#jollamobile log for Tuesday, 2014-03-18

Kabouik/data/sdcard is empty, let's find the other step in logs00:00
sledgesvgrade: o/00:00
Kabouikcd /data; rmdir sdcard && ln -s /run/user/100000/media/sdcard/android_sd sdcard done00:00
HtheBany idea sledges ?00:00
vgradeevening sledges , smooth ui in new release00:00
sledgesKabouik: yes00:01
sledgesHtheB: no00:01
sledgesvgrade: thanks00:01
sledgesKabouik: you're set !00:01
KabouikSo is that done?00:01
Kabouik\o/ !00:01
HtheBKabouik: :D00:01
KabouikNow let's try whether the update to 1.0.4.idontremember works!00:01
HtheBgood luck!00:01
HtheBgoing to sleep now :)00:02
KabouikThanks a lot sledges, HtheB, #jollamobile, #earth :>00:02
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HtheBdont forget your mom00:02
HtheBshe brought you on earth :p00:02
KabouikWithout which none of that would have been possible, ever00:02
KabouikThanks mum. I love you, ya know.00:02
HtheBor.... the white stork...00:02
HtheBgood night all00:03
jabisnini GtheB00:03
Milo-hah, still can't disconnect calls initiated by bluetooth headset :)00:03
Milo-accidentally called my mother at 2 am..00:03
HtheBMilo-: awkward :p00:03
sledgesMilo-: there are no coincidences :D00:03
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sledges(check the backscroll :))00:04
jabisMilo-: hopefully you weren't doing anything... nasty... x)00:04
Milo-jabis yes, I always play with my bluetooth while doing something nasty O_O00:04
jabisthen there's two of us :P00:04
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Milo-actually, finnish word for "bluetooth pairing" does sound a bit nasty :)00:05
KabouikOh that's already better! Now I get the Sailfish progress bar during update, I didn't00:05
jabisglad to hear00:06
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KabouikThanks to you to jabis, sorry I forget some people to thank!00:07
jabisNo thanks required :) Glad to help ^^00:07
jabisI can't figure out with which app I'd now benchmark the battery-life now - forgot to run the battery as is to depleted before going with the governor and early suspend hacks x)00:08
mfulzis with the new update cal/carddav working other than google?00:09
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jabisoh noes - facebook calendar just populated my whole year x)00:10
jabisone thing I wouldn't've wanted in there :D00:10
sledgeshave same on here jabis :)00:11
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keithzgHuh, it gets my Facebook calendar completely wrong, time-wise.00:12
keithzgAn event at 7PM next Sunday shows up at 07:00 rather than 19:00, for instance.00:12
keithzgAnd hilariously shows an enddate of "1 January 1970 00:00", or in other words I assume UNIX timestamp 0, heh.00:13
nanderDoes it even use these settings jabis?00:14
keithzgThe same event is also pulled through Google Calendar (since I have Google pull in all my events from Facebook) and shows up fine.00:14
jabisnander: haven't tested00:15
sledgesgnite fellows o/00:15
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jabisnini sledges00:15
jabisnander: it should respect them per TOH-sdk that I browsed earlier00:15
nanderAre you sure there isn't some user directory for toh settings?00:17
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jabisas I said I'm not sure - haven't tested, I will test once my N9 running on Sailfish wakes up from its coma, where I can mess about as much as I like00:18
jabiswas doing a battery test, and forgot about it the whole weekend - today looked and surprise - no battery x)00:19
nanderEmptying your n9 battery is a bad idea if you have dual boot00:20
keithzgHmm, does SailfishOS handle ext4-formatted SD cards fine? It's kindof bugging me that I have it formatted as FAT32, ie. the worst current filesystem other than HFS+00:20
nanderI still kinda like my n900:20
nanderIt's a beauty00:21
jabisnander: find / | grep ambience - couldn't see any user specifics as global options00:21
keithzgOr maybe I should use btrfs, the utils seem to be pre-installed anyways, and subvolumes and snapshots are godsends some times.00:21
keithzgnander: Yeah, my N9 is still (and may be for some time) my primary device, and I've never gotten sick of looking at it.00:21
jabisnander: mine is so busted, that I'll need to renew the battery and the screen before I can really use it for anything else than testing apps and battery life00:21
nanderI think your find command is wrong00:22
nanderInstalling sailfish was really a bad move00:23
nanderIs it possible to reset it to the normal bootloader?00:23
nanderIe fully factory reflash it00:23
jabisran it as a root, worked like charm00:23
nanderHaha, my bad00:24
nanderI didn't copy, I typed it myself00:24
nanderI'm not a native speaker00:24
nanderI typed ambiance00:24
jabiswell I had it running an open kernel already, so not much to trouble myself with - and I'd recall just flashing both emmc and the kernel to stock was an option even back from open mode00:24
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nandershouldn't my custom ambience be stored somewhere?00:25
jabiskeithzg: it should handle ext4 just fine - only windows coughs up without an ext4 fs-driver00:25
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keithzgjabis: Just the thought of plugging a device of mine into a Windows machine makes my skin crawl, I'm not exactly worried about that ;)00:27
keithzgBut that's only an issue if removing the card anyways, right? It's not like the Jolla exposes anything over MSC.00:27
keithzg's all, MTP, right? Although I haven't gotten that to work at all, so I've just been using rsync over wireless, heh.00:28
keithzgAnd by "haven't gotten that to work" I basically mean "hmm, Dolphin doesn't seem to see it as an MTP device but it pops up briefly as 'camera:/' with no files...whatever I'll just open a terminal and use rsync ;)00:29
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jabisnander: http://pastebin.com/rBpvrVGG00:30
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nanderI don't see a setting for the fade to black behind the application launchers00:33
jabiskeithzg: ye AFAIK nothing gets out that you don't configure yourself :)00:35
KabouikI'm not a fan of these new alpha values in covers and keyboard00:36
KabouikBut at least it's now updated! :]00:36
jabisnander: it's the opacity, so the last two chars in the color specs00:37
jabisat least that's what I'm getting an impression00:37
KabouikYou managed to change it?00:37
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jabisstill not up that N9, won't do "testing" with my device :D00:38
keithzgjabis: Oh, I'm trying to tell it to connect via MTP, but it ain't workin'. But I'm just as likely to blame MTP for being a horribly broken "standard" as I am Jolla for the implementation, and hell, I'd usually rather use rsync anyways ;)00:38
jabiswell at least rsync is hassle free00:39
jabisI think I'mma head to bed now00:44
jabisnighty night folks, and gl Kabouik on your upgrade00:44
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KabouikIt's done jabis!00:45
KabouikAnd working :)00:45
KabouikGood night to you00:45
jabisoh you managed it, good good, happy times ^^00:46
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Raimkeithzg: getting MTP to work seems to be even more challenging with, as the USB device ID changed to 2931:0a05 for the "PC connection" mode (previously 2931:0a01 which was added to the development version of libmtp)01:47
RaimI am not even sure if that was intentional as the product ID :0a05 is also configured for "qa_diag_mode", as it was before this update01:49
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AardRaim: yes, the usb id was changed02:17
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TMavicais there a ambience option in setting??04:32
TMavicai cant see it04:33
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inffy_TMavica: i think there never has been05:34
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TMavicai see in mwc youtube there has05:59
TMavicathere is some youtube video showing06:01
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jussimorning all06:15
jussisledges: when you wake up, if youve got any news for me about android devices, do get in contact06:16
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Stskeepsno news yet06:18
jussiStskeeps: ok, thanks06:20
jussijust thought maybe with the update hitting you might be doing both06:21
Stskeepswe'll probably select from the list of people at first, to get the maximum yield06:21
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jussiStskeeps: mmm, fair enough. hopefully Im selected, I have several devices :)06:24
KiranosStskeeps: fantastic job with customer support here at #jollamobile!06:26
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Kiranoscant believe your up already :)06:26
specialwe've been thinking of moving him to full-time support06:26
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chriadamand Aard.  he hasn't been very busy recently, and needs something to fill his time :-P06:28
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chriadam(I still haven't figured out when he sleeps)06:28
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Pnuumaybe he has android compatibility layer built-in06:29
inffy_he doesn't06:29
inffy_sleep :d06:30
inffy_overrated etc06:30
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StskeepsKiranos: i have a small baby as alarm clock. 6am.06:42
inffy_i have 2 dogs as alarm clock. 5:15am every morning :P06:42
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covoxlol http://www.crn.com/news/mobility/300072056/sources-microsoft-in-talks-to-acquire-mobile-app-development-startup-xamarin.htm06:51
covoxbrown trousers time for anyone using mono in their stack :)06:51
narchienice, successfully updtaed06:57
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inffy_New Exchange ActiveSync policies introduced (lock time, minimum lock password length) what are the minimun lenght required?07:02
inffy_my exchange account allows a 4 digit pin, but i can't seem to enable it on Jolla07:02
jussiStskeeps: oh I had forgotten about your little one! congratulations for like... ages ago.07:04
jussiStskeeps: did I tell you we have another on the way?07:04
inffy_we have our first on the way07:05
narchieso, is Google calendar sync the only update in that front?07:06
narchieor is there somehting I'm missing07:06
tbrinffy_: it depends on your exchange setup. Is your account set for provisioning or is that disabled?07:07
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inffy_didn't disable provisioningn07:08
narchieKiranos: care to explain "automatically sync calendars"?07:08
inffy_tbr: atleast on my Lumia it accepts the 4 digit pin07:08
KiranosIm still waiting for my phone but its now two way syncing and I'm guessing a daemon polls google for updates07:09
Morpognarchie, only google calendar07:09
Kiranosnarchie: ^07:09
narchieit doesn't say it's excluvsive to google calendar07:09
Morpogit does somewhere07:09
MorpogWhat's new07:09
Morpog    Landscape mode in Email, Messages and Notes apps07:09
Morpog    Two-way sync for google calendar07:09
narchieat the top yes but at the more detailed release notes just says "automatically sync calendars"07:09
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narchieoh well07:09
Kiranoswhere you hoping for caldav auto syncing?07:10
Kiranosdont know status of that07:10
KiranosStskeeps: might know07:10
Kiranosor not :P07:10
narchiewow somehow I have already over 1000 photos07:11
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jussinarchie: selfies don't count :P :P :P07:11
tbrnarchie: there's a package for that but no UI. It's in chum/testing right now07:11
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narchietbr: nice, how do I enable that?07:13
tbrnarchie: join #sync and ask07:13
narchiejussi: oh ok ;_;07:13
minimecMorning. I have some empty playlist file 'Phone.m3u8' in the media player, that I cannot remove. Also 'find /home/nemo -name Phone.m3u8' gives no result. Do you have an idea, where that file could be? Besides... The new update is rather cool!07:13
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Stskeepsminimec: try to look on microsd; also for Phone.m3u07:14
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minimecStskeeps: Oh yeah. That would be /media/sdcard now right?07:15
Stskeeps.. i don't recall07:15
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minimecNothing too with find '/media/sdcard -name Phone.m3u8'. If I could simply delete it in the media player... Hm...07:17
Stskeepsminimec: and .m3u?07:17
Stskeepswithout 807:17
tabaskohow often gmail account updates?07:17
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tabaskocant find any settings for sync times etc07:17
minimecStskeeps: No results in /home and /sdcard07:18
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specialminimec: tracker-search *.m3u8?07:20
special(without the ?)07:20
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minimecspecial: no results. I did that command as user 'nemo'. It makes no sense to me to do it as root, right?07:22
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minimecStskeeps: Really strange. Could there be some default playlist in /usr/share or something? Some place where user 'nemo' doesn't have write (delete) access. That would explain the fact, that I cannot remove it...07:23
specialtracker wouldn't index /usr/share/07:23
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minimecspecial: Yeah... but find should give me some results... But again nothing...07:26
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Turskitabasko: it's in application settings07:31
Turskitabasko: settings -> applications -> email07:31
phaeronminimec: tracker-search -m07:33
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minimecphaeron: Ok. I get a bunch of errors in combination with files like this: "(tracker-search:21298): Tracker-CRITICAL **: tracker_bus_fd_cursor_real_get_string: assertion `(_tmp0_ < _tmp2_) && (_tmp3_ != NULL)' failed"07:34
phaeronminimec: you can ignore those errors07:35
phaeronminimec: just grep for m307:35
phaeronfor example07:35
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minimecphaeron: Doing that I only get these 'failed' errors without any files. With '| grep m3u8' I also get these error messages.07:37
phaeronnot sure I understand07:38
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minimec'phaeron: tracker-search -m | grep m3' gives me these error messages I pasted above, about 50 times...07:40
phaerontracker-search -m 2>/dev/null07:41
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jesperC_Hi, on my phone everything related to audio seems to be broken since the 1.0.4 update. No sound during calls or when using mediaplayer and no reactions from volume rocker. Anyone with similar problems?07:41
minimecphaeron: ok. Taht gives me a list of al my music files, but 'tracker-search -m 2>/dev/null | grep m3' gives no result07:42
phaeronok instead of m try --music-albums , and --music-artists07:44
phaeronmaybe ..07:44
minimecphaeron: would there be something like '--music-playlists' too?07:45
phaeronminimec: not that I can see07:45
phaeronbut I am not an expert :D07:45
phaeronit's not in --help at least07:46
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tango_I'm seeing an interesting behavior with fdroid in jolla: I can _install_ applications, but not _upgrade_ them08:02
rangoyHi.. in the about page. does others see that the other half id come and go. maybe related to when i touch the back08:02
Stskeepstango_: 1.0.4.* ?08:02
tabaskotango_: maybe new "allow 3rd party apps" is disabled? :)08:02
tango_Stskeeps: just upgrade, yes08:03
tango_tabasko: that would prevent them from installing too08:03
tango_Stskeeps: fdroid is the open-source app market for android, just in case08:03
tango_it works08:03
MirvStskeeps: graphical performance is now much closer to perfect, thank you :)08:03
StskeepsMirv: try with the GPU governor trick too, and also, it gets much better08:03
Stskeeps[21:48] <Stskeeps> echo "performance" >/sys/devices/platform/kgsl-3d0.0/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/pwrscale/trustzone/governor08:03
tango_Stskeeps: I can install new applications, but if (from within fdroid) try to upgrade one, it downloads the upgrade but does not install it08:04
MirvStskeeps: thanks!08:04
TMavicaset governor when boot, the script: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1417072&postcount=39308:04
Mirvon the road to perfection, then08:04
StskeepsMirv: and we're not even on 5.2 yet08:05
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gabriel9|workso march update is scheduled for? :)08:05
gabriel9|workand good morning08:05
MirvStskeeps: yep, noticed that too08:05
Mirvgabriel9|work: ;)08:05
Yanielgabriel9|work: yesterday evening08:05
MirvYaniel: I guess he joked about that being the Feb update08:05
gabriel9|workthat was february :)08:05
tabaskoStskeeps: how much that will impact battery life? :)08:06
YanielI'm hoping for an update on april 1st08:06
MirvUbuntu has found the V4 on Qt 5.2 slightly tricky, but with 5.2.1 + patches it starts to look good again08:06
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chriadamMirv: how about performance?  I've been meaning to run the https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,64331 benchmarks against both 5.1 and 5.2 on device and test the difference, but haven't gotten around to it yet... have you done anything similar?08:09
tango_Stskeeps: so, any idea what I might want to look for?08:10
tango_to debug the issue08:10
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GentSirMorning all08:11
chriadamhey gent08:11
Stskeepstango_: not offhand sorry, i don't really deal with android runtime08:12
Mirvchriadam: I've only heard it's "good" (with only problem being slight slow-down of starting apps, but we don't have app startup accelerator yet anyway), but I've failed to see a doc about it08:12
chriadamwhen I get around to it, i'll post the results on the qt devlist08:13
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Mirvthat should be interesting08:14
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mcfrisktoo easy to find bugs in jolla, either testing is not done or upgrades result in different sw images/states on device08:24
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Yaniel... did I just get bitten by DRM when trying to rip a CD?08:26
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TMavicahow to format sd card? what the command?08:29
TMavicamay i know the full command08:30
Jopestick it in a pc08:30
Jopeformat it ther08:30
Yaniel^ is easier08:30
Jopefind a windows pc and plug it in and it will ask you to format ti08:31
Jopeif you have to ask, you will risk some other filesystem08:31
Jopeif you don't have to ask, you'd have formatted it already08:31
TMavicai know can connect pc format08:31
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TMavicabut i am lazy08:31
