has eduroam 10:23:48 <DylanVanAssche> Normally I will come to FOSDEM 10:23:54 <sledges> if everything else fails, we will relay to irc;) 10:23:55 <DylanVanAssche> but no promisses 10:24:11 <sledges> i'll also ping phdeswer, he's always organising embedded room there 10:24:29 <DylanVanAssche> +1 10:24:30 <sledges> s 10:24:30 <sledges> so 10:24:33 <sledges> #link https://together.jolla.com/question/154586/fosdem-it-together-2017/?answer=154587#post-id-154587 10:24:38 <sledges> (the correct link this time;) 10:24:50 <sledges> any vetoes? ;) 10:24:52 <Jaymzz> sledges: So, FOSDEM it is then! Please type the exact time and date here as well (just to be sure it's correct) 10:24:58 <Jaymzz> I vote yes 10:25:02 <Jaymzz> on fosdem 10:25:05 <DylanVanAssche> Me 2 10:25:16 <sledges> we'll have "BoF (birds of feather) classroom and will inform you on its place and time on the day (usually start around 15:00 or 16:00 UTC)" 10:25:21 <sledges> Saturday 4th February 10:26:08 <sledges> please suggest collab/brainstorm-type topics under that link, we'll take any topics from the usual tjc post too 10:26:30 <Jaymzz> Feb 4th between 1500 or 1600 UTC, we can confirm the exact time later in an email 10:26:43 <sledges> ^ on saturday morning ;) 10:27:00 <ljo_> :) 10:27:04 <jwalck> oh, ill have to see if i get to fosdem this year but good! 10:27:22 <sledges> jwalck: if you do, upvote BoF and dinner events ^^ 10:27:46 <jwalck> sledges: ait, I'll take a look:) 10:28:02 <sledges> great, see you all there or here ;D 10:28:52 <Jaymzz> Awesome. So the exact time and date will be emailed to you all when it is 100% confirmed. Sledges you fine with this? :) 10:28:53 <dr_gogeta86> sledges, i got both session recorded of last years BOF ... with bad audio 10:29:05 <sledges> Jaymzz: aye aye sir! 10:29:10 <Jaymzz> Let us have a good microphone this year too xD 10:29:15 <Jaymzz> sledges: Awesome! 10:29:19 <Jaymzz> It is a wrap! 10:29:33 <sledges> mm kebab 10:29:42 <Jaymzz> Thank you all for this meeting, minutes will be emailed to you shortly. Cheers! 10:29:52 <Jaymzz> #endmeeting