#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2015-04-29

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NickLeuhelp! My jolla just got permanently locked in my pocket(somehow get waked and random typing cause this I guess); anyway now i'm in the recovery shell and is there a easy way to just "unlock" the phone without doing a reset?04:27
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NickLeui got many photos on it i dont wanna lose them04:27
Nicd-from #sailfishos: 2015-04-28T21:04:17+0300 < spliffy> chem|st: here's a one liner to increment the maximum_attempts by a chosen value, no matter what the current value is:04:36
Nicd-2015-04-28T21:04:22+0300 < spliffy> ATTEMPTS_INCREMENT=3 sed -i -r 's/nemo\\\devicelock\\\maximum_attempts=(.*)/echo nemo\\\\devicelock\\\\maximum_attempts=$(expr \1 + $ATTEMPTS_INCREMENT)/e' /usr/share/lipstick/devicelock/devicelock_settings.conf04:36
Nicd-guess you need to mount the right things to do that04:36
NickLeumm sth on tjc i found might help04:37
NickLeuthis work perfectly04:43
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Sail0rHm wtf I have a new feature after boot and entering sim pin08:12
Sail0rthe screen keeps loading08:12
Sail0rand turns black08:12
Sail0rfor about 3mins no reaction from the phone08:12
Sail0ronly stays black08:12
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xfade_Sail0r: Did you run out of space?08:27
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Sail0rit runs just fine after the 3mins08:31
Sail0rand it does it every reboot08:31
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CityLights1and I am back from Amsterdam08:32
CityLights1any news?08:32
Temeamsterdam, such a cool place :)08:33
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Temeyou live in NL?08:33
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Joonaaokay.. apparently im running out of space with 2.9/13.7gb used08:45
Joonaawhat the hell?08:45
Nicd-what's your btrfs status?08:45
Joonaahow do i check08:46
CityLights1Teme: No, I am from Tel aviv Israel08:50
kimmoliJoonaa: devel-su btrfs fi show08:51
CityLights1latest update caused the Hebrew keyboard to have a missing space key08:51
CityLights1I just know that jolla uses vkb files to describe the keyboard -right?08:52
CityLights1was there a change to the vkb format?08:52
TemeVCityLights1: format changed a bit due to split keyboard08:52
TemeVthere is qml files that describe the keyboard, missing space key should weird though08:53
TemeV*sounds weird08:53
Joonaahere's "btrfs fi show" https://www.dropbox.com/s/x9mkisnpmeyn0hk/btrfs.txt?dl=008:57
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Nicd-yeah, your btrfs is full or near full08:58
Nicd-balance could help08:58
Nicd-have you read the btrfs thread on TJC?08:58
Joonaamm.. how do i clear it out08:58
Nicd-read https://together.jolla.com/question/30822/root-and-home-disks-full-and-causing-various-problems/08:58
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CityLights1Nicd-: hi ,I am also using btrfs at my home server09:04
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CityLights1I think I filled-up the filesystem again, which caused the server to fail to boot09:05
CityLights1are there any effective way to avoid this using some GUI?09:05
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CityLights1is the only option running some script to issue the CLI09:06
Nicd-I'm no btrfs expert. but maybe run btrfs fi show often and display the result somewhere, also balance regularly I think09:06
zuttoCityLights1: best way to avoid that is to split them into different partitions on the server09:06
zutto/ /var /home etc09:06
Yanielno idea about your server (what kind of GUI is it even capable of)09:07
Yanielto me servers are generally headless09:07
CityLights1ubuntu, by defaults , creates a snapshot every time you install new software.09:07
Nicd-personally I'd like to try ZFS but it takes too much memory09:07
zuttoYaniel: you can forward the X session to another computer very easily09:07
CityLights1Yaniel: so I should email when I reach90%?09:07
YanielCityLights1: none of us know a thing about your server so can't say09:08
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Joonaabalance helped, i hope09:16
Morpog_PCNicd-, Joonaa since the latest opt-in upgrade there should be a regularily btrfs balance running09:17
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Joonaa.18? i dont have that09:17