Yanieldon't be08:31
TMavicabut seem cant see sdcard when connect to pc?08:32
inffy_it's under /media/sdcard/ now08:32
Yanielyou might want to use a memory card reader though08:34
TMavicayes i know08:34
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Nicd-Yaniel: I've never had CDs refuse to be ripped, even copy controlled08:35
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Yanielmight just be that this app is broken then08:38
Yaniellast updated in 2010 so I guess it is to be expected :D08:38
Nicd-what OS, what software?08:38
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pp_hmn, how do I force a full calendar sync?08:40
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Venemo_jthanks for the update08:42
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Nicd-pp_: go to account settings, select your account and accept. tried that?08:43
Venemo_jthe changelog is pretty impressive08:43
pp_think I did, it show events for some google calendars but not all of them08:43
pp_... or maybe it's only showing the first one08:43
Nicd-I don't remember who I talked with about the new app closing indicator, but I prefer it now that I see it for myself08:43
pp_(despite several being enabled)08:43
Nicd-also the new lock indicator08:43
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Venemo_jthe virtual keyboard is now much better, more visible even in sunlight08:47
Nicd-I'm not sure if I like the new app backgrounds in the multitasking view08:48
Nicd-they don't look as sleek08:48
pp_yea, events in one calendar just don't show up, if I add one to it it works that way (and deleting on the web makes it go away even on the phone)08:48
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pp_[W] mKCal::ExtendedCalendar::defaultStorage:2057 - Unable to create calendar database directory: "/home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal"08:50
pp_[C] mKCal::SqliteStorage::open:288 - sqlitestorage.cpp: 288 - sqlite3_open error: 14 on database "/home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/db"08:50
pp_err, should it be lke this? d---rwx--- 1 privileged privileged 148 Dec 10 14:00 privileged08:50
Venemo_jNicd-: they're quite OK, just need to get used to them08:51
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Venemo_jsame for the generally more aggressive effects08:51
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specialpp_: that seems ok. Where were you getting those db warnings?08:54
specialdid you run something manually?08:54
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YanielNicd-: OSX, Max08:54
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pp_yea, tried to startup it manually to see whethere there are any errors :-)08:55
Nicd-Yaniel: I just rip with iTunes, never had problems with DRM08:56
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Yanielyeah itunes ripped it just fine08:56
Yanielbut it does not support flac directly :/08:56
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Nicd-rip as ALAC and convert08:56
Nicd-though ALAC is open source nowadays so no reason devices shouldn't support it08:57
Yanielor wav08:57
Yanieldoes ALAC support metadata?08:57
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coderusvote please08:57
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Yanielokay, that is a better alternative then08:57
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TMavicagood question coderrus08:57
Nicd-Yaniel: I think the metadata comes with the MP4 container ALAC has08:58
coderusTMavica: its not my question :)08:59
ortylpIs there a setting for autoconnecting WLAN?  Without this feature syncing of emails and IM practically does not work.  The WLAN in question was available for many hours and Jolla connected only at the moment I unlocked the screen.09:00
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pp_hmn, editing an event (or creating a new one) on the web makes it show up09:01
Nicd-oh yes, we now have project websites and changelogs in store!09:02
pp_strings /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal contains those events too :P09:02
ortylpVDVsx: missing WLAN/Network autoconnection practically negates fixes for email syncing09:03
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VDVsxortylp, so ? you want the device to connect to random networks ? if user does not select autoconnect the device should not connect09:04
Yanielyeah wlan disconnecting when the screen is locked is quite a bother09:04
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ortylpVDVsx: I mean registered WLANs (the one at my flat)09:05
Yanielit should not autoconnect to wlans *except those where the user has told it to*09:05
Yanieland it "autoconnects" fine09:05
Yaniel- when the screen is unlocked that is09:05
ortylpno, it does not09:05
VDVsxortylp, if autoconnect is one it should09:05
VDVsxortylp, email asks the network layers for network then the logic is in that side, if request is successful or not09:06
ortylpVDVsx: it autoconnects at the moment I unlock the screen, not at the moment it needs network connection for the sync09:06
* Yaniel cursing how smpc loses its connection when the screen is locked09:06
VDVsxortylp, it it autoconnects when you unlock the screen without your action and does when sync is trigger09:07
ortylpVDVsx: Then I need a cron job reconnecting WLAN...09:07
VDVsxconnects and disconnects when network is not needed anymore09:07
ortylpbut it means that IM does not work either09:08
VDVsxortylp, if you can prove the sync fails due to that please provide logs09:08
VDVsxortylp, IM will not let the device sleep, so it should work fine09:08
Yanielbut it will allow the screen to blank?09:08
VDVsxwill be in a intermediate sleep state09:09
VDVsxcalled early sleep09:09
ortylpVDVsx: I'll do extensive testing on weekend and get back to you.09:09
VDVsxthe other one is deep sleep09:09
VDVsxortylp, ok thanks, if you get logs you can also send them to: mail-logs at jolla dot com09:10
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VDVsxrefering the problems09:10
VDVsxas said in the release notes, there are still some issues with networking, nothing I can do about those in email side09:10
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ortylpVDVsx: Today I have turned network at 7:30 on, got Jolla at 9:30 in my hands: Email last sync 10 hours ago (the sync interval is 15 minutes), IM not connected. how would you interpret that?09:11
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VDVsxortylp, if network is in autoconnect then a bug09:12
VDVsxwithout logs hard to guess, since works fine for me09:12
VDVsxboth IM and email09:12
ortylpVDVsx: where in settings can I check if "autoconnect" is on?  It connects automatically, but only at the moment I unlock the screen.09:14
lpotterwell then autoconnect is on. it's on when the AP is 'enabled'09:15
coderusortylp: its sailfish feature09:15
coderusortylp: connections suspend in idle09:15
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ortylpcoderus: that is great... for battery life, but not for connectivity :(09:16
VDVsxcoderus, for what you want radios on if no on is using them ? :)09:16
VDVsxno one*09:16
ortylpif IM connection is on, then the radio also has to be on... unfortunately this is the only way it can work09:18
pp_delete google account, create google account ftw09:18
* pp_ posts on together.jolla.com :-)09:18
VDVsxortylp, works like that here, device never goes to deep sleep09:18
ortylpVDVsx: should I do full device reset to get it working properly?09:19
VDVsxortylp, don't think that’s needed, if your update was successful it should work, if not some bug we don't know yet09:20
VDVsxortylp, if you have devel mode one, as root: journalctl -ab > some_File and then pastebin the content of the file09:21
ortylpVDVsx: ACK09:21
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ortylpVDVsx: I need to go now, I'll do more QA for Jolla on Weekend, thanks for the feedback09:22
VDVsxortylp, np, if you see problems, please report09:23
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Triztstill no way to lock the phone instead of waiting for X minutes?09:29
VDVsxTrizt, lock immediately ?09:30
VDVsxthat open is there09:30
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VDVsxin English: "no delay"09:31
VDVsxunder settings->device lock09:31
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TriztVDVsx: no, I still want default X minutes, but I want to lock it09:32
Triztsometimes at once09:32
VDVsxTrizt, you want a button somewhere or what ? I'm not getting the use case09:32
TriztEtiehr a menu option or have different actions if I use the side button and swipe from the top09:33
VDVsxTrizt, ok, suggest at t.j.c, if not done yet09:34
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Venemo_jStskeeps, Aard, please slap your communications team in the face09:36
StskeepsVenemo_j: why?09:36
Venemo_jI haven't got any emails from Jolla which were readable on my Jolla09:36
Venemo_jlatest one is unreadable too09:37
StskeepsVenemo_j: i wish we could all go back to plaintext emails09:37
Venemo_jplaintext would've been better readable, yes09:38
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CvPgood morning :)09:39
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Nicd-Venemo_j: I could read the latest one just fine on Jolla09:39
Venemo_jfont is too small09:40
Nicd-I read it on landscape and zoomed in so it fit the width09:41
Venemo_jso it wasn't readable for you either, you just worked around it09:41
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Nicd-I don't think it's a workaround, it's just zooming09:42
Nicd-I'm able to read it both landscape and portrait without zooming, but landscape + zooming makes it easier on the eyes09:42
Venemo_jit should be readable without rotation or zooming, from a comfortable distance09:43
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grzywaczAny idea when we may see a fix for https://together.jolla.com/question/15281/ui-speedresponsiveness/ and/or https://together.jolla.com/question/6296/is-scrolling-app-launcher-happening-really-at-60-fps/ ? People often want to take a look at this strange phone of mine, but they aren't impressed at all by how the launcher/home screen behave. That doesn't help virality. ;)09:43
Stskeepsgrzywacz: did you update?09:43
grzywaczStskeeps, yes09:43
Stskeepsgrzywacz: now try this on top:09:44
Stskeepsecho "performance" >/sys/devices/platform/kgsl-3d0.0/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/pwrscale/trustzone/governor09:44
Stskeepsgrzywacz: i think we're definately significantly improved in 1.0.4.* but there's more to come09:45
Stskeepssuch as qt5.2 scenegraph renderer and using the gpu clock a bit better09:45
slettagrzywacz: We fixed a lot of performance issues with the Update 4, but there are still a couple of places where we are not hitting max framerate. I expect the update to Qt 5.2 to fix a lot more (and improve homescreen performance)09:45
Venemo_jhomescreen is quite ok for me...09:46
grzywaczI feel stuff like scrolling around cards is smoother. Trying the governor trick now. Does it harm my battery usage? ;)09:46
grzywaczsletta, if it's going to be fixed (sooner or later), then I'm happy :)09:46
Stskeepsgrzywacz: it impacts it a tiny bit but not extremely09:46
Stskeepswe're still getting numbers which is why it's not on by default09:47
ballockI feel browser's scrolling is a little worse than it used to wrt framerate09:47
ballockthe homescreen scrolling only stutters upon first touch, after that it's ok09:47
Stskeepsyeah it ramps up cpu at touch09:48
ballockbut browser doesn't respond to that09:48
CvPbrowser feel better like before09:49
ballockis it only ramping it up on homescreen?09:49
Nicd-the calendar cover glitches when I peek at the multitasking view for me09:50
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Nicd-it flashes a random icon or something for a split second and then reverts to the calendar cover view09:50
Nicd-at the beginning of the peek09:50
CvPi miss ambience left/right from homescreen and toh covers dont connecting, nothin happen, no download from themes09:51
minimecphaeron: re... My INternet provider fu..ed it up good this morning. I was offline for two hours now.09:52
Triztwere is the backup stored? never really figured out the location09:52
minimecphaeron: To come back to my Phone.m3u8 problem. Definitely looks like tracker did not index this file.09:52
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phaeronminimec: media player gets its info from tracker09:53
phaeronTrizt: git repo ~/.vault09:53
Triztokey thanks phaeron09:54
grzywaczStskeeps, definitely better with performance governor; both subjectively and on the FPS display09:54
minimecphaeron: I don't get it. My last search was 'tracker-search -f 2>/dev/null | grep m3'. I did not get any result for that.09:54
pp_heh, the main ui is so much more responsive now the android side seems to be very laggy09:54
pp_(they were about equal before :) )09:54
Nightmare__CvP, ambiences do just fine for me (everything like in
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minimecphaeron: I don't get it. My last search was 'tracker-search -f 2>/dev/null | grep m3'. I did not get any result for that.09:58
phaeronminimec: files are not "all"09:58
minimecphaeron: ok.09:58
grzywaczAnyhow. Looks like the calendar app stopped showing recurring appointments after the update. At least the ones synced from google.09:59
CvPnightmare__ hmm and what can i do now? i do factory reset and update to 1.02.5 and than to
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Nightmare__good question, i did it the same way reset->update chain09:59
minimecphaeron: I don't see a 'all' option with '--help' and 'tracker-search 2>/dev/null | grep m3' doesn't give me a result.10:00
CvPstskeeper any idea what i can do?10:02
TemeCvP: your ambiences are not working or what?10:04
CvPyes right10:04
Temewith the update my device had "unfavorited" all of them in gallery so they weren't available from home screen10:04
CvPput white, poppy, black... but no reaction10:05
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TemeCvP: if it's not the first time, the ToH themes are not set active when it's attached10:05
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Temeso check under gallery if they are favorited or not..10:06
Stskeepsif it's not reported, please report it on together.*10:06
Nicd-I'll write a report on together today about the people app, it doesn't group companies under their company name but under their phone number10:07
CvPno isnt in galary too.... it comes no pop up info to install the theme10:07
Nicd-so they're impossible to find10:07
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minimecphaeron: Ok. I come to the point where I want to try to delete the tracker database. Would deleting ~/.local/share/tracker and ~/.cache/tracker & reboot be enough?10:09
phaeronminimec: tracker-control -krs10:09
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minimecphaeron: THX. That is much easier... ;)10:10
AL13N_workSage-: ping10:12
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minimecphaeron: Ok. That did it! Phone.m3u8 is gone. THX.10:13
AL13N_workSage-: looking at the wifi issue, it seems that iw dev wlan0 link briefly gets very low signal... but then the signal is calculated based on the beacons, iirc, so i still think a weird driver queue issue is actually responsible for this10:13
phaeronminimec: cool !10:13
AL13N_workSage-: i did "watch --interval=0.1 iw dev wlan0 link"10:14
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Venemo_jStskeeps: out of curiosity, what's up with LTE?10:14
AL13N_workSage-: i saw frequently -31 to -37 with now and then some jumps to -28 or -41 ... just that once in a while it jumps to -9310:15
StskeepsVenemo_j: i plead ignorance10:15
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AL13N_work(about LTE, thing is, some devs have been using it (as seen in videos) before release...)10:15
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Venemo_ji know10:16
Venemo_jbut is it enabled in 1.0.4.x?10:16
AL13N_workStskeeps: you'll know this, there was an opensource driver that couldn't be used yet... is that by any change the wlan driver?10:16
AL13N_workStskeeps: is there a way for me to test this driver (without bricking my device?)10:17
AL13N_workVenemo_j: we'd have heard it if it was10:17
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StskeepsAL13N_work: check tmo10:18
Venemo_jQ1 2014 is almost over10:18
AL13N_workSage-: keeping in mind that with pings 1/sec over an extended period of time (a few hours), i get about 2% DUP and 30% drops (could have gone into standby)10:18
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StskeepsQ1 2014 and LTE.. how's that related?10:19
minimecphaeron: By chance... Would you know if there is a way to assign an image or cover to a playlist file?10:19
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ggabrielto all jolla folks: congrats on the update4 :)10:19
phaeronI think putting album art alongside the album in its folder should work10:19
phaeronbut I need to refresh on the tracker details10:20
Nicd-Stskeeps: LTE was once said to come during Q1... though it was just an estimate10:20
Stskeepsno idea10:20
Venemo_jStskeeps: ummmm... yeah10:20
AL13N_worki'm sure some people could check their IRC logs if they wanted to...10:20
ggabrielwho wants lte when you can lock the orientation dynamically by simply placing your finger on the screen while rotating? :D10:20
minimecphaeron: This is working for an album, that's true. I will give it a try with playlists.10:21
Venemo_jggabriel: wat?10:21
AL13N_workggabriel: seriously? that's an awesome feature10:21
AL13N_worki need this10:21
ggabrielsee settings10:21
ggabrielit's an awesome feature10:21
AL13N_worki often use the phone when i'm laying down in bed10:21
ggabrielVenemo_j: nothing, i'm just talking nonsense10:21
Stskeepsif anybody said anything about LTE on irc they need to walk ze plank, also, it's not a official place10:21
ggabriel(but it's an awesome feature)10:21
Turskiggabriel: it really is an awesome feature10:22
Venemo_jwasn't only on irc10:22
AL13N_worklte isn't all that important...10:22
ggabrieli'm a sad panda re caldav10:23
Venemo_janyway, seriously, what's up with lte?10:23
ggabrieli'm hoping that i can hack something in the command line10:23
StskeepsVenemo_j: it'll come when it comes10:23
StskeepsVenemo_j: any radio technology is a fun excersise10:23
TheBootroo_workHi !10:23
AL13N_workggabriel: still, 2way google cal sync is now done, i'm sure caldav is the next point wrt calendars10:23
TheBootroo_worknew release is cool, GCal works fine10:23
TMavicaradio switcher can enable 4G but no calling function10:23
TMavicabut someone say maake some tweek, then 4G can work with calling10:23
TheBootroo_worknew ui enhancements are great, excepted page dots a little too big (overall the active one)10:24
TheBootroo_workthey should be slightly smaller10:24
TheBootroo_workwhile staying as bright as they are now10:24
