#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2014-11-19

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stephg^^ FACT00:03
stephgit's not their fault, some of the states ban unpasteurised cheese00:03
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keithzgWellll, there are historical justifications for that. It's not like nobody ever got sick from unpasteurized dairy products :P00:04
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stephgit's a risk I'm willing to take ;)00:05
keithzgI know we have unpasteurized cheese up here in Canada, though.00:05
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keithzgAnd some pretty good cheese, to boot. Some of that just thanks to the crazy Québécois (they also make some great beer).00:06
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* sledges writes down :)00:08
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just4info_2h 37min till something big will happen :)06:23
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entilwhere'd they have the streams again?06:35
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entilmarc up at 10:35 on the silver stage06:36
entil You don't have permission to access "http://qsb_hd-f.akamaihd.net/z/slushHD1_1@149801/manifest.f4m" on this server.06:36
entilmaybe they haven't started streaming yet06:37
WarnaudI guess it's still breakfast :)06:38
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inzWarnaud, but we want to see what they are eating!06:43
Warnaud!! indeed !!06:43
Merbot`Warnaud: Error: "!" is not a valid command.06:43
Warnaudsorry Merbot` :P06:43
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Nicd-oh boy oh boy oh boy07:09
Nicd-today we'll get to see the tablet! ;)07:09
lpotteror chocolate07:09
Stskeepsmmm chocolate07:10
entilor accessory or partnership deal or corporate-sponsored other half07:10
Nicd-yeah, my guess is it's either a tablet or some OH07:11
* Stskeeps is on way to slush07:11
Nicd-I think Stskeeps is laughing at our guesses07:11
entilit's all about conspiracy theories07:11
StskeepsNicd-: enjoying rather07:11
svuorelajolla is going into the rubber boot business07:11
Nicd-Jolla tyres!07:12
Nicd-now that would be something07:12
entiljolla buoys07:12
Stskeepsyour tyres are not reponding... wait,or close?07:12
Nicd-Stskeeps: Please wait*07:12
entilmultitouch tyres, it's not only the other half of the tyre that touches the ground07:13
entilhow exactly this dimensional warp is achieved is closed source at the moment07:13
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TemeVTyre TOH, well that would be something! :)07:13
entilcould also try to usurp tizen on car dashboards07:15
Nicd-Jolla partners with Tesla to make the Model S dashboard UI?07:18
entilsilica widgets on top of efl!07:18
svuorelabut having jolla and nokia announcing tablets around the same time could be interesting07:20
just4info_i hope not....who needs tablets?07:20
svuorelaI do.07:20
ruskieI do07:21
svuorelathe meego one I_have in a drawer is clumsy and unusable07:21
mekluwe need a jolla brewery, clearly07:21
meklubecause there's a nokia brewery07:21
Tofeit's very handy to have a 10" snooze button.07:21
fluxI think two guys using tablets is not going to be enough business for Jolla, though07:21
just4info_i hope they rather work on their system for smartphones rather than having two things halfe done07:21
fluxI also have a use for tablets: apparently they make nice Christmas gifts.07:22
Teemujolla brewery sounds cool07:22
Teemui'm not sure if you noticed but tablets are selling like hot cheesecakes07:22
just4info_flux, and that's pretty much it. I do however use a convertable which makes tablets completely obsolete (atleast for my use)07:22
JvD_but don't follow path of Nokia water works07:22
Teemua convertable that actually works could perhaps be interesting07:23
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just4info_Teemu, the Thinkpad yoga, actually works quite well07:24
Teemuwhich os does it run?07:24
mekluthis was some good stuff: https://meklu.org/imgs/other/lingonberry_soda.jpg07:24
svuorelaTeemu: win8.107:24
meklubut I doubt it had much to do with the rubberboot/tyre/phone nokias07:25
just4info_Teemu, sadly the preinstalled win 8.1 so far, i'd require some time to get fedora running propperly07:25
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Teemufor me that means it's not working07:25
Teemuanyway tablets are outselling laptops so i'd not say there are just two guys using tablets07:25
Kiranos_lol anyone tried setting the computer time to 2hours in the future to reveal? P07:26
just4info_Teemu, not many people are running it on linux so far, for the normal yoga scripts to get it running are already online, the thinkpad will take some time07:26
Teemuif a nerd beta tablet would sell is completely another question07:26
Kiranos_no tablet please :)07:26
Nicd-Kiranos_: if the reveal was client side it would have already leaked :P07:26
Kiranos_joking :)07:26
just4info_Teemu, a nerd tablet would be a convertible :)07:27
Teemutablet with another half07:27
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Teemuperhaps with chorded keybored07:27
just4info_Teemu, you are describing a convertible....07:27
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Teemuexcept the ones this far are shipped with windos disease07:28
Kiranos_anyone know a online anonomus voting site? we should set it up and do a vote count now unitl it goes live, would be fun to see what the community thinks07:29
just4info_Teemu, you can install any system you want on them07:29
Kiranos_+1 for tablet07:29
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Teemujust4info_: most just run whatever it ships with07:30
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Teemuanyway what i said about nerd tablets is that i'm not sure if nerds (the people who buy jolla phones) would actually like a tablet, be it just a tablet or phablet or convertible07:31
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just4info_Teemu, the yoga for example, runs like a normal laptop, it offers a full bios and allows you to install anything you want on it07:31
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Teemufull bios sounds like x8607:31
just4info_Teemu, yes, it ships with an i7, the hardware is top notch07:31
Nicd-just looked at the yoga 2, the hardware wasn't top notch :P07:33
just4info_Nicd-, we are talking about the Thinkpad yoga, not the lenovo yoga 207:33
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timophhello people, hippies and other life forms o/07:34
mekluwhat is this, 1998?07:34
Nicd-just4info_: but it has similar specs...07:34
tbrmoo timoph07:35
just4info_Nicd-, what's wrong with them?07:35
Nicd-memory caps at 8 GB and gpu is crappy07:35
Nicd-it's not terrible but it's not top notch07:35
Teemu8gigs isn't that much07:36
just4info_Nicd-, you want a good gpu in a tablet/convertible/notebook? O.o07:36
timophtbr: moo07:36
ruskiejust4info_, well some people want a extreme gaming class performance in a 10" 1 mm thick device07:36
Teemui'm totally running out of my current 4gigs on the laptop, have to keep a close look at ram usage at all times07:36
Nicd-just4info_: true, I don't use tablets so I'm thinking from a laptop perspective07:37
Nicd-Teemu: I'm stuck with 2 :(07:37
just4info_Nicd-, even on a laptop you won't render videos......that's what desktops are for. This thing is ment to be portable07:37
Teemui'm not sure where a laptop would need superduper gpus07:37
Nicd-it's all gone when I open chrome07:37
mekluwhy wouldn't you render?07:37
mekluthat's just silly07:38
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just4info_ruskie, and i want a battery which never gets empty :P07:38
meklunext you'll tell me you don't compile stuff on a laptop07:38
mekluyou might as well get a pen-and-paper notebook in that case!07:38
Teemui run a browser on laptop, eats much more cpu gpu and ram than all other stuff combined that i do on this07:38
meklubrowsers are rather horrible, as is the web :(07:39
Teemumind you, the stuff i compile ends up with being a statically linked binary of several kilobytes in size07:39
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stephgquestion should anyone know07:40
stephgwill Marc Dillon be on stage at 8:35 or does the show start at 907:40
stephg(i.e. do I try to go to work early)07:40
Teemuit was 9 some 40 minutes ago07:40
stephgUTC :P07:40
mekluTeemu: UTC07:40
Nicd-stephg: 1 hour 19 minutes07:41
Nicd-to go07:41
Teemuslush time07:41
stephgI read somewhere he was on stage at 8:35 tho07:41
mekluuntil the announcement, sure07:41
stephg^^ hence my confusion07:41
meklubut the slush schedule says marc will be on stage 25 minutes before that07:41
stephgI must watch the streams you see!07:41
entilI must watch the streams you hear!07:41
stephgI know!07:41
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entilnope.. no one picked it up07:42
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pp_better start up the stream before everyone else does!07:43
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Siddelink to the stream?07:46
pp_slush.org and it's obvious07:46
pp_silver stage, apparently07:47
entilhttps://twitter.com/SirKneeland/status/534726268668092416 wut07:47
Nicd-entil: what's "wut" about it?07:47
mekluooh, neat07:47
Nicd-I think that was pretty expected07:47
entilmaybe I'm too far from the tablet scene, and the android scene, and every other scene07:48
chr1stopherentil: cant use twitter here, what is it ^^07:48
entil"@jetleigh Soon. It has an open bootloader, so go get CM working on it! ;)"07:48
meklu[regarding the Nokia N1]07:48
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TeemuCM could be cyanogenmod, which is a less restricted android version from nerd community07:50
entilcould it be anything else?07:50
entilit could be citymarket, of course07:50
mekluit *is* cyanogenmod07:50
pp_@jetleigh works for them so yes ;)07:50
Teemuyet it is still android so it will continue to annoy you to no end07:50
pp_CM (well, certain versions of it) means sailfish is possible  :P07:50
Nicd-entil: KKK on my Nokia N1? :O07:50
Jopecitymarket was kkkk ;-)07:50
pp_then again, it's intel not arm07:51
entilthen it's a klablet07:51
Nicd-ah, silly me07:51
Nicd-supermarket is KKK of course07:51
tbrand apparently the GPU is SGX, which is ewwww07:51
mekluhey, we can put the emulator image on it ;P07:51
pp_just get the powervr running somehow with vendor drivers and you're fine07:51
entildoesn't sailfish run perfectly well on intel?07:51
timophhmm. it's intel atom. does it have a fan in it?07:51
Teemupp how is CM sailfish?07:51
timophthe nokia thing07:52
tbrentil: modulo SGX graphics crap07:52
pp_see the HADK :-)07:52
mekluTeemu: if you can flash CM on it, you can flash SFOS on it :P07:52
mekluand also the HADK stuff07:52
tbrSGX on intel has to be the worst GPU I've seen in a decade07:52
entilif sailfish doesn't run on it, big whoop07:52
Teemuahhh that, yes (whats hadk?)07:52
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mekluPoulsbo was enough of a PowerVR disaster already07:52
Sail0rone hour to go :)07:52
Teemuentil: yes, who the eff cares about yet another android07:52
mekluHardware Adaptation Kit07:52
meklu+ Development^07:53
* tbr has a MinnowboardMax with intel GPU <307:53
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tbrthey should have gone with an intel gpu soc :-/07:53
Teemunow, wonder if anybody has been interested in nvidia jetson running sailfish07:53
Teemui nearly typoed railfish, now that might be interesting07:53
meklua tegra k1 would've been neat07:53
Teemui guess railfish would be bsd internals and userland with sailfish ux07:54
mekluooh, that jetson thing looks cool07:54
Teemumeklu: we got two at ell-i07:55
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stephgTeemu: ick imagine the comedy of the systemd on the bsd07:55
Teemuafter our da4bri demo has been on, you can come play with us at helsink hacklab07:55
* stephg does not wish to start a flamewar07:55
pp_heh, and elops finnish lessons conclude (he learned "ovi kiinni" the first time he went to sauna): http://www.pocketgamer.biz/news/60380/nokia-store-will-shut-in-mid-2015-users-redirected-to-opera-mobile-store/07:56
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* tbr is waiting for a 64bit jetson board (not counting the Nx9)07:56
Teemustephg: the darwinos init (i forgot the name of which) looks a lot less clumsy than systemd suite07:56
lukedirtwalkertime went to 007:56
* meklu isn't at all sure07:57
Teemucould be07:57
lukedirtwalkerhttp://jolla.com/ ?07:57
Teemui'm not a darwinos developer so i have not followed closely07:57
Teemui just knows this boots up crazy fast and daemons are managed nicely07:58
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Teemusomeone a few years ago wrote a nice analysis on how the current darwinos init daemon works07:58
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Teemua few years == when it was new and shiny07:58
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Teemuway before any linux or other bsd had anything other than the traditional nysv/bsd inits07:59
meklulukedirtwalker: still says 1 hour left here07:59
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Teemu... i never could quite get why linus chose nysv init with its multiple run levels as that's completely unnecessary08:00
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lukedirtwalkerAha my computers clock is wrong hehe08:00
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Teemucomputer is either on, in maintenance, or off (the last of which doesn't really need a state as it is off so tracking the state is quite redundant and actually pretty hard)08:01
pp_Linux wasn't sysv in the beginning, it was bsdish08:01
pp_(and other people did userland at that point)08:02
Teemuso can i blame arl on this?08:02
entilI had bsd-ish rc files in my lfs at some point08:02
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Teemui remember linux 0.99somethings08:02
Teemuand 386bsd08:02
Teemuand sunos 4.0.308:02
TofeTeemu: you aren't new in the neighborhood isn't it :)08:03
Jopedid linus ever provide a userland?08:03
JopeI got on board too late, in 199608:03
Teemunot really08:04
Jopeso the mainstream distros were quite established by then08:04
Jopemy choice was slackware. :-)08:04
pp_look for rootimage-0.12  orso08:04
Teemuhe just kind of encouraged people to go into some directions08:04
Tofedistros ? with an s, like there were several ? ;)08:04
Teemui guess the init decicion was not related to him very much08:04
stephgwell by '96 RH was definitely a thing08:04
entilJope: I'm practically later, iirc my first contact was really in december 1996, or january 199708:04
Teemuat first there were no distros08:05
Jopein 96 theere was slack, rh, debian08:05
stephg(is also about when I started)08:05
Teemuthen at some point slackware and yggdrasil came into being08:05
Jopethat were in any way established08:05
entilI had this 6-disc box from 1996 with the three distros on it, probably still have it somewhere08:05
Teemuyggdrasil was already pretty dead in '9608:05
Jopeentil, one of those infomagic sets no doubt08:05
entilJope: sounds familiar08:05
Jopethat's how I got my start too. I had the blue infomagic set08:05
Tofeentil: I may still have my 4-cd slackware 3.3 somewhere08:05
entilthis one was green08:06
Teemubtw most of those distro cds were made at cdrom.com, running on freebsd08:06
entilshould install debian on a virtualbox machine and dist-upgrade08:06
Jopehttp://implementationdetails.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/linuxcdset.jpg?w=655 this one :-D08:06
pp_I got started with boot/rootdisk 0.95 :-)08:06
Teemumany ftps were also hosted on cdrom.com servers (on freebsd)08:06
Teemui mean, many distro main ftp sites08:06
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pp_Then SLS and Slackware (debian was a bit like GNU Hurd, eventually it will be the one and only distro)08:08
Teemuoh, sls08:08
Teemudebian came into being only later on08:09
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stephgamerican corporates make me laugh08:10
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stephgsuch beefcake08:10
Tofelooks like dinosaurs hooked the channel :p08:10
Teemutofe :)08:10
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Teemui'm reliving the past currently as i'm setting up an open source open hardware community for very small things and a lot of this reminds me on what the world looked like two decades ago08:11
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mornfallha, 3/4 of an hour08:13
entilmarc's on in like 20 minutes anywa08:13
chr1stopheri have not read so many good things about jollas web-browser, but if they reveal a tablet a good browser is a very important thing, or? do you like the browser? you are using "third party web-browsers" on your yolla? still deciding if to buy a nexus 6 or a jolla08:13
stephgchr1stopher: I'd wait until after 0900 UTC ;)08:14
TeguI'm mostly using the default browser even though it has it downsides08:14
* entil what tegu said08:14
Nicd-I'm using Android Opera08:14
Tegusometimes webcat, which also has its downsides08:14
Nicd-much better UX for me08:14
Teguand in extreme situations android's firefox08:14
mekluI use the default browser08:14
entilif it's still dima working the browser, he's one of the more competent people I know, so there are hopes the browser will get better (and some other reason for why it's not as good as it should be)08:15
Teemui'm using the default browser08:15
mekluand sometimes the Android version of Opera08:15
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Teguthe default browser doesn't have search nor copy-paste, for which I use webcat08:15
tadzikI'm using android opera too, only falling back to stock when connecting to some idiotic public wifi08:15
Teemui've also not yet updated to -dev sailfish so i don't know how much the system has improved08:15
tadzikwhere opera doesn't always work as expected for some reason08:15
entilI'm dismayed at google maps not working on the browser08:16
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pp_here maps for android!08:17
tadzikthose work well08:17
Teemuhere maps for railfish08:17
chr1stopherstephg: i will and still hoping for a jolla2 ;D08:17
pp_(native would be better, obviously)08:17
chr1stopherdo android browser like opera or firefox run smoothly?08:17
mornfallchr1stopher: why so?08:17
tadzikit sucks after the opt-in update08:17
entilI ran the android firefox for a while08:18
entilit worked but I hated it08:18
entildespite having all the features the stock browser would benefit from having08:18
chr1stophermornfall: why i wait for a jolla2 or why i ask these browser questions?08:19
mornfallwhy jolla208:19
mornfall(well, I imagine more RAM, but I don't think those guys will ever learn *this* lesson :|)08:20
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Teemuit'll not be jolla2 but a row boat08:20
Teemuafter that a sailboat, then a yact ...08:20
tbrrowboat was the name of the OMAP Android porting effort...08:20
entilor the ebba mærsk08:21
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TeguTeemu: yea, a _small_ row boat ;)08:22
ortylpentil: but you have Nokia maps, they are as evil as google maps, so no reason to complain... until we have native support for vectorised offline OSM maps we have no practically no maps,08:22
TeemuTegu: like the ones they row at universities, very small and fast08:22
inzHmm, I accidentally somehow muted my slush stream, no idea how to get it back08:22
stephgortylp: well, poor maps isn't bad (not vector, no)08:22
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stephgbut to say there aren't maps...08:23
entilortylp: no idea about nokia maps, or anything on android, and the last I tried jolla's whatever maps it got it was simply horrible08:23
entillike the only thing I didn't like at all08:23
entilused imperial units on an english language setting for example08:23
chr1stopherjolla is 350€ and there are 100€ coupons going around? so you can buy one for 250€ at the moment?08:23
stephgI think the 100€ off thing has ended08:23
Teemuentil i kind of like the navigation all at the moment and have just small grudges against it08:24
entilI need to give it another shot08:24
Teemusuch as traveling from here to there via this and that isn't possible for me atm08:24
Teemualso traveling from nonhere isn't08:24
stephgTeemu: try Poor Maps08:24
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TeemuOH OH and it somewhy decided to fsck up the addresses of places08:25
Teemuin finland there is no such thing as 15 olarinluoma or 9 kasavuorentie08:25
Teemuthat's just EVYL08:25
just4info_chr1stopher, yes08:25
pp_people that bought the keyboard will have more 100e coupons08:25
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just4info_pp_, what keyboard?08:26
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chr1stopherhmm 250€ is a nice price ^^08:26
mornfallstephg: they aren't offline either (besides not being vector)08:27
just4info_stephg, ahh i see08:27
stephgmornfall true08:27
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stephg7 minutes to go :)08:28
Tegu7? the countdown shows 31 minutes for me08:28
just4info_Tegu, same08:28
Teemustream url anyone?08:28
entilfor marc on slush.org08:28
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mornfalloh, there's a real-life event going on08:29
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entil You don't have permission to access "http://qsb_hd-f.akamaihd.net/z/slushHD1_1@149801/manifest.f4m" on this server.08:29
mornfallcould have figured that one out :D08:29
entilso ytf won't it work08:29
lainwir3dhi !08:29
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stephgexciting times :)08:29
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entilanyone actually getting the stream?08:30
faenilbring it on bring it on!08:30
faenilmorning everyone08:30
ortylpentil: if you have installed dalvik on Jolla, then try OSMAnd (install from f-droid)08:30
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lainwir3ddamn, i was sure it started in 5minutes08:30
SK_workha ! just in time !08:30
SK_workit doesn't start in 5 min ? :(08:31
lainwir3dseems like I am an hour earlier08:31
entilortylp: can't be arsed to figure out how f-droid works and all that in five minutes08:31
stephgSK_work: something does08:31
lainwir3ddon't know, the streaming website displays 10h3508:31
stephgthat's local time I believe08:31
SK_worklainwir3d: finnish time08:31
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marinaioit starts in 5 minuts, now streaming Keynote: Lessons Learned in Startupland08:31
marinaiothen Jolla08:32
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stephgmr zendesk leaves the stage...08:32
chr1stophernow they talk about jolla08:32
just4info_what was the link to the stream again?08:33
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marinaiodillon on stage!08:33
stephgdon't have the link08:33
stephgsilver stage tho08:33
tbrsailfisIOS - LULZ!08:33
Tegusilver stage08:33
entilfucking hell, chromium just says media can't be played08:33
stephgplays in ff on linux08:33
entiland firefox has 403, and wget on my irc host says 403 as well08:33
lainwir3dplays on chromium here08:33
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SK_workno sound08:34
mornfallit doesn't work here either if that's any consolation :-)08:34
stephgooh sailors08:34
mornfall(neither ff nor chromium)08:34
chr1stopherfedora + chrome works08:34
tbrhttp://reviewjolla.blogspot.fi/2014/11/marc-dillon-jolla-impossible-story.html - stream plays from here for me08:34
Nicd-someone said "Sailfish iOS"? :D08:34
MirvI opened slush.org earlier, works still08:34
Nicd-ooooh dat beard08:34
SK_workstupid windows08:35
Nicd-hint: don't read the comments on the slush live feed08:35
lainwir3dtoo late08:35
sledgesmorning :)08:35
Nicd-full of trolls08:35
tbrNicd-: that presenter girl said that08:35
stephgshe did08:36
mcfriskstreams don't work, sigh.08:36
mornfallmcfrisk: it's 2014 what did you expect08:36
covoxit's being hammered08:36
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Nicd-stream works fine for me08:36
mdxthsame here08:36
entildoesn't work on the phone either08:36
lukedirtwalkeramazing slides08:36
covoxif it drops it's quicker to just reload the page08:37
mornfallI love this “works for me” mentality though. :-)08:37
SK_workI'm so MAD ! Stream works, but windows sound don't :s08:37
entileveryone probably opened their browsers before anyone else and got a socket going08:37
* pahartik tried with "VLC", did not get video content08:37
TeguI'm on windows and sound works08:37
entilor just got lucky08:37
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covoxlinux sound is working08:37
* Mirv not touching anything as everything works08:37
Tegufirefox 24 ESR08:37
mornfallfolks, do you realize it's not the browser? :-)08:37
mornfallit's akamai08:37
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Nicd-bah, gotta open devtools to hide the chat08:37
mornfallso it depends on your IP08:37
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entilmornfall: they're blacklisting IPs?-)08:38
Tegu"every month"08:38
mornfall(not saying your browser ain't broken :P)08:38
Teguwell I'm not blaming08:38
mornfallentil: nah, probably a disruption in the CDN08:38
Nicd-chat deleted, stream quality improved 1000% :)08:38
mornfallentil: so some servers are broken and if it's “your” server (based on IP), you are out of luck08:38
* tbr has it playing nicely full screen on the android TV thingy08:38
SK_workTegu: it is my windows that is broken :)08:38
stephgno chat here, no trouble with stream08:38
SK_workno sound work08:38
SK_workcan anyone livestream ? :D08:39
mornfallyeah, there are folks that livestream :-)08:39
locusfbah not working08:39
entilI should probably just slap the browser with my chicken08:39
Teguoh, it's nearly the anniversary08:39
mornfallwell, someone can do us a favour and run a commentary here :P08:40
covoxMD is running over the milestones for the company08:40
stephgcan do if you really want08:40
covoxjust talked about the launch last year, with the huge line08:40
Sail0rMarc gets more and more like steve jobs xD08:40
SK_workSail0r: different though08:40
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Sail0rI think from the way presenting Jolla08:41
chr1stopher130 employees, every month one os update, 13000 bugs fixed, employees from 25 countries08:41
SK_workhe has charisma, indeed, but some kind of rocker / sailor charisma08:41
Sail0ryeah, that's right08:41
SK_workwhat's the phone in his hands ?08:42
mcfriskjolla out of money, open source everything. That would be big ;)08:42
entilmaybe I'll see this on youtube later08:42
SK_worka classic Jolla ?08:42
stephgSK_work: a jolla08:42
SK_workmcfrisk: please no :(08:43
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mornfallthey probably wouldn't go to announce that on slush08:43
SK_workannouncing they bankrupt ?08:44
covoxtalking about the hong kong launch, the kazakhstan store, india08:44
* entil officially gave up on the stream08:44
Sail0rrussia opening08:44
SK_workrussia launch ?08:44
mcfriskyou can always spin the money into some bizz talk, "giving back to community" lol08:44
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Armadillojolla.ru ;)08:45
mornfallhmm, russia... I'm wondering how non-controversial that is08:45
SK_workI guess it is to get it before Tizen goes there08:45
SK_workget the market08:45