Morpog_PC.18 and .1909:19
Morpog_PCi check, second09:19
Joonaamne is .1609:21
Joonaaand no updates available09:21
Morpog_PCnope I was wrong, it's still not included :(09:21
ppopt in and you should get
coderusyeah, you need to opt-in in jolla account settings09:22
Joonaalets see if i can find that09:23
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Joonaaapparently not09:25
Joonaaoh well09:25
Nicd-not on the device09:25
Nicd-at https://account.jolla.com/09:25
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tore_my phone is stuck in a, I think, partially upgraded state09:59
tore_there's a stuck notification saying there's a system update available for
tore_the jolla store says it cannot be used while sailfish os is being updated10:00
tore_but version --dup says everything is up to date (and I am on afaict)10:00
tore_any suggestions on how I might recover from this and move on to
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coderustore_: yes, i need to find one10:03
pp"ssu re" maybe but it might eat kittens10:03
tore_pp: trying, thanks. (I'm not a cat person, so I don't care)10:05
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coderusis there a way to view publications in this damn facebook by date???10:06
xfade_tore_: rm .cache/store-client/os-info to get store working again. ssu re; version --dup10:06
xfade_tore_: to upgrade your partially upgraded os.10:06
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tore_I upgraded with ssu re and version --dup, that worked. notification still stuck, trying to remove that cache file now..10:07
coderustore_: you need anyway :)10:07
xfade_yeah, that should be gone when you remove that file and check for updates again.. Make sure you close settings..10:07
Nicd-why do people upgrade with version --dup? wasn't it discouraged at some point?10:08
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tore_nicd, in my case the gui was also stuck and couldn't check for updates10:09
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Nicd-that's different of course :)10:10
tore_thanks guys, it did the trick :)10:10
temmi_fooNicd-: --because-the-option-is-there --force --really-force10:10
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xfade_Nicd-: version --dup should be safe. Never use zypper though.10:12
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* tore_ has never quite understood the relationship between zypper and pkcon10:12
tore_I don't even have zypper installed :)10:13
tore_why do I want two package managers?10:13
temmi_foobecause the vendor standard was NIH and someone wanted his own?10:13
temmi_foojust like the modern full stack this'n'that systems have their own package managers at multiple levels10:14
temmi_fooso once you go up the abstraction layers, you're installing stuff via os vendor manager, npm and several others10:14
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IZhThe zypper is used widely in OpenSUSE. It's simple and convenient.10:16
tore_is there any difference between "pkcon install foo" and "zypper install foo"?10:17
tore_do they use a different set of repos etc?10:17
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temmi_fooIZh: yes and homebrew is widely used on macs, that doesn't make it any more sensible choice for sailfish10:18
coderusNicd-: i'm always upgrading with version --dup to check which packages are updated and to what version to decide what patches i need to upgrade10:19
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IZhtemmi_foo: never heard about pkcon.10:25
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coderusIZh: sailfish using pkcon cache, using zypper breaks sailfish packages cache10:26
coderustore_: ^10:26
coderusrepos are same obviously10:27
Stskeepspkcon uses libzypp deep down.10:27
Stskeepspackagekit -> libzypp10:27
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* tore_ gathers he should avoid using zypper10:30
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kimmolidoes version --dup mute userdefined repos? (just curious)10:31
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Jopeit does not save your ass10:37
Jopethe gui updater does some ass saving behind the scenes10:38
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coderusStskeeps: yes, but using zypper directly breaking pkcon packages cache, it  known issue10:39
coderuskimmoli: there is ssu flags to make it  working exactly as gui10:40
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coderusssu mode10:52