dunphow about owncloud support?10:24
TeguI already managed to use the lock accidentally :P but it's okay10:24
FireFlySomething I've noticed is that pulseaudio uses quite a lot of CPU power when listening to music with the stock music player10:24
AL13N_workimho the page dots and pulley menu bar are too big, i liked the old ways better, but it's not important to me10:24
FireFly33% or so10:24
Venemo_jStskeeps: okay :)10:24
TheBootroo_workbut yeah, still awaiting LTE support10:24
AL13N_workthough if there was an option to go back, i'd do it10:24
AL13N_workFireFly: did you enable that program that does pulsetunnel thing?10:25
TheBootroo_workAL13N_work: i prefer bigger pulley like now, only active page dot is a little too big10:25
Teguyea the pulley markers and dots got huge10:25
AL13N_worki guess for new users, that's a good thing10:25
AL13N_workfor me.... ah well, i don't really care that much about it10:25
FireFlyAL13N_work: what pulsetunnel thing, btw?10:25
AL13N_worksomething about using the pulseaudio stuff to send audio to pulseaudio receiver10:26
AL13N_workbut it's something that could get stuck, imho10:26
AL13N_worki'm pretty sure if you enable that program and then remove it, that the tunnel would be kept active still10:27
Teguthe keyboard has a bit better clarity now10:27
AL13N_worki figured it may have something to do with your pulse taking cpu10:27
tobiskiwhat's this? I updated the device and took charger away and it said "The device is over heating, power it off"10:27
tobiskinever seen that before10:28
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* AL13N_work neither10:28
AL13N_workbut, i've seen it being hot when charging (while i was doing something)10:29
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AL13N_workperhaps it's the first warning level or something10:29
Stskeepstobiski: was it factually warm?10:29
tobiskiStskeeps: not anymore than usually I think10:31
tobiskiAnd I was using Jolla's official charger10:31
AL13N_worktobiski: maybe it had already cooled off, for during the upgrade and being charged at the same time10:31
Stskeepstobiski: report the issue on together.*10:31
AL13N_workand you just hadn't seen the warning yet10:31
tobiskiAL13N_work: could be10:32
tobiskiI'll keep an eye on if it warns again when I charge it next time. But for now it seems to work as normal10:32
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AL13N_worki've found out that if you use it somewhat extensively and then charge it, (and possibly ssh-in during charging and do some things) that it can actually be warm-ish at the top10:34
AL13N_work(also when putting in my jeans pocket, which is quite tight)10:34
coderuswinter ended, no need to warm jeans :D10:35
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AL13N_workcoderus: there was never any winter over here, this year10:36
AL13N_workcoderus: besides, i wear the same black jeans, black T-shirts, black socks, black shoes, black underwear everyday10:36
AL13N_workthat's to say, i have about 10 identical ones for each of those10:37
AL13N_worknever any problem choosing what to wear10:37
jussiAL13N_work: you are simon cowell and I claim my 5 pounds :P10:37
Tegusounds like donald duck10:37
AL13N_workjussi: who's simon cowell?10:37
Tegucloset full of same clothes10:37
AL13N_workthat name rings a bell10:38
AL13N_workTegu: i've a wife, which means, i am happy to have about 4% of closet-space10:38
jussiAL13N_work: off american idol type show.10:38
FireFlyAL13N_work: I wear the same [...] black underwear everyday10:38
FireFlyno comment :p10:38
AL13N_workjust regular underwear, don't get your hopes up10:39
jussiAL13N_work: he has this "uniform" he is pretty much always seen in10:39
* AL13N_work is not an american10:39
coderus16:37 < AL13N_work> that's to say, i have about 10 identical ones for each of those10:39
coderussigh of relief10:39
* AL13N_work also almost never watches TV, let alone such ... stuff10:39
AL13N_workcoderus: haha yes10:40
AL13N_worknext time you see me @ FOSDEM, you would be worried :-)10:40
* AL13N_work grabs something to eat10:40
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Venemo_jokay Stskeeps, sorry for harassing you with it10:44
Stskeepsfeel free to harass me about things in my area10:44
coderusAL13N_work: you eat same breakfast, lunch, dinner every day and have about 10 eat packages with same content? :)10:45
Bysmyyrplease vote important(and easy to implement) feature: https://together.jolla.com/question/23743/recurring-calendar-entries-end-date/10:51
Milo-Stskeeps remember the issue I had? Jolla wouldn't boot after update. Without ever enabling openrepos..10:52
StskeepsMilo-: yes?10:52
StskeepsMilo-: i'd like a zypper lr output fwiw10:53
Milo-manually running zypper/version --dup afterwards didn't fix it either..10:53
Milo-I ended up grabbing backups from ~/, running factory reset from recovery-mode and restoring backups.10:53
Milo-after factory reset and upgrading from to 1.0.4.x worked like a charm.10:53
Stskeepssorry that this happened, i've this fluke before when hw adaptation repo somehow got disabled10:53
Stskeepsbut i was quite confident that wouldn't happen anymroe -- but we cannot tiem travel to fix
AL13N_workcoderus: no, of course not10:54
Milo-the logs said that adaption0 and adaption1 couldn't get jolla credentials..10:54
StskeepsMilo-: yeah, but that's expected in chroot10:55
Stskeepsor, before?10:55
Milo-that was before.10:55
AL13N_workcoderus: i eat every day at the same time, and at lunch, i have 3 different things which i always pick one from10:55
Stskeepsthat should have done bad things indeed10:55
Milo-maybe that disabled adaption?10:55
AL13N_workat breakfast, i always eat one of 2 things10:55
AL13N_workat dinner it varies, but most often pizza or pasta10:55
AL13N_work(unless my wife has something for me)10:55
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Milo-Stskeeps but it's all good now, thank you for your help.10:57
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AL13N_workStskeeps: i donno if this is your area, but maybe it might not be a bad idea to (during upgrade) turn on only the jolla one's and off all the others, and afterwards switch back to what was previously enabled10:58
AL13N_workthat way you could get a warning or stop upgrade when some are disabled10:59
mornfallAL13N_work: I think that's what happens on the next update10:59
StskeepsAL13N_work: 1.0.4.* store client disables everything but jolla repos10:59
Stskeepsbut we cannot timetravel10:59
Milo-I backed up my /home/nemo, and just bluntly replaced the factory reseted /home/nemo with the old one, is there any filesystem changes which I should know about?10:59
Milo-sms, call log and account details all seem to work just fine.11:00
stephgfwiw had a bootloop this morning on
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mornfallstephg: :\11:00
stephgyeah kinda surprised me also11:00
Stskeepsdefine bootloop11:01
mornfallisn't it kinda weird that you have to hit reload to close the current tab?11:02
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stephgStskeeps, on train with 3g on, listening to media player and browsing web, reboot, came back up to UX for maybe 10 seconds and reboot again11:03
stephgat that ponit I yanked the battery for a couple of minutes11:03
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stephgthought it was 3g related as I was struggling to get a page up on the bbc website, and the bit of the train route the signal sux and it will drop to 2g,11:04
stephg^but that's anecdotal11:05
stephgwell it all is isn't it ;)11:05
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Stskeepsstephg: did you pull battery for 10 minutes after update11:05
Stskeepsif it continues from now on, contact car11:05
stephgafter update no, after second reboot this morning, yes but for ~maybe 411:05
stephgit's not done it since11:05
mornfallStskeeps: is there a rationale for the battery trick?11:06
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Stskeepsmornfall: PMIC is alive at all times and listening to for example power button11:06
Stskeepsso we need to reset it's state11:06
mornfallI see... so the reboots are related to PMIC?11:07
Stskeepsmornfall: not impossible11:07
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mornfallthere's also (still) a slight jerk when moving between homescreen and the rest of the launcher or back11:12
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AL13N_workmy SMS's now have dutch suggestions.... ?11:12
AL13N_worki thought dutch wasn't available?11:13
Stskeepsmaybe purchased additional dictionaries11:13
mornfall(it's especially visible when you start moving downwards from the first launcher screen and then change direction upwards so you are already moving when you hit the border)11:13
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mornfallI don't have a dutch dictionary...11:14
mornfallAL13N_work: but if you typed enough dutch it'd be remembering those words you used11:14
AL13N_workah, that'll be it11:14
AL13N_workStskeeps: is there a way to use other dictionaries?11:15
Stskeepsnot my area.. :P11:15
AL13N_workmine neither11:15
AL13N_workmaybe cybette would know?11:15
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Stskeepsso, guys, what's the verdict on the update?11:20
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Nicd-I like it11:21
Nicd-but I'm waiting for Hervantajärvi11:21
sharpneli2.0.2 - Kolera-allas11:22
Stskeepshervanta smells nokian11:22
Milo-the cover of settings no longer displays 3G data connection as active when it is active.11:23
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narchieStskeeps: Stskeeps: great11:24
narchielooks btter, even though Icouldnt imagine any improvements previosly11:24
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pp_polish + 4G support and I'm happy :-)11:26
pp_that list was a lot longer in the first version of the software :P11:27
Sailor9452Stskeeps: well the mail client still needs features, but other than that i'm happy :D11:27
pp_well, native apps :-)11:28
Tegugreat, overflow scrolling works now in the browser11:28
Siddehmm, Adblock stopped working with the new update. And the About:addons menu is unusable11:28
SiddeI'll guess that means no more firefox extensions for a while11:28
Mnsu_do you know if google calendar support is done though caldav or some other way, if the former, why would it not be possible to add custom caldav calendars?11:28
ballockSidde: how did you install adblock?11:28
Siddeballock: opened addons.mozilla.org and installed it11:29
StskeepsSidde: new engine, maybe recompile needed?11:29
SiddeStskeeps: maybe11:29
ballockdamn, that's too simple11:29
pp_you can also unzip to /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/extensions/ ;)11:30
Siddebut the addons-menu is broken. You can't press any menu items anymore11:30
Tegubut about:config is still unusable :/11:30
Siddepp_: yes. i just did. Did not work that either11:30
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pp_hmn, wonder if the version check fails due to some change11:30
pp_my manually installed https everywhere still seems to be working11:31
pp_(directory name there needs to be just right)11:31
Siddepp_: that's very nice.11:31
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Siddepp_: it means extensions still work. Just something with adblock11:32
Siddesomeone else has also noticed: https://together.jolla.com/question/33931/adblock-doesnt-work-after-ohijarvi-update/11:32
pp_do look at install.rdf, toolkit@mozilla.org version 17.0 to 28.0 seems to be enough11:33
ballockgeck in is 2911:33
pp_(see https://together.jolla.com/question/24531/https-everywhere-support-in-browser/ )11:33
pp_hmn, maybe it's disabling my https everywhere too then :D11:33
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CoderCandyZOMG, long awaited sailfish update!11:43
CoderCandyDownloading now.11:44
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inffy_you are little late to the party :D11:45
opukthe update wiped my contacts and the backup did not restore them :(11:45
Stskeepsopuk: that does not sound good11:45
CoderCandyopuk: won't be a problem.for me11:45
Stskeepsopuk: can you get us /var/log/zypp/history ?11:45
CoderCandyI haven't gotten around to adding my contacts since last factory reset11:46
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CoderCandyinffy_: I've been running 2.5 for a while now, so the update-available icon has been permanently present for me.11:47
CoderCandyI just now noticed the different version number.11:47
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ggabrielclearly i should stay away from tjc for a week after updates come through11:48
CoderCandyggabriel: hmm?11:48
ggabrielas peeps seem to think that opening questions with long lists of features/bugs is A Good Thing11:48
CoderCandyMan 2g is slow :(11:48
ggabrielindeed :)11:48
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CoderCandyggabriel: what? that makes keeping track of an individual bug almost impossible.11:49
ggabrielCoderCandy: yeah, I pointed it out a couple of times, but peeps seem to disagree and that they want to take a different approach11:49
ggabrielnot sure why they don't use tmo for that11:49
CoderCandyOookay, I'm not very active on tjc tbh11:50
ggabrieli just try to organise things every now and again11:50
ggabrielbut clearly I shouldn't :)11:50
CoderCandySomething about the layout of that site is not to my taste.11:51
ggabrielnothing is ever perfect11:51
CoderCandyI know :p11:51
CoderCandyI should add a feature request to it though...11:52
CoderCandyA download speed indicator when downloading updates.11:52
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CoderCandyooh, time to update  wish me luck!11:57
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CoderCandyHuh, that was odd11:58
CoderCandyThe device showed the "Sailfish updating screen" for like 3 seconds, and then it rebooted into 2.5 again.11:59
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CoderCandyI'm guessing corrupt download.12:00
Stskeepstry again12:00
CoderCandyYeah, it's downloading :p12:00
CoderCandy(I did wonder how it wend from 15% to completed in a matter of seconds12:01
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CoderCandyThat's my reasoning for the corrupt download theory.12:02
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AardVenemo_j: they did contain a plain text part, though. which had messed up formatting and was basically useless, but still, it's the thought that counts :p12:05
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Venemo_jAard: I don't if any guys from there visit this channel, but I suggest them to check out a technique called 'responsive email design'12:07
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Nicd-so many ping timeouts :o12:09
CoderCandyI'd ping timeout soo often12:10
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CoderCandyIf I didn't use a bouncer.12:10
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Nicd-looks like there were connection problems in finland12:12
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Nicd-lots of people timing out on all finnish channels12:12
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CoderCandyI wonder what they will call the updates when they run out of finnish lakes.12:12
CoderCandyNicd-: ah, I'm on swedens freenode server.12:13
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Nicd-CoderCandy: trust me, they won't run out of finnish lakes :P12:13
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Sailor9452Venemo_j: when switching the irc app to landscape, is it possible to full out the complete width? or is it some toolkit limitation?12:13
AardCoderCandy: the list I'm using has about 20000 lakes. they only have lakes larger than some specific size, though12:13
Nicd-CoderCandy: there are over 187 000 lakes in finland12:14
Aardso if we're running out of names we should start sponsoring a project making a list with smaller lake names :)12:14
CoderCandy... ah.12:14
Venemo_jSailor9452: hmm, I see, can you open a ticket about this on GitHub?12:14
Teguthey'd better reserve the huge lakes like Saimaa for extraordinary large updates :P12:15
Venemo_jfeel free to use the name 'Balaton' (aka the Hungarian sea)12:16
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mornfallhmm, I don't seem to be able to ssh into the phone after the update?12:18
mornfalldoesn't even ping me back, even though it's online and ip addr gives me the correct IP12:18
TheBootroo_work"when they run out of finnish lakes..."  ----> \o/12:18
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TheBootroo_worksounds like "when they run out of PI decimals"12:19
AcceSomeone tweeted that bluetooth keyboards are now supported.. can't wait to get back home and try12:19
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mornfallinterestingly, I can ssh into it using its openvpn address12:27
mornfall(if I put it on 3G instead of wlan at least)12:27
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inffy_any more info on these new features: New Exchange ActiveSync policies introduced (lock time, minimum lock password length)12:35
inffy_atleast that minimum lock password length12:36
inffy_atleast my Jolla won't let me create a lock code that is under 5 digits12:36
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fluxI think it doesn't allow to create lock code under 5 digits regardless of any exchange policy12:37
inffy_seems so12:37
fluxprobably now the limit can be set higher by the exchange server?12:37
Yanieloh, the tutorial app is back12:37
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mornfallanyone know what might be blocking icmp (and sshd) when wlan is on?12:38
Yanielbut still no sign of CalDAV12:39
mornfallYaniel: I think CalDAV is now supported in the backend, but you'd need to hack config files to add non-google CalDAVs...12:39
mornfallbut I can't really check coz the only way to ssh into my phone is over 3G :P12:39
Yanielyeah google CalDAV has been there for a while already12:39
mornfallYaniel: well, it was read-only until yesterday12:40
w00tnot caldav, it uses the google-specific APIs (which is why it only works for google)12:40
Yanielso what about caldav?12:40
w00tit's coming12:40
svuorelamornfall: got a link on how to add caldav ?12:40
netzviehwell my android apps close if i swipe out. thats not that cool12:40
mornfallsvuorela: 13:40 ( w00t ) not caldav, it uses the google-specific APIs (which is why it only works for google)12:41
mornfallsvuorela: sadly12:41
fluxnetzvieh, does it sometimes, and then it stops doing it12:41
w00tkeep an eye on https://github.com/nemomobile/buteo-sync-plugin-caldav12:41
sunkanmornfall: Some WiFi AP's don't allow 2 wireless clients to speak to eachother, are you trying from another wireless device or from a wired machine?12:41
svuorelamornfall: we should get w00t hacking faster :P12:41
mornfallsunkan: it worked before the update :P12:41
tbrw00t: might want to add, that there are packages for the fearless of that12:41