covoxthey had 500 partnership negotiations, 300 probes from prospective resellers08:45
Armadilloare there any news to Tizen instead of phones being delyed?08:45
mekluwe'll see what happens in NA08:45
SK_workArmadillo: watches08:46
SK_workand iirc there are new leaks about tizen phone08:46
SK_workha, paypal ?08:46
SK_workindiegogo ?08:46
mornfallyeah, well, tizen08:46
Teguis that secure shell or some other ssh?08:46
Nicd-partnering with SSH :o08:46
mekluit's the official ssh08:46
Nicd-Tegu: it's SSH the company08:46
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mekluby the creator of it08:46
SK_workah ?08:47
timophtizen? is that thing still around?08:47
SK_workrovio / here08:47
SK_workseen some interesting logos08:47
_inte_i just read mitakuuluu can cause problems?08:47
meklutizen's going on samsung's smart watches08:47
Nicd-Tegu: http://www.ssh.com/08:47
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_inte_how do they find out?08:47
SK_workhe has a brown-back Jolla ?08:47
covoxleather case08:47
Venemosooo... something big is gonna happen in ~12 minutes08:47
covoxI think you can buy them on the store now08:47
mekluby lastucase08:47
entiljolla partnering with ssh?08:47
_inte_i better changed my status08:47
Sail0rHe shouldn't forget to breath *g*08:47
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Nicd-entil: he said they have already partnered with SSH08:48
lainwir3di read that too08:48
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mcfriskwhat has SSH done in past 14 years?08:48
SK_workha, this awesome picture08:48
AL13N_workthis is freaky08:48
AL13N_worki just got a call from a client08:48
TMavica_Jollaany live stream can play in Jolla..?08:48
tbrha, the international new yorks times08:48
mornfallmcfrisk: you are an optimist today huh08:48
tbrI dropped copies of that off at their office back then08:48
AL13N_workand he tells me: hey, jolla is gonna release something in 15min08:48
SK_workTMavica_Jolla: http://www.slush.org/ this does08:49
tbrit was the day I was coming back from FOSDEM08:49
AL13N_worki had spoken to him about jolla a while back08:49
Sail0rgreat partner rovio oO08:49
Tegurovio launcher08:49
SK_workstella launcher08:49
mornfallboring boring :P08:49
entillol it does not fucking work :<08:49
chr1stopherhm actually he seems to be friendly08:49
SK_workwell that's good to have some feedback on what they are doing :)08:49
AL13N_workis there some kind of streaming?08:49
Tegu10 minutes08:49
SK_workAL13N_work: http://www.slush.org/08:49
Tegu"now I've got something else"08:49
SK_worknice vid08:49
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covoxpromo video08:50
entiljust spread the word here ;P08:50
lainwir3dand annoucement at the end ?08:50
entildid they partner with rovio?08:50
SK_worklainwir3d: maybe08:50
mornfalland it's a.....08:50
Nicd-something new08:50
SK_workhaha, Marc is her08:50
lainwir3dINCEPTION !08:50
Teguentil: they have been already08:50
SK_workinception !08:50
Tegujolla tablet08:50
mornfallas if we didn't know :P08:50
meklutold you so!08:50
SK_workso unexpected :D08:50
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mcfriskwell, remember when jolla announced partership with f-secure... what good did that do for jolla users. Not much.08:50
Armadilloand I'm out :)08:50
lpotterI was really hoping for chocolate08:50
lainwir3dtablet !08:50
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Naranekha! Tuned in at the right second!08:50
Nicd-it's not reality yet08:50
SK_workme too, chocolate plz08:50
tbr'just a dream'...08:50
AL13N_workhmm, video feed is black? is that also for you guys?08:51
covoxseriously stream, now? of all times to cut out?08:51
SK_workAL13N_work: click on arrow08:51
entilthe f-secure partnership was a travesty08:51
AL13N_worki did08:51
lainwir3dfucking awesome08:51
SK_worksome interesting gestures08:51
ortylp1so no Jolla2, only a tablet :(08:51
TMavica_Jollacant play in jolla08:51
AL13N_worki just have black with a red SLUSH08:51
SK_worknao, specs ?08:51
AL13N_worki'ts on my FF08:51
lainwir3d32GB + sdcard i read08:51
_inte_how do you know i still have the timer running??08:51
Nicd-ortylp1: we already knew jolla 2 was not going to happen yet08:51
stephgSK_work: ~8 inch08:51
SK_workNicd-: how did we knew ?08:51
stephgit said08:51
mornfall_inte_: slush.org08:51
Tegu"People power!"08:52
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chr1stopherso i need to return my nexus 9 now? ^^08:52
gabriel9srsly :D08:52
Sceltso kickstarter coming?08:52
Mirvchr1stopher: yes, sorry about that ;)08:52
SK_workpage not found08:52
AL13N_worktime is increasing, so it looks like it's straeming, but i got black only08:52
SK_workScelt: indigogo maybe ?08:52
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SK_workthere is a partnership with them08:52
mornfalltweets incoming :P08:52
tbroh, a working prototype08:52
* tbr spies a Stskeeps on stage08:52
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SK_workfamiliar faces08:52
SK_workdamn, missed the Stskeeps08:52
gabriel9on the homepage there is still 7 minutes08:52
_inte_damned too late08:53
till-damn i just bought a samsung tablet :)08:53
just4info_and it's a tablet....08:53
Mirvjolla+ would have been good, cost optimized, other half compatibility, slightly better display + camera. but it would have taken too much effort for too little gain probably.08:53
Nicd-SK_work: just think about it. it would have killed the sales of the current phone which are still not great, it would have killed the TOHKBD project and angered a lot of fans08:53
Tegu"all around me are familiar faces" is now playing in my head :D because of SK_work08:53
chr1stopherthis "everbody get a hug" was strange ...08:53
SK_workNicd-: what if a compatible one ?08:53
stephgright, off to work!08:53
stephgsee you all later08:53
SK_workand new phone might boost sales08:53
Nicd-SK_work: a compatible one would have had too little gain for too much work08:53
mornfallstephg: cya08:53
SK_workNicd-: too little gain ? hum08:53
SK_workmore ram, better (larger) screen for same size could be enough08:54
Teguthe countdown is still on the main jolla page08:54
Nicd-you can't really make the screen bigger with the same size08:54
Sail0rwell, they will reveal it at 10 on the page08:54
TofeSK_work: remove the s08:54
Tofearg, too late08:54
Sail0rwhat's the problem?08:54
Nicd-you can make it sharper, yes, and improve the hardware but it's not a huge thing08:54
SK_workso, sailfishos 2.0 ?08:54
Nicd-while getting manufacturing and logistics and marketing up for that is a huge thing08:55
gabriel9how much will it cost?08:55
_inte_so, how do the tohs fit to the tablet?08:55
SK_workha, indigogo08:55
Sail0rso I won't buy it :-/ Do not need a table, damn I was so happy to buy smth new ^^08:55
Armadillomay 201508:55
tigeligabriel9: $189+2008:55
till-it's not made yet08:55
mekluholy shit08:55
Armadillowith SailfishOS 2.0?08:55
Armadillothis sounds very optimistic to me08:55
gexcintel again08:56
TMavica_Jolla2015 may..long time08:56
pp_$1647 already collected :D08:56
SK_worktigeli: wait what ?08:56
ortylp1Nicd-: for a tablet I need SailfishOS on my NotePro (13"), 8" is tiny for work, a bit too large for a smatphone in a pocket08:56
Teguyea.. I'm probably not buying any tablet08:56
mornfall8" cool08:56
SK_worksorry but wait08:56
SK_worktoo many coincidences08:56
juergbidoes anyone know the exact intel chip? main thing i want to know is whether it's an intel GPU or powervr08:56
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SK_workintel platform08:56
SK_worksame dpi08:56
SK_workas ... the N108:57
Tegudoes sailfishos 2.0 run on the jolla phone?08:57
mornfallhm, $380k goal08:57
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gexcwhat is sailfishos 2.0 :-/08:57
pp_64-bit 1.8GHz narrows it down a bit08:57
mornfallTegu: it presumably will08:57
Tegupp_: http://jolla.com/tablet "Be a part of making the world’s first truly"08:57
TofeSK_work: android 5.0 compatibility ? ;)08:57
Tegucrowdsourced tablet, powered by Sailfish OS 2.0.08:57
Tegublah paste08:57
mornfall"Sailfish OS 2.0 will power smartphones and tablets"08:57
SK_workmoar ram plz ?08:57
gexcgot plasma active? LOL08:58
Nicd-hehehe, the specs sound reeeallly close to the N108:58
SK_workisn't the N1 quadcore ?08:58
ruskiemmm flexible funding?08:58
SK_worklike 2.something ghz ?08:58
Teemunow will it have hdmi?08:58
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pp_Z2760 has SGX08:58
SK_work2 gig ram08:58
sledgesSK_work: dpi not same08:58
gabriel9and n1 is also here08:58
mornfallit's actually gorgeous... dammit jolla08:58
tigeliSK_work: our is too quad-core08:58
gabriel9what to chose :D08:58
stephgthere was the android stuff again08:58
mornfallI don't need a tablet but apparently I want one :P08:58
stephg(in the video)08:58
pp_hmn but 32-bit so no08:58
tigeliSK_work: and does not have proprietary gpu like n108:59
stephgmeaning aliendalvik I guess08:59
SK_worktigeli: on jolla.com/tablet it is dualcore :P08:59
stephgmaening arm I guess08:59
SK_worktigeli: really ?08:59
SK_workwhat is the GPU then ?08:59
Sail0ron indiegogo it's quadcore08:59
SK_workintel one ?08:59
tigeliSK_work: intel one08:59
SK_workI'm sold08:59
TeguI really like the appearance, though. probably the neatest tablet I've seen so far08:59
Nc_Is it me, or that a freakin' small battery for a 1.8GHz quad-core?08:59
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TofeThe indiegogo price is really good, imho08:59
pp_Z3560 then, perhaps (again SGX :P )08:59
_inte_im curious what will happen when the timer reaches zero:)08:59
gabriel9i hope screen will be better then jolla phone08:59
gabriel9i have 2 burns08:59
mornfallalso, the $189 is *without VAT*08:59
gabriel9on both sides :(08:59
SK_workI do wonder if Jolla can make it09:00
Tofemornfall: still09:00
SK_work380k $ isn't small09:00
entilYou raised the campaign total to: $5,389!09:00
covoxso they basically need 2000 preorders09:00
AL13N_work$189 is pretty cheap09:00
tigeliSK_work: my jolla.com/tablet says qualcore09:00
entilkind of annoying that you got to add $20 for postage but the closest option is $2509:00
SK_worktigeli: sorry mine too09:00
Tofewow, from 2500$ to 5000$ in... 5 min09:00
Blizzza tablet. georgous. -.- well, actually, could be nice for my boy, since gestures work awesomely great. especially for  a 2yo.09:01
Sceltentil: there a perk for shippinh?09:01
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AL13N_workdan $189 is only 150€09:01
entilScelt: I just selected $25 at the payment info09:01
Venemowhat the helllll09:01
lainwir3dno, website say quad-core09:01
Venemoquad core intel CPU?09:01
AL13N_workwhat kind of timing would it be ready?09:01
lukedirtwalkerso taking the perk will just give you a discount or the full tablet?09:01
SK_workcome on:       Shipping Address Line Two can't be blank09:01
SK_workwhat if I have one shipping address line09:02
ruskienow... can I get that money at that point in time...09:02
gabriel9write it two times :D09:02
AL13N_workso, if VAT is included and shipping, we're looking at ~200€09:02
AL13N_worknot bad09:02
Venemooh, it is being crowdfunded? oh.09:02
lainwir3dhmmm delivery mai 201509:02
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marinaioEstimated delivery: May 201509:02
lainwir3dmarinaio: beat you09:03
AL13N_workmay is still soon enough for the holidays...09:03
TMavica_JollaHalf year..09:03
Tofelainwir3d: yes, it's the only big downside I see09:03
Sail0rdo I have to pledge VAT now or in half year?09:03
mornfallSail0r: later09:03
SK_workslap some more ram in it plz ?09:03
Teemunext summer you'll all stay mostly inside swiping across the new and shiny jolla tablet09:04
mornfallsaltsa: (according to FAQ you pledge 20 bucks shipping and that's it)09:04
Nc_SK_work, more ram is more parts-cost and battery-drain .. :/09:04
ccha2any idea about weight?09:04
Teguccha2: 384g09:04
entilso uhh why is my contribution listed at $189 and not including the extra $25?09:04
mornfallNc_: true, but RAM is actually a fairly small problem compared to radios09:04
* gexc is expecting more ram if it's intel09:05
SK_workmornfall: radios ? on a tablet it could be ok09:05
SK_workSIM slot is welcomed but if there is none, it's not a problem09:05
Sail0rit sucks that it has no 3G or 4G09:05
Nc_mornfall, true, but it all adds up09:05
ccha2is there any TOH for tablet ? :)09:06
Tegudoesn't seem like there is :/09:06
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Tofefrankly, at this subscription rate, they'll be ok in one day :D09:07
TMavica_Jollaany new toh for phone?09:07
Nc_TOH-Tablet, easy - double-sided tape from your local hardware store, and a slap of wood09:07
AL13N_workso, if you get perk for the first 1000 do you also need to directly do the $20 shipping perk?09:07
AL13N_worki don't get that part09:07
_inte_so its virtually the same device as the N1 but in a different case?09:07
covoxentil: you have to add an "extra gift" of 20bux09:07
Teguoki, it has nearly doubled after my last F5 press09:08
ortylp164bit CPU??? well then 8GB RAM is a reasonable minimum09:08
SK_work_inte_: isn't it a bit less09:08
SK_workslightly ?09:08
Venemo_inte_: N1=?09:08
covoxYou raised the campaign total to: $17,391!09:08
Teemuthat's fast09:08
gexccould this be called a tablet pc?09:08
entilcovox: there was a button for extra, right? hit that for $2509:08
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mornfallentil: there's also custom09:08
gexcdesktop apps, hmm09:08
ruskienow where are my indiegogo credentials...09:09
Sail0rdoesn't it even have bt?09:09
* gexc still wants a stylus though...09:09
ruskierofl 22k09:09
Tegu100 out of 1000 claimed09:09
SK_workgexc: would love to (cross) compile some nice desktop apps on this beauty09:09
mornfallyeah, that was me09:09
ruskieand it's been what 10 minutes?09:09
AL13N_workhmm 22k now09:09
Teemugexc: lets hope for tru wacom pen integration for the next jolla tablet09:09
AL13N_workdamnit, i can't pay now09:09
AL13N_worki'm at work09:09
gexcwacom, yeah09:10
Teemunot just a normal capacitive pen shit but the real thing they use for the drawing slate tablets09:10
mornfallalready 10 people forgot shipping :D09:10
ruskiesearching throghu mail archive for indigogo creds myself hehe09:10
SK_work1000 * 189 + 1000 * 199 + 2000 * 20 = ~328k, not enough to reach goal :(09:10
mornfallI don't know what I'm going to do with a tablet though09:10
Teemuwacom also sells a capacitive display pen but it's not a real wacom (well, commercially it is)09:10
mornfallSK_work: the goal is not mandatory09:10
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Sail0rah in the mail I got from jolla there are more technical details09:11
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mornfallSK_work: “flexible funding”09:11
Sail0rabout the tablets09:11
TeemuSail0r: hdmi?09:11
Sail0r802.11 a/b/g/n dual-band09:11
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Sail0rClass 4.009:11
Sail0rYes, support Glonass09:11
Sail0roh sry09:11
Sail0rnope no hdmi Teemu09:11
Armadillolook at jolla.com/tablet09:11
ruskiebut why only 21 days... go for 30 days...09:11
SK_workmornfall: goal not mandatory, so not like KS ?09:11
lainwir3dSK_work: you got something wrong i think09:11
SK_workruskie: maybe it already run silently for 9 days :)09:11
ruskieThis campaign started on Nov 1909:12
mornfallI'm wondering how much Intel is subsidizing this one... :-)09:12
lainwir3d1000 * 189 + 1000 * 199 = 388k09:12
pp_must keep the guys in tampere employe :-)09:12
tadzikit still looks like chocolate09:12
lainwir3dit's enough09:12
AL13N_worki think people donating 209$ seem to not have the first 1000 perk...09:13
AL13N_worknot sure09:13
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entilok, it seems that my $25 was somehow lost in transit09:13
SK_worklainwir3d: I got something wrong09:13
SK_workthey added the N1 as a comparison :D09:13
SK_worksomething nice is that this will benefit Sailfish on Android, as it will work on tablets too09:14
_inte_was there a special invitation for the first sailors or why is it rising that fast?09:14
AL13N_workwhy do 9 people do the 199$ thing?09:14
entilout of charity, I guess09:14
pp_they want to give their money!09:14
AL13N_workok then09:14
tadzikwhy wouldn't they09:14
SK_worksadly, not much battery :(09:14
Teguyea. the battery seems to be smallish09:15
till-so what happens if I just want to help jolla but don't really need to buy a tablet now, can I just send some money and then what? is it donated and "gone" or will get a voucher on the tablet?09:15
lainwir3dbut well... i contributed09:15
AL13N_workSK_work: at least the native apps don't take much battery, so it might not be that bad09:15
tadzikdoesn't $199 give you the device?09:15
Tegualso suddenly 2 more intel tablets? what happened to ARM?09:15
Azogwhat battery live could one expect?09:15
entiltill-: yeah09:15
lainwir3dI don't even use the tablet I already have, but this is interesting nontheless09:15
entiltill-: it's "gone" unless you select a tablet09:15
Tegu(not that I have anything agains it, but aren't most tablets ARM?)09:15
tadziknot anymore they aren't, heh09:16
till-entil: do I have to choose now? :)09:16
VenemoSK_work: what is N1?09:16
mekluTegu: subsidized chipsets?09:16
JvD_just ordered my tablet09:16
covoxI am curious about this intel chip which has suddenly become very cheap for people to use09:16
mornfallok, 10 % in 15 minutes not bad :-)09:16
ari just fail to understand one thing: everyone wants a phone with a keyboard but jolla makes a tablet09:16
mekluintel might be sponsoring their use09:16
AL13N_workVenemo: the new nokia tablet (yesterday)09:16
SK_workVenemo: Nokia's tablet09:16
tadzikhah, the sailfish tablet will have settings in notification view09:16
mornfallyes, intel is undercutting prices on CPUs09:16
arcovox: there are chinese el-cheapo tablets using the chip that cost ~$15009:16
mornfallwell, SoCs really09:16
SK_worksee the comparison chart on https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jolla-tablet-world-s-first-crowdsourced-tablet09:16
SK_worktadzik: no more patch for this ? :)09:17
fennekkiah, come on09:17
arcovox: so i guess the ~$200 Jolla's asking is quite realistic09:17
tadzikSK_work: doesn't work on optin (for me)09:17
tadzikwon't apply09:17
Nc_ar, you have no idea - Every major phone-retailer reports that customers want/ask for physical keyboards, but the companies try to avoid making them due to higher production costs and higher return-rates09:18
Tegu50k breached09:18
_inte_when is the nokia tablet for sale, btw?09:18
lainwir3d"Carol Chen, 1minute ago"09:18
tadzikthe fact that it has twice as beefy a CPU as the rest of the chart, but much smaller battery is a bit worrying09:18
Venemoawww, that battery :(09:18
Tegumay 201509:18
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lainwir3disn't she working for Jolla ?:P09:18
ruskieand contribtude09:18
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_inte_Tegu this is for the jolla I heard09:18
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Tegu_inte_: oh.. should have read more carefully09:18
Tegu_inte_: the nokia tablet was Q1 2015 IIRC09:19
AL13N_workalready past $50k09:19
AL13N_workway past09:19
Armadillo10:16:40» <tadzik> hah, the sailfish tablet will have settings in notification view <-- that would also be a great enhancement for the phone's software09:19
_inte_Tegu ah so probably around the same time09:19
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tadzikArmadillo: yep09:19
tadzikI'm not really interested in a tablet, but I'd like this feature alone :P09:19
meklulainwir3d: yup, she's right here -> cybette09:19
_inte_And if the Nokia is $250 in china it will certainly be €250 in europe09:19
Teguor was it only in china? (nokia tablet)09:19
_inte_therefore the jolla price seems quite reasonable09:19
Teguat first09:20
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kworkits an tblet :(09:20
ruskieand there we go... am broke for the month hehe09:20
Armadillotadzik let's hope Jolla doesn't do something like Google With Android 3.X :D09:21
tadzik3 typos in 3 words :P09:21
* just4info_ is quite disappointed of the tablet =/09:21
ruskienot me hehe09:21
ruskievery very happy09:21
kworkwould have loved to see new hw revision of jolla09:21
tadzikArmadillo: no idea what google did, I'm happily oblivious of android :P09:21
kworkbut i guess its time to get an android09:21
SK_workwell -1 for an android09:21
SK_workmy jolla works09:21
_inte_oh, the nokia has a faste cpu09:21
SK_workbut +1 for new revision09:21
ggabrieloh no, it wasn't a spare battery!09:21
Venemojust4info_, kwork what is wrong with the tablet?09:21
_inte_so wouldnt it be a good idea to rather get the nokia and install sailfishos on it?09:22
Armadillovenemo it's a tablet :D09:22
kworkVenemo: nothing per se, was just looking for new phone, would have loved to get jolla09:22
VenemoArmadillo: so?09:22
chr1stopherkwork: same here09:22
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Sailor1234Hey sailors, is there only 2000 tablets available for this campaign ? fixed number in indiegogo as far as I can see09:22
ArmadilloVenemo just kidding, personally don't have a usage scenario for a tablet ;)09:22
Venemo_inte_: you are assuming nokia will have an open boot loader?09:22
Teemukwork: you can get a jolla phone09:22
kworkTeemu: shitty spec for 201409:22
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just4info_Venemo, no real digitizer, nothing "geeky" like a USB hub...09:23
_inte_Venemo: read that elsewhere09:23
Teemuif you want a tablet with sailfishos, get a jolla tablet instead of nokia09:23
Venemojolla was never about specs...09:23
_inte_and since Nokia is not Microsoft anymore it is probably quite reasonable to assume09:23
entilwho cares about the "shitty spec" :D09:23
mornfallit has one big problem :) the jolla phone screen will look crappy in comparison :P09:23
entilthe phone is fast09:23
tadzikspecs are bullshit09:23
chr1stopherwhy do people donate for the more expensive perk ... dont get it09:23
Venemochr1stopher: because they want to show their support?09:23
mornfallchr1stopher: because they can afford it09:23
tadzikchr1stopher: they may have thrown in much more than $19909:23
Teemukwork: really, the specs don't matter that much as jolla apps aren't java09:24
mornfallchr1stopher: so they don't tie up slots for people who can't09:24
chr1stopherpeople are too nice ...09:24
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chr1stopherthese finish guys ... amazing ^^09:24
Teguchr1stopher: then you could ask as well "why do people donate for the $10 perk"09:24
chr1stopherhm yeah true ...09:24
kworkTeemu: i want to run android apps09:24
lbtyou can09:24
chr1stophersaw one giving 280$09:24
just4info_Venemo, i'd have much more hoped that IF they worked on a project like that, that they would have focused on convertibles, by combining a full desktop linux with the advantages of sailfish09:24
covoxkwork: alien dalvik is pretty good09:24
wmaroneurgh, why indiegogo09:25
chr1stopheranyone here using spotify on his jolla?09:25
tadzikI think what kwork means is "android apps are shitty so you need beefy specs"09:25
kworktadzik: exactly09:25
AL13N_workjava is resource intensive and slow09:25
kworkthats why jolla wont work for me with current spec09:25
mornfalljust4info_: actually, phones with keyboards are probably a better deal than tablets with keyboards09:25
ar% echo $((189*1000+199*1000))09:25
kworknothing against jolla per se, would love to one own09:25
Teemuwmarone: most likely because kickstarter won't allow companies from finland in09:25
AL13N_workthat's why jolla native apps are much faster09:25
mornfalltablets with keyboards actually suck :|09:25
kworkmornfall: surface RT rocks09:25
tadzikyou mean laptops? :P09:25
Teemuthey'd need a bulvan in usa or commonwealth09:25
kworkmornfall: or surface pro09:26
lukedirtwalkerchr1stopher: I use CuteSpotify :P09:26
mornfalltadzik: no, I mean tablets with keyboards09:26
AL13N_workwife was thinking of a tablet for during the holidays, for the kids to do something when in the car...09:26
chr1stopherlukedirtwalker: read about it. running fine?09:26
lainwir3dI don't like touch keyboards on phones because the screen is too small09:26
just4info_mornfall, depends on which you focus, if it's more a laptop then a keyboard it's awesome for work09:26
lainwir3dbut I guess it's alright on a tablet09:26
tadzikthe difference being detachability?09:26
wmaroneTeemu: fair enough. Then I'd have to ask why flex-funding - but that jolla would have to answer09:26
just4info_mornfall, *tablet09:26
lainwir3despecially with a good resolution09:26
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mornfalljust4info_: dunno, I'll probably always prefer a solid-hinged small laptop over convertibles09:26
mornfalljust4info_: (to the degree of rather carrying both a laptop and a tablet)09:27
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just4info_mornfall, i'm quite satisfied with the thinkpad yoga for example, just the right OS for it is missing yet (since i don't want to stick with MS)09:27
AL13N_workthe only reason for the crowdsourcing is really the hyping effect it has, i think09:27
Teemua tablet on its own stand next to a bluetooth keybored would work for me09:27
Teemuor a chorded keybored09:27
AL13N_workand the direct visibility09:27
TeemuAL13N_work: most likely yes09:27
lukedirtwalkerchr1stopher: Yes, sometimes crashes but otherwise fine, though it doesn't support managing Playlists (it can just read/play)09:27
SK_workwait what 86k$ already ?09:27
_inte_The only thing i need to know is if this device has hdmi-out and usb-in to use it as a full featured desktop replacement (since it has intelcpu)09:27
AL13N_worksince (199 + 189) * 1000 == 388k09:27
mornfallyeah, it'll be 25 % soon09:28
lukedirtwalkerchr1stopher: Actually I'm its current maintainer :P09:28
AL13N_worki think by tonight, when i can pay for it, i won't be in the first 1000 :-(09:28
iamtewgood morning09:28
chr1stopherlukedirtwalker: ah cool ^^ and you are working for spotify? or just a hobby project? only reading playlists and listen them would be fine09:28
xkr47at current rate, it will be over in 2½ hours :)09:28
mornfallAL13N_work: you can't get to paypal?09:28
AL13N_workno paypal and no credit card09:28
_inte_so, more than 400 backers09:29
_inte_do they invite the first 400 to finland again?09:29
mornfallwe are already hyped from tohkbd09:29
xkr47it counts the shipping perk as separate backers?09:29
entilwonder if they let you know how manyeth you were in contributing09:29
lukedirtwalkerchr1stopher: no the project is independent of spotify, its a hobby project09:30
Kiranos_hm is the tablet crowdfunded?09:30
lukedirtwalkerchr1stopher: https://openrepos.net/content/lukedirtwalker/cutespotify09:30
_inte_yeah 10000009:30
xkr47mornfall, I guess the tablet doesn't have an "other half" :)09:30
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mornfallxkr47: nope :-)09:30
tadzikyet :P09:30
_inte_does it have nfc or usbhost?09:31
mornfallsomeone already suggested double-sided tape09:31
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lukedirtwalkerthat funding escalated quickly :D09:31
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tadzikor play-doh09:31
tadzikor maybe magnetoh09:31
RaYmAnhm, one thing almost all crowdfunding projects forget to mention is what country they'll ship from. Same with Jolla apparently.09:31
ln-i thought i added $20 extra, but it's not showing anywhere... oh well, i guess there will be some way to resolve this before the product ships.09:31
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mornfallRaYmAn: payment goes to Jolla Asia09:31