coderusbut it not saving state (why?)10:52
coderusyou need to set ssu mode to 16 before doung version --dup10:53
coderusto do repository isolation and so on10:53
coderussetting it in /etc/ssu/ssu.ini working, why it not working using ssu mode 16 command?10:54
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HtheBcoderus, how can I revert back to original ofono version?12:57
HtheBseems like i got major problems with the 'more networks' patch12:57
HtheBi can't change network mode at all (it's grayed out)12:57
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ShellkrHave an issue I am not sure I know how to fix... I think it might be PatchManager and the Launcher Patch that created it. The device was acting a bit slow previous to that though... anyway. After i installed that I rebooted and when it started up it doesn't start the shell (lipstick?). I can get to notifications and it do react on thouch. I am thinking that removing the patch manually might be the best solution but13:14
ShellkrI can get into recovermy mode and mount rootfs..13:15
Nicd-your first message was cut probably. "might be the best solution but"13:16
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ShellkrI am asking about the best solution to recover from this13:18
ShellkrNicd-:  Did you get the part prior that that?13:19
Shellkrto that*13:19
ShellkrI am thinking that lipstick is probably crashing because of the patchmanager..13:20
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coderusHtheB: disable repo and reinstall ofono as usual13:20
coderusShellkr: there is no patches which can affect phone to described behaviour13:21
Shellkrcoderus: Is there a way to revert a patch in patchmanager manually?13:21
coderusShellkr: yes, like any other patches: using patch command13:22
Shellkrcan that be done from the recovery mode?13:22
coderusbetter check your btrfs status irst13:22
ShellkrHow do i do that coderus ?13:23
coderusmount mmcblk0p28, cd to it and btrfs fi show13:24
Shellkrok, cool13:24
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Shellkrcoderus: I get this http://ix.io/ic013:27
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HtheBcoderus: pkcon install ofono ?13:30
coderusHtheB: yes13:30
HtheBno luck.. still grayed out :/13:30
coderusHtheB: did you rebooted?13:31
HtheB(i already tried that out)13:31
coderusrpm -qa ofono13:31
HtheBlet me try that13:31
coderusit still my versionyou did not reinstalled it13:32
HtheBis disabling the repo from warehouse not enough?13:33
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Shellkrcoderus: The status looks okay, right?13:35
coderus check with ssu lr if it disabled13:35
HtheBalright, checking13:35
coderusShellkr: check also btrfs fi df /mnt13:36
Shellkrfrom same dir?13:36
coderusShellkr: obviously13:37
Nicd-Shellkr: yes, everything up to that part. was just showing the part after which it was cut13:37
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ShellkrNicd-: Was just "..but not sure how."13:39
Shellkrcoderus: http://ix.io/ic313:39
ShellkrJust errors13:39
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coderuswhere you mounted it?13:40
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ShellkrI mounted mmcblk0p28 to /mnt/rootfs13:40
coderusso do command at /mnt/rootfs13:41
ShellkrI did... tried both locations13:41
coderusbtrfs fi df /mnt/rootfs13:42
HtheBcoderus: i even tried to remove ofono and install again13:43
HtheBbut i still end up with your version :/13:43
HtheB(your repo was disabled)13:43
coderuswhat? rename?13:43
coderusdo pkcon refresh first13:43
Shellkrcoderus: Ofcourse... didn't think. It's not /mnt but mnt/ I should have done. http://ix.io/ic413:43
coderusseems okay anyway13:44
HtheBi did pkcon update, not the same command?13:44
coderusShellkr: when booting and "crashing" any led blinking?13:44
coderusHtheB: of course not lol13:45
coderuspkcon refresh13:45
HtheBon dpkg it would refresh it :P13:45
coderuspkcon install ofono13:45
HtheByeah, running that command now13:45
HtheBtakes longer :D13:45
Shellkrcoderus: No, everything is as it should... the only thing that I see is the background. Like if the lanucher is missing13:45
Shellkrso was thinking it was the Launcher patch that did something13:46
coderusShellkr: so, you did upgrade before that failed?13:46
coderusso, what you did?13:46
coderusjust boot and wait longer13:46
Shellkrjust installed the patch13:46
coderusi had some slowness not so far in past13:46