mornfallsunkan: I talk to other machines on the wifi just fine, too12:42
sunkanmornfall: Ok, I don't have a WiFi that I can test with at work..12:42
VDVsxinffy, why you want to create less than 5, if your exchange server has this policy enforce for sure will be at least 5digits12:42
w00ttbr: if you know the details, go ahead :)12:42
netzviehflux: well it does everytime when 9+ native apps are open. and most times when not12:43
sunkanmornfall: mornfall my SSH daemon listens on :::22 and I have no FW rules so should work.12:43
inffy_VDVsx: well our exchange seems to allow 4 digits, atleast on my lumia. but it's not a big problem just wanted to know.12:43
tbrpackages of the caldav plugin are available through the Chum community repository12:43
mornfallsunkan: yeah, I checked that it's not iptables already12:43
VDVsxinffy, probably will allow 1 as well :D12:43
tbrfor that still needs a sanity check, but they will be available still today12:43
tbryou do need to add your calendar manually from the command line though12:44
inffy_VDVsx: nah, 4 is minimum12:44
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Yanieloh right, need to update the chum url12:44
tbrthose who want to try it should join #sync12:44
VDVsxso is enforce12:44
Yanielor did the update do that already?12:44
tbrYaniel: no, update shouldn't touch that12:44
mornfallsunkan: I can ssh to jolla from the AP12:45
tbrso yes, please update your chum urls12:45
mornfallsunkan: that's weird, because I have two laptops on the same wifi and they ssh to each other just fine :)12:46
sunkanmornfall: This is a consumer WiFi not more advanced with centralized controller or anything similar?12:46
mornfallsunkan: it's a b3 box (ARM board with an Atheros wireless chip)12:47
CoderCandyThe update went well12:47
mornfallsunkan: might be its fault, I'll investigate12:47
CoderCandyAaaalmost didn't though12:47
stephgmornfall, my wireless is working fine12:47
CoderCandy(I had 2% battery when done)12:47
stephgsounds environmental to me12:47
stephgCoderCandy, eek12:47
stephgcutting it fine ;)12:47
sunkanmornfall: Can be difficult to troubleshoot WiFi issues I'm afraid. Trial and error is the way I most often end up with.12:48
zuttotrial and error is very solid developement plan12:48
netzviehtbr: is there a tutorial or something for the caldav thingy?12:49
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pp_hmn, is there some place where the stuff in chum is discussed/announced, I see stuff that updates system files in http://repo.merproject.org/obs/sailfishos:/chum:/
pp_with no changelog to even tell me what they'd be doing :P12:50
mornfallsunkan: it's just jolla that's invisible on the wifi though, the two laptops can talk to each other in any direction, and jolla can see the computers12:50
mornfallhmm, actually jolla can only see one of them12:50
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sunkanmornfall: see as in ping?12:51
mornfallsunkan: as in any connection towards that machine12:51
mornfallsunkan: tcp replies work though12:52
sunkanmornfall: Well that rules out any arp related issues I suppose.12:52
sunkanmornfall: tcpdump on the Jolly would be nice to confirm that the TCP SYN is not arriving when you try to do SSH connect.12:53
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tbrnetzvieh: 12:44:28< tbr> those who want to try it should join #sync13:03
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Triztmost likely a stupid question, what's the point of the "lock" when you swipe from the top down on the home screen?13:13
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Nicd-Trizt: to show you that you are locking the phone13:13
TriztNicd-: you ain't locking the phone13:14
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Triztunless you have set it to lock at once13:14
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AL13N_worki don't understand? you don't lock your phone?13:14
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AL13N_work(btw: i would like it that the power button locks immediately)13:15
TriztAL13N_work: swiping down on the home screen don't lock the phone, it just turns of the screen13:15
Nicd-I would call that locking13:15
TriztI do have auto lock after 5 minutes inactivity13:15
Nicd-just without a code13:15
AL13N_workah right13:16
TriztNicd-: not locking, just closing13:16
Triztor you lock your door by closing it?13:16
Nicd-my phone is not a door13:17
AL13N_workwell, it doesn't matter what you call it13:17
AL13N_workit sounds to me that you want to go immediately to home screen if it's not locked yet13:18
TriztAL13N_work: I want to have an option to lock the phone at once, not all ways, but when I have the need to do so13:19
AL13N_worki want the power button on the right and top edge swipe to lock immediately13:19
AL13N_workbut not the timeout13:19
* Trizt nods13:20
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* AL13N_work checks if there's options for that13:20
Triztan alternative could have been to swpie trough the lock image and it locks at once and that you could configure how the power button should work13:20
AL13N_workthere is no delay13:21
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AL13N_workand display has the timeout13:21
AL13N_workand voila direct locking13:22
AL13N_workTrizt: ^^13:22
TriztAL13N_work: yes, but I can't choose13:22
AL13N_worki'm gonna check timeout13:22
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AL13N_worksee if it locks immediately13:22
AL13N_workthat 5/10 secs time when timeout is done might help13:23
AL13N_workno, bad luck13:24
AL13N_workTrizt: put it as a bug in tjc and i'll vote it up13:24
TriztI'll do that when I'm home, don't have password with me to work13:27
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AL13N_workping me when you've done that13:31
TriztAL13N_work: will do so13:31
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AL13N_workVenemo_j: you don't agreE?13:31
Venemo_jJolla's pretty smooth with the new update13:32
AL13N_worki'm not sure i agree13:32
Venemo_jAL13N_work: the hm was not directed at you :)13:32
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Venemo_jAL13N_work: why don't you agree? :)13:33
AL13N_workwhen going from home to apps, the bottom four apps are jumping up13:33
Nightmare__has someone connection problems with mitäkuuluu/whatsapp? mine is stuck at authorising13:33
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ggabrielAL13N_work: ha! happened to me once13:34
TriztNightmare__: mine is "logged in", but I have had same issue as you from time to time, restarting it has sometimes helped13:34
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ggabrieli also managed to crash the camera properly (had to reboot)13:34
ggabrielbut otherwise a lot smoother as Venemo_j points out13:34
Venemo_jI booted my N9 a few days ago13:35
Venemo_jit felt extremely slow, compared to the jolla13:35
ggabrielVenemo_j: tell me about it... it's still my main phone...13:37
netzviehhmm how do i remove that tutorial app? is there a gui way?13:37
w00tggabriel: why ooi?13:38
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ggabrielw00t: because i need caldav and paid applications13:39
ggabrielactually, if i had caldav, i could switch it to main phone13:39
ggabrieland i mean proper caldav sync with an actual server, not google13:39
ggabrieli'm hoping there is a command line way to set up a generic caldav account and have it sync'ed13:40
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Venemo_jafaik the sync backend is open source13:41
Accenetzvieh: long press and clicking (x) not working?13:41
Venemo_jit's just a question of someone doing it13:41
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Nightmare__netzvieh, https://together.jolla.com/question/33267/how-to-uninstall-tutorial-app/13:42
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ggabrielVenemo_j: depends how far the backend has made it... as in, does it create an account in sailfish and that's integrated with the calendar?13:43
ggabrielif that's the case, then i may be able to set everything up via CLI13:43
ggabrielwhich would mean an almost immediate switch to the jolla as main phone13:43
Venemo_jggabriel: dunno13:44
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ggabrieli'll try to fin dout13:44
ggabrielyou can always set up a dummy google account and see what happens behind the scenes13:45
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netzviehNightmare__: okay thx, no gui way. then it will have to wait until i'm bsck at my pc to ssh in13:46
netzviehStskeeps: you should make that removable again/not reinstall it with the update ;)13:47
coderus"Camera not rersponding"13:48
ggabrielcoderus: ha! another victim!13:48
coderusis there any way to restart camrea anything without reboot?13:48
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coderusCameraBin error: "failed to open camera device 0: -1"13:51
coderusrebooting =(13:51
ggabrielthat's what i had to do...13:51
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ggabrielok, let me ramble again about the tap to lock orientation feature13:55
ggabrieli mean, it's great, and it's such a small thing13:55
ggabrieli wonder how long until the competition copies it13:55
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flanagyeah, I really like it too13:55
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flanagand I never really believed that even the android apps could be so smooth on Sailfish OS13:56
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flanagbut they managed to do that too13:57
Stskeepsflanag: and it'll be better, too..13:57
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ggabrielace under the sleeve, Stskeeps ? ;-)13:57
flanagreally nice job there, thanks to everybody working on Sailfish :)13:57
Stskeepslong story short, the android runtime sends wayland SHM buffers at the moment13:57
Stskeepsthey're bog slow to composite and display, due to texture uploads13:57
Stskeepsso, it'll get better.13:57
ggabrieli didn't try android yet13:58
ggabrielandroid reminds me of symbian actually13:58
goroboroandroid reminds me of something I just flushed down the toilet, actually13:58
junnuviAbout orientation lock. that will be even better if locking will remain on all applications until phone has been next time rotated to portair13:59
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flanagStskeeps: is there still some latency in the touch events on android apps? I haven't tested yet (earlier I used an app that shows little blobs under your finger and it was easy to see that they dragged behind a lot)13:59
Stskeepsgood ideas -> together.*13:59
ggabrieljunnuvi: add that to tjc and you'll get some karma from me :)13:59
Stskeepsflanag: i'm not sure, but touch latency is a fantastic topic13:59
junnuviggabriel: yes i will13:59
flanagStskeeps: do you know anything about the problem with the app covers? I would think that they are not meant to appear square-ish14:00
Stskeepsflanag: no14:01
flanaghere's a very nice together entry14:01
flanagStskeeps: just tested the touch latency, it seems that it is still there but at least it's otherwise so smooth that it doesn't really bother at all14:03
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sunkanHmm I just got rid of the dark background by changing ambience back and forth as mentioned in another tjc thread..14:08
flanagany screenshots of the "dark background"?14:08
sunkanToo late :)14:09
flanagas I'm not sure if I have seen that14:09
flanagdamn :)14:09
ggabrieli noticed that my background is darker than before14:09
ggabrielwith snowhite14:09
flanagwell, it's supposed to be14:09
ggabrielbut i kinda like it14:09
sunkanIt was actually mainly in the email app that I noticed it, my own app for example was showing same old background.14:09
ggabrielcan't complain if that provides better contrast...14:09
sunkanNow they look the same.14:09
sunkanIt might be a bit darker than it used to be. But before switching ambience the email app looked like it was de-saturated (almost black and white)14:10
junnuviggabriel: https://together.jolla.com/question/34177/idea-orientation-lock-lock/14:11
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Wntdoes support exfat filesystems? at least the /usr/sbin/mount-sd.sh script has been updated to treat exfat filesystems specially14:17
ggabrieljunnuvi: thanks, fixing the language, hope you don't mind14:17
Wntbut I guess the kernel module supporting exfat might still be missing14:17
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flanaghas anyone got the "unlock the phone and get a black but lit screen" bug with the new update? I got those several times a day with earlier versions but today I haven't seen it happening14:18
Wntor is exfat supported via FUSE on Linux normally?14:18
flanagwould be nice to get a confirmation that the bug is gone14:18
sunkanWnt: Not sure but I think it's a FUSE fs in linux.14:19
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Wntthere also seems to be a real kernel driver available: https://github.com/dorimanx/exfat-nofuse14:22
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sharpneliConsidering that Jolla is not sold in the US they could maybe use exfat without infringin the ridiculous patent MS has14:23
sharpneli"Oh our FS has 8 chars max length on filename. Let's make additiona table to contain longer names and patent that shit!"14:23
Wntseemst that someone has even made a Jolla specific fork of that code: https://github.com/raimue/exfat-nofuse/tree/jolla14:24
suysharpneli: but jolla licenses (or wants to) the OS. They have to be very careful then14:24
sharpneliOh crap it's also patented in Germany :E14:24
PlntWnt: i think this is proprietary software from samsung which is not opensource .. https://github.com/dorimanx/exfat-nofuse/issues/5 , http://www.mail-archive.com/legal@lists.gpl-violations.org/msg00087.html14:25
Wntmaybe the situation now is that the mounting script does support exfat, but one just needs to have the kernel module installed for the auto mount to work14:25
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WntPlnt: that's interesting14:28
Wntbut it seems that Samsung has later released the code as GPL also14:29
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PlntWnt: oh.. i wasn't aware of that. that's great then. i just rember reading the the github issue few months ago when it was discussed over the internet :)14:29
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Plnti see.. http://sfconservancy.org/news/2013/aug/16/exfat-samsung/ .. nice14:30
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WntSo I guess now even Jolla could include that code in their product14:35
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Wntbut would it then have to pay some patent licencing money to Microsoft per device to be allowed to sell the device?14:36
sharpneliIt's about patents, not about code.14:36
Wntdoes that kind of patents also apply in EU and Finland?14:36
Wntor is this a US specific problem?14:36
sharpneliThe worst part of the patent is that it's only useful for reading fat filesystems. No-one would want to use the design in their own systems.14:36
sharpneliIt's also patented in Germany so it's EU wide problem14:36
flanagdamn patents14:36
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sharpneliMS shamelessly uses it to extract money. "Pay us or windows computers will refuse to read your files, mwhahaha!"14:37
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Eztrandoesn't help than Windows supports sod-all else...14:37
sharpneliEU has some excemptions for reverse engineering in order to be compatible but I don't think they apply to patents14:38
Wntthe only use I would have fot the exFAT suppor is that I could shoot images with my real camera and then share the images using the phone14:38
sharpneliYa. And the camera uses exFAT because it want's the SDcard to be readable from windows computer14:39
Wntbut I guess I could create a seperate FAT32 filesystem to the card next to the btrfs14:39
junnuviggabriel: thats fine :)14:40
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TimoSo, let's update to Ohijärvi.14:44
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ggabrielso..... when is the next upate then? :-)14:46
TimoNo idea, but it should contain the features people have asked for months ago already. Oh well, SailfishOS works now. It just isn't really non-beta IMHO.14:47
essett_Are there any plans to open source other Sailfish apps than the browser? I was thinking that more help from the community might speed things up a bit?14:49
Venemo_jearly may? LOL14:49
ggabrielif it doesn't crash as before, then i'm happy with the non-beta tag14:49
TimoAnd of course they focus on bug fixing first, but I think a device without a decent copy/paste (just an example) isn't a 1.0.x version.14:50
flanagwell, as MWC is not a problem anymore, they have more time to work on the patches, so I think they'll be on time now :)14:50
ggabrielbrand new sony xperia sp is way slower than sailfish os, and has some features that sailfish already has, and its cores are faster ;P14:50
essett_The pace of upgrades does have the feel of Scrumming going on... :-)14:50
ggabrielTimo: uhm... copy paste should work across the board, fingerterm is the only pending thing in my book14:51
flanagwell, maybe Timo means the browser (copying from pages)14:51
TimoFor example.14:51
ggabrielok, can't remember if i tried that, maybe not14:51
ggabrielfair point14:51
* ggabriel looking for the question in tjc14:52
TimoDecent text input in browser...14:52
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TimoActually just a lot of browser stuff. :P14:52
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ggabrielwell, the browser is open source14:53
ggabrieli've just asked in tjc if we could close the generic copy paste version in favour of more questions that are more specific14:53
ggabrielso that people can vote for them14:54
TimoUnfortunately I don't have any programming experience.14:54
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mcfrisk1.0.4.20 feels more power hungry than
flanagnot to me14:58
* Timo watches his phone booting. Excited!15:00
inffyyep, it's sipping battery like a beast15:00
flanaginffy: nope15:01
inffyflanag, yep15:01
inffydo we need to continue?15:01
flanagusing mitäkuuluu?15:01
Wntafter the update playing an internet radio stream with the SomaFM application consumes about 1% less power compared to the previous OS version15:01
Temei have gathered hard data from two (2) users including myself who have noticed it being 10-40% less than expected after 6-8 hours being of the plug15:01
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TimoHave you tried disabling tohd inffy? Maybe the bug came back?15:01
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inffynot yet, just did a complete factory reset15:01
rangoyTeme: sure that you've not just played more with it now?15:02
Plnti don't have any problem with battery usage on but i'm using tinfoil hack for toh for quite some time.15:02