_inte_usb-host would be mandatory to use gpg-smartcards09:31
entilln-: I think I have a similar situation, but I emailed igg about it09:31
SK_work_RaYmAn: it is mentionned09:31
_inte_or yubikey09:31
iamtewthe campaign is going pretty good09:32
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_inte_or at least, nfc for yubikey09:32
iamtewI bet the Jolla guys are real happy this morning09:32
wmaronealright, I'm in09:32
entilln-: to be fair I did hit back once during the payment so the site may have lost my extra, and my mastercard was charged for about 154e, and with a contribution accounted for it should be more09:32
RaYmAnSK_work_: oh, where? I can't find it anywhere on the indiegogo page.09:32
chr1stopherlukedirtwalker: and spotify got a api that everyone could use to listen to songs?09:32
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Teemucan the nfc system on sailfish work with desfire nfc systems?09:33
chr1stopherlukedirtwalker: of course with the necessity of an account09:33
SK_work_RaYmAn: on perk09:33
Accefrom 20 -> 490 in 20 minutes and growing.. They should be happy :)09:33
xkr47the speed is not slowing down yet09:33
mornfall30 %09:33
covoxI like how most of the comments are "I don't really need a tablet but you guys are pretty rad, have my money"09:33
RaYmAnSK_work_: it just lists available regions. it doesn't specify whether they are shipping all of them from china or not...09:33
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lukedirtwalkerchr1stopher: you need premium account yes: https://developer.spotify.com/technologies/libspotify/09:34
mornfallcovox: yeah, same here :-)09:34
mekluentil: there's a separate shipping perk too :)09:34
entilmeklu: yes09:34
leinirmornfall: did you ever try a yoga? the hinge on those things is as solid as any laptop i've ever tried :)09:34
mornfallcovox: I don't really need a tablet either but I already pledged :D09:34
leinir(yay im laet! ;) )09:34
entilif igg tells me I fucked up by not double-checking the site after hitting back I'll buy the shipping perk09:34
SK_work_RaYmAn: you want from region09:34
mekluyou can view it in your backing history09:34
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mekluit'll show the sum you contributed09:35
ggabrielok, i'm in09:35
ggabrielcrappy that it's in usd09:35
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AL13N_workwtf, already 1/3rd of the goal09:35
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ccha2I don't understand 189$ is the price ? or with that you can only have a discount09:36
Siddefeels like it's accelerating too09:36
chr1stopherlukedirtwalker: your app looks great. so one reason less to not get a jolla ^^ now i need to find a google maps replacement ;D09:36
mornfallleinir: not really... is it the one that flips all the way in tablet mode?09:36
ccha2and no one know what is the final price09:36
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mornfallleinir: isn't the exposed keyboard super-awkward?09:36
Nicd-WHOA 130k already09:36
Nicd-did not expect that09:36
_inte_ccha2: 189 plus shipping09:37
leinirmornfall: yeah, it's the one that looks like you just snapped your laptop's hinge when you do it ;)09:37
AcceI don't understand why some take the early sailors thing which costs more :)09:37
covoxthere's a lot of exactly $189 pledges09:37
covoxwonder what % of people so far remembered the $20 shipping09:37
entila friend honestly did not09:37
VenemoAcce: maybe becuase they want to show their support09:37
AL13N_workwebpage says the unit will be $249 afterwards09:37
Teemuis the thinkpad yoga 2 a convertable that will have its keybored always on but just in different position?09:37
leinirmornfall: that's what i worried too, but no, not at all - i kind of like it, it lends it a sort of nice, soft feel on the back... kind of squishy, and just really pleasant to hold :)09:37
_inte_covox: so those who forgot wont get the device at all?09:37
AcceVenemo: could be, but you can also give extra.. oh well09:37
_inte_or will shipping be charged when shipping?09:38
covox_inte_: they'll probably just post a reminder to give extra :P09:38
tbrTeemu: the yoga 2 pro that I had, had sensors that would disable the keyboard depending on position09:38
Teemui'd rather have a tablet with detachable keybored09:38
covoxcampaign does have 29 days left09:38
mornfallleinir: interesting :) maybe when I'm rich I'll get one of those :-))09:38
leinirTeemu: Thinkpad Yoga, there's no Thinkpad Yoga 2 yet (there's a Thinkpad Yoga 14, but that's not really a 2, just slightly bigger)09:38
pp_well, most people will have to pay VAT later anyway09:38
covox21 rather09:38
Teemuah k09:38
TofeI think the price is right (given we have to wait 6 months), and explain the current success09:38
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lbtthe problem with the pricing wordin is that when we proof-read it we knew what it was supposed to mean :D09:38
pp_I'd guess they should have just told people to pay shipping later or whatnot09:38
GreatEmeraldA tablet eh. Interesting that it's Intel-based. Kind of odd that the highlight is Android app support, and not Linux app suport, though09:39
_inte_So, can anybody confirm if this thing has/doesn't have USB-Host (or NFC)?09:39
roboroTeemu:  presumably the usb could be used to attach a keyboard if you want it09:39
faenilI also wonder how many people read that the price does NOT include VAT09:39
lbt"Please add $20 for shipping"09:39
just4info_Teemu, i think the HP spectre is a tablet with a detachable keyboard09:39
ln-there is a $20 item for those who forgot to add it.09:39
lbtfaenil: yes - we made sure that was added too09:39
tbrGreatEmerald: intel mobile SoCs have a negative (sic!) price09:39
ln-or those who added it and it did not register ...09:39
ggabrielyou have to "gift" $2009:39
ggabrieland then they'll charge vat on top of that09:39
Teemuroboro: bt as well for the jolla, i was mostly speaking about the stinkpad tablets :)09:39
faenillbt: sure, I read it from indiegogo page, but I guess most of the people didn't09:39
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lbtln-: yep - we worried that people would miss it09:39
Teemuor somethings called convertables09:39
RaYmAnI suspect one of the issues is also that indiegogo resets your "extra"/gift value if it complains at you for forgetting some part of e.g. the address09:39
kworkGreatEmerald: nobody knows about linux apps, whole different story with android apps09:39
_inte_Maybe they will invite those to finland to pick their device up09:39
AL13N_workit won't be long and they'll have to update and add a "Jolla Tablet for SOON(TM) Sailors" for another 1000 or so09:39
_inte_no shipping then :)09:40
lbtindiegogo is apparently not totally flexible at the "shop" side09:40
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ln-ggabriel: i did add a $20 gift and it just disappeared.09:40
lbtlimited region control too - so clever VAT stuff not possible09:40
ggabrielln-: strange, mine went well09:40
GreatEmeraldkwork: There are way more and better Linux apps on x86 than Android ones09:40
sharpneliJolla tablet has 32G of ROM. I don't know. I'd kinda wish to write to the internal memory >8D09:40
nadrielJolla tablet.09:40
ggabrielyou can always buy the $20 option anyway09:40
kworkGreatEmerald: go ask your wife/gf about linux apps and android apps09:40
lbtggabriel: +109:40
kworkGreatEmerald: see what she can name more09:40
ggabrielit's def not the best tablet in the world ever09:40
ggabrielbut hey09:40
lukedirtwalkerhehe estimates when the goal is reached? at this rate very SOON :D09:41
sqozzdoes the tablet gets shipped from finland or from hong kong?09:41
ruskie40% yay09:41
mornfallleinir: (it's like €1300 in a configuration that could replace a laptop)09:41
AL13N_workwell, the rate will slow down soon enough09:41
Milo-sqozz I'm guessing hong kong09:41
GreatEmeraldkwork: I get the whole publicity thing, but it's a bit of a wasted opportunity to not say "Android AND Linux app support!"09:41
AcceI guess they will ship it from their local distributors?09:41
nadrielKeep it clean, keep it hackable, add connectivity for USB etc expansion, stay sexy oh and keep on going and you will have my money.09:41
kworkGreatEmerald: sure09:41
_inte_GreatEmerald: the problem is there is no XServer on SailfishOS yet09:41
ruskieggabriel, it's probably one of the most beautiful looking ones though09:41
leinirmornfall: yeah, they're a touch pricey... seriously nice piece of kit, though :)09:41
TeemuGreatEmerald: except that's not all linux apps, only the qt apps that are easy to convert09:41
Venemoyou never knoe09:42
Teemuand they need a bit of work too09:42
sqozzhope they shipping it from finland because of the VAT :/09:42
covox_inte_: you mean the main killer advantage :P09:42
_inte_and apart from sailfishos no other distro is using wayland09:42
Venemomaybe you can ask them to add XWayland09:42
mornfallleinir: there's also a slight problem with software -- basically I suspect I want to run a completely different UI on a laptop than I want on a tablet09:42
Venemo_inte_: the correct thing to say is not yet09:42
AL13N_workthere's a clear discreptancy... it looks like some people donated $209 without having the tablet perk... 600 / 2000 tablets, but still already > 40% done09:42
_inte_it it in the works eventually?09:42
GreatEmeraldWell, looking at Rebecca Black, it doesn't seem that bad already09:42
_inte_i heard the compositor is not supporting it09:42
leinirmornfall: true, true... i kind of hope to be able to get to help make Plasma work well on convertibles, but... we'll have to wait and see what happens there :)09:43
GreatEmeraldAnd next year we should have KWin on Wayland, with KDE apps being tested on Wayland too09:43
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Teemuand a file manager that's also a web browser, calendar app and your basic spreadsheet and code ide09:44
mornfallleinir: flipping to a fullscreen browser (with some chrome apps or some nonsense like that) could work in the interim, but yeah09:44
covoxplus nvidia have agreed to pull their finger out and make a vanilla EGL backend for their driver09:44
mornfallleinir: when I have a keyboard I want a keyboard-based interface09:44
covoxI think AMD made a similar vaguer commitment09:44
Aciid> Open-sources SDK09:44
Aciid> presents OS as "proudly opensource"09:44
Aciid> 201409:45
ruskie45% faf09:45
leinirmornfall: that's the thing... i've been doing convertible app things for the last two years or thereabouts, and i really think it'd be possible to do that with plasma as well :)09:45
AL13N_worklooking at # of perks and total money, there's a 16k discreptancy09:45
Aciiduntil you like it09:45
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_inte_However, I guess that at least the KDE Apps will run since they are Qt509:45
mekluI think both vendors already had EGL for X1109:45
meklu(at least AMD)09:46
_inte_Dont know if there is an openoffice port for qt yet09:46
_inte_or libreoffice09:46
_inte_but koffice is just fine09:46
_inte_or whatever it is called nowadays09:46
leinircalligra :)09:46
GreatEmerald_inte_: Pretty sure there isn't, LO is kind of stuck with its own solution that's neither here not there...09:46
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Siddebut with a tablet os. isn't media a big thing? sailfish and the browser is for example very limited in that area today09:46
Teemuhow come they have so many names?09:46
Siddebut hope it will get better now09:46
Teemui mean the *office folks09:46
GreatEmeraldBut yes, Calligra is made for tablets in the first place09:46
Nicd-Teemu: openoffice != libreoffice09:46
_inte_GreatEmerald: Ah, right, Calligra09:47
mekluNicd-: which openoffice? ;)09:47
Nicd-Teemu: libreoffice forked out of openoffice a few years ago and is now the main focus of development09:47
Nicd-meklu: apache openoffice which is openoffice.org09:47
ggabrielwhat time did the announcement happen btw?09:47
_inte_GreatEmerald: yeah and there used to be a nice kmail/kontact port for plasma touch as well09:47
_inte_but still09:47
leinirGreatEmerald: well, it /also/ does tablets and things... but yes, the split between UI and canvas logic is really what makes Calligra shine :)09:47
AL13N_workwell, at least with an intel tablet, there's no problems with drivers and old kernel09:47
_inte_does the tablet support usbhost?09:47
GreatEmerald_inte_: Plasma Active* :P09:48
covoxggabriel: about an hour ago09:48
Siddeggabriel: almost an hour ago. Maybe 55 minutes ago09:48
ggabrielcovox: Sidde ta09:48
AL13N_workthis means we can has btrfs send/receive nicely09:48
Nicd-_inte_: it has USB OTG09:48
_inte_GreatEmerald: ah well, yes :)09:48
_inte_Nicd-: Ah great!09:48
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_inte_Nicd-: So I could finanlly utilize my yubikey...!09:48
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mornfallon the other hand, geek pulse made $1.5M so... that's ... uh :-)09:48
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_inte_Nicd-: thx:)09:49
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ruskieand 50% hit I'd say09:49
mekluwhat on earth is 'geek pulse'?09:49
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ggabrielinteresting how much money ubuntu needed vs jolla09:49
GreatEmeraldI played around a bit with Plasma Active on my x86 tablet. It's pretty cool. Too bad my tablet can't run Linux well enough due to nonexistent monitor drivers09:49
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mornfallI don't see how jolla is not on indiegogo trending though...09:49
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AL13N_workso 50% in a little more than 1 hour09:50
mornfallare there seriously 9 projects that are progressing faster?09:50
mornfall12 even09:50
GreatEmeraldmornfall: Maybe it's not updated fast enough? :)09:50
TofeNearly all the 189$ tablets are out09:50
kworkmornfall: maybe its progressing too fast and is consireded scam09:50
chr1stopherare there still going 100€ jolla discount codes around?09:50
mornfallchr1stopher: don't think they are valid anymore09:50
CraigAif the tablet shipped to Canada I'd definitely buy it09:50
pp_they worked a few days after the official period at least09:51
just4info_GreatEmerald, is there a way to switch between plasma active and kde during runtime?09:51
CraigAi'm not going through the same hoopjumping act I did to get my first one09:51
CraigAphone that is09:51
pp_Do try WH-0D-JK :D09:51
_inte_Im curious if they will reach their goal before the end of the campaign09:51
GreatEmeraldjust4info_: I haven't tried it, but that's the whole idea behind Plasma, so it should be posible09:51
FryeI'm curious if they reach it before end of today09:51
_inte_they only have 20000 yet09:51
fluxchr1stopher, but hey, maybe some tohkbd will be willing to relinguish theirs once they get them09:51
pp_(and there should be a bunch of codes after the tohkbd campaign ends)09:51
_inte_Frye: :)09:51
fluxtohkbd folks that is09:52
Fryeand there went 200k mark09:52
mornfall_inte_: “only”?09:52
pp_will gladly share mine, don't need another jolla :-)09:52
leinirjust4info_: i'm afraid that question doesn't reeeally make sense... kde isn't software :) The term you're looking for is probably Plasma Desktop or something like that...09:52
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_inte_mornfall: just kidding :)09:52
just4info_GreatEmerald, sweet, i guess i should check it out, sounds just like what i was looking for09:52
chr1stopherpp_:  thanks, but not valid anymore09:52
trigpointwhy is the tablet price in usd?09:52
pp_money goes to jolla asia, I'm guessing components etc. are priced in dollars09:53
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arhuh $206k in 53 minutes.09:53
just4info_leinir, yes, i noticed that after typing sorry :) your correction is right, the question is about switching between "tablet-mode" and "laptop mode"09:53
chr1stopheryeah i could either wait for the campaign to end or just a get keyboard on my own ;D09:53
GreatEmeraldleinir: Just Plasma, with the desktop variant called Plasma Shell09:53
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mornfallit'll be over in 3 hours I guess :-)09:53
chr1stopherjust saw the google maps icon in a youtube jolla review. can you use this without problems?09:53
GreatEmeraldWell, desktop and netbook, I guess09:53
_inte_oh they will soon be sold out of the 189€ devices, what a pitty09:53
mornfallmaybe less, it doesn't seem to be wearing off yet09:53
_inte_chr1stopher: i would recommend nokia here or waze09:53
roborochr1stopher: yeah... google maps works on sailfish09:54
leinirjust4info_: i'm told it should be technically possible to do at runtime, just that the code path which does it hasn't received much testing :)09:54
_inte_but as roboro says gmaps works as well09:54
leinirGreatEmerald: Ah yes, that's the one - Plasma Shell, couldn't remember what it was called :)09:54
_inte_i prefer the new nokia here, though09:54
trigpointi assume shipped from finland though, otherwise customs charges will be high09:54
roborochr1stopher: I don't tend to use it much... but it works09:54
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Nicd-hehe, I've now begun to receive all jolla emails in duplicate09:55
mornfallbtw tohkbd could use another 50 or so backers :P09:55
Nicd-because I changed my account's email at some point09:55
mornfallchr1stopher: so go get one ;-)09:55
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just4info_leinir, sweet, sounds like the perfect system for my yoga :)09:55
chr1stopherok thanks for the information. i just like the live traffic view of gmaps09:55
Wntargh! 'Perk "Jolla Tablet for First Sailors" is no longer available'09:55
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* mornfall grabs popcorn (literally)09:56
stephgWnt: really?09:56
Fryehehe, cheaper perk is done09:56
AL13N_worki hope jolla can update the goal with an extra 2000 or something... it looks like i won't be getting it, when i get home09:56
stephg1000 of them have gone?09:56
roboroglad that fomo kicked in for me when it did09:56
Frye220k collected now09:57
stephgit was only 20 literally 58 minutes ago09:57
GreatEmeraldThey'll have to add "Joola Tablet for Late Sailors" soon if this continues :D09:57
mornfallI guess the indiegogo is just for the kicks09:57
Tofewell, the 199$ is just 10$ more, that's the price to pay to be so slow :D09:57
AL13N_workwhat i mean is that in a few hours, that also will be gone09:57
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AL13N_workGreatEmerald: "Jolla Tablet for SOON(TM) Sailors"09:58
xkr47<inofficial stats> there was a peak in number of new backers per minute at 11:34 of 38/minute, and at 11:50 it was around 26/minute09:59
GreatEmeraldFunny how I was "hmm, I wonder how long left until that Jolla announcement, let's check" and it was just barely announced, like 10% pledges09:59
ggabrielonly 2k tablets tho09:59
ggabrielto fund it09:59
GreatEmeraldEven before they sent their email notifications09:59
ggabrielGreatEmerald: what email? :P09:59
ruskieI got an email from jolla about the tablet09:59
xkr47$189 sold out09:59
GreatEmeraldI got two10:00
stephggreedy :)10:00
ruskiexkr47, a while ago hehe10:00
GreatEmeraldemails, that is10:00
ggabrielthis one's really easy to sell tho as it's got only wifi10:00
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pp_yep, works the same everywhere10:01
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GreatEmeraldPretty odd how this announcement coincided with Nokia's one, though10:01
xkr47I bet the jolla guys are happy now10:02
_inte_GreatEmerald: similar hardware base10:02
leinirwell, they're both made at Slush, right? :)10:02
leinir(as in, the announcements)10:02
ggabrielGreatEmerald: yeah, but this isn't yet another android gizmo10:02
ggabrielit'll come with a terminal! \o/10:02
_inte_either jolla collaborates with nokia, or intel just released their reference design10:02
_inte_just my guess10:02
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pp_well, both probably collaborate with intel tampere :-)10:03
_inte_ggabriel: isnt there a javaterm for android as well? SCNR:)10:03
AL13N_workmy guess is that since jolla people are ex-nokia, it's sort of normal for them to announce something at slush10:03
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ggabriel_inte_: a proper terminal10:03
_inte_ggabriel: yeah:)10:03
fluxapparently intel is pushing heavily to have their chips on the market. should be visible in the amount of support and the prices of the chips..10:03
ggabriel_inte_: android devices don't come with a temrinal, you have to download an "app"10:03
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covoxflux: yeah they are really spooked10:03
_inte_ggabriel: i never happend to own an Android10:04
Nicd-https://twitter.com/likimmo pics of tablet10:04
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ggabriel_inte_: i have a phone10:04
kimmolifew pics on my twitter10:04
kimmoliNicd-: faster...10:04
SK_workkimmoli: hands on10:04
sharpneliYeah. The Intel Baytrail chips are being sold at a huge loss for Intel10:04
covoxkinda stupid that intel doesn't use their superior firepower to make really great ARM chips10:04
SK_workwe want hands on10:04
fluxI wonder how the sailfish transition from arm to arm+x86 is going to go10:04
covoxstill, qualcomm has had it too good for too long10:04
SK_workcovox: intel chips can be good10:04
fluxyou see, folks, this is why it's good to use bytecode programs.. ;-)10:04
SK_workx86 I mean10:04
_inte_ggabriel: yeah but i know that android terminal is crap10:04
mornfallflux: the emulator in the SDK is already intel-based :)10:05
covoxSK_work: x86 is pretty messy10:05
ggabrieldo you need all the android hw abstraction crap for intel too?10:05
tbrcovox: they actually do make ARM SoCs, but hate to talk about it10:05
mornfallflux: actually no, you just need reasonable packaging10:05
_inte_I am somewhat surprised so many people are backing the jolla tablet in short time10:05
flux_inte_, well, it's only a batch of 2000 pcs.10:06
_inte_honestly, wouldnt have expect people to buy tablets10:06
ggabriel_inte_: why? it should be cheap for a lot of peeps10:06
GreatEmeraldcovox: x86 is very good at this backwards-compatibility thing10:06
mornfall$250k / 66%10:06
flux2000 pcs isn't a lot in my books10:06
covoxGreatEmerald: but at what cost :P10:06
covoxat what cost!10:06
mornfallcovox: the cost is actually small10:06
_inte_I also like it and im sure most people in this channel do10:06
fluxbigger microcode?10:06
_inte_however, we are not 200010:06
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GreatEmeraldcovox: Also it tends to have standards, like UEFI or Coreboot with which you can dual-boot without problems10:07
covoxGreatEmerald: lol10:07
mornfallGreatEmerald: to be quite honest, uefi and acpi a steaming heap of horsepoo :P10:07
GreatEmeraldmornfall: I know, but at least they exist10:08
mornfalldoesn't mean that typical arm soc boot isn't worse10:08
_inte_GreatEmerald: dualboot windows?10:08
GreatEmeraldI'm all fore Coreboot10:08
meklu_inte_: dualboot gentoo and freebsd, amirite?10:08
* meklu doesn't actually have any BSD installed10:09
_inte_meklu: openbsd if such10:09
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GreatEmerald_inte_: Dual boot Sailfish + openSUSE + Gentoo and whatnot :)10:09
Wntdid you know there was a x86 & MeeGo based tablet already in the market? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WeTab :D10:09
tbrfinally a hardware to run MeeGo tablet Ux on!10:09
_inte_wnt oh yeah THAT was a big success :)10:09
Wnt_inte_: :D10:09
xkr47<inofficial stats> current rate ~20 tablets per minute10:09
tbrthe exopc (same hw as wetab) serves as a QML wall-clock here...10:10
xkr47I think they will hit 2000 within two hours10:10
_inte_tbr and plasma touch10:10
_inte_again, forgot the name:)10:10
Wnttbr: cool!10:10
tbr_inte_: is that as dead as meego tablet ux?10:10
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_inte_tbr it seems if you look at their website10:10
GreatEmerald_inte_: Active! Active!10:10
_inte_tbr but i guess it is integrated in kde5 now10:11
_inte_GreatEmerald: ah, yes :)10:11
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mornfallit's ubuntu touch and plasma active :P10:11
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GreatEmeraldIt's part of regular Plasma, so it's not dead in the slightest10:11
mornfallnot the other way around10:11
_inte_GreatEmerald: looking forward to have kontact running on that tablet10:12
_inte_pgp support10:12
_inte_and yubikey/gnupg smartcards10:12
_inte_pretty cool10:12
GreatEmerald69% funding10:12
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FryeOk, the question now is can they reach the goal within 2 hours :D10:12
FryeLooking good.10:13
_inte_Oh (sorry german): http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Intel-strukturiert-Mobilsparte-um-2459862.html10:13
GreatEmeraldMy current tablet has a smart card reader. I also have an ID card that has smartcard capabilities built in. Just that it's empty...10:13
SceltStskeeps: add more perks, the existing ones will run out!10:13
_inte_intel to join mobile and desktop development10:13
_inte_crazy the jolla tablet did not even make it in the news and its already almost sold out10:14
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_inte_more perks would be a wise idea10:14
Frye_inte_, it's in news here in Finland10:14
ggabrielit's ok, don't want too many n00bs ;)10:14
fluxI suppose one big thing about the new tablet is that people won't think jolla will go down before it has been released, ie. there's some continuity ;-)10:14
RaYmAnmaking more devices has different challenges probably10:14
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_inte_Frye: so most of them will probably stay in finland10:15
FryeCould be10:15
RaYmAnsourcing enough components etc. I know e.g. pebble had huge issues sourcing enough because they went so muhc over their target10:15
mekluwell, it had an article on the verge10:15
mekluabout an hour ago10:15
mekluso it's in the tech blogosphere I guess10:15
_inte_meklu: ah10:16
Nc_Watching comments that the decision to crowdsource the tablet reveals that Jolla Oy is basically begging for money due to being bankrupt ... :(10:16
GreatEmerald_inte_: Isn't that a good thing? Local business uspport and whatnot, less shipping10:16
AL13N_workwell, not anymore they aren't10:16
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_inte_Nc_: could also be some kind of clever marketing10:17
_inte_having a crowdfunding finished within a few hours10:17
mcfriskJolla, Nokia etc coming up with Intel based tablets, and Intel is selling them cheap, maybe even designed the HW: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/11/18/intels_cash_cow_pc_chip_division_to_gobble_mobile_unit_in_reorg/10:17
Nc__inte_, is what I replied to them - crowd funding serves several purposes, incl marketing10:18
mekluthe amount of money they're getting out of this can't really sustain a salary for many people10:18
_inte_made it in the german news10:18
GreatEmeraldThe Nokia tablet: "Atom Z3580 SoC that's quad-core at 2.3GHz and bears PowerVR G6430 graphics"10:18
* jonwil wonders why Intel tablets running mobile OSs (as opposed to Intel tablets running Windows) are suddenly the in thing, why wouldn't you use cheaper and lower power ARM parts?10:18
mekluso I doubt it10:18
GreatEmeraldPowerVR, really...10:18
ggabrielit's in the trend btw ;)10:18
ggabriellook at indiegogo's hp10:19
meklujonwil: "cheaper"10:19
mekluintel has a lot of $$$10:19
mornfallJonni: because it's no longer cheaper :)10:19
mcfriskmaybe Intel is actually cheaper now10:19
mornfalljonwil: ^10:19
mcfriskbut maybe not for long10:19
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mekluthey want to push into the mobile market10:19
jonwilI think the next frontier will be when Intel can come up with a part for a phone rather than a tablet10:19
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Nickleudon't know if you guys had heard about it but Intel is basically giving their chipsets away to motivate some China companies to develop Intel based tablets10:19
mekluthe easiest way is to be the cheapest10:19
mekluand boy do they have money10:19
mcfriskthey've been wanting for years, hired most Maemo/Meego devs, but devices are only popping out now? with cheap price tags..10:20
jonwilI wonder who will be first with a mainstream phone running Intel chips instead of, say, Snapdragon10:20
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jonwilif Intel is getting into tablets, phones seem like the next step10:20
_inte_oh, the campaign seems to have slowed down a bit10:21
_inte_now it appears to take ages to reach 300k10:21
Teemu75% in hours10:21
mekluless than 1½ hours10:21
_inte_jonwil: Jolla2, maybe?10:21
Teemualso, good thing to limit the amount of devices so as not to create a sourcing problem10:21
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jonwilWith a tablet you can fit enough battery to offset the higher power usage of the Atom10:22
mornfallwell, there's a definite drop in activity though10:22
jonwilalso for most tablets, the battery life doesn't need to be as much as for a phone10:22
_inte_oh, i just realized the UI is enterily different from the phone ui10:22
_inte_almost reminds me of meego tablet ux10:23
mornfalljonwil: it's also not clear that atom has higher power usage10:23
mornfalljonwil: especially if it's going to be 14nm10:23
suosaaskijonwil: I disagree, a tablet needs to have a great battery life :)10:23
jonwilThat's one thing Intel has going for it, they have the most advanced semiconductor fabs in the world10:24
mekluthen tear it up and put another battery in it ;)10:24
suosaaskiI must say, I just installed the Stella Launcher on my LG G3 and the first thing that comes to my mind is how much better Sailfish would look on a good display compared to the stock jolla device :o10:24
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meklua 1440p display on a mobile device sounds a bit much10:24
Sceltsuosaaski: +110:24
mornfallsamsung won't have 14nm for a while10:24
jonwiland have consistently beaten every other manufacturer for at least the last decade10:24
meklupushing the pixels for something like that... ouch10:24
AL13N_workwith the big success, it would be nice if they could enlarge the battery and put in maybe LTE/3G?10:24
mornfall(next year, volume probably near the end of 2015)10:25
meklu(as if you were to have anything actually taxing on a mobile anyway)10:25
SK_workAL13N_work: +1 +210:25
daithefluAL13N_work: +1 for battery10:25
AL13N_workotoh, i can just do internet sharing on my jolla and use the wifi from it on the tablet10:25
Sceltsuosaaski: my gf has my old nexus 5. damn it feels lightning fast compared to jolla. sfos with those specs would be awesome10:25
suosaaskiI mean, it is just insane how much prettier it looks like on this 5.5" QHD thing compared to that Jolla phone.10:25
AL13N_workthere's tjc stuff about both10:25
AL13N_workso vote, i guess10:25
_inte_AL13N_work: I just thought that Im happy to live in Hamburg and the City announced free public Wifi just recently :)10:25
AL13N_worki would also like an extra 2k devices for almost early Sailors (shipping in june)10:27
_inte_AL13N_work: plus I just learned the device has USB-Host therefore you could easily add 3G/LTE through USB10:27
AL13N_workthey would probably get to drop costs if they can order larger batch10:27
AL13N_work_inte_: but the sailfishos still needs to handle it10:27
AL13N_workor you'd have to do it with fingerterm10:27
_inte_You could easily handle it by term10:27
AL13N_work_inte_: i'm assuming internally there might be some space left to put it in10:28
_inte_and there will surely be an app instantly10:28
AL13N_workif they are only at the stage of prototypes and the big orders aren't placed, it's still possible10:28
_inte_if its not supported by sailfishos out of the box10:28
AL13N_workwell, sailfishos has it supported for the jolla phone, so it should be doable10:28
_inte_AL13N_work: they would likely have to charge extra then10:29
suosaaskicrowdsourcing already at 78%10:29
AL13N_work_inte_: that's what updating crowdfunding is for10:29
AL13N_worki mean, what are you gonna do for the next 21 days?10:29
suosaaskiSo I guess they will make it as they still have 20 days, 22 hours and 30mins left of that 21 day time frame :)10:29
Teemustretch goalu!10:30
_inte_300k, eventually#10:30
AL13N_workthey should update crowdfunding with the requests they have in tjc for instance10:30
covoxAL13N_work: beg everyone to add $20 to their order10:30
Teemusorry, stretchu goalu10:30
AL13N_workpay a perk for larger battery, etc...10:30
_inte_Teemu: what does that stand for?10:30
AL13N_workpay a perk for internal 3G/LTE10:31
Teemu_inte_: stretch goals are in crowdfunding some extra goals after the initial goal is reached10:31
suosaaskiI would think that the tablet is readily designed and it would not fit a larger battery?10:31
suosaaskiwithout some redesign10:31
lainwir3dexciting times !10:31
Teemuhdmi would be nice stretch goal10:31
lainwir3dCan't concentrate on work anymore10:31
AL13N_worksince they put in 21days, i'm assuming they do this before the big order happens, so it's possible imho10:31
AL13N_workah shit, i'm at work10:31
lainwir3d(well, couldn't at all today for the moment)10:31
* AL13N_work goes back to work10:31
_inte_Teemu: so strechU goalU is some kind of finish then? :)10:32
covoxthe webteam better hurry up with another tablety perk before this one runs out10:32
daitheflulainwir3d: +1, it's terible10:32
Teemu_inte_: :D fake japanese :) the japanese seem to add an u to every loan word ending in consonant10:32
fennekkiTeemu: they don't "add" an u, it's the closest possible approximation10:33
fennekkidepending on the syllable the word ends in10:33
mornfallAL13N_work: now you'll have to hope they add more tablets because at this rate there won't be any left for you :|10:34
ballockconspiracy theory: intel gave Jolla 2000 SoCs, so they'll use indiegogo to pay their internal costs, sf, whatever10:34
TofeAL13N_work: can't you buy it from work ? You seem to have internet :)10:34
ballockthat's why there's just 2000 perks10:34
Teemufennekki: i have really poor knowledge of anything japanese, which is why i'm naturally all wrong about it :)10:34
mekluthrow some moomin pillows their way and they'll forgive you10:35
mekluthat's how it works, right?10:35
fennekkiTeemu: basically, because of how japanese works the only consonant a word can end in is n10:35
GreatEmeraldApparently there's something called Nemo-UX Shell that runs on Wayland, that's a possible idea for dual booting :D10:35
fennekkiand generally a 'u' at the end of a word can be left silent unambiguously10:36
_inte_AL13N_work: or you call someone to buy it for you10:36
fennekkialso, if the last syllable is 'chi' the i can be silent10:36
sledgeshey just found the music from the tablet video! Click play on "Blown Away" track #9 http://amazingtunes.com/outpost-media/sincostan10:37
sledges"it wasn't all just a dream // i feel a fire burning in me" :)10:38
_inte_fennekki: ka ke ki ko ku10:38
_inte_japanese alphabet10:38
fennekkiusually that'd be ka ki ku ke ko10:39
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AL13N_workmornfall: Tofe: _inte_: i need my banking transfer or my wife's credit card...10:41
GreatEmerald84%, those perks are running very low very fast10:41
AL13N_workbut yeah, there will soon no more left :-(10:41
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mornfallyeah, 540 tablets left10:41
AL13N_workif anyone of you could buy it for me, i can pay you cash at fosdem :-)10:41
_inte_AL13N_work: Why dont you just call your wife10:42
AL13N_worki tried :-(10:42
_inte_Its an emergency, eventually :)10:42
covoxthey'll add another tier, dw10:42
pahi guys. I was wondering, are you considering also a 10/11 inch tablet? :)10:42
pai really need to get rid of my Nexus10..10:43
tadziklate birds10:43
GreatEmeraldLate fish perhaps10:44
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xkr47(1)337k :)10:49
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simbrownI'm a bit late to the party, do we know which Atom is in the Jolla tablet?10:51
ln-can i install MS-DOS 6.2 on the tablet as it is x86?10:54
covoxsimbrown: nokia's slab has a moorefield, could be that10:55
SK_work> 91%10:55
SK_workln-: :s10:55
_inte_ln-: why dont you go for freedos?10:55
GreatEmeraldI hope it won't use PowerVR10:55
Teemuln-: in helsinki hacklab just yesterday i noticed unopened package for the latest version of deskview and qemm10:55
simbrowncovox: The clock seems to slow? I'm interested as to whether it's PowerVR or intel graphics10:55
covoxas am I10:56
Teemuhow cool would that be10:56
GreatEmeraldThen again, as of late Intel seems to add both Intel and PowerVR chips. THey're weird like that.10:56
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SK_workit is said that it is intel gpu10:56
mornfall400 tablets left10:56
GreatEmeraldI think they use the PowerVR block for certain video decoding10:56
SK_workat least tigeli confirmed10:57
simbrownso it's baytrail then10:57
GreatEmeraldBay Trail is what's cheap now, so most likely10:57
_inte_I only wonder if the retail price will be somewhat higher10:57
simbrownGreatEmerald: is it not selling well :-)10:58
faenil_inte_: indiegogo page says that retail should be 249$ (VAT excluded I guess)10:58
_inte_so it would be a good idea to buy one through the campaign I guess10:58
tigeliSK_work: don't kill me if the hw changes ;)10:59
ruskiesimbrown, from what I heard intels mobile stuff is producing loss10:59
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SK_worktigeli: np :)10:59
simbrowndespite the closedness, I was hoping that it would be PowerVR so I could play with the OpenCL11:00
_inte_faenil: But then I wonder why people should buy a retail Jolla if they could get a Nokia for the same price, since SailfishOS will probably run on the Nokia as well, but the Nokia features better hardware11:00
tbrpowervr traditionally sux bad11:00
* tbr bought it mainly because it did NOT have SGX11:00
faenil_inte_: that's a valid point, in fact ;)11:00
simbrowntbr: sucks in many ways, but not performance11:01
faenilbecause they want sailfishos to keep evolving, I'd say11:01
_inte_faenil: 189$ is a fair price, though11:01
Teemu_inte_: to support jolla the company11:01
faenilif you don't help jolla, jolla doesn't help you, hehe11:01
Teemuinstead of just using the software11:01
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tbrsimbrown: sure, but IMHO the software side suckage seriously outweighs any performance benefit11:01
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mekluless than 400 left :O11:01
tbrsimbrown: I could easily see SGX causing serious delays11:01
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covox95% zomg11:01
_inte_Teemu: well that an appeal to the community rather than a valid point :)11:02
pp_simbrown: I thought intel had opencl on their own kit too?11:02
tbrsimbrown: there were massive bugs with SGX in the meego context and _nobody_ gave the slightest f*ck11:02
_inte_oh, sad, they didnt even make it by 1211:02
pp_heh, someone I know worked on it for maemo and ended up growing organic turnips11:02
mornfall_inte_: it'll be gone by 1pm though11:03
Teemuturnips, where?11:03
_inte_mornfall: sure11:03
_inte_rather 12:15:)11:03
pp_dunno, some middle of nowhere place, haven't heard of him in years :-)11:03
alxhello out there. After my moto G is broken, I am looking for a new smartphone. I was loving my n900, so I'm not far away from giving jolla a try. Perhaps somebody here can help me to answer my main questions? Question one: how good is the cardav and the caldav? In case if not supported, how well does davdroid?11:03
Teemui'd buy good quality turnips but the ss-stores only stock plastic bag killed11:03
Teemui moved from espoo to middle of nowhere11:04
simbrowntbr: I tried to fix things11:04
Teemusomewhere behind nummela11:04
stephgabout to hit the target11:04
xkr47<inofficial stats> ~13 backers per minute11:04
GreatEmeraldAnd it's not been posted on Phironix yet, odd11:04
mornfallthat gives 26 minutes to go11:04
_inte_I always wanted a Maemo/Meego Tablet and therefore I love the Jolla Tablet <311:05
Nicd-alx: caldav and carddav are builtin but are in early stage11:05
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simbrownpp_: I didn't know about OCL for baytrail, do you know any details?11:05
Nicd-alx: expecting that they will improve over time11:05
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pp_at least for the desktop stuff it's here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-opencl11:05
FryeOk, now local news has noticed the pace Jolla is getting backers.11:06
mornfallwell, it's been a great success today :-)11:06
mornfallalso it cost me 2.5 hours of life :P11:06
mornfalland I will have a tablet and no idea why :D11:06
alxthank you Nicd, early stage means, there is allready somebody using it seriously?11:06
mekluGreatEmerald: Michael might be asleep then11:07
_inte_Funny enough, heise.de, the larges german tec news site has not even catched up on the campaign11:07
lainwir3dmornfall: haha same here11:07
mekluhaven't spotted him on IRC for a while now...11:07
faenilalx: well, it's part of the official Sailfish releases11:07
lainwir3dI guess porting the Parrot ZIK 2 manager will be fun enough11:07
GreatEmeraldsimbrown: Since Bay Trail is Ivy Bridge, wouldn't it be this: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/Beignet/11:07
meklu329 units left11:08
_inte_I would also suggest stretched goals as heise.de will probably attract a whole bunch of backers once they bring the news11:08
lainwir3dit will go over the goal11:08
_inte_AL13N_work: did you eventually secure yours?11:08
lainwir3dthanks to the "small" contributions11:08
_inte_lainwir3d: you cant say that yet11:09
_inte_SCNR :)11:09
GreatEmeraldsimbrown: Oh, Beignet even explicitly mentions it supports Bay Trail11:09
lainwir3d_inte_: of course I can, I just did :P11:09
_inte_lainwir3d: well someone could bet against you11:09
simbrownGreatEmerald: This will still be on top of the Android HAL so does beignet support hybris?11:09
FryeAny info on the usb connector11:10
GreatEmeraldsimbrown: Why will it be on Android HAL?11:10
FryeI hope it will be c11:10
simbrownGreatEmerald: because changing things would lead to more work is my assumption11:11
faenilno moooneyyyyy heeere11:11
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_inte_getting close11:13
mornfallthough 300 tablets still left11:13
mornfallsomething doesn't entirely add up :P11:13
_MikeAce_argh... im not going to make it in time...11:13
covoxthat'd be shipping11:13
leinircome on, one more person... ;)11:14
lainwir3d_MikeAce_: there is some tablets left11:14
lainwir3daround 30011:14
leinirherp, i'm a derp11:14
leiniri can maths, honest11:14
GreatEmeraldsimbrown: But it's on x86 now, so I don't see why they would use Android components when they don't need to11:14
_inte_12:15 and not quite...11:15
meklu284 left11:15
covoxit's stalled :/11:15
lainwir3dcan't.... work...11:15
GreatEmeraldToo bad indiegogo doesn't autoupdate like Kickstarter does11:15
stephg151 short11:16
sledgesit shows 100% here but still for $379,232 weird :)11:16
GreatEmeraldShows 100%, but that's rounding errors11:16
stephgand over11:16
_MikeAce_whats if all sold out? thats it then? no more tabs for the remaining 20 days?11:16
GreatEmeraldOK, now it's done11:16
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mornfall_MikeAce_: depends on jolla11:16
mornfallstill over 250 left11:16
entilI doubt they'd want to make a lot of these cheaply available11:16
covoxgood work everyone, not a cent more :)11:16
_inte_that probably means my money is defineatly gone now :(11:16
mornfall_inte_: what do you mean?11:17
mornfall_inte_: (it's flexible funding, it's been gone the moment you paid, if that's what you mean :-)11:17
entilStskeeps and friends will hit the bahamas with the flexible funding ;)11:17
_inte_mornfall: oh. well, not that much a difference :)11:17
GreatEmerald"still over" 250 left? You mean "only about" 250 left11:18
* Nav wonders why they picked indiegogo and not kickstarter11:18
_inte_mornfall: but the next time i will rather read the Terms :)11:18
entildoes KS allow flexible funding, like getting cash before delivery? cuz that might be a reason11:18
Tegugoal reached11:18
GreatEmeraldentil: It doesn't, last I checked11:18
mornfall"trending" finally picked it up :)11:18
AL13N_work_inte_: no i didn't11:18
GreatEmeraldmornfall: It had it picked up a while ago now11:19
_inte_AL13N_work: oh sorry11:19
_inte_but there are still some 200 left11:19
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_inte_ask your coworkers...11:19
lainwir3dAL13N_work: take off work now :P11:19
_inte_or your boss :)11:20
AL13N_worki'm alone at work today11:20
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lainwir3dAL13N_work: where are you from ?11:20
TemeVOh, they just added 2000 more tablets11:20
mornfalland we are on indiegogo frontpage now11:21
entil$204 :o11:21
fennekkiit's just nominally more expensive11:21
AL13N_workthat's still ok11:21
mornfallfive bucks a piece :)11:21
lainwir3dAL13N_work: seems like you're still lucky11:21
AL13N_workthis looks like it'll be there tonight11:21
fennekkibasically the point of the +5$ is to make people feel like they can get it for cheaper11:21
mornfallthe next 2k should last until evening11:21
AL13N_workstill shipping may11:21
lainwir3dnice check11:22
lainwir3ddid you verify it didn't say "may 2016" ? :P11:22
mornfallI suspect Jolla PR dept is a bit overwhelmed right now...11:22
_inte_oh, 400k soon11:22
_inte_nobody is going for the 204$ device11:23
GreatEmerald380k is kind of an odd number to begin with11:23
_inte_probably too expensive11:23
pp_still 200 of $199 ones left :D11:23
AL13N_workwell, 189+199 == 38811:23
AL13N_workso that's probably the reason for the goal11:24
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covoxwell so far they've outsold the kin11:24
_inte_covox: LOL!!:)11:24
covoxhow long before they outsell the surface you reckon :P11:24
ortylp1for you all at work: there is further batch of 2000 added for $20511:24
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_inte_AL13N_work: the collected amount will eventually be higher than the pure tablet price since shipping contributes to the founding total11:25
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GreatEmeraldThen again, with flexible funding the goal may as well be a googolplex11:25
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GreatEmerald_inte_: But the pure tablet price is probably without shipping either11:26
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_inte_GreatEmerald: sure11:26
_inte_but if you calculated the devices needed for a succesful campaing you need to calculate with 209+219, not 189+19911:27
_inte_400k btw11:28
AL13N_workthey probably figured that they would be able to sell the last few devices too11:28
_inte_or they forgot to add shipping in the first point as well :)11:28
AL13N_workshipping makes no profit11:29
covoxAL13N_work: tell that to DHL11:29
AL13N_workfor jolla11:29
covoxI know, just being obtuse :)11:30
AL13N_worki think a few people are relieved now11:30
meklubetter start being acute11:30
AL13N_workok, we got the goal11:30
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faenilTHE INTEL ARCH IS MOOREFIELD ----> POWERVR GPU, just fyi ;)11:31
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mornfallso 22nm11:31
mornfalltoo bad...11:31
sharpneliSo we can expect atrocious gpu drivers11:31
covoxyay poulsbo II11:31
_inte_AL13N_work: it makes no profit, but the shipping price adds to the campaing11:31
_inte_therefore they probably set the goal wrong since the goal represents the first 2000 devices w/o shipping11:32
faenilThat should make it the same Arch as Nokia N111:32
_inte_faenil: but lower clockspeed11:33
entilmaybe they're not entirely bankrupt and can afford to cover that margin11:33
covoxthe goal was arbitrary :P no way it has any correlation with feasibility11:33
faenil_inte_: sure, same arch I said :D11:33
_inte_entil: maybe:)11:33
covoxit was just a nice round-sounding lowball figure11:33
faenilGPU is clocked at the same frequency though11:33
AL13N_worki think the goal is some kind of minimal for existance11:33
_inte_entil: just revealing a bug :-P11:33
_inte_AL13N_work: of course it is but they still forgot to calculate the shipping within their goal11:34
AL13N_work100 units left for 19911:34
marinaiothe battery has lower capacity than the batteries of the N1 and iPad Mini 311:34
mornfall_inte_: it's flexible, which gives away that they are going through with this no matter the indiegogo11:34
mornfall_inte_: indiegogo is just a publicity stunt11:34
mornfalla good one though11:34
_inte_mornfall: of course i dont doubt that11:35
GreatEmeraldfaenil: Isn't Moorefield supposed to be for smartphones, not tablets?11:35
Venemoseems that they reached their goals already11:35
mornfallGreatEmerald: that wouldn't be a big deal11:35
juergbifaenil: where did you get that information?11:35
faenilaren't they just smartphones with bigger battery and display? :)11:35
mornfallGreatEmerald: actually might be a good thing11:35
_inte_but still, they were obviously trying to make the goal represent the first 2000 devices which it doesnt because it lacks shipping11:35
faeniljuergbi: a friend of mine who works in Intel11:35
_inte_thats all i wanted to say :)11:35
Venemosharpneli: actually, the GPUs in the current atoms are in line with the GPUs in the Core series11:35
faenilsource: https://twitter.com/francesco_1985/status/53501816927108710411:35
mornfallVenemo: that depends on a particular SoC11:36
sharpneliVenemo: If it's powerVR then it's horrible. If it's the intel's own then it's ok.11:36
lbtGreatEmerald: faenil doesn't know the detailed spec - it's not released yet11:36
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lbtfeel free to speculate :)11:36
_inte_it as a slower cpu and a lighter os than the nokia, so probably the battery will last about the same11:36
juergbifaenil: can't you convince your friend to secretly ship bay trail chips instead? ;)11:36
faenillbt: Intel source is not really speculation...but of course, and Intel emplyee could be wrong about what Intel is doing with Jolla11:36
lbtwell, we'd hate to spoil your fun *g*11:37
Venemooh, is it the powerVR crap? please noooooooooo11:37
Venemohere's my opinion on powerVR: http://nooooooooooooooo.com/11:37
mornfallVenemo: well... :)11:37
juergbii can't understand why Jolla would choose PowerVR unless they are significantly cheaper11:38
mornfalljuergbi: availability may be a factor11:38
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sharpneli1.8GHz Atom means it's probably the Anniedale11:38
juergbiwasn't bay trail released quite a while ago as well?11:38
mornfallalso, power consumption11:39
sharpneliThat chip was released Q2 of this year11:39
faeniljuergbi: baytrail is older than moorefield11:39
entilRays are cast[dubious – discuss] onto the triangles associated with the tile and a pixel is rendered from the triangle closest to the camera. The PowerVR hardware typically calculates the depths associated with each polygon for one tile row in 1 cycle.[dubious – discuss]11:39
xkr4785 to go11:39
lbtwill people please stop buying tablets - I have a bet on the number we get in the first few hours11:39
entilI concur with "[dubious - discuss]" but that sounds like a horrible design11:39
tigelixkr47: there are more available :)11:39
AL13N_workpls vote https://together.jolla.com/question/63760/add-more-perks-to-crowdfunding-with-hw-features/11:39
sharpnelientil: Not really. The HW is quite fine for basic ES2 stuff11:40
mornfalllbt: what is your bet?11:40
sharpnelientil: Apple uses the same GPU btw. And it's one of the best.11:40
Venemomy brother has an asus with a bay trail CPU which is quite nice11:40
entilsharpneli: so it's actually good but it's just the linux drivers that are like linux drivers tend to be?11:40
Venemojust please don't use that shit with the powervr11:40
sharpneliHowever only Apple has Apple drivers. Everyone else have horrible blasted hellspawn which is the PowerVR official drivers.11:40
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AL13N_worklbt; lol11:41
lbtmornfall: lets just say I'm optimistic but nervous with the trend and the amount of time to go :)11:41
Venemosharpneli +111:41
sharpnelientil: Same applies to all other GPU's in mobile space too. Only Intel (for their own gpu's) and Nvidia have good drivers.11:41
AL13N_worklbt: the trend will drop soon enough...11:41
Venemowhat trend?11:41
entilsharpneli: let's hope it turns out ok, tho11:41
_inte_now it hangs at 425k11:42
sharpneliIt's going to be somewhat usable11:42
AL13N_workVenemo: a trend is an expectency regarding a current rate of something11:42
VenemoAL13N_work: I know what the word means, just not sure which trend you are talking about now11:42
entilsharpneli: in line with stupid speculation, maybe the driver gets better during the next half-year :D11:43
AL13N_worki was referring to lbt's statement: lbt: mornfall: lets just say I'm optimistic but nervous with the trend and the amount of time to go :)11:43
paso since nobody answered, i suppose it means NO to a 10/11" tablet with sailfish..11:43
sharpnelientil: Mobile devices never ever get any driver updates.11:43
sharpnelientil: Heck they'd rather sue you than let you update your drivers. See Qualcomm as an example.11:43
lbthmm I thought we updated a driver on the jolla11:43
Tofeback from lunch... In the meantime, a company got 100,000$...11:43
lbtbut in general, true11:43
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mornfallsharpneli: actually, qualcomm is sponsoring OSS wifi drivers11:44
entillbt: if there's no bad opensource driver or anything like that, instead completely dependent on the manufacturer, you're in for pain11:44
entilunless you cross your fingers and speculate something could happen11:44
ortylp1pa: I need 13" Tablet with a stylus (so SailfisOS on Note Pro)11:44
sharpnelimornfall: How can that be? The same company that tried to forbid google to publish recovery images because they obviously had their drivers inside :D11:44
lbtentil: agreed; in general it's never wise to assume a closed driver update will be available to fix a problem11:45
AL13N_work50 units left11:45
paortylp1, i'd like one too, but without edges please. I'd rather have an option to restrict the touchable area on the screen11:45
mornfallsharpneli: companies are multi-headed beasts with split personality11:45
TofeAL13N_work: a 204$ tablet option appeared :)11:45
AL13N_worki know11:45
_inte_now i hope there will be a good ebook reader for jolla soon11:45
_inte_like that one for ipad11:46
GreatEmeraldMy current tablet is Oak Trail, which uses PowerVR graphics, and there are only FOSS drivers in use for it (gma500_gfx)11:46
pa_inte_, can't you use mantano reader via dalvik?11:46