TimoWhy did the tutorial app come back?15:02
Temerangoy: not unusually much15:02
Temegonna have to see what the situation is tomorrow15:03
TimoAnd why is the background almost black? :(15:03
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joonahoi_Plnt: the toh battery drain problem was already fixed in
Stskeepstbr: http://www.tieto.com/top-stories/jolla-and-tieto - congrats15:03
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inffyTimo, change your ambience to something else and then change it back, should fix it15:04
Plntjoonahoi_: yes, i know15:04
Plntjoonahoi_: i just didn't removed the tinfoil, yet.. :)15:04
Timoinffy: It does! Thank you!15:04
TemePlnt: if it works don't touch it :D15:04
tbrStskeeps: oooh, we put it out finally :)15:04
PlntTeme: hah :)15:05
Stskeepstbr: tbr .. in a suit15:05
Stskeepsi was shocked15:05
tbrStskeeps: and I look crap in it due to sleeve lenght... :D15:05
cvpthat s*cks :(15:05
minimechmm... Had to restart the the Wifi agein with "systemctl restart connman.service". All of a sudden wifi connection wsa lost an borked again... Bug not solved... :(15:06
cvptbr: cool :D15:06
TimoHm, still no uploading in browser?15:06
TimoAnd why can't I uninstall the tutorial?15:08
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mcfrisklots of mutu, but last weekend from Fri to Sunday without charging jolla with, now took it off charger after update last evening and now 38% battery left. A bit more playing with it. Maybe something like email is more actively talking over cellular now.15:09
Temeyeah mr. tutorial came back and won't leave this time ._.15:09
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Stskeepsmcfrisk: it might be that it's more accurate, fwiw15:10
flanagthe update enabled email sync even though I had that on manual before15:10
flanagso maybe that has changed the battery performance for some people?15:10
mcfriskwas powertop easy to install?15:11
ggabrieli wouldn't count on my battery usage as i'm obviously playing with the phone more often until i get used to the new release15:11
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Venemo_jthe high volume warning went away?15:16
WntTimo: there doesn't seem to be any answers in https://together.jolla.com/question/1006/add-file-upload-functionality-to-web-browser :(15:16
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StskeepsVenemo_j: i just saw it today on development so i don't think so15:17
mikmai wonder how long will it take for me to be able to update the 5 apps15:17
Venemo_jStskeeps: the volume bar doesn't anymore show 'high volume' either15:17
ggabrielVenemo_j: you on bluetooth headset?15:18
ggabrielor wired one?15:18
Venemo_jbluetooth of course15:18
ggabrielmaybe that's changed?15:18
ggabrieli recall somebody opened a question about high volume on BT - that it didn't make sense15:18
PlntWnt: yeah, i really miss that :)15:18
ggabrielas BT often has its own volume rocker15:18
ggabrielVenemo_j: having said that, i'll give it a go when i get back home with a wired one ;)15:19
TimoI'll give it a go now, ggabriel. ;)15:19
ggabrielTimo: go on! :D15:19
ggabriel...and this is why the battery doesn't last as long: 1. see something in irc; 2. uuhh piece of candy; 3. test in jolla; 4. goto 115:19
PlntWnt: but i should have probably wait with filling some of the feature requests in TJC. seems like the old ones but from my perspective important ones are hidden under the dust of the new requests. like this one https://together.jolla.com/question/2650/disable-ssh-daemon-when-remote-connections-are-disabled/15:20
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Timoggabriel, Venemo_j: On a wired one there's still the (extremely annoying) warning.15:20
Venemo_jTimo: maybe it's just changed on bluetooth then15:21
TimoI think so.15:21
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mikmaanyone else has problems updating apps from jolla store?15:22
TimoWould have been nice if they removed the wired one as well.15:22
inffymikma, nope15:22
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ggabrielTimo: i think that's some law requirement15:22
Temeisn't that high volume warning some sort of EU-regulatory thing or do i remember totally wrong?15:22
ggabrielmaybe the BT headset itself should have one too15:22
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ggabrielTeme: somebody said that, but do'nt have the source15:22
Temeit was forced on mp3-players and therefore smart devices years ago15:23
Wntmikma: I had some really long response times from the store yesterday evening15:23
Timoggabriel: Could be true, some MP3 players have it too.15:23
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ggabriellet me try the sony xperia sp15:23
TimoBut I hate it as I mostly connect my phone to a receiver. :P15:23
mikmawnt: i've had that since the update came15:23
WntI suspect that the OS upgrades share at least tome infrastructure with the store and too much load there causes the store to respond slowly15:24
ggabrielTimo: Teme: yup, brand new smartphone has it... may be some regulation15:25
WntIt would be nice to be able to disable it in settings15:26
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WntAs I too oftehn connect my phone to external speakers and then I want to use the full output level of the device15:27
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ggabrielWnt: if it's really an EU regulation, you can bring that up with your EU representative, maybe your great grand children will have that opiton ;-)15:27
TimoExactly Wnt.15:27
Wntggabriel: I think I'd rather set some boolean to false in some settings database15:28
TimoIf things are going on like this in Ukrain there won't be any EU anymore soon. ;-)15:28
flanagit's nice that after these optimizations even the webcat browser is usable as the scrolling is not choppy anymore15:28
ggabrielWnt: yeah, i'm all about hidden switches for power users15:28
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coderusMitakuuluu update v0.2-1 https://openrepos.net/content/coderus/mitakuuluu15:30
mcfriskthe loud volume popup is useless on wired headset, and besides there are multiple pops and clicks with way too loud volume coming from jolla while playing music and notifications15:30
sunkanYeah it's kind of funny that you can't play music as loud as you want but the notifications are much louder..15:31
TimoTrue, hehe.15:32
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mcfrisk"loud music can be bad for your ears, ok?" Ok, damdamdam, CLICKPOP, *TADAAA You've got mail*, POPCLICK, nanananna nice quiet music continues15:34
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TimoNokia did it better with just a quiet "beep".15:35
ggabrielnokia's beeps were quieter from the start15:36
ggabrieli decided to switch off the IM notification altogether15:36
wtf_Hello! Can someone help. I screwed my update yesterday and now im about to do the factory reset. I can still connect my phone to my pc via usb, and see the files and folders. I did a backup before last nights update and i was wondering, is there any way to save the backup file or some other way to get contacts out of it? Thank you! (And remember, I cannot open anything on my phone)15:38
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ggabrielwtf_: i think backups are in ~/.valve or something like that15:39
phaeronvalve is a games company :D15:40
ggabrielyeah, they sound similar15:40
wtf_cannot find that folder. browsing with my pc15:40
ggabrielwtf_: /home/nemo/.vault ?15:41
Eztranbear in mind it'll be hidden, considering .vault.15:41
Plntwtf_: it's not exported via MTP15:41
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ggabrielwtf_: also, how did you screw it up?15:41
Plntwtf_: you need to download it via scp for example15:41
ggabrieland can you ssh into it?15:41
phaeroncan you ssh ?15:41
ggabrielthere are posts in tjc about fixing the update via ssh fwiw15:41
wtf_dont know the ip15:41
ggabrielor in this channel's log15:41
wtf_that repo was "activated" and it screwed it up15:42
ggabrielok, there's a way to fix it15:42
ggabrielnot htat i tried it15:42
ggabrielbut there is one way15:42
Eztranwasn't the broken package killed pretty quickly, though?15:42
ggabrielcheck yesterday's logs and look for stskeep's comments with multiple ***15:42
cvpcoderus: nice thank you :) kamera still work. you kick out the Mitakuuluu folder in Galery ?15:42
wtf_i did insta update15:43
wtf_i was too quick15:43
* cb400f prepares to update15:44
Eztransurely just 'version --dup'ing should solve it now, considering all they otherwise suggested to do was disable the repo?15:44
Eztranand the package is gone?15:44
wtf_but i cant do anything with my phone15:44
ggabrielwtf_: did you look for solutions in tjc?15:45
wtf_factory reset is no problem, just would like to save something from my phone, like contacts ettc15:45
ggabrielyou're probably not the only one who got away of a similar situation15:46
wtf_yes i did15:46
Eztranthe main solution is to ssh in first :)15:46
ggabrielit looks like you need to ssh for that15:46
ggabrielwihch should work via usb15:46
wtf_should... :)15:46
EztranUSB networking should be on the default IP, surely?15:46
ggabrieland the ip address should be in your interface15:46
ggabrieldunno, tcpdump it or something15:46
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wtf_im kind of a noob, so thats the trickiest part15:47
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ggabrielwtf_: it'd be useful if you told us which OS you use15:48
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ggabrielmaybe somebody with the phone next to them can help you in a more fine grained manner15:48
ggabrieland next time do copy ~/.vault outside the device :D15:48
wtf_win 715:48
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wtf_yes i should do that15:49
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Venemo_jhm, media player is a bit glitchy since the last update15:52
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flanagVenemo_j: what's glitchy exactly?15:54
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jabiswtf_: still struggling with the phone, aye?16:03
parasemicso, how do i rever back to 1.0.38?16:04
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jabisfactory reset and update one by one perhaps16:04
parasemicthe update is aweful ...16:04
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jabisMy battery life at least doubled, cant agree with parasemic now on this :D16:05
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parasemicbattery life was never an issue. my phone crashes while updating twitter etc, UI update is ugly and removed all the sexy elegantness of transparency, keyboard still isnt fixed properly and looks ugly too etc16:06
araneaHi. I'm trying to set up a mail account, but the mail app doesn't work and only shows "Problems with sign-in" on its cover. Is there any way to get more information about what exactly is going wrong?16:07
parasemicalso, the wallpaper of ambience is basically useless, as you can only see it while in lockscreen ... -.-16:07
jabiswell, for me the usability was crap until the last update, because even with mild usage the battery wouldn't last a day16:08
AL13N_workjabis: how is battery life doubled?16:08
AL13N_workupdate was only yesterday... it'll take a couple of days for battery to be drained16:09
sunkanTo me it seems that mailsync is now working better, that might cause more battery usage I suppose. It used to not update even though I hade set it to always online or whatever the setting is called.16:09
parasemicuhm, wat? i thought battery life was fixed in february update, and should have lasted around 2 days with almost any common use16:09
clau2AL13N_work: to me it looks like battery is going down faster than before16:09
clau2before the last update16:09
parasemicyeah, power consumption is higher in idle16:09
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jabisAL13N, well, now it's going on 85% still with the same usage, as it wouldda been dead already16:09
parasemicbut the UI is fucking aweful, and i hate it16:09
AL13N_workmaybe you're just using it more :-)16:09
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clau2BUT... it is even higher than having suspend policy set to early.16:09
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clau2something is not alright.16:10
clau2I'll give it a few more days though.16:10
jabisAL13N_work: I had to have the phone on the charger all day long to use it inbetween16:11
jabisa night without charging = dead at 16pm16:11
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jabisnow no charging after the update = 85%, I'd call it doubling16:11
cvpStskeeps: few weeks ago give some one a command, after that my nfc reading from toh work... but i for get it. i now it was some of: systemctl xxxxx tohd.service, but not stop, start, enable or status...16:11
clau2jabis: have you checked top in terminal?16:12
parasemichow hard can i be fixing a keyboard layout...? in finnish layout, the registeration area for M and Z letters are 3 times wider than other letters in landscape mode16:12
raa70cvp: mask / unmask?16:12
clau2cvp, unmask?16:12
cvpthis was16:12
cvpthx i test16:12
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parasemicanyone else get instant crash with red led blinking for 2 minutes if updating feeds?16:13
FireFlyThe only "regression" I've noticed has been issues with the glass texture on app covers16:13
jabisclau2: I didn't check any rogue processes, just restarted dalvik & stuff like that periodically - but after the update no draining so far16:14
parasemicwell not instant, instant freeze and then red blinking if power button is pressed16:14
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AL13N_workfunny you guys mention this... my phone just stopped instantly (instant power off)16:14
ggabrielAL13N_work: contents of /proc/cmdline would be interesting16:15
AL13N_worki didn't have the red blinking issue since update16:15
AL13N_workggabriel: proc? but that's just the boot up entry?16:15
ggabrielyeah, it gives you a clue of previous shut down16:15
AL13N_workit was poweroff during SMS send16:16
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jabisoh - and btw now I have the autosuspend policy on early - as opposed to default16:16
ggabrielAL13N_work: were you drunk? were you sending something too sensitive? maybe the jolla is protecting you ;-)16:16
parasemicwell, my battery life is aweful now too... with just minimal usage, im down to 35% while i was over 60% at this time before...16:16
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clau2jabis: you don't need it.16:16
AL13N_workggabriel: pwr_on_status=pwr_on_by_pwr_key16:17
clau2at least email has been fixed, and probably a lot more.16:17
AL13N_workggabriel: if that's what you mean16:17
AL13N_workggabriel: it was not a reboot16:17
ggabrielAL13N_work: ok, not much clue there then16:17
ggabrieloh, yeah16:17
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parasemiccan someone please try updating feed and tell me if it crashes their phone too??16:17
ggabrielthat cmdline probably makes sense when it reboots16:17
ggabrielparasemic: which feed?16:17
ggabriel(out of curiosity)16:17
parasemicjust swipe up and "update"16:17
ggabrieloh, i c16:18
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AL13N_worki have no feeds16:18
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cb400fdoesn't crash my phone.. but I have nothing for it to try and update16:18
parasemicinstant freeze, powerbutton closes screen and 2 minutes of red blinking until wakes up back to multitasking screen16:18
jabisnot crashing on tweets16:18
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coderuscvp: no, why?16:18
jabisflashes only the top bar if I click tweets/posts16:18
parasemicworst upadte so far for me ...16:18
jabiswhile updating16:19
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cb400fthe update seems to work great for me... only the gecko update broke adblock+ :-( ... but you expect every friggin minor update to break every conceivable extension :-/16:19
cb400fwith firefox/gecko16:19
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anonfrieseokay, first typing, then pressing enter ;)16:20
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Stskeeps[17:18] <parasemic> instant freeze, powerbutton closes screen and 2 minutes of red blinking until wakes up back to multitasking screen16:20
cvpcoderus: the folder in galery is missing :)16:20
Stskeeps-> not a reboot; just lipstick crashing16:20
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anonfrieseanyone got some thoughts about battery life with the new version? it kinda seems to be a bit worse for me (could be that i'm using it some more currently, did a complete reset, so kinda busy ;) )16:20
jabisclau2: oh and I'm experimenting with some timed daemons for few rest interfaces to drop notifications, so I still need the suspend policy -.-16:21
araneare: Hi. I'm trying to set up a mail account, but the mail app doesn't work and only shows "Problems with sign-in" on its cover. Is there any way to get more information about what exactly is going wrong?16:21
parasemicits worse, idle consumption is just higher than before16:21
parasemicwonder if the next upate is coming out this month or next16:22
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ggabrielhehe, I bet it's coming "soon" :D16:23
Venemo_jflanag: for one, it's become too easy to seek a track when I want to bring out the pulley menu16:23
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Venemo_jflanag: and it loads my music collection much more slowly16:24
flanagVenemo_j: ok, thanks, I just wanted an example as I haven't tested it myself properly yet :)16:24
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Venemoflanag: but the addition of album art in albums view is nice16:26
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parasemici really really hope they add customization of the UI, as the updated multitasking panels are just ugly and really show off the bad resolution of the screen16:27
coderuscvp: do you have something in /home/nemo/WhatsApp?16:28
flanagparasemic: I think they've just got a bug there, the corners aren't supposed to be square16:29
flanagand yes, I agree, they could tone down the app cover contrast a bit16:29
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parasemicflanag: also i hate the downgrade of ambience wallpaper appearance16:30
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parasemicit basically just disappears completely16:30
flanaghere's a good post covering the corner bug: https://together.jolla.com/question/34012/bug-rounded-cover-corners/16:30
zbenjaminare there any known problems with battery cosumptiond and the most recent update? Last week my phone worked almost 3 days without charging, today its already almost empty16:30
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* ShadowJK wonders16:31
flanagzbenjamin, I wonder what's the problem as other people have reported that too16:31