sharpneliBut yeah. Let's hope for the best. With luck Jolla doesn't use the hybris based android stack but purely linux, so we can theoretically update the drivers.11:46
entilfoss drivers can actually be improved11:46
AL13N_workthere's supposedly a good one in warehouse, but i wish they would get it through harbor11:46
GreatEmeraldThere were closed rivers for it once, but they were limited to something like Ubuntu Karmic Koala11:46
mornfallsharpneli: they can totally give you sources to a new driver while the legal is suing you for flipping a bit somewhere11:46
_inte_pa i barely use dalvik11:46
sharpnelimornfall :D11:46
GreatEmeraldclodes drivers*11:46
Teemuentil: shhhhh no they cannot11:47
pa_inte_, well.. if you want a good reader, that's one11:47
AL13N_workmornfall: true that11:47
_inte_and i guess a native ebook reader for tablets is a must11:47
GreatEmeraldclosed* argh11:47
AL13N_workGreatEmerald: nice...11:47
juergbiif we're unlucky, powervr could mean that the software requires much more RAM11:47
ortylp1porting fbreader? anyone?11:47
pa_inte_, that's true, but it's a big app11:47
juergbi(if there are no powervr drivers for x32)11:47
mornfallI need to take a walk to cool down. :D Work needs to be done. Damn you jolla.11:47
AL13N_workwait a minute, since this is intel, i can just put callibre on it11:48
GreatEmeraldThe FOSS gma500_gfx does work, as in it displays things and has modesetting, but that's about it11:48
mornfallAL13N_work: you can probably put calibre on ARM just as well11:48
sharpneliOk. Based on some searching it seems the tablet is going to have to use Hybris :S11:48
mornfallAL13N_work: however, it won't work without X (Xwayland maybe?)11:48
GreatEmeraldOh, it can change the backlight intensity, and there were plans to have some limited video acceleration11:48
AL13N_workpossibly, but that's a bit more tricky11:48
AL13N_workaw right11:48
AL13N_worki forgot X and Wayland stuff11:48
AL13N_worksharpneli: what did you expect?11:49
sharpneliAL13N_work: Dunno. Something happy?11:49
AL13N_workit's good enough imho11:49
ortylp1 AL13N_work: calibre is written in python AFAIK11:49
sharpneliHowever there is no softfp/hardfp issues with X86 so at least the hybris will be 0 overhead.11:49
AL13N_workthe overhead isn't much11:49
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xkr47only a few minutes to 2000 units now11:50
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_inte_oh I just realized Jolla will start shipping to the US with the tablet11:50
_inte_xkr47: its only 1995 now11:50
AL13N_workalready 10 for 20411:50
mornfall_inte_: US is a lot less tricky if you don't do cellular11:51
_inte_10 of the 204 are already sold11:51
GreatEmeraldThose gma500_gfx features would be enough for me, if only my tablet's screen would turn off. As it is it just glows black and eats all the battery...11:51
xkr472000 total that is! congrats jolla!!!11:51
mornfallwe can place bet whether it'll hit $1M11:52
tigeliI'm waiting for the us people to wake up11:52
_MikeAce_199$ is sold out too11:52
AL13N_workoh right11:52
sharpneliGz jolla!11:52
ln-i hope there will be an option for tablet + potato salad11:52
AL13N_workUS is still sleeping11:52
* _MikeAce_ got one of the last 199'er :-)11:52
AL13N_worksucks to be them11:52
Armadilloln- lol :D11:52
ortylp1well, I would not say "sold", Jolla may never deliver it, remember, its is croudfunding, no guarantees11:52
_inte_AL13N_work: maybe they will add some more11:53
GreatEmeraldSo I'm rather wary of PowerVR since then. Thankfully these days there are AMD and Bay Trail tablets11:53
AL13N_workmaybe sales in US will be very low, because they are gonna look hateful at 2k units already gone11:53
_MikeAce_youre right. . but thats what indiegőgo tells me "ausverkauft"11:53
_inte_and its still not on heise.de11:54
_inte_that will surely boost german sales11:54
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AL13N_workok, time for jolla webteam to re-sort the next feature perk11:55
AL13N_workit's at the bottom now11:55
Armadillothey also released the anrgy birds launcher11:55
_MikeAce_when did the indiegogo project start? at 9 o' clock UTC?11:55
tadzikwhat do you launch them at?11:55
Nicd-_MikeAce_: around that time yes11:56
_inte_mornfall: yes11:56
GreatEmeraldtadzik: Pigs, I'd assume11:56
_inte__MikeAce_: yes11:56
tadziksounds logical11:56
sharpneliBtw. Does anyone know if the tablet is going to use Android L underneath?11:58
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sharpneliIt's important knowledge because that pretty much determines the GPU driver version11:59
_inte_sharpneli: i heard it uses windows11:59
stephg1000% fact ^^11:59
entilkvlt story brø11:59
covoxsharpneli: why wouldn't it be the latest11:59
covox(at release)11:59
sharpneliI mean the Jolla phone has a relatively modern GPU, however it's limited to ES2.0 due to the choice of the core android version.12:00
sharpnelicovox: For the same reason the Jolla phone had GPU drivers from 201212:00
marinaiosharpneli: maybe because jolla phone soc was from 201212:01
AL13N_workoiw: the table soc could be from 201312:01
sharpnelimarinaio: The same chip is also sold on newer phones with drivers that support ES 3.012:02
sharpneliAdreno 30512:02
GreatEmeraldWhat's the deal with type C connectors, anyway? I can't find anything about it on Wikipedia...12:02
ruskieGreatEmerald, reversible iirc12:02
GreatEmeraldruskie: And what does that mean?12:03
ruskieno more 270 degree magic connections12:03
AL13N_workand what does that mean?12:03
sharpnelimarinaio: It actually contains interesting hybrid driver package. The GPU OpenGL driver is from 2012 but the OpenCL driver for the GPU is from summer 201312:03
GreatEmeraldWhat AL13N_work said12:03
stephgAL13N_work: you know, you can only plug a μUSB cable in the third time ;)12:03
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AL13N_workstephg: still don't get it12:04
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SceltAL13N_work: you can plug it in upside down12:04
ruskieanyone got that xkcd for it?12:04
GreatEmeraldBut I'm starting to remember something, isn't it that you can charge things the other way round with it?12:04
AL13N_workwhat do you mean upside down?12:04
AL13N_workhow can you plug anything differently?12:05
* stephg goes hunting for gifs12:05
SceltAL13N_work: twist your cable upside down and plug it in? does it go in?12:05
gexcpossibility for sailfishos-ish desktop environment for (serious) tablet pc?12:05
AL13N_workoh, now i get it12:05
SceltAL13N_work: a reversable cable would12:05
AL13N_workyou can rotate 180° and plug it in?12:05
marinaioAL13N_work: take a microusb male connector, turn it 180 degrees (axis = cable)12:05
SceltAL13N_work: yea12:05
SK_Sailfishgexc: i bet kde plasma12:05
AL13N_workwhy the hell didn't you say so12:05
AL13N_workgods damn them12:06
GreatEmeraldWhy would anyone want that, though...12:06
gexcSK_Sailfish: haven't got that running yet, lol, will try12:06
GreatEmeraldAn an extra, sure, but a prominent feature?..12:06
SK_Sailfishno usb type c though :(12:06
AL13N_work"how many sailors does it take to explain USB connector C"12:06
marinaioGreatEmerald: because you don't have to check he orientation of the connector every time you want to connect it12:06
AL13N_work==> 412:07
GreatEmeraldmarinaio: Are people so lazy that they can't even check the connector orientation? :P12:07
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AL13N_workvote ^^12:07
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AL13N_workthat way we can get maybe better hw12:07
ggabrielbut but there are already 2k more tablets12:07
AL13N_workyes, but i mean, ask for bigger battery perk  (with a bit more monies) or whatever12:08
ggabrieldiff models?12:08
GreatEmeraldHow about a "Bay Trail" perk? ;)12:08
AL13N_worka bigger battery doesn't need a diff model now does it?12:08
faenilit needs more weight, more thickness...12:09
ggabrielit prolly does12:09
AL13N_workand i suppose if enough people ask this, maybe all will have this hw perk12:09
ruskieAL13N_work, I'd say that would more be a strech goal than a perk12:09
sharpneliTbh it might be that the reason the tablet is so cheap is that Intel wants to get rid of it's stockpiles of older Atom chips.12:09
AL13N_workruskie: well, it wouldn't matter that much, wouldn't it? it's crowdfunding12:10
ruskiesharpneli, more than likely... especially since they are merging mobile and pc bits of their business12:10
ruskiesharpneli, due to loss from mobile12:10
GreatEmeraldsharpneli: Wasn't that established a few hours ago?12:10
GreatEmeraldalready established*12:10
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AL13N_workextra goal without anything to gain will be difficult12:10
AL13N_workfor reference12:11
AL13N_worki had 2 atom based PCs12:11
AL13N_workand they both had major memleak12:11
AL13N_workbut that was fixed in 3.17.212:11
faenilsharpneli: older? moorefield is from Q4 201412:11
AL13N_workjust saying12:11
faenil(assuming it really is moorefield)12:12
SK_Sailfish_honestly i'm worried about the delivery date12:12
AL13N_workpeople are saying i's the older one12:12
SK_Sailfish_in may, the specs will be outdated, just like Jolla 112:12
juergbii'd prefer an older one, like bay trail ;)12:12
faenilI'll trust the intel employee, until I get words from Jolla ;)12:13
AL13N_workintel employee?12:13
pp_10:58 < tigeli> SK_work: our is too quad-core12:13
pp_10:59 < tigeli> SK_work: and does not have proprietary gpu like n112:13
pp_12:59 < tigeli> SK_work: don't kill me if the hw changes ;)12:13
faenilAL13N_work: https://twitter.com/francesco_1985/status/53501816927108710412:13
sharpnelifaenil: Derp. You're right.12:14
faenilthat however clashes with what tigeli said, as N1 is moorefield as well, and should have same GPU as jolla tablet....if it doesn't...dunno12:15
GreatEmeraldSomeone's going to get killed, either tigeli or faenil :P12:15
faenilhaha, I'm just reporting stuff I find :)12:15
GreatEmeraldI don't think it's confirmed to be Z3560 yet12:16
faenilI'm young, kill him first! :D12:16
SK_Sailfish_he is young too12:16
mekluruskie: it was saturday morning breakfast cereal12:16
faenilnot as young as I am!12:16
mekluremember to hit the red button under the comic!12:17
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entilthe red button's new, otherwise that's an ancient joke12:18
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sharpneliHowever is there an 1.8GHz bay trail?12:18
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AL13N_worki wonder if it's possible to send multiple currents through the same wire?12:20
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simbrownHmmm if I knew which SoC it is, I'd know whether I'd want to put my money down. Not enjoying watching the price go up12:21
AL13N_workdoesn't the electric charge gets passed on the outside of the cylindric form?12:21
AL13N_workwhat if you could send another charge in the middle...12:21
AL13N_worksimbrown: is it really that important?12:21
GreatEmeraldsharpneli: Sure is: http://ark.intel.com/products/80275/Intel-Atom-Processor-Z3735G-2M-Cache-up-to-1_83-GHz12:21
marinaiosharpneli: there are with 1.8ghz _burst_ frequenct12:21
sharpnelimarinaio: True12:21
GreatEmeraldYea, burst12:22
sharpneliBut that's lying :(12:22
GreatEmeraldWell, not really, it's 1.8 when you need it12:22
GreatEmeraldYou just usually don't need it12:22
VenemoI don't expect it to use a 2014-Q1 SoC when it's launched in Q1-201512:22
marinaioand it has intel hd graphics12:23
marinaiothis means opensource drivers12:23
mekluGreatEmerald: doesn't look like that's the one12:24
meklunote the 1GB max RAM12:24
pp_hmn, http://wccftech.com/intel-atom-soc-roadmap-tablets-smartphones-leaked-14nm-airmont-goldmont-based-chips-detailed/12:24
marinaiomeklu: http://ark.intel.com/it/products/78416/Intel-Atom-Processor-Z3740D-2M-Cache-up-to-1_83-GHz12:25
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GreatEmeraldWell, half of Bay Trail is 1.8 burst: http://ark.intel.com/products/series/76761/Intel-Atom-Processor-Z3700-Series12:25
GreatEmeraldAnd Intel markets it as 1.8 too12:25
meklumarinaio: well, that could be it12:25
SpeedEvilAL13N_work: ##electronics. In short - no - they merge unless they can be seperated by frequency or time12:26
GreatEmeraldIt could be Z3735{D,F}, Z3740{,D}, Z3745{,D},12:27
AL13N_workSpeedEvil: i'm just wondering if it would be possible to have a single wire and a connector that can fit in any way12:28
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AL13N_workmaybe with layers of less conductivity, the charge would keep at the border of that layer12:29
AL13N_workand so you'd get concentric circles of different charges?12:30
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Nicd-video and interview about the tablet here: http://www.iltasanomat.fi/digi/art-1288774669985.html (they speak in finnish but you can look at the tablet at least)12:33
GreatEmeraldWelp, I'd better get back to work (and packaging things for openSUSE)12:33
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meklu>nicotine gum ad12:35
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mekluI don't even smoke12:35
Nicd-I'm getting printer ads. I bought a printer already, you're too late!12:35
meklugreat ad targeting rite there, IS12:35
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sharpneliSo the hope of getting Bay Trail lives on!12:36
sharpneliThat means it's gonna use the Intel Linux gpu driver stack, and that means it's opensource and can be updated!12:36
SK_Sailfish_however I feel that windows intel gpu drivers are bettet12:37
sharpneliThey are for now12:37
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ggabrielaren't intel drivers all open source [for linux]?12:37
sharpneliI actually have no idea how their Android stack works for that12:37
sharpneliEven if it is the android stack we're going to get ES3.1 support! Hooray for compute shaders!12:38
SpeedEvilAL13N_work: ask over in ##electronics12:38
GreatEmeraldggabriel: For Intel HD Graphics, but not for Intel GMA12:39
AL13N_workSpeedEvil: too lazy :-)12:39
AL13N_workor i don't care enough12:39
faenilsharpneli: any new evidence about SoC?12:40
sharpneliNo :(12:40
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ggabrielthis is like the phone campaign12:41
ggabrielyou bet it's gonna be good12:41
ggabrielexcept that it's way cheaper than the phone12:41
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SpeedEvilI guess no ToH connecotrs this time12:42
SpeedEvilwhich is a pity from my POV - but I guess ~0% of customers used them12:42
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aupoThis is how you dig a hole for yourself: No money, no income, lets contribute to Jolla Tablet! $204 that I never hadout of the window <312:45
Nicd-aupo: + shipping!12:47
ggabrielis this no money/no income thing a known fact?12:47
ggabrielor just a rumor initiated by the competition?12:47
Nicd-ggabriel: I think aupo meant themself12:47
simbrownAL13N_work: Yeah, if I want to get it for "work" it has to be the right GPU12:47
Nicd-not jolla12:47
ggabrielnot sure how you spend money that you don't have12:48
ggabrieloh yeah, credit :P12:48
aupoNicd-: Aww dammit!12:48
ggabrielbut then it's an investment coz you can sell it on ebay12:48
aupoggabriel: Exactly, credit card!12:48
aupoWhat a lovely thing to have if you want to end up in trouble :D12:49
ggabrielyou need a credit card with 0% interest for a while tho12:49
aupoHmm, actually. I didn't even add the $20. That... seems like a brutish mistake on my part. Lets read the FAQ I guess....12:50
ggabrieljust buy the $20 with same name/address12:50
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aupoYah, whew.12:50
ggabrielthe "gift" thing is misleading12:51
ggabrielas ultimately you want something in return12:51
ggabrielah well12:51
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ruskieso where do people think the numbers will stop at...12:51
Naranekbtw we're pretty close to breaking $500 00012:51
ggabriel~10k funders12:52
aupoThere we go.12:52
aupoWell, lets see... We're still on the first day... How many hours has it been so far?12:52
sharpneliI really love how people barely know what's it's going to be like and still buy it :D12:52
ruskie4 hours iirc12:53
sharpneliI did so too naturally :p12:53
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ggabrielsharpneli: you mean like the phone? :)12:53
ruskiesharpneli, well I think a lot of people have trust/faith in jolla to deliver something great12:53
RaYmAntbh, it's sufficiently cheap that it's not a huge loss if it doens't fully live up to expectations12:53
sharpneli'sides. I need a development platform for tablet stuff. And all others are major PITA to code for.12:54
PaulePanterHi. Is the announced tablet going to use coreboot?12:54
_inte_Would be cool, indeed12:55
aupoSo in 4 hours we've bought 2236 tablets...12:55
PaulePanterIf not, how are the timing from pressing the button to the boot loader and then log in screen.12:55
anYcthere is not much information so far12:55
aupoAnd given that right now the $204 perk doesn't seem to be rapidly rising, I'd say we've already gone through the majority of early purchases...12:56
SK_workPaulePanter: I guess, maybe they will use an android like bootloader12:56
_inte_aupo: wait until the US wakes up:)12:57
kirmamost potential US customers are probably asleep.12:57
Naranekgive it time... people in different timezones might be sleeping or just not so actively following the situation12:57
aupoTrue! :)12:57
SK_workor maybe UEFI12:57
SK_workit is not delivered to us12:57
entiland even if no one else cared enough to contribute through igg half a million bucks should float jolla for a while12:57
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_inte_still not mentioned at heise.de. I only wonder if thouse folks are somewhat mad at Jolla since Jolla doesnt do adverts....12:58
Laxtloi think is slowing down...12:59
PaulePanterSK_work: I hope coreboot will be chosen over UEFI.12:59
ShadowJKhuh, how did I miss the tablet thing12:59
Tomoblah, disappointed by the tablet :(12:59
Laxtlousa is apple wolr12:59
Laxtlothey will not buy jolla13:00
aupoHm hm hm.13:00
ballockand $500k gained13:00
Naranekand... it's over $500 00013:00
ballockgot it first :)13:00
GreatEmeraldFinally Phoronix wrote about it13:00
Naranekdammit ;)13:00
aupoHard to find any reliable statistics on how Indiegogo/Kickstarter pledges usually evolve...13:00
_inte_ballock: hehe13:01
_inte_Laxtlo: the majority wont, but there are plenty of geeks there waiting for a true Linux tablet13:02
_inte_I would guess Jolla will sell some devices there for sure13:03
aupoQuick and dirty estimate with only minimal backing from actual data: I'd say that the campaign will end up somewhere around $850k13:03
_inte_They will probably have to add another batch tonight13:03
Laxtlo_inte_ : Thats true ! Geeks are everywere :)13:04
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aupoHmm, though that may be a little low of an estimate, would mean that they don't even sell this third batch completely.13:05
AL13N_worki'm guessing the next batch will have june 2014 as date13:06
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AL13N_worki wonder if the next batch (maybe 3k) will be 209€13:07
marinaioAL13N_work: june 2015?13:07
AL13N_workmarinaio: maybe :-)13:07
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ShadowJKWhat's up with indiegogo's address thing...13:08
covoxAL13N_work: $209 you mean?13:09
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AL13N_workok, so, i can't think/type13:11
AL13N_workthought with taxes and shipping it's around that13:12
lbttax is extra13:12
lbtindiegogo isn't quite able to do the calcs based on region  :/13:13
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RaYmAnlbt: extra how? Does Jolla charge them or is it like "usual" where the receivers post service charge it?13:14
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lbtI'm not 100% sure - I think there'll be a shop-like system at some point. Essentially it'll need to be paid before shipping afaiui.13:15
lbtthe FAQ mentions it I think13:16
SpeedEvilWhere does the tablet ship from?13:16
_inte_So the Intel tablet suggests the Jolla2 will be Intel too...13:16
_inte_Thats cool :)13:16
arhuh, $510k13:16
lbtgoddam ... stop already!13:16
* lbt sees cybette winning this bet ...13:17
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ballocklbt: what was the bet about?13:17
lbtjust numbers in the first day :D13:17
mekluwouldn't that be a good thing then? :)13:18
lbtnot for me!13:18
lbtbuy them tomorrow!13:18
meklutoo late!13:18
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, Well, the money seems to go to "Jolla Asia Limited"13:19
RaYmAnShadowJK: that's hardly makes shipping from asia a fact.13:19
RaYmAnI guess Jolla might not know yet *shrug*13:20
ShadowJKNo of course, they'll ship from Antarctica, duh ;p13:20
ShadowJKvia polar bear immigrants13:20
lbtRaYmAn: logistics are flexible and depend on a lot of things (I found out)13:20
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lbtthey also change over the life of a product and company13:20
lbt(I also found out)13:21
RaYmAnlbt: fair enough. it's just a pretty big difference for e.g. european buyers whether it's shipped from within EU or not.13:21
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_inte_I only wonder why they didnt ad a shirt or one of these nice jolla hats13:21
SpeedEvilShadowJK: yeah - same point as raY - VAT13:21
* trigpoint would have ordered one if they guaranteed to ship from within the EU13:21
tbrRaYmAn: only if it's delivered on terms other than DDP13:21
_inte_like with the phone13:21
AL13N_workif i was jolla, i'd ship EU destinations from finland and asia stuff from hong kong13:22
RaYmAntbr: how so? It's a ton cheaper for me if Jolla imports it bulk and pays taxes then ships it to me from within EU.13:22
entilif I was jolla I wouldn't employ anyone in this decrepit country, much less manufacture anything ;P13:22
trigpointAL13N_work So would I13:22
RaYmAntbr: because VAT.13:22
AL13N_workentil: hong kong is'nt a country13:23
SK_worklbt: what's cybette's bet ?13:23
entilAL13N_work: I don't know what that means, but everything's _real_ expensive in .fi13:23
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, RaYmAn: The only difference is who pays the VAT, if they ship from inside EU, Jolla is the one that has to deal with the taxman. If they ship from outside EU, with courier, then the courier will act middleman between recipient and taxman. If they ship from outside EU through mail system, then there's a chance the parcel goes through customs without customs caring, or then customs will want money from recipient.. I'm guessing in any case, since13:23
AL13N_workoh, .fi13:23
ShadowJK it will most likely be manufactured in china, that only chinese escape VAT? :P13:23
trigpointIf they ship from Finland then there is no import duty to pay13:23
tbrRaYmAn: you didn't understand my statement apparently13:24
entilbut manufacturing here would be so expensive no one would ever afford anything13:24
lbtRaYmAn: I think I read that only VAT is payable in the EU - I'll see if we can get that clarified13:24
trigpointIf it comes from outside the EU then there is the risk of high charges to pay13:24
tbrRaYmAn: DDP means whatever money you paid to jolla is it, there is no further payment of taxes or duties13:24
tbrnote that nowhere it states the terms of delivery13:24
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RaYmAntbr: they clearly state "No, contributors must pay any taxes and duties related to the selected destination country."13:25
tbrRaYmAn: ok, that's the long version of saying DDP13:25
SpeedEvilI guess13:26
SpeedEvilFor the UK13:26
AL13N_workwell, i'm not worried, jolla was reasonable with shipping with the phone, no reason it would be different with the tablet13:26
SpeedEvilProbably with 10 quid on top of that brokerage fee for customs and VAT duties13:26
Venemohats off13:27
AL13N_workthe trending has slowed down13:28
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lbtdr_gogeta86: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204228083 has duplicate payment info13:30
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dr_gogeta86is ok13:31
dr_gogeta86i wanna 2 tabs13:31
lbthaha :)13:31
dr_gogeta86on late october i've sent jolla vaucher to my boss13:32
dr_gogeta86he bought it13:32
dr_gogeta86this morning i've talked about the tab and the double payment13:33
dr_gogeta86no problem I got the second :-D13:33
dr_gogeta86*i'll get the second one13:34
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meklu"Simila" "5MB Camera"13:36
mekluthat zendesk thing has a few issues :)13:36
_inte_One more thing: Does Whatsapp including Textsecure in the future mean Mitakuulu will also?13:37
entil_inte_: mitakuuluu is dead, textsecure needs to be done as a separate project13:38
SK_workcoderus said no support for mitakuuluu, no questions so ...13:39
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entilwhich reminds me, I was supposed to email them13:39
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_inte_entil: no i meant whatsapp is using textsecure encryption in the future13:40
_inte_SK_work: well yes, but coderus is also working on a successor13:40
entil_inte_: coderus pointed out that the textsecure encryption is old news and has nothing to do with the death of mitakuuluu :/13:40
_inte_mitakuuluu 3?13:40
entilhe is? what? where?13:40
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_inte_read it elsewhere13:40
SK_work_inte_: is him ?13:41
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_inte_Mitakuuluu project closed. No further development for current codebase. New client will be written and released in new year.13:41
_inte_thats what that site says13:41
_inte_probably hoax13:41
_inte_no i dont know13:42
entiloh yeah that13:42
entilbig risk implementing a new client13:42
entilalso last I asked him he had zero interest in textsecure13:42
_inte_well he needs to implement textsecure encryption anyways13:43
_inte_since whatsapp will rely on it13:43
entilhttps://github.com/WhisperSystems/TextSecure-Server/wiki/API-Protocol does not speak about websocket13:43
Armadillothe problem is, that there's very much work to do on mitakuuluu and he is left alone with the problems, because there are no more developers who support with more and better code13:44
entilwtf, it's whatsapp who's blocking 3rd party clients13:44
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entiland it _kinda_ makes sense they would, in case I would use a closed-source or modified mitakuuluu that sends data to a random 3rd party13:48
entiland then sharpneli and I send each other the usual kind of content but he doesn't know I'm leaking everything13:48
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Naranekwhat's the situation with WhatsApp Android client on top of the Jolla Android layer?13:48
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entilno idea, not caring13:49
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_inte_how does whatsapp recognize mitakuuluu at all?13:50
Nicd-because mitakuuluu has protocol bugs13:50
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_inte_ah, the jolla tablet is at heise.de eventually13:51
Sail0rgolem.de too13:51
tigeliNicd-: I would not say bugs.. if it's missing part of the protocol implementation which it is advertising. :)13:52
entilit's enough for whatsapp to know to block13:52
fluxit would be easy for whatsapp to add some features allowing them to detect non-whatsapp clients13:53
fluxwell, assuming the adversary is not willing to reverse-engineer all whatsapp clients and their updates13:53
flux(it's not enough to just watch the traffic)13:54
entilor not able to reverse fast enough, as happened last time around13:54
fluxwell, whatsapp cannot enforce everyone to upgrade immediately anyway, can they?13:54
fluxso it stands to reason either they had the client detection features there all along, or they were not properly reimplemented. of course, reimplementing precisely without a specification is quite difficult..13:55
entilmitakuuluu has to identify as the latest android client13:55
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entiland/or match its protocol implementation to its identification13:55
ballockWhat about otherhalves for tablet?13:56
_inte_Nicd-: what kind of bugs and is there a way to avoid them?13:56
_inte_Nicd-: I mean, for the user13:56
_inte_like e.g. not using certain status13:56
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_inte_or sth13:57
fluxI doubt nobody even knows where the bugs are13:57
fluxwell, except for whatsapp perhaps.13:57
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coderus_inte_: whatsapp using textsecure encryption protocol, it's not *including* textsecure.13:57
TofeDidn't they underestimate a bit the thing ? :)13:57
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_inte_coderus: yes I know14:00
Nicd-I sure hope the jolla tablet helps the ecosystem grow and brings attention to sailfish os even from big companies like whatsapp14:00
Nicd-so we can get native apps14:01
_inte_which does nevertheless mean that you would also have to implement it if you want to make a mitakuuluu 314:01
coderusflux: well, we have nice decryption proxy for whatsapp and can listen traffic with official clients :)14:01
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fluxcoderus, yes, but let's say some day they send a message never seen before to all clients14:01
_inte_Nicd-: yep:)14:01
SK_workNicd-: I hope too14:01
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fluxcoderus, and if they fail to respond correctly -> ban14:01
coderus_inte_: sure, but *I* have no free time to do it14:01
fluxcoderus, there is no way to prepare for that, except reverse engineering the client14:01
_inte_coderus: I understand that14:01
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fluxwell, maybe disconnect at that point and never reconnect until a new upgrade has been issued :)14:02
entilwhat's that? whatsapp decrypts all traffic?14:02
_inte_but it was (presumably) you who wrote that a successor is in the makings :)14:02
entilso end-to-end encryption is not there?14:02
coderusits opensource project, but since it was launched (one year ago) i got support just once from BasilSemuonov to fix some bits14:02
_inte_coderus: at least this is whats written at openrepos14:02
coderusnobody cares about supporting14:02
coderusjust wanted to use working product14:02
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_inte_im not a programmer14:02
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AL13N_worknobody cares about security neither14:03
_inte_but i help where i can14:03
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Acceeveryone who likes whatsapp is not a programmer? :)14:03
_inte_i reported the cpu-bug a couple of times SCNR14:03
entilitem 1) figure out the websockets on textsecure-server and implement the protocol in qt14:03
Acceor maybe they're programmers with no time?14:03
entilitem 2) steal mitakuuluu ui and combine with item 114:03
entilitem 3) ship it14:03
coderusentil: yes, all whatsapp traffic can be decrypted easily14:04
entilI'd love to start work on that but I don't have the time14:04
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coderusthats why they implementing end-to-end encryption for text messages14:04
entilcoderus: that's not what it sounds like when they write about end-to-end encryption etc14:04
coderusentil: only messages texts are encrypted really14:04
coderusprotocol nodes encrypted just for lulz, to hide real data from average traffic stealers14:05
entilcoderus: I guess the simplest question is whether or not whatsapp/facebook (the companies) read text messages with the encryption in place, ie. does it also get encrypted for a master key which they have14:06
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coderusentil: most likely14:07
coderuschallenge keys generated on server14:08
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coderusand if you start listening all whatsapp traffic from time client first start launched whatsapp application on phone you can read all data with all messages14:08
entilso the whisper systems crypto in whatsapp is essentially bullshit?14:09
coderus(*in case you have account password which is also generated by server)14:09
coderusentil: no14:09
coderusentil: current whatsapp encryption is bullshit14:09
coderusnot new whispersystems one14:09
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GreatEmeraldWhy not just use Tox :P14:10
coderusthere are two levels of encryption now:14:10
Nicd-GreatEmerald: no clients14:10
coderus1. streams encryption14:10
entilmakes you wonder why a) whatsapp would want better encryption b) whisper systems would give it to the competition14:10
coderus2. text encryption14:10
coderusentil: whispersystems opensource stuff14:10
faenilGreatEmerald: +114:10
coderusso why not to earn more money14:10
GreatEmeraldNicd-: There were quite a few clients last I checked14:10
entila) is simple enough, just encrypt it also for whatsapp's key, so they can read your messages despite being end-to-end encrypted14:10
faenilbut no mobile clients supporting audio/video14:10
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entilcoderus: and that's point b) _kind of_, because it's still the competition14:11
coderusfor now you can use latest android whatsapp on both sides and all your private conversation would be secured14:11
faenilit is barely supported by desktop clients14:11
coderusgroup messages are not secured yet14:11
GreatEmeraldfaenil: Yeap, but then it's WIP, it'll get there14:11
entilcoderus: are you sure whatsapp would not read latest android whatsapp messages?14:11
coderusbecause need to exchange big amount of keys or generate keys per-conversation14:11
Nicd-GreatEmerald: a great number of nightlies that barely support messaging currently14:11
coderusentil: its impossible14:11
Nicd-can't tell my wife to jailbreak her iphone to get a bleeding edge client to chat with me14:12
coderusit's end-to-end encryption14:12
coderusyour keys are on your phone14:12
entilcoderus: so if I send you a picture of the goatse guy on (latest android) whatsapp and you report me, they'll have no way of verifying this?14:12
coderusunless someone steal your phone, root it and get your keys youre safe14:12
entilor pictures are probably not encrypted... say I harass you with ascii goatse14:12
coderusentil: media is not encrypted of course14:13
faenilGreatEmerald: sure...eventually..14:13
_inte_Does Textsecure require a Masterkey? (unlike e.g. Tox or ricochet)14:13
coderusand also stored on servers without any access restrictions :D14:13
_inte_Nicd-: Then you could do it for here :)14:13
entilcoderus: that's semantic, I meant that whatsapp inc might have some legitimate reasons to access the messages (by its own terms of service)14:13
Nicd-_inte_: you missed the point14:14
_inte_Nicd-: I got it :)14:14
coderus_inte_: https://github.com/WhisperSystems/TextSecure/wiki/Protocol14:14
silver_hookI’m not a fan of tablets, but congratulations Sailors on the the successful funding as well as getting it so far!14:14
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_inte_coderus: I dont quite understand that. Key exchange, and then fingerprint comparison through a different channel, just as ususal14:16
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_inte_where is the Masterkey?14:16
coderuswhat master key?14:18
coderusboth clients generating keys itself and exchanging14:18
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entilwonder how whatsapp can make enough money off the metadata who's communicating with whom and the fact they're terrorists because they encrypt their messages14:21
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_inte_coderus: yes exactely but how could whatsapp or whoever intercept communication then?14:24
_inte_entil: funny enough, then every whatsapp user will be a terrorist:)14:25
faenil_inte_: I think you got it wrong, coderus says the current widespread whatsapp is broken, not the one featuring TextSecure14:25
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entil_inte_: yes, and when they file complaints against other users, whatsapp will not be able to investigate, so none of this makes any sense14:26
entiltextsecure is at least honest about all this; it's encrypted and no one cares about complaints14:26
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Naranekif The Authorities suspect that you're doing something illegal and want to tap your communications, they can still hack into phone. This just prevents the dragnet surveillance.14:28
* Stskeeps reads backlog14:29
entilthat's different from me annoying coderus with ascii goatse art, but then again he should probably just block me, and not cause whatsapp to block my account14:29
rubdosCongratulations with the funding guys! Awesome ;)14:29
entilalso! media should be encrypted as well, and I think most harassment charges would be based on jpeg goatse, not ascii goatse14:29
entilStskeeps: congrats!14:29
juergbiah, maybe Stskeeps can tell use something definitive about the GPU :)14:30
Jopeit's a PU and it does G14:30
Stskeepsjuergbi: people are making lousy guesses14:31
entilI thought the tablet was the strongest guess everyone was making14:31
Stskeepsalso, it really depends on what people are going for: libhybris levels the playing field and lessens the harm of certain gpu types14:32
faenilStskeeps comes to the rescue14:32
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juergbiit depends. i don't know what ABI Android uses on Atom tablets14:32
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sharpneliStskeeps: Now that ES3.1 is mandated minimum on new Android devices will we see it on the upcoming Jolla tablet?14:33
SK_workand why use libhybris and android stuff when you have a more standard pc architecture ?14:33
juergbii'd expect x32 to make a lot of sense on tablets14:33
_inte_Naranek: probably a bit more difficult on a Jolla phone I presume14:33
ln-a-ha, my colleague mentioned that the gift value got reset if one failed to enter the second address line and igg complained about it.14:33
StskeepsSK_work: the intel soc world is a bit different..14:33
juergbiand if Android doesn't use that, powervr would be a huge disadvantage14:33
_inte_but rather due to the low distribution than due to higher security14:33
SK_workStskeeps: ha ?14:33
StskeepsSK_work: uefi, while yes, its a pc architecture, it also differs in some ways14:34
Stskeepsmore embedded-ish14:34
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Stskeepsalso, we are not in the business for doing hw adaptation of the kind that differs per hardware, we are in busienss of doing greate experience14:35
Stskeepsdamned lag14:36
juergbiStskeeps: so, as we are lousy guessers, what GPU is it now?14:37
Stskeepsanyhow: i am happy with the hardware in that thing and i think you would be too.14:37
juergbior is it intentionally kept a secret?14:37
Stskeepsno, just to make sure that the right information is passed around it has to come through the campaign :)14:37
Stskeepswe've been out in slush all day so14:38
Naranek_inte_: I think so too. The off-the-shelf stuff won't work, but I don't think that Sailfish is in any way bulletproof. The baseband is a great unknown though.14:38
juergbiah ok, i'm hopeful that we'll soon get an official response, then14:38
_inte_ok, have fun. bbl14:39
Dima^entil: did you ment me or som other guy named Dima ?14:40
entilDima^: are you developing the browser for jolla?-)14:40
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Dima^nope :)14:40
entilyeah, actually checked your realname, wrong dima ;P14:40
Stskeepsjuergbi: it is also that strictly speaking with more funding some things may change, like for example tohkbd had the option to let all people get coloured kbds of choice, it all comes down to scale14:41
Stskeepssometimes, for example with jolla1 we had option between bog standard msm8930aa vs msm8930 or how was it, fitting in same SW and same HW14:42
juergbiStskeeps: i understand. in an interview it was mentioned that hardware was already fixed, though14:42
Stskeepsbut i would be really unhappy to change gpu during development.. we did that from mali to qcom14:42
Stskeepsjuergbi: i've not read things yet :) just explaining why i might be cautious about what i am saying14:43
Stskeepsi hope this product can be really transparent in development and i'll do my part to make it so14:43
juergbithat's good to hear, thanks14:43
Stskeepsit is much different when it is a crowdfunding campaign, different expectations :)14:44
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SK_workStskeeps: haha, good news14:46
Stskeepsbut for now my back hurts like hell after standing up for so long14:47
SK_workbtw, there are already multiple complains about marketing guys saying open source when it's not btw14:47
StskeepsSK_work: fair14:47
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SK_workas usual14:47
StskeepsSK_work: not even ubuntu is open source when shipping.. but agreed14:48
Stskeepsthe HAL screws everything up for everybody14:48
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SK_workStskeeps: not speaking about the HAL here, but about UI and stuff14:50
Stskeepsyeah, i know14:50
SK_workthe visible part, you know14:50
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SK_worksame for the privacy concern14:51
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SK_workhow can people be sure that Jolla don't do spying when you don't know what's in your drivers, baseband, and homescreen14:51
SK_workso ... maybe the truth, but nobody knows14:51
Teemubaseband seems to be always closet sourced14:52
Stskeepspretty much14:52
Teemuit's not like you have much of a choice in phones or tablets14:52
locusfeven Nemo doesn't help much on that, ofono will use ril for calls etc14:52
SK_workTeemu: indeed14:52
SK_workon a tablet though, you might be able to build something 100% oss14:52
Teemuon a wifi tablet, yes14:53
SK_work(I had this infamous iconia tab on which I run a 100% OSS Mer)14:53
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SK_workwell, maybe not recent ones, as Stskeeps said that intel SOC are "strange" and closer to embedded14:53
Teemuas soon as you put a cellular connection in there you have a dsp full of closets14:53
SK_workbut this old and clunky iconia tab was quite nice14:53
SK_workhad bios, and and an AMD soc14:53
anYcafaik, the neo900 at least keeps the modem separated14:54
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SK_workanYc: how does they do this ?14:55
TeemuanYc: it's a lot easier that way but many phone socs have the modem in reality as separate as that, it just happens to be in the same resin package as the actual soc chip14:55
SK_workie what do you mean ?14:55
TeemuSK_work: i'm guessing he means that the baseband processor is a separate chip on the pcb14:55
Teemudoesn't differ architecturally from a soc where the baseband just happens to be another chip on the multi-chip-package that to outside appears as a huge monolithic bga package14:56
SK_workTeemu: is the baseband stuff oss ?14:57
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Teemui've never heard of such14:58
Teemunobody i know has14:58
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Teemuthere are no oss baseband solutions for cellular14:59
Teemuthere might be for wifi14:59
locusfwhat about osmocombb?14:59
anYcSK_work Teemu http://neo900.org/faq#privacy14:59
Nicd-osmocombb seems to work on like 5 ancient devices that nobody uses...15:00
Jopeisn't it nice that we have choices15:00
SK_workno ram shared15:00
SK_workgod god god15:00
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TeemuanYc: yes, that same separation can be had on some (not all) chipsets even in case of multichip packaging15:05
Teemuit just depends on if the baseband chip power can be externally controlled15:05
SpeedEvilthere are open-source solutions - but only ridiculously sized and expensive - SDR basd15:07
SpeedEvilThe very simplest way to make sure the cellular modem of your device is not enabled is to buy the new jolla tablet15:07
Teemuvery good selling point!15:08
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AL13N_workhmm, jolla store is a bit inaccessible15:11
ggabrielAL13N_work: works for me15:16
ggabrieland still no spare battery :P15:16
Kiranos_jolla employueeds: congrats on the indiegogo campaign!15:16
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sledgesthanks :D15:18
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AL13N_workggabriel: i mean the app, not the store to buy something :-)15:19
AL13N_worki get "Loading apps" and it stays there15:20
AL13N_workinternet works, btw :-)15:20
AL13N_worki checked15:20
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ggabrielAL13N_work: works for me15:21
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AL13N_workstill not for me15:21
AL13N_workboth wifi and 4G15:21
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rypervencheWill lipstick ever be released with an open source license?15:25
ballock$600k reached, over 150% target, I'd say this is more successful than Ubuntu Edge15:26
ggabrielubuntu what?15:26
cryoratballock, no doubt, but ubuntu edge has an over a million USD goal15:27
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ggabrieli think it was a lot more than 1m15:27
Armadillowasn't it 8m or something like that?15:28
ggabrieli thought it was 3m15:28
ryukafalzrypervenche: https://github.com/nemomobile/lipstick15:28
ggabrielcan't remember15:28
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ryukafalzrypervenche: The Sailfish UI isn't open source, but the underlying framework it uses is15:28
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AL13N_workggabriel: still nothing15:29
ryukafalzWake up to find a successful crowdfunding campaign overnight... wow15:29
ballockbut only 40% of the target reached15:29
AL13N_workovernight... just a bit over 2hours15:30
ryukafalzurgh, I'm very tempted, but I've already splurged too much recently x.x15:30
ggabrielryukafalz: return the stuff that you acquired recently15:30
ryukafalzggabriel: afraid that was also crowdfunding so not possible :P15:30
AL13N_workggabriel: wrt to store, are you useing ipv4 or ipv6?15:30
ggabrielAL13N_work: def ipv415:30
ggabrielryukafalz: lol :)15:30
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AL13N_workhmm, me too15:31
AL13N_workanyone know what the store url is again?15:31
AL13N_workmaybe there's a routing issue again15:31
rypervencheryukafalz: And I'm getting they don't plan on opening the UI in the future?15:32
lukedirtwalkerwe should make an offline mapping kickstarter :D15:32
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AL13N_workcan't ping store-api.jolla.com from here15:32
AL13N_workggabriel: you?15:32
AL13N_workrypervenche: there's still doubt15:33
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AL13N_workrypervenche: iiuc it's not a definate no15:33
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ryukafalzrypervenche: ^ right, it's not a definite no, but it doesn't seem like they're planning to do so anytime soon. There is however an alternate UI in development called Glacier.15:34
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ryukafalzrypervenche: Concept art for it: http://play.qwazix.com/grog/?p=34415:34
AL13N_workggabriel: i tcpdumped my LAN ip and looked at firewall... but when starting store, it doesn't do anything over the internet (browsing does)15:36
AL13N_workso, does this mean the store is stuck somehow15:36
ggabrielAL13N_work: maybe, can't help much there, but vaguely recall that this used to happen15:37
ggabrielmaybe restart a service or the device15:37
ryukafalzAL13N_work: Hmm, I would try and figure out how the application is supposed to be contacting the server15:37
* ryukafalz fires up tcpdump over here15:38
AL13N_workhmm, not a dns issue either15:38
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Aardhm. "    // this is a workaround for upgrading existing devices to15:39
Aard    // Jolla sales setup. it should be removed in a few weeks"15:39
ryukafalzlooks like it's hosted on ec215:39
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Aardthat's from november 8, 2013. I guess few weeks are over :)15:39
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ryukafalzand server-54-230-52-224.jfk6.r.cloudfront.net.https15:41
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AL13N_workhmm, i got something in journalctl15:42
AL13N_workStore::RequestProxy::slotReplyFinished:119 "Host store-api.jolla.com not found"15:43
ryukafalzAL13N_work: Can you resolve that domain manually from your Jolla?15:44
AL13N_workbut, i'm not using a proxy15:44
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ryukafalzI think the "proxy" bit there isn't a network proxy but rather a proxy model type thing15:45
* AL13N_work too15:45
AL13N_worki can even curl the full url without troubles15:45
AL13N_workhost not found looks like dns issue15:45
* ryukafalz agrees15:46
ryukafalzit's strange15:46
AL13N_workdoes dnsmasq provide dns caching?15:46
AL13N_workif so, i'll restart that one15:46
ryukafalzit does IIRC15:46
* ryukafalz runs through his budget to see if he can afford a Jolla Tablet15:47
AL13N_workhmm, no dnsmasq15:47
AL13N_workmaybe connman does that15:47
tigeliconnman has dnsproxy15:47
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tigelibut if curl works, it can't be it15:48
AL13N_workwell, no dns proxy process is running15:48
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AL13N_worksounds like Qt has some kind of weird dns issue15:48
tigeliAL13N_work: dnsproxy is running inside connmand15:48
tigeliAL13N_work: you could try restarting connmand15:48
AL13N_workbut, Host xxx not found" is a DNS reply15:49
tigelibut.. it does not explain that curl works :)15:49
AL13N_workvery odd15:49
AL13N_worki haven't had this before, btw15:49
AL13N_workwhatever happens, no dns call is being done15:49
AL13N_workor maybe wrongly15:49
AL13N_worki'll check with tcpdump on device itself15:49
tigeliAL13N_work: you could tcpdump lo-interface15:49
ryukafalzyeah, check for any traffic on port 53 locally on the device15:49
tigelias connman listens
AL13N_workargh, crap, no tcpdump15:50
AL13N_worki'll have to install it from mer-tools15:50
tigeliAL13N_work: pkcon install tcpdump15:50
AL13N_workah, netstat might tell me15:50
ryukafalzwell installing from mer-tools isn't too bad :P15:50
ryukafalzI think it's there by default so "ssu er mer-tools" would do the trick15:50
AL13N_workconnmand is running dns though15:51
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AL13N_workresolv.conf is so that's not it15:51
AL13N_workcould the store app use a different dns server to check?15:52
* ryukafalz wonders if qt applications use different DNS settings than other applications locally15:52
tigeliAL13N_work: (not sure, and not going to check it now) but it could use proxy coming from dhcp/wpad15:54
ryukafalzmy advice is to install tcpdump locally - I did that long ago when trying to diagnose weird issues :P15:55
AL13N_workno proxy in dchp and wlan is active15:56
tigeliAL13N_work: therefore, please check wlan->longpress ssid->edit, then select proxy configuration -> no proxy (do this, even it shows no proxy as the default is actually automatic (a bug))15:56
AL13N_worki forgot pkcon refresh is needed after enabling mer-tools15:56
* stephg reads backlog more closely as 'dns' and 'ec2' popped up in the same convo at work for the last two days15:56
AL13N_worktigeli: i have access to the firewall that serves dhcp and i've set it up, i KNOW there is no proxy15:56
tigeliAL13N_work: and you do not have wpad a-record defined on the dns-search prefix either?15:57
tigeliok :)15:57
tigeliAL13N_work: well try the tcpdump ;)15:58
AL13N_workunless my boss did it behind my back15:58
AL13N_worki'm installing tcpdump15:58
* AL13N_work goes to check15:58
sledgesput tablet up in stats by voting for more eyes to discover it! http://www.gsmarena.com/jolla_tablet-6816.php16:00
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AL13N_workah, crap, the store works now... i had left it open and now it's populated16:01
AL13N_worknow i can't find out what the problem was16:02
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ryukafalzhalf-disappointment - it works now, but you don't know why it broke :P16:04
rypervencheAL13N_work: ryukafalz: Thanks for the info :) Just paid for a Jolla tablet, so I hope to be contributing to the community where I can in the near future :)16:04
ryukafalzno problem :)16:04
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cryoratguys, anyone knows about usb otg or other input port  capabilities of the tablet?16:08
pdanekDo you please have link to the stream?16:08
pdanekI didn't see it.16:08
cryoratIt would be perfect for work :)16:08
pdanekIt's not on Slush youtube.16:08
AL13N_workshit only 1200 units left16:10
Teemuand the igg has been up for 8 hours?16:11
AL13N_worki'm going home soon, i hope i'll still have one available16:12
ryukafalzurgh... tablet... or food... XD16:12
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cb400fhmm... you get home from work and all the fun is already over ;-) ... at least I had a day off when the tohkbd kickstarter went off16:16
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* cb400f pokes louisdk with a tablet16:22
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GreatEmeraldAL13N_work: Sounded like you intended to get all 1200 of them :D16:24
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ggabrielummmm, they'll never get to 1m without another batch :)16:25
* anonfriese just bought his shiny new tablet form work :)16:26
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pdanekNobody? A link? :'(16:30
pdanekNeed to see the stream.16:30
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louisdkI'm really concerned about the original Jolla phone after the launch of the tablet. SailfishOS for the Jolla phone is still lacking features and have some major bugs and since the tablet has a lot more power than the phone Jolla could discontinue the phone saying it's to underpowered and they need to focus on stabilizing Sailfish for the tablet.16:32
Stskeepsnah, sailfishos is one code line.16:32
Acceone line of code16:33
Stskeepsand there are major things in the ui stuff that also improves experience of the phone16:33
SK_workint main (int argc, char **argv) { return runSailfish(argc, argv); }16:33
coderusPeoples want Jolla Tablet with 3G/LTE16:33
artemmaTablets are easier: no GSM antenna - no connman shit with switching connections :)16:33
SK_workStskeeps: I would +1 for the ambience switcher à la tablet on the phone Jolla16:33
* pdanek cries, desperately needs to watch the stream record16:33
SK_workartemma: +116:33
coderusand no i2c for Tablet?16:34
artemmaCongrats to everybody inviolved and just fans! :)16:34