TheBootroo_workparasemic: you know, lipstick is QML so stop whinning about any single pixel, tweak the files by yourself and propose your changes to the community16:31
flanagbut my battery consumption is normal16:31
ShadowJKdid last update make email, twitter, farcebooks, whazaap and others actually update when screen is off?16:31
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parasemicTheBootroo_work: can't i state i hate the new UI, and imo it's ugly compared to earlier?16:32
parasemicwhat's the point of background photo, when it's basically black in all other situations except when looking at the lockscreen?16:33
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junnuvinew ui is much better as there is more contrast and makes thing easier to read.16:33
junnuvimy opinion16:33
Venemojunnuvi +116:34
parasemicwhy just not go back to N9 style, all black background then?16:34
zbenjaminflanag: maybe some app not working correctly with the update?16:34
clau2parasemic: that would suck on this screen16:35
anonfrieseparasemic: not that nice on the jolla screen i think, n9 had amoled...16:35
ggabrielthe real fix here would be to fine tune the ambience16:35
clau2parasemic: because black is not... black.16:35
junnuviin a perfect world there will be transparency/brightness controls for background image16:35
ggabrielthere is no black16:35
clau2but I would like to have some control, as a user I mean.16:35
ggabrielyou can fine tune todya using the CLI16:35
flanagzbenjamin: could be that16:35
parasemicand that's why i hate reducing the colorfullness, downgrading ambience effect and going back towards "black background with icons"16:36
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cb400fah, nice, just needed to install the latest version of adblock+ ... no need to reconfigure the thing16:38
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parasemicalso, there seems to be a bug with alien dalvik having a colored line in multitasking panels right side16:39
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parasemiclikely same thing that flanag linked about16:40
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flanagyup, it's mentioned there too16:40
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flanagasking again: has anyone got the "unlock the phone and get a black but lit screen" bug with the new update? I got those several times a day with earlier versions but today I haven't seen it happening16:43
flanagsoo, it can be pretty much confirmed that this update fixed the bug?16:44
flanaghas anyone else anything to share about this?16:45
ggabrielflanag: not yet, but it happened rarely, hard to reproduce16:45
ggabrielthe only thing i managed to break is the camera16:46
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cb400fflanag: also only happened rarely for me... 4-5 times in 2 monhts... but not yet in the 1 hr since I updated16:48
cb400fand when it happened I could easily snap out of it, by swiping down to sleep, and the double tapping to wake it again16:49
Venemoparasemic: it's not black at all16:49
Venemoparasemic: it's a glassy thing that lets you see the picture behind it16:49
parasemicvenemo: not a single one of my ambiances is even barely visible when scrolling down to app launcher16:50
parasemici prefer dark ambiances, so they produce basically just black with some very sublte elements of the original photo16:51
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araneaHi. How is the XMPP support on Jolla meant to be used? I set up my XMPP account in the settings, but how do I use it? According to the manual it should be accessible from the Messaging app, but how? Sending a message doesn't work, and I also don't receive any...16:54
ggabrielaranea: are you logged in?16:54
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clau2aranea, you need to go online16:54
ggabrielpush bottom->up16:54
ggabrielpulley menu16:54
ggabrielset presence (or something)16:54
clau2aranea: go to Events screen, and check the Pulley menu from there16:54
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ggabrieland set available16:54
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ggabrielthe rest is magic16:55
araneayes, I did that, but the pulley menu still shows "Presence: Offline"16:55
ggabrielmaybe your password is wrong?16:55
clau2are you sure the account is set correctly?16:55
ggabrieltip: your username has to be user@domain16:56
clau2or maybe the cert is not accepted, if you use ssl16:56
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parasemicbtw, is it safe enabling all the openrepos repos now?16:57
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Stskeepsafter update probably16:57
araneaclau2: I'm not sure about all that. But at least there are no error messages, neither on the UI nor in the syslog16:57
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ggabrielxmpp error messages are indeed lacking16:58
Venemoparasemic: in the app launcher, yeah, it's quite dark for me too, however in applications it's quite visible16:58
VenemoNO! it isn't and is never, ever going to be safe to enable openrepos16:58
ggabrielthere should be a test stage when setting that stuff up16:58
clau2aranea: there's now an option to ignore SSL errors16:58
coderusparasemic: just dont use nieldk repo16:58
clau2try it16:58
coderusall other repos tested and safe16:58
ggabrielpoor nieldk16:58
ggabrielone mistake is all it takes16:58
Venemowhat's in that nieldk repo, btw?16:58
coderusupdated warehouse will have notice if enabling repository contains system packages16:59
goroboronieldk has some awesome stuff16:59
coderusggabriel: its jolla mistake, not nieldk16:59
Venemosure ggabriel, that's true for the entire openrepos crap, I was just curious about what kind of poison it is16:59
ggabrielcoderus: i'm obviously kinda joking16:59
* goroboro remembers to disable nieldk again16:59
ggabrielat this stage, if you ask me, i'd enable as needed16:59
coderusjolla is the only company failing software update if some of user repos have system packages16:59
goroborodamn... I like his repo... he has all the useful stuff16:59
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clau2was it fixed with latest update?17:00
Venemook, but WHAT exactly does he have?17:00
Pnuuclau2: yes17:00
parasemicVenemo: yeah, brighter ambiances seem fine while in app, but still very very dark in applauncher. darker ambiance however just fades out completely whenever outside lockscreen17:00
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Venemoparasemic: the background in the app launcher has always been opaque17:00
goroboroVenemo: lots of system and command line packages... daemons etc etc... wget, apache, squid etc etc17:00
cb400faranea: I had one jabber account which I couldn't get to connect for the life of me either, but other jabber account works fine (when online, contacts appear in messaging app and can be written to)17:00
ggabrielcoderus: well, it used to be beta, so i'd expect these scenarios tbh17:00
Venemogoroboro: so, things you should not mess with17:00
FireFlyWhy exactly is the entire idea of openrepos disregarded as "crap"? I think it seems like a sensible idea as long as it's used responsibly17:01
parasemicVenemo: not that much. its alot darker than before the update17:01
FireFlykinda like extras-devel on Maemo17:01
goroboroVenemo: I wouldn't say so... just stuff that your average user probably wouldn't use17:01
cb400faranea: and yes, there's no error message or anything to see why it fails to connect17:01
ggabrielopenrepos is cool, but you gotta know what you're doing17:01
clau2Venemo: https://openrepos.net/user/500/programs17:01
FireFly(not that I've paid much attention.. but there seems to be lot of hate around it)17:01
coderusVenemo: new bash, bash-completion, sudo, openssl, prey, imagemagick, squid, openssh, mosh, p7zip, mc17:01
coderusfor example17:01
goroborobut stuff like wget are great17:01
Venemoparasemic: allright17:01
goroboroimagemagick... awesome17:01
coderusVenemo: emough?17:02
FireFlymer-tools has some tools17:02
FireFlybut it could improve17:02
coderusnieldk have latest upstream versions, not *some* :)17:02
ggabrielhehe, i needed imagemagick to rotate a pdf in the past, but now i have tap to lock rotation :D :D17:02
VenemoI really have to develop that russian roulette app someday, just to prove that openrepos is dangerous17:02
cvpcoderus: no, nothing with whatsapp17:02
FireFlyof course it's dangerous..17:02
FireFlyin the same way that AUR is dangerous, but it's still useful17:02
* goroboro uses it a bit...17:03
coderusVenemo: do you want me to develop russian roulette for Harbour to proof Harbour have no real security for users?17:03
cvpraa70: clau2 how do i have handle with mask/unmask .... my phone dont give any reaction if i put a other half to the phone !?17:03
Venemocoderus: hahah17:03
goroboroI have a python based app that probably would struggle to get to Harbour at the moment... so its on openrepos17:03
FireFlyWell, I guess slightly more dangerous because you can't inspect the thing used to built the package17:03
coderuscvp: so what you want to show in Mitakuuluu folder then if you have no content?:)17:03
ggabrielwhat does russian roullette do without a gun?17:03
cb400fbut harbour will have "leaf packages", nothing that'll break core parts of your system17:03
cvpcoderus: before i do a factory reset i see in the GALARY app, a folder under Ambience , the name was "Mitakuuluu"17:04
Venemoggabriel: if you lose, it will dd some bytes from /dev/random to your bootloader partition17:04
coderusVenemo: think twice when starting a war and look who is at the other side17:04
cvpcoderus: i get this folder after i install your beta .3217:05
ggabrielVenemo: nice17:05
Venemoggabriel: best played by multiple people! whoever has a bootable jolla for the longest time, wins17:05
ggabrielsounds fun17:05
coderuscvp: when you download some pictures with mitakuluu it will be showed17:05
Venemoggabriel: right?17:05
araneaclau2, cb400f: thanks for info17:05
coderusuntil you have no pictures downloaded there is nothing to show17:05
coderuscvp: understood?17:05
ggabrielVenemo: yeah, i wanna play now17:06
cvpcoderus: aaahhh NOW i have it :D17:06
Venemocoderus: I don't have anything against openrepos, but have seen too many users messing with it who totally lack the expertise needed to deal with it17:06
cvpcoderus: i dont download any files after factory reset :p17:06
coderusVenemo: 23:02 < Venemo> I really have to develop that russian roulette app someday, just to prove that openrepos is dangerous17:07
coderusof course you dont17:07
Venemoggabriel: there could be a lighter edition which just deletes a random system file17:07
FireFlyVenemo: they only have themselves to blame17:07
cb400fbut they don't understand that17:07
Venemoan average user doesn't understand the risks17:07
FireFlythen perhaps the danger of enabling developer mode should be further emphasised17:08
cb400fthey can't fathom the idea, that someone publishes packages which are not thoroughly tested and idiot proof17:08
Venemothey just think "oooh, more cool apps" and enable it17:08
FireFlyan average user shouldn't enable developer mode to begin with17:08
ggabrielVenemo: there could be one that sends a nasty sms to a random contact in your list, international number preferred17:08
Venemoand then blame jolla if it blows up17:08
coderusVenemo: again: what the risks?17:08
FireFlyIt's not as if there's an "enable openrepos" button anywhere17:08
cb400feven experienced linux users do the same thing17:08
parasemicis there still any way to completely remove word prediction (and the useless space)?17:08
coderusJolla failed system update mechanism17:08
Venemocoderus: no QA at all, is one risk17:08
BasilSemuonovVenemo, Please, create such app, and prove everything you want17:08
coderusall internet is risky17:08
FireFlycoderus: the risk of installing packages from untrusted sources17:08
coderuswanna vacuum?17:08
BasilSemuonovI would like to see, how Bash package (open sourced, yes?) will cause same situation if it were in chum repository17:09
VenemoI'm sorry if I couldn't explain my point more understandably. but if you don't get what I'm trying to say, please let's not argue about it any more17:09
FireFlyBasilSemuonov: well, you wouldn't know that the package you install is compiled from the open-source source code (even if it claims to be), would you?17:09
FireFlyif you install a binary package from openrepos17:09
coderusVenemo: we're started talking about Jolla failure17:09
coderusbut you talking openrepos is evil :D17:10
VenemoI've been against openrepos from the beginning17:10
clau2btw, can nemo user still run pkcon?17:10
Venemoand it still is bricking people's devices now :(17:10
coderusFireFly: we're not talking about FOSS17:10
coderusVenemo: again: its jolla mistake17:10
FireFlycoderus: BasilSemuonov evidentily was...17:10
Venemoggabriel: it could send "I hate you" to a random contact. the real challenge is localizing "I hate you" to as many languages as possible17:10
Venemocoderus: why would it be jolla's mistake?17:10
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FireFlyLike, literally two lines above my response17:11
Venemocoderus: did jolla enable openrepos on your phone? no! so it's not their mistake17:11
* cb400f blames the warehouse people :-)17:11
BasilSemuonovoh, lol, Venemo, just lol. Any app in store is binary, and any app can steal/delete/send whatever to your contacts.17:11
ggabrieli don' tthink it's warehouse/openrepos or jolla's fault17:11
coderusVenemo: very difficult to explain something to a man if he earns money this misunderstanding17:11
ggabrielVenemo has a point: if you enable dev mode, it's pants free zone17:11
VenemoBasilSemuonov: yes, that's why we have QA17:11
cb400fopenrepos are fine, just shouldn't be too accessible17:11
BasilSemuonovPlease create such application(russian roulette kind), and prove your point. Or stop whining. you already said that twice(or even more)17:11
coderusVenemo: jolla is the only system fails system update17:12
clau2ggabriel: Sailfish OS is in need of some work on security.17:12
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VenemoI'd prefer not to argue about it any17:12
clau2that's a fact.17:12
VenemoI'd prefer not to argue about it any further17:12
ggabrielclau2: how is that related? :)17:12
coderusi know no other system which can fail own system upgrade if some of the user repositories have system package replacement17:12
coderusits stupid Jolla mistake17:12
BasilSemuonovVenemo: you cant know what binary application doing today, and what it would do tomorrow. such QA is useless. did you know about logical bombs?17:12
ggabrielcoderus: not sure you can do the same with ios for example17:12
coderusbut you can not accept this, i understand it now17:12
ggabrielmaybe it'd fail miserably17:12
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BasilSemuonovIf people want to create malware, they do so.17:13
ggabrielanyway, tired of the subject too, do as you will, but be responsible17:13
FireFlyWait, when you publish something on harbour, do you upload pre-compiled binaries?17:13
coderusFireFly: sure17:13
ggabrielFireFly: yup17:13
FireFlyoh, okay17:13
coderusFireFly: :S17:13
VenemoFireFly: of course17:13
FireFlyI guess that makes sense17:13
ggabrielif you want to sell your application and whatnot17:13
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clau2yes, but now, presumably you can put an app in Harbour that can do easily bad stuff17:15
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clau2except for the issues caused by conflicting packages in openrepos and official repos, there isn't such a big difference between openrepos and harbour17:17
BasilSemuonovconflics caused by wrong repository proirity policies: they are missing17:18
clau2Pnuu: there is that, yes. But my guess is it's easy to do bad things and go unnoticed.17:19
ggabrielclau2: they test which files you touch etc etc, ofc tests can fail17:19
Pnuurepo checking came with the latest update17:19
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Pnuuclau2: true17:19
ggabrielin fact, it happened in the past with the email application17:19
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clau2Pnuu: that's a great addition17:19
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BasilSemuonovggabriel: application can do nothing, until external server, on may 1 2014 send a special string, which will be directly executed, and your phone will be backdoored.17:20
ggabrielBasilSemuonov: i know....17:20
ggabrielthat wasn't the point tho17:20
ggabriela little bit of testing is better than no testing17:20
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ggabrieland i said i was tired of the subject anyway, not sure why i keep talking :P17:21
clau2it's worse. considering how many bugs there are in browsers, you don't need to actually go through Harbour.17:21
cvphow do i have handle with mask/unmask/stop/start/statur tohd.service if the reading from toh is not working?17:21
clau2you just need to find an exploitable bug in the default browser, and as soon as you can run your own code, you can run pkcon.17:21
ggabrielcvp: you want to enable it?17:21
ggabrielwhat's the status in the first place?17:21
BasilSemuonovlittle bit - yes, but all who create 'clean and stricts' apps already go for the harbour. others: replacements, conflics, and other cannot be added to chum (conflics with base system)17:22
cvpggabriel: i do a factory reset + update, after that it not working anymore17:22
clau2but I'll shut up, I'm sure this is going to be fixed in the future :)17:22
ggabrielcvp: define "work", and is your jolla account set up correctly? have oyu got access to the store?17:22
cvpof cource , i have access17:22
ggabrielcan you see toh's id in system settings? (presumably a feature in the latest update)17:23
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cvpggabriel: in wich place i find it in settings ?17:24
ggabrieli tihnk it's settings->system->about17:24
ggabrieli haven't got the phone with me i fear17:24
ggabrieland i gotta go soon17:24
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ggabrieltry also a systemctl tohd.service status and tell us what it says17:24
cvpggabriel: no there is n information about that17:24
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cvptohd.service           Loaded: masked (/dev/null)           Active: inactive (dead)   Warning: Unit file changed on disk, 'systemctl --system daemon-reload' recommened.17:26
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ggabrielcvp: ah, it's masked17:26
cvphuh, now its inactive... before was active... 2 minit ago17:26
ggabrielcvp: you want to unmask it17:27
ggabrieland then start it17:27
ggabrielI think17:27
ggabrielalso, you can try what that is recommending :P17:27
ggabrielbut not sure what you did to get there tbh17:27
ggabrielanyway gotta go17:27
cvpyou mean systemctl unmask tohd.service and than systemctl start tohd.service17:27
kimmoli_sailingyes cvp17:27