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louisdkI'm skipping the tablet. I don't need a oversized phone without 3G and a restricted laptop without a keyboard. I'm a person who types a lot uses my phone for small conversations and fun stuff and goes to my pc for serious stuff.16:35
ggabriellouisdk: i don't need one either, and yet i bought it for the lulz, prolly the first time i do it16:36
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anonfrieseyeah, really want that weather view on my events screen on jolla phone :)16:36
* artemma admits he's bought tablet already. Still trying to rationalize16:36
kimmolino i2c  :(16:36
* artemma probably it was about "it's cheap enough to support guys and maybe something functions after all" :)16:37
cb400fI'll buy it as a "reader"... phone is too small, pc/desk is not comfy enough, e-book reader is only good for e-books16:37
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ggabrielartemma: +116:37
ggabrieli want the jolla tablet running nokia c launcher tho16:37
cb400f8 inch jolla tablet will do perfectly I expect16:37
* tbr could actually run sailfish now on something very close to the target platform, has a MinnowboardMax16:37
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tbrthat's also baytrail with intel GPU16:37
artemmaor who knows, maybe by the tablet release time real apps become possible on Jolla and there's enough interest for at least few commercial houses\16:38
ggabrielgood point, i wonder what's happened with paid applications...16:38
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pdanekso small battery16:39
pdanekmy tablet usage would be for reading a lot16:39
Stskeepsits all how you use it16:39
artemma$637K already and growing! /me keeps refreshing indiegogo page for fun, increases after each reload16:39
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* artemma hopes for at least rudimentary security model to be there by tablet release. You know, so that contacts apps could be possible16:40
SK_workartemma: +116:40
pdanekif this last perk for 200016:40
pdanekgoes out16:40
artemmainter-app exchange beyond clipboard would be nice too. Like Sharing a picture to wherever for example16:40
pdanekno more tablets?16:40
artemmapdanek: I think they can add batches to indiegogo at any moment. Added one set already16:41
tbrthey added one already, so they might add another one16:41
tbrit's ofc interesting marketing wise to give the illusion of scarcity16:41
artemmajust need to make sure somebody's not sleeping by the moment previous batch runs out and there's a decision on the next batch price :)16:42
SK_workthey will increase the price by 1016:42
SK_workand there will still be people interested16:42
artemma641K. Can it get to $1M by Finnish midnight? :)16:42
anonfriesewonder how long it takes until it reaches 1 million :)16:42
artemmaor at least in 24hrs16:42
artemmaIs 2GB RAM really enough for tablet?16:44
artemmaJolla phone isn't that good with 1GB when apps start using it and tablet has quite some more pixels to render16:44
AL13N_workwell, the next batch will likely be more expensive16:44
SK_workAL13N_work: not sure16:45
SK_workartemma: not sure16:45
SK_workabout 1M16:45
SK_workand I'm worried about 2 gigs ram too16:45
AL13N_workretail price is probably 249€16:45
SK_work3 gigs would be nicer16:45
AL13N_workso they can increase in 5€ steps16:45
Stskeepsthe damn gpu buffers in that thing is like 12mb for a fullscreen..16:45
Stskeepsfor comparison purposes, jolla1 is 2mb16:45
AL13N_workwell, the display might use a bit more mem, and if you ran more apps at the same time, it might too, but otoh, the phone can cope with 1G, so...16:46
AL13N_worki think 2G should be fine16:46
Stskeepsqt5.2 was a strong requirement for this thing for sure16:46
faenil2gb is the maximum the SoC can support, most likely16:46
cb400fIf I want two tablets (of USD 204,-) do I place one contribution of 428 (204+204+20) or do I need to make two separate contributions?16:46
faenil(don't tell me about 64bit, please :P )16:46
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AL13N_work64bit does add that much overhead16:46
AL13N_workcb400f: good question...16:47
Stskeepscb400f: ask in comments maybe16:47
AL13N_workit's not in the FAQ16:47
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AL13N_workwell, you need to select a perk, so i think you'll have to do 2 of them, possibly with only 1 shipping perk16:48
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pdanekIf I don't buy the tablet now16:50
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pdanekBut I wait until it's released16:50
pdanekand people review it16:50
pdanekwill it be sold on shop.jolla.com later on?16:50
cb400fyeah, thanks, I'll do that for starters... then ask in comments and maybe change my contributions later16:50
SK_workthey said that they might not manufacture it if goal is not reached or something16:50
pdanekor it's one time production and that's it?16:50
ruskiecb400f indiegogo grabs your money immediately16:50
okuI would guess it will be sold in jolla store16:50
pdanekso I will wait16:50
pdanekno need to be 1st for tablet16:51
pdanekfor jolla 2, I give you 1k now, just get it to me16:51
Noiselesspdanek: "Will the tablet be available also for general sale or only through Indiegogo?16:51
NoiselessIf there is demand, we'll consider all options. In any case, the Indiegogo contributors will get the tablet first and with the lowest price at the time of delivery."16:51
pdanekfor tablet, I will wait and buy later :)16:51
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cb400fruskie: ah, hmm16:51
AL13N_workit will be more expensive though16:51
pdanekI see16:51
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pdanekI think the money from tablet will also go got jolla 2 development16:52
AL13N_worki think the money for the tablet goes towards further development, people's wages and if any left, go towards sailfishos development16:53
coderusisn't already?16:53
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ggabrielAL13N_work: i think that the expectation is that for certain perks you actually get a tablet :)16:54
AL13N_worki forgot the actual devices, that's where the first part of the money goes16:54
AL13N_workthe order16:54
AL13N_work"the bulk order"16:54
coderusjolla tablet appeared as BOOM16:54
coderusso, Jolla2 should be already in development also :)16:55
locusfI think Jolla would really want that some manufacturer licenses Sailfish and then produces a phone, instead of doing another one on their own16:55
AL13N_workas the goal has been met well over the limit, i expect much features from sailfishos16:55
pdaneknah, I think Jolla expected to reach the goal so quickly, it kind of advertises itself if project is so successful16:55
pdanekit's better to put lower goal16:56
AL13N_worki think jolla2 is not started, decided just maybe vaguely thought of16:56
pdanekand get it surpassed by much16:56
pdanekI see16:56
ryukafalzwell, the goal needs to be high enough to actually manufacture the product - that's the lower bound16:56
AL13N_work380k is probably the lower limit development to not lose any money over it if it doesn't have any features16:57
AL13N_workor something16:57
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AL13N_worki expect since there's enough money, that sailfishos gets more features16:57
AL13N_worki don't think new hardware is a priority for jolla16:58
pdanekso all these crazy boom talks like they reached 2x of goal, 3x of goal...16:58
pdanekmaybe in the early days of crowd-funded projects, but nowadays, crowd-funding itself is marketing for the product, so if something is very quickly funded, world gets to know about it16:58
AL13N_workactually, if they do a jolla2, i expect a sort of crowdfunding effort, but even earlier16:59
pdanekso I think the sales of tablet are as expected now16:59
faenilI think 380k is just a dumb value that they need to look for more funds from investors16:59
AL13N_worki think the sales are as expected, yes, that too16:59
AL13N_workmaybe a bit sooner than expected, but probably when the trend stops, it stops forgood16:59
faeniljust a proof of "hey, people want a tablet, I have the proof...do you want to make money with me?"17:00
pdanekthere may be one more wave from people around the world who are testing mobile17:00
pdanekreviewers etc.17:00
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SK_workfaenil: indeed17:00
SK_workjust like 25M a dumb value to build hype17:01
SK_worklook I can make this phone with huge amount of money17:01
SK_workdo'nt forget, in 1-2 years, this phone will be reality because costs will be divided by 417:01
AL13N_workmay 2015 is pretty far ahead though, i wonder how early in the development stage this is happening17:01
pdanekfaenil: good point, I also think Jolla sees a bigger picture, they really need a big HW manufacturer behind them17:01
pdanekthey will get there17:01
pdanekFirefox OS did get there and it's a shitty OS17:02
SK_workcome on, we require more minerals (money)17:02
AL13N_worki think today is a good day for marketing for vendor clients for jolla17:02
pdanekShould I pledge the tablet or not?17:03
pdanekI don't really need a tablet.17:03
pdanekAnd definitely I don't need to be 1st one to get it.17:03
ln-that's no excuse17:03
pdanekBut I want to support Jolla.17:03
AL13N_workif they can find a major deal, they would have some breathing room and get on with more sailfishos development directly17:03
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pdanekI will just support with 10 bucks17:04
AL13N_worki don't want a tablet, tbh, i don't see the need17:04
AL13N_workbut my wife wants one17:04
AL13N_workso, it might as well be a jolla tablet, at least it'll be useful17:04
AL13N_worktbh, i didn't think prices of tablets would go down to this price range17:05
ruskieand very nice looking17:05
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ln-there would be so few nice gadgets if everyone was rationally basing their purchases on "need".17:05
pdanekI will just send them 10 bucks17:05
pdanekand if the tablet will be any good17:05
AL13N_workat the start of jolla i had expected a tablet for like 500€17:05
pdaneksomeone will sell it to me as 2nd hand17:05
NRKAcan the wifi be set in monitor mode?17:05
SK_workNRKA: too early to ask ...17:06
AL13N_workNRKA: i don't think the chipset is known, and may even change, but since it's intel, imho chances are good17:06
AL13N_workNRKA: you would do well to make a tjc post though17:06
pdanekln-: But I'm minimalst, I try to keep number of things owned by myself on minimum, you should see my flat, it's nearly empty :D gives me fake feeling of freedom17:06
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SK_workpdanek: and it is a better way to manage your life than owning several useless gadgets ...17:07
sardinihello, I wonder if 7,85 is enough to read comics... anyone ?17:07
SK_workI love my N950, but since I transitionned on the Jolla, it has been gathering dust17:07
SK_worksardini: hi there :)17:07
pdanekSK_work: I even find out having to use 2 laptops, business laptop and personal, too much of a headache, so I always stick to business laptop only and use it for personal purposes17:08
pdanekfind out -> find17:08
sardinihi SK_work .. I know a long time ago I m not here :s17:08
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ryukafalzsardini: it's definitely enough for manga, for other comics it depends17:08
ryukafalzthough the high resolution screen helps I'm sure :)17:08
* ryukafalz is used to an old Nexus 717:09
NRKAAL13N_work: sorry i missed the on coming tablet,i ment for the jolla phone :)17:09
SK_workNRKA: Jolla phone don't support17:09
AL13N_workwasn't there a open source wifi driver?17:09
AL13N_workthat's not used yet?17:09
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sardiniI just hope he stays a tablet by 10 days :s17:10
Tegudoes the jolla phone support promiscuos mode, then? if not monitor mode.17:11
AL13N_workwell, i was tcpdumping on the wlan0 interface17:11
AL13N_worki'd say that's something?17:11
ryukafalzAL13N_work: Nah, you can do that regardless, you'll just only see your traffic17:11
AL13N_worktcpdump sets promiscuous mode in the interface17:11
SK_workpdanek: I have two tablets. While it can be useful for me and GF, at the end I finish grabbing my computer ...17:11
Morpog_PCtablets are nice for couch and bed17:12
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Morpog_PCwebbrowsing and reading17:12
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GreatEmeraldTablets are nice for writing down notes and graph, too (the big ones, that is)17:12
pdanekMorpog_PC: when I webbrowse, I tend to write a lot, google a lot... so keyboard is a must17:13
Morpog_PCfor that I prefer a notebook17:13
ryukafalzAL13N_work: Hmm, interesting, so it does. I'd imagine it will only do that if the driver supports promiscuous mode though, so probably best to look for kernel logs17:13
pdanekalso, I often multitask and IM + webbrowser at the same time, so keyboard is really a must17:13
Teguryukafalz: so, you mean it does not support?17:13
pdanekso I grab my  ThinkPad all the time and happy with it17:13
Morpog_PCpdanek, thats serious webbrowsing --> I stand up from couch and go to my desktop PC17:13
ryukafalzTegu: Meaning I don't know :P17:13
GreatEmeraldYou can connect keyboards to tablets, though17:13
AL13N_workryukafalz: while i was looking at the tcpdump, i was seeing arp whohas stuff from within the wired network17:13
AL13N_workdoes that count?17:13
pdanekMorpog_PC: for me, writing is relaxing17:14
Morpog_PCnot on a touch keyboard :D17:14
TeguI have tried to tcpdump on home WLAN at some point but did not seem to receive other traffic.. but I might have done something wrong17:14
* SK_work hopes for dual apps on Sailfish 2.017:14
SK_workcan even benefit the Jolla phone17:14
pdanekMorpog_PC: yes!17:14
AL13N_workTegu: NRKA: ryukafalz: what exactly do you want the phone to do wrt monitor or tcpdump or whatever?17:14
ryukafalzAL13N_work: I don't think so, ARP messages are broadcast as all nodes need to see them17:14
ryukafalzanyway, gtg, heading to class17:15
AL13N_workSK_work: you mean like that blog post of that designer?17:15
AL13N_workyeah, i think that would be pretty good17:15
SK_workAL13N_work: yep17:15
SK_workI had this kind of idea looong time ago17:15
AL13N_workryukafalz: but not the replyes, right?17:15
SK_workgood that jaakko is having the same kind of ideas17:15
SK_workMS "stole" this idea17:15
pdanekSo, TOHKBD on kickstarter, AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jolla tablet in indiegogo? Definitely good for the community and Sailfish OS itself, we need to grow! But not for me17:15
SK_work(that I never patented. I should have :))17:15
Nicd-hmm, Yammer detects Jolla browser funny17:15
Nicd-"It looks like you recently logged in to Yammer from a new application or browser - Firefox on Maemo"17:15
SK_workNicd-: :D17:16
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NRKAAL13N_work: kismet17:16
ryukafalzAL13N_work: Well a who-has isn't a reply :P did you see the replies as well?17:17
* ryukafalz back in a bit17:17
AL13N_workNRKA: ah17:17
AL13N_workryukafalz: i thought so, but i'm not sure anymore17:17
silver_hookHmmm, Jolla & Nokia are now competing in the tablet sector.17:18
AL13N_workNRKA: that might work, but i'm not sure17:18
* silver_hook gets popcorn17:18
AL13N_workhow is this competing17:18
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AL13N_workall the rest is yet another android17:18
AL13N_workwith a custom launcher17:18
NRKAAL13N_work: ok i will look into it17:19
Stskeeps&¤/¤ this static electricity17:19
sardinireinstalling qtcreator sailfishos... do I remember how to make an hello worl in qt? :s17:19
SK_worksardini: ping me on #JollaFr if you want17:20
AL13N_worksardini: luckily there's a hello world app17:20
SK_worktwitter too :)17:20
sardiniSK_work, ;)17:20
silver_hookAL13N_work: Well it’s competing as much as with any other tablet, true. But they announced it simultaneaously17:21
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SK_worksilver_hook: indeed17:21
SK_workand that's fun17:21
TofeqAssert(0, "hello world! ");17:21
silver_hookBut anyway, I’m way more interested in the phone the TOH and Mer :D17:22
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ln-what does "GPS: Yes, support Glonass" mean actually?  (i understand every word separately, that's not the problem)17:26
SK_workln-: this means: tablet do have a GPS, and that GPS chip also supports glossnass17:27
SK_workagree that it is written poorly17:27
silver_hook…which is a must for the nordics, right?17:29
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pdanekBetter on north?17:29
Siddeglonass is very nice for us living far north17:29
pdanekI see.17:29
pdanekI should move north.17:30
pdanekI always wanted a job in Norway.17:30
Sidderussia and the nordics benefits a lot of glonass17:30
pdanekBut without knowing the language, it's hard.17:30
Siddepdanek: in the computer industry i doubt you need to know a word of norwegian17:30
pdanekI looked mostly for Unix Administrator jobs (primarily AIX, combined with Linux) and most of the jobs I found required Norwegian17:31
Siddepdanek: with AIX jobs i'll bet its mostly government jobs17:31
Siddepdanek: and i'll guess they have language policies17:32
ln-isn't glonass needed for russia to avoid some big import customs duties?17:32
Siddepdanek: but i work in sweden and we have lots of people at work who can't say anything in swedish17:32
Siddepdanek: and i work at a government agency17:32
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pdanekI see!17:32
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Siddepdanek: but your'e better paid in norway. i'll guess they pay the best in europe. But it's expensive to live in norway too17:33
pdanekThey pay isn't much of a big deal for me.17:34
iekkuwe have sailors working in finland who don't speak finnish17:34
pdanekI just want to move Nordics and then learn the language.17:34
pdanekBut I'm mostly useful in Power Systems and AIX area, which is kind of a niche market.17:35
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iekkubut finnish is much more harder to learn than swedish or norwegian17:35
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Siddepdanek: it's very much on it's way out too. Most places are replacing aix systems nowadays17:35
Siddepdanek: i'll guess it's safer to move over to linux, vmware or storage17:35
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Siddewe have just replaced a few thousands aix and solaris systems to linux. and i know most other government agencys are doing the same17:37
pdanekIt's just not so easy to get a senior linux admin job for me at the moment, too much competition, not enough knowledge, but I'll get there.17:38
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Morpog_PCthe new multitasking windows look like the browser tab in the new browser design17:43
Morpog_PCwhich should arrive with u1117:43
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SK_workMorpog_PC: new browser ?17:43
TeguMorpog_PC: linkz17:43
SK_workiekku: is finnish harder to learn than C ?17:44
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Nc_"<iekku> but finnish is much more harder to learn than swedish or norwegian" - meh, just learn Estonian, then talk it badly while randomly adding the letter "i" to the end of words17:44
TeguMorpog_PC: oh, do you mean these? https://github.com/sailfishos/sailfish-browser/tree/master/design17:45
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iekkuNc_, haha17:46
locusfwow those designs look really good17:46
suosaaskicoderus: I was a bit disappointed in that stella launcher. I thought it would have had those multitasking "windows" as previews of the apps (like in sailfish), not just a big-ish button with a small app icon in the centre... Also I was a bit disappointed that without my permission it changed by background and ringtone. But it did look nice.17:46
iekkuSK_work, way harder17:46
SiddeNc_: isn't finnish just randomly added letters?17:46
Nc_Sidde, it does seem that way, true ...17:47
Tegusome say finnish is ROT13 :P17:47
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Morpog_PCTegu, yep17:49
Morpog_PCSK_work, what Tegu said :D17:49
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locusfI really don't miss the grammar exams at high school17:50
locusffor finnish17:50
Nc_Finnish has grammar?!?17:50
artemmaGrammar has Finnish17:50
iekkuNc_, yes17:51
Siddechinese is very nice. no grammar at all17:51
SK_workROT13 D:17:51
SK_workchinese is "easy"17:51
Nc_Some grammar in Chinese ...17:51
Siddeyes, but not in the european languange sense17:51
Siddeit's grammar you can learn in a day but takes lifetimes to master17:51
Nc_They make up for it with being tonal, and freaking annoying to memorise17:52
iekkuNc_, http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/72936-english-swedish-german-and-finnish-decline-dog/17:52
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iekkuNc_, and after reading that you might feel locusf'a pain...17:52
Nc_good one iekku - need to bookmark that17:53
Siddei studied chinese for a while after work17:53
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Siddei stopped because i ran out of local courses17:53
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locusfiekku: LOL17:54
Nc_I stopped my chinese lessons because they were expensive :(17:54
SiddeNc_: folkuniversitetet here teaches them more or less for free. costed like 1000kr (~100 euro) per semester17:55
SK_workiekku: Oo17:55
Nc_I took individual lesson with a Chinese teacher, who didn't really speak English well enough (and my French sucks)17:55
SiddeNc_: my teacher workes for the Nobel Prize Committee17:56
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Nc_not sure they are allowed to reveal that..?17:56
SiddeNc_: i have no idea17:56
Siddebut he sucked at english too, maybe it was the same guy :D17:57
Nc_but yeah - guess if I ever head back to Scandinavia, I'd check out options for getting cheaper lessons17:57
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coderussuosaaski: i have no idea, i have only Jolla phone and never  touched any real android device in my poor life :D17:57
Nc_probably not - mine was a quite cute girl17:57
Siddefun guy, the totally ignored when the lessen ended. If you did not master the spelling or the vowel we had to repeat until we could17:58
mornfalland another thousand of tablets gone17:58
suosaaskicoderus: :)17:58
mornfallalso, it's totally going to hit $1M, right? :P17:58
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suosaaskiCurrently have an LG G3, would be nice to know how sailfish would run on this17:58
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iekkucoderus, i tried once answer to incoming call of my other halfs android phone17:59
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iekkucoderus, felt bit weird to realize i wasn't able to do so17:59
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locusfsuosaaski: not until the bootloader opens up18:04
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locusfsuosaaski: though I'd love to see SFOS on a screen such as G318:04
suosaaskithat's not gonna happen.18:04
suosaaskiBut stella launcher did look lovely on this screen... :)18:04
suosaaskiG3 has "Bump!" which now allows custom roms to be installed.18:05
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Morpog_PCthat not the same18:05
suosaaskiI know18:06
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locusfhmm that might actually work18:06
locusfumm no18:07
suosaaskiIf you can't "bump" sailfish, that won't work.18:08
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locusfits not just zip and go?18:09
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locusftheres a cm12 port, but I guess that means Lollipop right now18:10
locusfand hybris is for cm10 or experimentally cm1118:10
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locusfand that port is for tmobile g318:10
secSo, like half of Finland ordered the tablet?18:10
suosaaskithere are a few ports18:10
suosaaskiparanoid android iirc and some others18:11
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suosaaskisec: nah18:11
secLies, it's funded twice over already18:11
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suosaaskiYeah, but one round was like 2000 tablets, so not that much18:11
secOh, that's a small bunch18:12
suosaaskiTo be honest, I think I am a bit more exited about Nokia N1 than the Jolla tablet.18:13
locusfhttps://github.com/Skin1980/android_device_lge_d855-1 <- hmm18:13
secPeople checking out my phone keep asking me if it's still worth it. I don't know what to say to them.18:13
ryukafalzNokia N1's just Android with a custom launcher though18:13
secThe spec race wars have ruined real value18:14
locusfand Jolla tablet is SailfishOS running on libhybris adaptation of Android :p18:14
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suosaaskiryukafalz: yes, but with good specs, price and I kinda like the launcher, too.18:14
kimmolianyone at kuudes linja?18:15
ryukafalzlocusf: haha, fair enough :P18:15
suosaaskihttp://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g3/development there are a few custom roms. Would be cool if one of those would be sailfish os... :)18:15
locusfsuosaaski: if I had the device I might give it a go :p18:16
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locusfalthough I have no experience in hybris-11 builds18:16
ryukafalzAll I can say is, I've had multiple Android devices, and I've enjoyed Sailfish over any version of Android I've tried so far :P18:16
secThat's pretty much my experience as well ryukafalz18:17
ryukafalzit reminds me of Maemo/MeeGo, which was awesome18:18
suosaaskiI have nothing against any of the platforms, every single one of them seems to have something I just don't like :(18:18
secThis irssi is running on a N900 ryukafalz :P18:18
ryukafalzsec: I was always jealous of N900 users, I only had an N810 myself18:19
svuorelaso. I accidentally a tablet18:19
secIt's awesome :P18:19
locusfsuosaaski: you got the d855?18:20
ryukafalzsuosaaski: Since this is the Jolla channel, what don't you like about Sailfish? :P18:20
suosaaskiwp8: need to have us/english for cortana, not that many apps. ios: no customization, kinda boring. android: lag, apps have ads everywhere, sailfish: the hardware it runs (jolla), not that many apps18:20
suosaaskilocusf: yes18:20
locusfsuosaaski: ok18:21
ryukafalzI guess I may be something of an anomaly - I like Sailfish largely because of the apps it has18:21
secAndroid is a giant billboard in all its glory18:21
ryukafalzLikewise for Linux, when I go back to Windows or OSX I miss all my Linux apps18:22
suosaaskiryukafalz: sure there are some nice apps (not that I would have paid that much attention, just following on the side), but then, like Windows Phone, there is "that one app" that always seems to be missing.18:23
suosaaskiMind you not all of the apps missing are usefull. They could be something simple. Like a game.18:23
ryukafalzsuosaaski: Well, to be sure there won't be most of the big names, but the apps that are there tend to be just the ones I personally use18:24
suosaaskiI remember when I had the N9. The few apps I had on it were all nice. Like Profilematic. best.app.ever.18:25
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ryukafalzFavorite Sailfish feature - the built-in multi-protocol messenger18:26
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ryukafalzsuosaaski: Also the fact that Sailfish runs Android apps could be a benefit for some. Mine doesn't, since I'm running an unofficial build, but then I don't need it myself :P18:32
secUnofficial build?18:33
ryukafalzActually technically I guess it's official kinda? It's just not a Jolla - I'm running Sailfish on my Nexus 4.18:33
secIt's an official build then18:34
locusfthere is this grand idea about a community powered ART which could then run Android apps on libhybris implementations but afaik its just an idea thus far :/18:34
suosaaskiSo... just thinking... what apps would I not get if I had Sailfish? I regularly use Feedly, Watson (IPTV client), MTV Katsomo, Ruutu, Yle Areena, Simpsons Tapped Out, Whatsapp, Harmony (Logitech remote), Chromecast, Facebook, Twitter, FB Messenger, Netflix, Onedrive, Onenote and Youtube?18:34
ryukafalzsec: I mean, I could go through the HADK and create an image myself :P18:35
ryukafalzlocusf: That would be awesome18:35
tbrlocusf: I think someone showed a crude prototype on a desktop system18:36
locusfryukafalz: don't get your hopes up too much, its not gonna be easy :)18:36
Nc_suosaaski ? at least some of them work in the Android emulator, others have unofficial Sailfish apps18:36
locusftbr: oh you mean the chromebook thing?18:36
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tbrlocusf: no18:36
locusfthen I don't know that18:36
suosaaskiNc_: Yes, some work with the emulator but I have understood that not everything works... so I was thinking that what would not work? And as far as Onedrive goes, I have set it to automatically backup my camera photos, can that be done?18:37
Nc_not tried most of the apps you listed, can only say that Harmony, Twitter and YouTube work.18:38
Nc_as for automatic backup, would be a matter of testing18:39
locusftbr: apkenv?18:39
tbrlocusf: will need to check18:39
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ryukafalzoh screw it I'm getting a jolla tablet :>18:41
* sec pats ryukafalz 18:41
Morpog_PCthats the spirit ryukafalz :D18:42
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ryukafalzjust ordered, my wallet hurts a bit XD18:42
Teemu3162 of 2000 devices backed18:43
Teemudid the igg start at 11 slush time?18:43
Teemuaccurate enough18:43
Jopeyeh, towards the end of marc's speech18:43
secThe tablets igg page: "If an app doesn’t exist, you can always make it."18:43
Nc_3162 tablets sold ... 1013 "shipping"s ... this is going to be interesting :)18:44
ryukafalzsec: Heheh, I saw that18:44
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locusfthe open source ART for libhybris would actually really rock the world18:45
Stskeepsmeanwhile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmwisVEjJFo18:45
Teemuso the campaign has been on for ten hours, already once sold off and is now at something like 185%18:45
ryukafalzmethinks shipping should have been included in the tier prices18:45
Jopeteemu, pretty much yeah18:45
secYes that is for people who forgot to add shipping18:45
Teemunow, someone port the ui part of artemis simulator for sailfish18:45
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secAlso, this whole tablet thing excites me because now we have a timeline on Sailfish 218:46
secWhich will in turn benefit the phone owners as well18:46
suosaaskiJust wish there would be a Jola 2, too, with better specs.18:47
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suosaaskiJolla even18:47
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Teemuhow big/small the tablet was again?18:47
ryukafalzTeemu: Doesn't currently have mobile clients, but may also want to look at Space Nerds In Space18:47
Teemui mean, will it be a handbag type of tablet or something to put it in swat pants pockets18:48
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suosaaski7,9" 4:3, it is a very nice size. At least the iPad mini is.18:48
Ezkomy 7" huawei fits in my trouser pockets18:48
Ezkoof all trousers i have18:48
Morpog_PCwtf did I just watch Stskeeps :D18:48
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Teemuryukafalz: but it is a linux app, right? is it qt? wouldn't it be easishly portable?18:48
suosaaskiEzko: but that is likely 16:9 so it is narrower in aspect and also smaller screen.18:49
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Ezkohmm, maybe18:49
Ezkowell the dimensions are 203 x 137 x 8,3 mm18:49
StskeepsMorpog_PC: jolla318:49
suosaaskiThat pic says quite a lot about the seemingly small difference in size (7 vs 7.9")18:50
ryukafalzTeemu: It's not Qt, I think it's just straight C/OpenGL.18:50
ryukafalzPorting it would be quite an effort I think18:51
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TeemuEzko: possibly pocketable, even with some sort of nondestructive cover18:52
ryukafalzDepends very much on the size of your pockets ;)18:52
Ezkoi wish i had gotten a cover for my tablet18:52
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suosaaskiI have had an ipad mini in some pockets, and some it will just not fit. So depends on the size of the pockets :)18:52
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Morpog_PCaren't the pockets of Apple device owners naturally deep? :D18:55
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anonfriesehmm, i think my jolla might have some battery miscalibration. is it enough to just let it run out of power and then charge up fully or is there some special procedure?18:56
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Nc_is there any kind of BT-based tethering in Jolla/Sailfish? thinking using WLAN to get a tablet online via the phone is a bit excessive, but not seen PAN support noted anywhere18:57
Stskeepsit works from command lien18:57
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Morpog_PCI think there was an app for that :D18:58
Nc_Command-line setup of PAN .. sure, why not :)18:58
secMorpog_PC: not sometimes. You could guess how much social engineering sells18:59
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Stskeepswhat are you guys and girls biggest worries about the tablet?19:01
Sceltbattery power19:01
Morpog_PCNc_, http://www.jollausers.com/2014/01/wifi-and-bluetooth-tethering-on-sailfish-os/19:02
Nc_Lack of RAM + 4G options19:02
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* Stskeeps looks for his notebook..19:02
ryukafalzThat said, in my experience Sailfish is much lighter on the battery than Android (speaking as a Nexus 4 owner)19:02
beidlI'd say that 2GB of RAM is more than enough19:02
beidl(hi guys)19:02
Nc_Morpog_PC, cheers :D19:02
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Stskeepsfor price range its a bit harder to have more than 2gb indeed19:02
Morpog_PCStskeeps, battery looks to be small compared to competitors, also ram could be more (as always)19:02
kimmoligreetings from afterparty19:02
kimmolifree beer run out already19:03
beidljust because android manufacturers taught us that we need to have more RAM doesn't mean it's true for us19:03
Stskeepskimmoli: with 16 bars...?19:03
Nc_beidl, I'd agree, if my phone wasn't constantly chewing through all memory+swap the moment I open an Android app, or the browser, or the mail-client19:03
kimmoliat least here in 6tj linja19:03
Morpog_PCbeidl, being on U9 tells me that I clearly need more RAM :D19:03
Nc_outside of those cases, 2gig ram is ok I guess19:03
ryukafalzFor me, definitely battery and RAM. Also video chat support but that's related to the phone as well ;)19:04
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Morpog_PCUSB type C connector would be lovely Stskeeps19:04
ryukafalzaudio/video with jingle that is19:04
StskeepsMorpog_PC: type C?19:04
beidlof course there's room for improvement19:04
ryukafalzStskeeps: The new reversible connector - Nokia is using it on the N119:04
beidldon't get me wrong on that :)19:04
Morpog_PCStskeeps, http://www.theverge.com/2014/4/2/5573680/first-images-of-the-reversible-usb-cable19:04
Morpog_PCthe nokia N1 got it19:04
Morpog_PCStskeeps, seems alot of people care about the GPU, they hate powervr and hope for intel graphics19:06
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attahkimmoli: where is the party at?19:06
fw190Morpog_PC: this would help in many ways for tinker geeks ;)19:07
StskeepsMorpog_PC: understandable, but they also have to remember that if you say A) hwcomposer then you need to say B) gralloc and C) android libegl19:07
Morpog_PCfw190, I'm not sure even if it's an intel gpu that Jolla could use the free driver. Since they use alien-dalvik which could need the closed blob???19:07
kimmoliwe are at slush only, kuudes linja. prolly moving soon19:07
kimmoliattah: ^19:08
attahcool, almost wish i lived over there :)19:08
fw190Morpog_PC: oh stop it! let me dream for a bit ;)19:08
Stskeepsalso, it may simply be that kms and such aren't featureful atm19:08
Morpog_PCStskeeps, they beg for that it seems on TMO19:08
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Morpog_PCStskeeps, http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1448150&postcount=41719:08
Morpog_PCmaybe you can shed some light in that thread :D19:10
juergbiStskeeps: will a 64-bit kernel be used? if yes, what userspace ABI will be used (64-bit, x32, or x86-32)?19:12
Morpog_PCNokia N1 will have an open bootloader. I can already see sledges rubbing his hands to get HADK on it :D19:12
Stskeepsif somebody is looking for a tablet to run glorious mesa-wayland-kms on it and assuming a production experience, this is probably not it..19:12
Stskeepsit may work, though19:12
secStskeeps: do they call you the IRC guy at work yet?19:12
Stskeepsjuergbi: man, you are good with questions..19:12
Stskeepssec: we all irc. total addicts.19:12
secThanks for hanging around here though :P19:12
juergbiit may have a big impact on ram usage19:13
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sledgesMorpog_PC: can you? ;)19:13
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Stskeepsjuergbi: there is no android x32, so that one is out..19:13
Morpog_PCsledges, Nokia said it will be delivered already unlocked19:13
suosaaskiwhat will?19:14
sledgesim sure community will rub hands together, if not more ;)19:14
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beidloh the irony, SailfishOS 2.0 on the Nokia N119:14
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juergbiStskeeps: too bad, that would be most efficient option, afaict19:16
Stskeepsjuergbi: agreed19:16
Morpog_PCsledges, I prefer the real deal Jolla tablet ;)19:16
sledgesMorpog_PC: is what im winding up here too :P19:16
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ryukafalzMorpog_PC: I mean, they're the same price, so it makes sense :P19:18
ryukafalzplus I can buy the Jolla Tablet in the US, but not the N119:19
mekluit's somewhat interesting that the jolla tablet is available in the US19:19
mekluconsidering that the phone wasn't19:20
mekluguess it's easier to get something with only wifi through FCC cert19:20
juergbiif mainline intel GPU drivers can be used, libhybris would theoretically not be required and x32 could be used. something like alien dalvik could still work with x86-32 or 64-bit in its own filesystem tree19:20
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Morpog_PCI guess thats the Jolla Asia LTD is good for. Not getting sued for patent infringements :D19:20
juergbibut i guess libhybris will be used in any case to avoid big differences in sailfish os between different hardware19:21
Morpog_PCjuergbi, not sure bout that, next phone could be intel too19:21
juergbicould be but that's probably far from fixed19:22
juergbiand i assume sailfish os will continue to be updated for jolla 119:22
Morpog_PCintel starts subsidizing it's smartphone SOC's in 2015, just like they already do with their tablet SOC's (thats why we see so many intel tablets lately)19:22
juergbithere are actually also ARM SoCs that can run wayland without libhybris19:23
* beidl and sledges feel sorry for Stskeeps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-mOy8VUEBk19:23
juergbieven PowerVR-based ones19:23
Morpog_PCI even made a thread about it on TJC some while ago: https://together.jolla.com/question/44563/intel-turnkey-program-for-smartphones-jolla-2-3/19:23
sledgesStskeeps: what did they actually talk?:D19:24
juergbiMorpog_PC: interesting19:24
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beidlI'm totally the milk man19:25
* Morpog_PC wonders if that thread did lead to the Jolla tablet :D19:25
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GreatEmerald750k raised now20:07
GreatEmeraldWell, 745, actually, but will be 750 in a few monutes I bet20:07
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attahimpressive none the less :)20:08
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GreatEmeraldAlso almost 200% of the goal20:10
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Ezkoi wish i could afford it20:14
Ezkoor like20:15
Ezkoi could afford it but i already have a tablet20:15
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GreatEmeraldOK, now it's officially over 750k20:17
Sailor-2getherI wish I would know a use case for a tablet for me ^^20:17
GreatEmerald600 tablets left20:18
TemeVSailor-2gether: well, there is half a year time to figure that out :)20:19
Sailor-2getherwell, I have another tablet20:19
Sailor-2getherwhich was used 3 times20:19
Sailor-2getherand since then lies at the table and is off20:19
Sailor-2getherif the Jolla tablet had UMTS or smth it would be better20:19
Sailor-2getherbut I really like it that they make a tablet20:20
Sailor-2getherI think it was the right move20:20
secMore of a capability demonstrator20:21
secI am guessing they desparately need OEMs to license software to20:21
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M4rtinKwell, it has GPS20:22
M4rtinKyou can use it a a navigation appliance with modRana for example :)20:22
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attahHas anyone heard anything on when update 10 might roll out?20:37
kimmoliwhen it is ready?20:38
attahobviously :) but when might that be?20:40
timophwhen they get it done :)20:40
attahoh, that makes sense ;)20:41
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Tegujolla needs more rm, I suppose. gif collections and large gifs keep crashing the browser :(20:49
attahTegu: phone, yes... tablet would probably be ok :)20:50
svuorelaattah: when my phone is having issues, I_just talk about sending it to Stskeeps. Then my phone magically starts behaving again20:50
attahsvuorela: I should try that :)20:51
mornfallwhat does the "community 150000 Jolla fans strong" on the indiegogo page mean?20:51
svuorelaattah: for two days my phone refused to connect to the network. I removed and added the simcard, rebooted and ... Then I was about to show it to Stskeeps when he was in the same room as me and suddenly it connected.20:52
mornfallattah: considering that right now the entire crew is intoxicated, probably not tonight :P20:52
mornfall(at least I expect no less of sailors today)20:52
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svuorelamornfall: what do they have to celebrate ?20:52
mornfallsvuorela: 200% of the goal on indiegogo?20:53
attahmornfall: I'm somewhat intoxicated too.. I'm sure we'll get along just fine ;)20:53
svuorelamornfall: wonder if it will beat the money not-raised for ubuntu phone :)20:53
mornfallsvuorela: $32M? definitely not20:54
svuorelamornfall: they didn't raise that much20:54
svuorelasomething like that20:54
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mornfall32M was the goal, yeah20:55
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mornfall12M not likely either20:55
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mornfallbetween 1 and 2M is most likely, I'd say20:55
_inte_why did ubuntu claim that incredible high amount those days?20:55
_inte_wasnt it somewhat obvious they will not make it?20:56
Jopethat puzzled me as well20:56
keithzgI kindof see that as the main difference between Jolla and Ubuntu-on-phones. Not to get all flamewar-y (because it's cool that Canonical and co are trying! and I want them to succeed too!) but Canonical seem to aim for the moon, fall short, then delay; Jolla aim for what's within reach and have so far succeeded.20:56
popeybecause that was the amount required to manufacture 40K devices20:56
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_inte_maybe the wrong strategy20:57
popeytime will tell20:57
_inte_time actually told in that case :)20:58
popeydunno, it opened doors20:58
keithzgIt's definitely a rough market for smaller entities. Hard to compete with the kinds of volumes the big names have, and with volumes come the price levels customers have grown to expect, so it ends up being a catch-2220:58
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_inte_i thing the crowdfunding strategy is just the right way20:59
* artemma took a nap and Jolla Tablet gathered $200K+ meanwhile. Feels like I am wasting time compared to real productive people21:00
_inte_you only owe to the customers, not to some shareholders or whatever financiers21:00
secCustomers are financiers when you crowdfund21:00
kimmoliartemma: your sport just got serious and u took nap?21:01
artemmaevery sport has time outs21:01
_inte_sec and no one else21:01
artemmamaybe except for how-long-you-ca-seat-in-sauna21:01
RaYmAnone of the useful aspects of crowdfunding is that everyone can see how much money/sold devices there are. It probably encourages more people to buy in than a straight-up preorder does21:02
keithzg_inte_: In fairness, Jolla went the opposite way with the phone initially, whereas Canonical went the crowd-funding way, and now both have flipped, with as popey says the Ubuntu phone crowdfunding opening doors for investors and other interests while Jolla is crowdfunding their next device.21:02
_inte_keithzg: true21:02
_inte_but, did ubuntu find investors eventually? are they building a phone now?21:03
coderus_inte_: yes21:03
_inte_GreatEmerald: I wonder if theyll reach 1m before midnight but i doubt21:03
_inte_coderus: oh, didnt know that.21:03
keithzg_inte_: among others there's the Meizu MX4 coming up.21:03
artemma1M in 24 hrs might be possible. Unless the sailor responsible to add the next batch of devices happens to be drunk when it's needed :)21:04
GreatEmerald_inte_: Probably will reach it. If you're in Hawaii.21:04
keithzg_Inte_: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2687847/ubuntu-touch-finalized-first-phones-coming-this-year.html21:04
_inte_so, how are the specs? compareable to jolla? better? inferior?21:04
_inte_GreatEmerald: :)21:04
popeythat article is inaccurate21:04
popeyI'm impressed by the amount of pledges jolla has on this tablet21:05
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popeyseems quite a bit of excitement about it21:05
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keithzgpopey: fair enough, it was the first I dredged up when trying to shore up my faulty memory ;)21:05
_inte_oh, 4gig of ram21:05
popeythat mx4 is a monster though21:06
_inte_im really curious if the phone will really appear as announced21:06
_inte_by the end of this year21:06
_inte_so soon...21:06
popeytick tock ☻21:06
keithzgYeah I'm really loving that people are getting on board with such a tablet---running a full standard Linux stack instead of Android is something that's awesome to me, and it's great that others appear to feel the same :)21:07
popeywonder how hackable the jolla tablet will be21:07
GreatEmeraldNow if only they confirmed it's Bay Trail21:07
_inte_cant wait to install kde mail and office :)21:07
popeyand all those kde clocks21:08
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fignewHonestly I hope it's hackable... would be nice to run Fedora on it :)21:08
GreatEmerald_inte_: KMail and Calligra, popey: Plasma clocks, get your terminology right :P21:08
popeyof course, yes. plasma21:09
_inte_GreatEmerald: Kontact :)21:09
* popey writes "PLASMA, NOT KDE" on a post-it21:09
keithzgHeh I loved the old Fuzzy Clock so much that I bought a Pebble purely to hack in an equivalent fuzzy watchface21:09
* _inte_ too21:09
* keithzg 's watch currently reads "afternoon"21:09
GreatEmeraldMaybe triple-boot Sailfish, Ubuntu Touch and Firefox OS? ;)21:10
popeydo-able on nexus21:10
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keithzgGreatEmerald: Well, I'm currently triple-booting Android 5.0, SailfishOS and Ubuntu Touch :)21:11
popeyexciting times21:12
keithzgindeed 'tis!21:13
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_inte_im only surprised that there was no second peak or sth.21:15
_inte_would have expected stronger sales to the us people21:15
_inte_or they got up early at night :)21:16
keithzgHeh I pledged at 3AM my time, but I'm a bit lousy at sleeping in general21:16
keithzgAlso created the initial "vote for your country" thread on TJC, before cybette did, but mine got retroactively closed as duplicate :P21:17
keithzgWhich is fair enough, I only created the thread because I couldn't wait for the official one, heh21:17
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keithzgNIce to see Canada doing well in the official thread; my backup plan is to get it shipped to the American importer that my company uses.21:18
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Hartziah canada wasn't already on the list. Strange.21:22
attahHartzi: s/ah/oh/21:23
keithzgIt's another country they'd arguably have to get their device certified for. But yeah, it's always weird to me to consider that I live closer to nearly all of the mainland States than Alaskans or Hawaiians do but am randomly cut off from so much that could be sold.21:24
Hartziattah: grammar nazi! :D21:24
keithzgNo Moto Maker for me, for example, so I was unable to get a 64GB bamboo-backed Moto X last year like I wanted.21:24
keithzg♫ Oh, Canada / Our home and native land / True patriot love / But less device selection ♫21:25
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attahkeithzg: lol :)21:28
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GreatEmeraldOver 800k!21:51
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DrSkyLizardDoes the tablet have a GPS receiver?21:52
ln-according to specs, yes21:54
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DrSkyLizardln-: source?21:58
DrSkyLizardah, found it21:58
DrSkyLizardits an image21:58
DrSkyLizardnot searchable21:58
_inte_i only wonder what will jolla crowdfound next21:59
_inte_maybe a smartwatch:)21:59
RoboDcan you plug headfones into jolla tablet21:59
GreatEmeraldMaybe they won't21:59
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GreatEmeraldAn actual sailfish :D21:59
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GreatEmeraldOh dear, 300 left22:10
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* Stskeeps yawns22:14
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_inte_is there any reasonaable difference between first sailors and early sailors?22:23
_inte_except for the 10 bucks22:23
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coderus_inte_: with million dollars earned it doesnt matter :D22:26
kimmoliStskeeps: contagious22:26
_inte_i was only confused by the different wording22:26
coderus_inte_: read https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jolla-tablet-world-s-first-crowdsourced-tablet#activity22:27
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_inte_coderus: that doesnt explain in particular why the first 1000 were first sailors while the second 1000 and the third batch are "early" sailors22:30
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Accehumm in the FAQ it says they will be sent in the contributing order22:31
coderuswhen campaign started there was just first and early sailors :)22:31
kimmolithey need to extend to reach 1M , ~300 left22:32
_inte_so no extra goodies for the first...22:32
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coderus_inte_: tablet have any goodies? :D22:32
_inte_i like one of those black jolla hats22:33
_inte_for skiing22:33
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_inte_for instance22:34
_inte_or a jolla yubikey22:34
zenvoidI'm considering to get the tablet but... I would like a replaceable battery22:34
_inte_or a jolla dualmode pen for writting and touchscreen22:34
zenvoidor at least a not extremely difficult to replace battery22:35
_inte_why dont you get a powerpack?22:35
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_inte_kimmoli: you are right, they will barely reach 892000 without extending22:37
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_inte_i wonder if they will22:37
_inte_and when22:37
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_inte_since its probable that Jollapeople are out and celebrating right now :)22:38
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zenvoid_inte_: powerpack is external?22:40
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coderuszenvoid: powerpack is just general name of external batteries22:43
zenvoidok thanks22:43
zenvoidnone of the tablets I've previously owned can be powered with the external battery alone22:44
zenvoidso when the internal battery dies, the tablet basically bricks forever22:44
zenvoidI don't know why22:44
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zenvoidjust tested, only the openmoko phone works with flat battery22:45
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zenvoidand possible the oppo (not fully tested)22:45
zenvoideverything else that I've tried, just turns into a brick when the battery is flat22:45
_inte_i never experienced such as thing22:46
_inte_i use my powerpak to recharge my phone22:46
_inte_that works fine22:46
Tofezenvoid: doesn't the n900 do that too?22:47
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zenvoidTofe: I thought it didn't but I'll try again, the battery of my n900 died already (inflated because it was unused during an extended period)22:50
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GreatEmeraldAnd I'm going to sleep22:51
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zenvoidTofe: no, it refuses to boot without a working battery22:58
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AL13Nwell 822k now...23:02
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keithzgzenvoid: huh, that's odd, I swear I remember running my N900 before with the battery entirely outside it. Perhaps it refuses to run if it detects that there's both a battery *and* that said battery is below a certain charge?23:10
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zenvoiddoes not boot without battery either23:12
zenvoidprobably it continues to work if the battery is removed "in hot", before it boots23:13
zenvoidI mean after23:14
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zenvoidafter it boots, take out the battery with external power23:14
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_inte_im pretty sure i booted my n900 w/o battery as well...23:21
_inte_well, years ago so23:21
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zenvoidhmmm... maybe different hardware revisions I guess, the one I have definitely requires a working battery23:25
* artemma wonders what's the minimal sane size for a tablet hardware order. Same 50K as for phones?23:25
zenvoidsame with the n810, and the 77023:25
zenvoidand any other phone or tablet I have23:25
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sledges_inte_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ta7Mh9a_y8 :)23:52
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