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cvp          Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tohd.service; enabled)           Active: active (running) since Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:28:04 +0100; 26s ago         Main PID: 2087 (tohd)           CGroup: name=systemd:/system/tohd.service                   â 2087 /usr/sbin/tohd  Mar 18 18:28:13 localhost tohd[2087]: tohd[2087] E: no/nul property 'TOHID' Mar 18 18:28:31 localhost tohd[2087]: tohd[2087] E: no/nul property 'TOHID'17:28
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cvpnow i have The Other Half ID in my abput17:29
cvpbut no pop up for downloading the theme17:29
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parasemicso, umm, there is no way to remove the word prediction?17:31
kimmoli_sailinghmm... try to reconnect it cvp17:31
cvpkimmoli_sailing: i do that17:32
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cvphmmm , i put out .... and phone restart17:34
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cvpwithout TOH: [root@localhost nemo]# systemctl status tohd.service tohd.service - The Other Half Daemon (TOHD)           Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tohd.service; enabled)           Active: active (running) since Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:33:43 +0100; 44s ago         Main PID: 795 (tohd)           CGroup: name=systemd:/system/tohd.service                   â 795 /usr/sbin/tohd  Mar 18 18:33:53 localhost tohd[795]: tohd[795] E: no/17:34
raa70cvp: look under ambiences in gallery17:35
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junnuvihas anyone else noticed extended delays before application will be available on store? Paketti has been approved 4 hours ago and still old version available on store..17:35
cvpraa70: nothin inside17:36
cvpalso nothing with toh17:36
AL13NSage-: ping?17:37
AL13NSage-: would it be possible for you to reproduce this wlan state issue? the extreme differences in link level, is this normal, does everyone have this?17:38
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AL13Nbtw: anyone who will have wifi for the next few hours, want to help me out?17:39
AL13Nit's fairly simple, just ping in a fingerterm17:39
AL13Nfor a few hours17:39
AL13Nafterwards, tell me amount of DUP and/or packet loss17:39
AL13Nit's fine if it's on standby17:40
Tegugoogle approves17:40
AL13NTegu: or something else...17:40
mornfallhmm, something's broken about internet sharing... it has a tendency to be unavailable on 3G17:40
AL13Nbut ip17:40
AL13NTegu: do you want to?17:40
mornfall(even though the tethering app works)17:40
junnuviI can try. Hopefully I can stay inside wlan coverage that long :)17:41
AL13Nthe important thing is that you're connected to wifi17:41
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AL13Njunnuvi: thanks, it doesn't really matter if you go outside or whatnot, just after a few hours, report back, you should at least have sent 1000 packets17:41
junnuviAL13N: is that better to ping routers ip address?17:41
AL13Nthat's also acceptable17:42
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AL13Nif you have received over 1000 packets that should at least be a good representation17:42
AL13Ni would expect around 30 dups17:42
AL13Nfor 1000 received packets17:42
AL13Nwant to see if other people have this too17:42
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junnuviok, i will ping 1000 packets. Should I keep phone untouched? :O17:42
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AL13Njunnuvi: better keep it running, not count, because of standby you will lose some17:43
AL13Njust run it and break it off in a few hours17:43
AL13Nif possible surf on internet sometimes during17:43
AL13Njust a few pages, nothing special17:43
Teguokay router? sounds better.17:44
AL13Nif you have no dups on icmp... that's what i really want to know17:44
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junnuviAL13N: ok, i will use phone as normal during test. Some surfing and so on and also standby17:46
Teguokay, the ping spam is on (router ip over wlan)17:47
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cvpIT WORKS17:48
cvpnow he download the Black Theme17:49
clau2hmm, where do email attachments go when you dl them? I can't find it in Documents anymore.17:49
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clau2it's a pdf.17:49
Morpoghad a strange crash today on my jolla17:50
cvpMy Steps: restart without TOH, deactivating dev mode, delete jolla account, activate again the jolla account with old login, than i put the TOH to the phone17:50
Teguthe usual reboot loop?17:50
Morpoggreen led blinked fast and didn't stop till i powered off the device17:50
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clau2Stskeeps: just had two failures there, from earlier. however, the email app says downloaded.17:51
Morpogi did let it blink for about 2 minutes17:51
clau2I'll test when I get home.17:51
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clau2another possible issue I've noticed: the Settings app cover does not show that I have mobile data on anymore. maybe it's just a contrast issue though.17:53
clau2actually, it shows correctly wifi status, so it's not a contrast issue.17:54
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cvpawww its not work, he doenst download17:56
cvpok i go home... see you later17:56
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junnuvicoderus: seems like you might have forgot to change version information in about-page. It says v0.1-3118:01
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LuckyYQuestion: What happens when you set the maximum tries of pin and lock it?18:21
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Nicd-LuckyY: it will ask for your PUK codoe18:26
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LuckyYThat's the sim pin? I'm talking about the device PIN18:27
Nicd-oh, the device lock code isn't called PIN :P18:27
LuckyY'Device lock'18:28
LuckyYbut yeah, I could've formulated the question better :)18:28
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keithzgHmmm. Since the update, my microSDXC card (formatted as a single FAT32 partition) isn't auto-mounting, although I can see it just fine with fdisk -l.18:43
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inffyand you look from the right place?:)18:45
keithzgIs that where it is now? I swear before it was in /run/user/10000/media/sdcard or such18:46
keithzgCertainly it isn't mounted there either though. I've only rebooted once since the update, though.18:46
inffythe update changed the sdcard path18:47
keithzgI specifically remember looking in /media expecting it there, and then not finding it18:47
keithzgahhhh, I see I see18:47
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keithzgwell, good, I like things to be mounted directly in /media!18:47
* keithzg shakes fist at udisks218:47
keithzgAha, yeah, for some reason that second reboot did it, it's present in /media/sdcard/blahblah and my music has repopulated.18:48
keithzgTime for some rsyncing, since MTP seems brokenish and I forgot my card reader at home, oops.18:50
keithzgThanks for pointing me in the right direction :)18:51
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TriztAL13N: https://together.jolla.com/question/34316/should-be-able-to-lock-phone-at-once-when-having-delay-before-automatically-locking18:53
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Triztsee if that what you wanted18:53
clauhmm, new package already? feature-xt918:53
Gordon`upgraded my Jolla yesterday, and I just had a reboot :(18:53
Gordon`I was taking a photo18:53
TriztI think mine uses more battery today than before the update, had 3 days in between recharging , but today I have done it twice and not done more than usually (just listening to some mp3's)18:55
thessydoes update bring caldav to sailfishos or only google calendar caldav?18:55
clauanyone else sees the new package? (pkcon refresh get-updates)18:56
clauI guess this was missed during yesterday's release18:56
keithzgthessy: Still no GUI frontend for CalDAV, although IIRC the backend is basically ready now, or at least is in Mer.18:57
Stskeepsif you have reboot after update, pull 10 mins, if persists, contact care18:58
thessykeithzg: no problem, do you have any howto information?18:58
Gordon`Stskeeps: I’ll try later18:58
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claucoderus, did the configuration location change?19:00
clauafter update I get the registration screen again19:00
keithzgthessy: No idea, don't think it's tied into Sailfish really yet anyways. The actual package is buteo-sync-plugin-caldav.19:00
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thessymh, i don't understand jollahq. Wanna be an open system, but before standards like caldav/carddav are implemented, some ms exchange stuff was made19:03
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thessyi will install syncevolution, since that worked on my n900 flawless with owncloud19:03
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keithzgHmm, I must've messed up my setup when I was fixing my failed update, trying to refresh with pkcon and I get "Fatal error: File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium 'https://store-repository.jolla.com/features/latest/xt9/armv7hl/?credentials=store'"19:11
keithzgDo I need to just "ssu re" or something of the sort?19:12
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Stskeepsif you've screwed around with pkcon or ssu, all errors are your own fault :P19:13
keithzgStskeeps: No disagreement here, heh19:13
claukeithzg, there's an update of feature-xt919:14
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jabisI get that same error on my N9, with xt9 repo as well19:15
claudid you get it?19:15
keithzgLive by the sword, die by the sword ;)19:15
jabiswell, I was expecting 0 of the repos to work with it x)19:15
keithzgclau: once I went "ssu re", no, no update show with "pkcon refresh get-updates" (but also no error)19:16
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jabiskeithzg: and version --dup works or not?19:16
claumy bad, run get-updates separately19:16
claupkcon get-updates19:16
attahStskeeps: this is the one that i failed do describe yesterday: https://together.jolla.com/question/2132/new-calendar-entries-default-to-the-wrong-date/19:17
Stskeepsattah: thanks19:17
attahmy pleasure :)19:17
mikmastskeeps: should i start worrying that my apps won't update?19:19
Stskeepsmikma: i don't know19:19
RaimWnt: only now saw your earlier discussion. my exfat-nofuse branch for jolla did not change very much. I only had to patch one function call due to changes in the kernel API >= 3.5, but the Jolla kernel still identifies as 3.4, although it already has the backported change. otherwise the exfat kernel module worked fine for me.19:19
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keithzgclau: Did "pkcon update" before you said that, and it updated something but didn't say what, heh. I assume it was feature-xt9, but not clear. Does packagekit keep logs somewhere?19:20
Stskeeps(sorry guys, bit tired today..)19:20
* keithzg has studiously avoided PackageKit until now19:20
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claukeithzg, check version: rpm -qa|grep feature-xt919:21
clauor, better: rpm -qi feature-xt919:21
keithzgStskeeps: Your rest is a well-deserved one!19:22
keithzgclau: Aha, that second command is far easier to type into fingerterm, heh. 10.1.16.jolla19:23
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keithzgjabis: version --dup works, installed updates to qmf-notification translations and the yandex store too.19:23
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clausame, which means you've installed it.19:24
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keithzgSo has anyone succeeded using MTP on Linux for their Jolla? For the past year I've always just used KDE's MTP KIO, but Jolla's implementation seems to entirely baffle it both before and after this update.19:35
keithzgNot surprised, MTP is a terrifying beast, but curious if anyone's used an implmentation on Linux that works with their Jolla.19:36
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Morpogmotorola moto 360, is the first smartwatch which looks good19:37
keithzgOh wow, that looks really good.19:38
flanagoh, it's circular19:38
keithzgI suddenly feel very sorry for Pebble.19:38
Morpogand with android wear OS they just destroyed stskeeps ideas :D19:39
keithzgOn the other hand, I'm sure like every damn Motorola device they won't sell it in Canada, so whatever :P19:39
tbrMorpog: they also killed tizen19:39
tbrwhy run tizen if you can run wearOS19:40
Morpogah, google19:40
keithzgtbr: I doubt Samsung will give up on Tizen so quickly, though. It's their Plan B in case they ever need to break from Google.19:40
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Morpogsamsung is announced as android wear partner, so seems to be really a bad day for tizen19:40
tbrkeithzg: they made a deal with google19:40
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StskeepsMorpog: who says it's dead?19:40
StskeepsMorpog: i just see more development platforms.19:41
pp_hmn, looks like rhythmbox and vlc are only mtp capable tools (or rather libmtp-utilizing) on my fedora box19:41
MorpogStskeeps, not dead, but very tough competition19:41
pp_dunno what I'd want to do with rhythmbox connecting to my jolla, I can just sshfs :-)19:41
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pawkyduh?  is sailfish not beta anymore whilst still not having MMS???19:42
minimeckeithzg: I did some basic tests with with MTP today on Ubuntu 12.04, 13.10, and 14.04. I was able to connect and the folders showed up without 'tuning'. Also copied some music folders to the phone. Seems working ok with all three of them, using nautilus filemanager in Unity or e17.19:42
tbrpawky: mms is a niche feature nowadays19:42
pawkytbr: maybe in your world, but not mine...19:43
minimeckeithzg: I prefer sftp over wifi. Seems even faster with my router...19:43
tbrtough luck19:43
Morpogpawky, remember iOS :D19:43
StskeepsMorpog: competition is good19:43
pawkyMorpog: yes, and all the crap they've gotten for not having it... which they changed...19:43
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Morpogpawky, and not look at how many developers apple has and how many jolla got ;)19:44
Yanielwhat is this world you speak of?19:44
EztranWell, it's not like MMS isn't going to be introduced eventually, just that they don't consider MMS required for 1.0.19:44
keithzgminimec: That's what I do too, but not possible at my work in the way we have the wifi segregated from our desktops. Not insurmountable, but slightly inconvenient.19:44
pawkyMorpog: true... but I would still say, not having one of the basic communication protocols, would still make it beta... anybody in a hurry?19:44
Morpogpawky, you can seem them work hard on MMS in nemomobile repos19:44
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pawkyMorpog: that's what I heard, and that's why I thought its included in 1.019:45
keithzgHeh my phone plan doesn't include MMS, since it's from when my carrier was new and hadn't cut the right deals with the incumbents in Canada. But I consider my plan's lack of MMS a feature, not a bug ;)19:45
pawkykeithzg: Well, where I am, there is no extra charge for MMS compared to SMS, thats why its used a lot here..19:46
tbrpawky: they don't support CSD and FAX! send it back! such basic protocols!19:46
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pawkytbr: well, i highgly doubt they support Morse as well, but its a bit of topic don't you think?19:47
pawkytbr: MMS, is used a lot in contries not charging extra for it.19:47
tbrpawky: the difference being, that CSD and fax _was_ standard feature of many phones19:47
keithzgpawky: Fair enough, different places have different situations. For me, data is free, so why would I use MMS even if it was free too? (which it is if it was part of my plan; without it being part of my plan I can't even use it at all, it just doesn't work)19:47
pawkytbr: and Morse the first standard communication protocol19:47
FiSHBoYyeah, in the US MMS is included in messaging, I don't pay extra for it, and I do expect it to be there19:47
pp_hehe, I remember sending faxes on a 2110i 20 years ago or so19:48
tbrpawky: I'm just having a field day with your claim that it's a must have feature19:48
FiSHBoYand if you don't support MMS, why support SMS if we're talking about protocol age, SMS is older ;)19:48
FiSHBoYso that's kind of a silly argument19:48
tbrpawky: you're free to your opinion, nobody is taking that from you. but saying that they should bow to it is kinda ridiculous19:48
FiSHBoYthe point is some countries use it more that others, just because it's not common in yours doesn't mean it's not common elsewhere :)19:49
Eztranyou're making the exact opposite mistake, just because you use a feature...19:49
pawkykeithzg: because, needing to send a picture to someone who only has a phone at hand, MMS is the only reliable way to ensure they can actually fetch it, compared to E-mail which the person might not have configured.19:49
pawkyEztran: in what way?19:49
keithzgpawky: If someone sends me an MMS, I don't get it. Thus it's unreliable!19:49
keithzgI mean, seriously, if someone sends me an MMS absolutely nothing happens. No matter what phone I might put my SIM into.19:50
YanielFiSHBoY | yeah, in the US MMS is included in messaging, I don't pay extra for it19:50
Yaniellet's remember that the US is not a market Jolla targets yet19:51
pawkykeithzg: probably because your provider doesn't give you a pre configured SIM card..19:51
tbrah yes, US _the_ target market for jolla. not.19:51
keithzgpawky: It was pre-configured.19:51
pawkyYaniel: No, but the nordic countries are..19:51
FiSHBoYI know, I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying different markets have different commonly used things :)19:51
pawkykeithzg: well, its a support issue...19:51
keithzgpawky: As stated before, my plan does not include MMS, even as an ability. Trust me, I later worked for the cellular provider for a few months, my plan doesn't support it. I'd have to switch to a different plan for it to.19:52
tbrpawky: in finland MMS between networks doesn't even work reliably...19:52
cvpcoderus: you here ?19:52
pawkyFiSHBoY: and i agree, but saying MMS is something people don't use anymore might be a bit narrow minded, or looking a bit to regional...19:52
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FiSHBoYI agree with that ;)19:53
FiSHBoYthat is the point I was trying to make19:53
EztranJolla also haven't ever said that :)19:53
keithzgpawky: In fairness, that's also in part why Jolla isn't selling devices worldwide yet (*sob*)19:53
FiSHBoYI believe Jolla has said they will be adding it, yes?19:53
EztranYeah, they're working on it, it just didn't make 1.0.19:53
pp_yep, it's "upstream" in some form as we speak19:53
pawkykeithzg: so, its an issue between you and your provider. But there are other people in other countries who have MMS included as a standard protocol, to them MMS is of importance.19:53
FiSHBoYas long as it's there before they get to my region I'm fine ;)19:54
FiSHBoYit was kinda odd with the N900 when we had to wait for a 3rd party app19:54
pp_it's a particularly nasty piece of protocol to implement so I'm not expecting a release any time soon, but it's getting there ;)19:54
pawkyFiSHBoY: well, at the beginning, but if not remembering wrong it later got included.19:54
keithzgpawky:  I'm not saying it isn't! I'm just giving an anecdotal example of the exact opposite situation19:54
Eztranpawky: well, same thing here really :)19:54
pawkywell, maybe I am speaking to all people not having  z in their aliases then...19:55
keithzgpawky: Honestly MMS in Canada is a bit of a mess in general, it fails to send between providers fairly frequently from what I've observed. The only people I know who tend to send picture messages are those using iOS, and that's not via MMS.19:55
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FiSHBoYI am from Canada, and I don't recall it being much of an issue19:56
FiSHBoYat least in BC :P19:56
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keithzgFiSHBoY: Apparently Alberta is a hellhole, then, but it's not like we didn't already know that ;)19:56
pawkyfor those countries to where MMS is used on a daily basis, its highly un competitive to provide an OS in 2014 not having MMS...19:56
pawkyI mean, th IOS (and the N900) had this problem in... 2008...19:57
pawkyits 2014 for christ sake!19:57
pawkyMMS should be included...19:57
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EztranMMS was, if anything, used more back in 2008.19:58
Eztranthough actually I have no idea why I'm arguing this as I use MMS semi-regularly despite having to pay for it.19:58
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coderuscvp: yup20:01
coderusclau: what configuration?20:01
cvpcoderus: is it not possible to integrade the possibility to choose the path where save the pics/videos from mitakuuluu... like phone & sdcard20:02
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Stskeepsmoo Venemo20:06
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keithzgHmm, the password I set and type in for devel-su isn't working for ssh USB networking, odd. I wonder what I'm foolishly forgetting, heh.20:06
Venemomooo Stskeeps  :)20:08
Yanielkeithzg: username?20:09
keithzgYaniel: nemo, no?20:09
Yanieldo you have an IP for both the phone and your pc on the osb connection?20:10
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Yaniel(I use a public key auth anyway so I wouldn't notice :P)20:11
keithzgYaniel: Yup, I've got the phone as (as per default) and I have the desktop using the USB connection as, seems to see it and ping fine, hmm, lets see what ssh -v says...20:11
coderuscvp: i can add it after buying sdcard :)20:11
keithzgBut I should probably just copy over a public key, yeah20:11
cvpcoderus: :p ok20:12
Yaniel.1 sounds like it could be an issue20:12
YanielI always use .4220:12
coderuskeithzg: if you didnt set password manually in developer mode settings it resetted, afaik20:12
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keithzgcoderus: Oh, hmm. Well, I set it again deliberately a few minutes ago to make sure.20:13
Yanielkeithzg: try any ip that is not .1, .0 or .25520:13
jabismy password vanished from the UI after the update, tho shadow file was intact20:13
jabis(the developer-mode one)20:14
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jabisnow a beer, a few cigs and off to bed ->20:17
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circ-user-DusfZHey there, anyone here?20:18
Yanielyou are going to ask something, aren't you?20:19
Yanieljust ask then :)20:19
circ-user-DusfZWell first of I'm MoritzJT on twitter...20:20
circ-user-DusfZChrome irc client is not that handy20:20
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YanielI can recommend IRC for sailfish20:21
CoderCandynew update is nice20:21
circ-user-DusfZAnyhow I just saw my developer mode had deactivated itself for no reason, even though it worked after the latest update just fine. So I tried reenabling it, which crashed the settings app. I tried it again and it took ages then crashed my phone, which went into a green rapid blinking bootloop, I pulled the battery and restarted. Now I can't open developer mode settings applet and I can't open accounts applet20:21
circ-user-DusfZI can't type that much and fast on SailfishOS20:21
CoderCandyI really like the new touch-keyboard.20:22
Yanielcirc-user-DusfZ: did you update to
circ-user-DusfZYes I did. I also safely did all necessary steps to disable openrepos stuff. Enabled it after successful update again though.20:22
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keithzgHrmm, after changing my PC's IP for the USB networking my Jolla is now outright refusing the connection.20:23
CoderCandyhmm, what's openrepos?20:23
flanag"OpenRepos is a community driven personal repository system for Harmattan and Sailfish operating systems."20:24
circ-user-DusfZA 3rd party repository directory that offers another channel for pulling and installing apps20:24
chem|stCoderCandy: there'll be dragons20:24
circ-user-DusfZWHAT THE F**** I lost everything after the reboot fuckup. Messages, accounts EVERYTHING -.-20:25
circ-user-DusfZMight as well use it as a brick :P20:25
CoderCandyCool, I like dragona20:25
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* keithzg disabled developer mode, re-enabled, now ssh works . . . *shrug* don't look a gift horse in the mouth, I guess20:26
circ-user-DusfZhow can I enable dev mode from terminal instead of UI?20:27
claucoderus, it appears whatsapp.db was cleaned. *But*, I had to uninstall mitakuuluu and reinstall it.20:29
claucoderus, I restored it from a 1 day old backup though.20:29
circ-user-DusfZssu says unable to open /etc/boardname.20:30
minimeccirc-user-DusfZ: I had a crash of the jolla settings app today. Afterwards, I had no mail accounts anymore. A reboot brought them back, but lipstick was kind of reset. All icons were rearranged. Took me some time to move them back. What I want to say: Try to shutdown the device again... and hope... ;)20:31
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circ-user-DusfZminimec : thanks for the tip20:32
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flanaginteresting tweet20:32
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circ-user-DusfZF meeee.... Now a switch off and switch on gives me the rapid green blinking again -.-20:35
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CoderCandyHmm, I should get the Sailfish SDK20:38
CoderCandyI wanna do stuff20:38
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coderusclau: when uninstalling database and config deletes20:40
claucoderus, I had no idea, but I thought this is the cause.20:40
coderusthere is no "?" mark in my message20:40
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clauCoderCandy, neither did I think there was :)20:41
clauuhm, coderus, not CoderCandy20:42
CoderCandyIt should be illegal to have more than 2 characters the same at beginnings of nick.20:42
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circ-user-DusfZI think I found the reason: https://together.jolla.com/question/30822/root-and-home-disks-full-and-causing-various-problems/20:44
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circ-user-DusfZBut I have done a funky looped symlink20:44
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claucoderus, the left icon on cover is supposed to show current presence setting, or the next you can select?20:48
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claubtw, it looks nice.20:49
coderusclau: next20:49
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fuz_i made it! 24h uptime yeah !!20:50
claucoderus, woudn't it be more useful to show the current presence setting instead?20:50
Nightmare__talking about mitäkuuluu: has anyone also log in problems? mine is stuck in "authorizing", all versions 1.32 and 2.1, setting up the account worked, but its stuck after that20:51
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clauit's generally working for me, with a few exceptions when connection drops, and that's not necessarily a mitakuuluu problem.20:52
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Nightmare__strange, i tried all i can think of, reinstall, reboot, using wifi, using mobile data,...last one would be factory reset20:54
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minimecNightmare__: Right now I am giving mitäkuuluu a first try. Before I used wazapp on the n9. I had no problem installing it via warehouse, registrating the device and so on. I am online right now.20:58
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Nightmare__yesterday i had no problem21:01
louisdkWhen I plug the micro usb into my Jolla I can feel that it's little bit loose. It's not much. Should I be concerned about that? I do really take care of my Jolla and use a protective case with it.21:01
pdaneknew internet sharing works better for me than tethering app21:02
pdanekit holds connection longer21:02
claulouisdk, I found the original cable to be low quality. I'm using the old one from N9, it fits much better.21:02
claulouisdk, but otherwise, no idea if you should worry, sorry.21:02
pdanekI left it over night and in the morning, internet on laptop was still functional, with tethering app I had to refresh21:02
alcedoHi. The ability to categorize the phone numbers (private/work/mobile) suddently vanished from my Peoples app. I did quite some changes to my phone in the last few hours, so I'm not sure about the reason. Is it because of the OS update?21:02
louisdkclau: I do also use the old one from my N9. I don't think that this is really a big issue.21:04
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cvp...if some have the same problem ;)21:09
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ggabrieltbr: thanks :) i'll peek21:12
ggabrieltbr: wrong channel, sorry21:13
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ggabrieluhm... my brightness slider doesn't make any difference21:14
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clauggabriel, works fine for me. it changes brightness gradually though (over 1 second maybe?), so maybe it's not so visible.21:16
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coderusclau: no idea :)21:21
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claucoderus, I was thinking that maybe it's easier to use if you see the current setting, because you don't need to remember the order of the settings. For instance, right now I see the icon for "always offline", but I can't remember what was before it :).21:24
clauon the other hand, after a while you get used to it.21:25
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stephgI have chocolate21:26
araneaaranea = alcedo, so you can still answer my question, even tough alcedo parted...21:26
claustephg, just don't abuse it, it's not healthy.21:26
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stephgit's a poor substitute for beer or wine right now but it'll do21:27
raa70nothing is healthy, it's all about the dosage21:27
netzviehwell chocolate is substituting beer and wine just fine21:27
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netzviehonly two things are not substitutable by chocolate: bacon and pizza :D21:27
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ggabrielclau: ta21:30
stephgnetzvieh, chocolate and bacon just about go21:31
stephgchocolate and pizza however...21:31
Bawaldid someone mention bacon21:32
coderusclau: post in cover actions issue, let users decide21:32
claucoderus, fair enough :). I will do it tomorrow though, because I'm about to leave.21:33
netzviehstephg: well, that's a nice idea. I'll order pizza, fry the bacon and dip both in chocolate. i think bacon with chocolate could be very delicious. with pizza depends :D21:35
stephgchocolate and bacon is a thing21:35
stephg(never tried it myself, but I can imagine)21:35
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CraigAso this recent software update still didn't enable 4g?21:55
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CraigAso much for 4G Q1 then I guess :21:56
QuuCraigA: "is 4g still disabled?"21:56
CraigAI'm probably gonna have to get another phone for now, I can't stand this 2G business for much longer lol21:57
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ggabrielthere is 3g21:59
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sardinieven one legend talk about 3.5G, but don't know if it's really true22:05
pp_heh, there's a notification when setting alarms now "Expiring in 8 hours 39 minutes"22:06
pp_I suppose I'd expire if I didn't get enough sleep :P22:07
Quuits nice small feature :)22:07
Yanielkind of depressing though22:07
pp_yea, if it notices you're going to get only 2.5h sleep it could motivate you!22:07
pp_"You will expire in 2.5 hours :("22:07
Quupp_: but not every use of alarmclock is to wake up22:07
Quueg. i usually have one alarm for waking up and second to remind me to get to work.. :p22:08
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disharmonicSo, still no 2way calender sync22:13
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keithzgI really like when alarms tell me how long until they go off, was surprised that the Jolla one didn't, good to see it does now.22:16
Quudisharmonic: works for me.22:16
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keithzgCragA: Lucky you have any G's, Jolla won't even work on my carrier at all, I'm running around with "as long as my Nexus 4 can keep its wifi hotspot up" as my connection ;)22:17
disharmonicQuu: I'm actually just downloading the update. I didn't see it mentioned in the changelog though. good to know they fixed that. thks22:17
Quudisharmonic: iirc its first thing in the changelog..22:17
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TMavicacoderus: https://db.tt/1guv8dkE22:17
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coderusTMavica: i got your file already22:25
coderusyou shouldnt send it public :)22:26
coderusremove file22:26
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coderussomeone can steal your account :)22:26
disharmonicQuu: You mean this "Automatically sync calendars"?22:26
TMavicacoderus: i not at home, this is fast way..lol.22:28
TMavicacoderus: cant private msg in irc in on jolla22:29
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Quudisharmonic: well, did you check the second line then?22:39
Quudisharmonic: the part where it says "Two-way sync for google calendar"22:40
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kelvanit's a pity there is still no generic caldav support, last big feature missing for me. but concentrate on bug fixes and paper cuts seems to payed off, sailfish feels much more stable now22:45
cvpwhat is Sailchat exactly ? is there some more informations avout ??22:45
* disharmonic disharmonic must be blind :P22:45
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circ-user-aBYozYou want to know what a pity is? A pity is that Jolla actually went with the BTRFS filesystem. It's far too unstable and can get locked to the point where you have to send your device in for maintenance because there's no way to recover other that a reflash, which we can't as they won't release the images :-/22:49
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KabouikIs somebody here currently working on folders for the app launcher? I know it's on TJC, but the thread is old22:51
cvpproblem is, that only jolla have access to the UI :(22:52
cvpwe have to wait and hope that there will release it self22:52
KabouikAnd I know folders would require one extra tap to launch an application, but (i) in Sailfish, all important apps are permanently running in multitask, (ii) one extra tap is better than 5 extra scrolls to find the last installed app, (iii) no folders and 3+ pages of launcher = terrible mess (no motivation for sorting that mess), and (iv) would be possible to leave apps outside folders, like on N922:53
KabouikCrap, that's a shame we can't do anything here22:53
Nightmare__https://together.jolla.com/question/274/pbap-bluetooth-profile-support-is-requested/ <- the feature i miss most22:54
cvpsame think like SIP Call on telephaty, Chats like ICQ and more in Accounts.... file transfer/groupchat with xmpp and much more... no access ....22:55
Eztranactually, you do have access to some of that.22:55
cvpyeah aber not to put it into UI22:55
cvpaber = but :D22:56
EztranSure, there's nothing you can do where there's a backend but no front, but that's not always the case.22:56
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specialcvp: and if people work on the backend in OSS, it requires less of our time to bring it into the UI.23:06
cvpspecial: you living :)23:07
cvplong time hear about from you :)23:07
specialI've been very busy with ..something23:08
KabouikWith folders in app launcher special, say it now!23:08
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cvpmms ;)23:11
* keithzg crosses his fingers for CalDAV/CardDAV23:11
keithzg(the latter moreso, since I just lazily use Google Calendar these days)23:12
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KabouikMMS make me happy too. Add calendar sync, "set as unread" in each email's pulley, folders in launcher, and a way to have >9 covers, and I'll be really happy. :')23:13
cvpand and and and and23:13
keithzgOh, folders in launcher would be a godsend23:13
KabouikYep, and notice that I kept the list short cvp!23:13
Kabouik(Because I'm on IRC, the wishlist would be longer on TJC :P)23:14
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keithzgIt's getting extremely unwieldy for me, personally.23:14
specialis there a tjc item on folders?23:14
KabouikYes special23:14
KabouikI just checked it, there was ~400 votes and a "generic" answer from Jolla because it's under consideration23:14
Kabouikkeithzg me too, I have 7 launcher pages, I'm at a point where I don't even want to search the app I want, and survive without launching it :P23:15
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M4rtinKyeah, folders are really needed ASAP23:16
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M4rtinKdevelopers are careless, releasing new apps all the time!23:16
M4rtinKits getimg more and more critical every day! :D23:16
KabouikI used ":P", but I REALLY give up when I need an app now, except very basic ones like SMS or mails23:16
artemmaQuickLauncher could possibly help meanwhile? ;)23:17
KabouikI'm slowly regressing to the state of Nokia 331, in the Smartphone Evolution Theory.23:17
* artemma was thinking about a pseudo-folder app (an app that would be nearly identical to a single favorites folder), but decided not to start as Jolla is going to do folders soon anyway23:18
cvpgood night :D23:20
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