ShellkrI have waited for 10min without anything happening13:46
coderusand just waited a bit13:47
coderusas i said patches can't break your system just in some day13:47
coderusits working or not working13:47
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HtheBlol coderus, still the same :D13:51
coderuswhat the same? show install log13:51
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HtheBthe same version if I do rom -qa ofono13:52
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coderusHtheB: pkcon search name ofono13:55
HtheBcoderus, if I do pkcon download, it shows me that there are 2 matches13:55
HtheBboth the same, only one ends with .armv7hl, the other ends with .source13:55
coderusHtheB: ah sorry, ofono-1.14+git79-1.23.1.armv7hl is indeed original one13:56
coderusmine is ofono-1.14+git79-1.23.4.armv7hl13:57
HtheBlol :P13:57
coderusso, your problem is sim/operator/hw, not the modded ofono13:58
HtheBhmm :/13:58
HtheBit wasnt like this before, happened with the latest update13:59
coderusas i'm using exactly same ofono version, just modded network modes13:59
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HtheBis there a way to find out what the problem might be?14:00
HtheB(why its suddenly grayed out)14:01
coderusstart with checking journal messages :)14:01
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chem|stHtheB: dpkg, apt is nothing like pkcon and be careful with shell when you mess up something like that already, pkcon does not do any sanity checks14:23
chem|stHtheB: maybe the modem is in limbo, have you tried with removing battery for 10min yet? (just finished reading the backlog)14:28
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Fusli have a jolla phone that somehow has a locking mechanism14:32
Fusli would like to reinstall it but can't because it asks me for that password14:32
Fuslneither can i enable ssh because i don't know the ssh passwort either14:32
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coderusFusl: did you stolen somebody Jolla?14:35
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Fuslnah, it had some strange issue from beginning already14:35
coderusFusl: contact care, confirm ownership of device and get support :)14:36
coderusif you don't know devicelock code and can't ssh to device then no way14:36
coderusonly jolla care14:36
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Fuslreally no other way? >_>14:38
Mikaelathe password should be same as you use for devel-su14:39
FuslMikaela: i don't have ssh access14:39
Mikaelaor was it screen-lock14:39
Fuslscreen lock14:39
Fuslbut it has no screen lock when i unlock it14:39
chem|stFusl: the code required for reset is the device-lock-code, an at least 5 digit number14:41
chem|stMikaela: screen-lock, root/nemo password has nothing to do with those14:42
Fuslnow i crashed ssh daemon and can't start it anymore -.-14:42
chem|stFusl: what are you trying to achieve?14:42
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Fusllogin via ssh14:43
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Fuslbecause i've put my ssh pubkey in the ~/.ssh/ dir14:43
chem|stFusl: endgame not what you try to get there14:44
Fuslnow it even won't let me start ssh anymore -.-+14:44
chem|stFusl: what is the initial problem?14:44
Fusli've never set a password lock on this device14:45
Fuslbut it asks for one now14:45
chem|stwhere does it ask?14:45
Fuslreset device14:45
Fuslenabling development things14:45
coderussomebody set lockcode to your device then :)14:46
chem|stif you did not set it, did someone else maybe (kids friends siblings?)14:46
chem|styou cannot reset the device without it, you maybe remember it when I tell you that it is an at least 5 digit (numbers) code?14:48
chem|stFusl: you can stop with attempting to "unlock" another way just so you know14:49
chem|stdid you maybe write another phones image to the phone?14:50
coderusFusl: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us14:50
chem|stFusl: then send it in - there is really no other way if you do not remember it and are sure you never set a device-lock-code14:51
chem|stFusl: there is only ONE code btw, everything the same just different names for it14:51
chem|stand it is not the userpassword set in developer-settings!14:52
coderusthere is a chance if you can ssh via wifi to it14:53
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chem|stcoderus: how?14:53
chem|styou cannot reset it or change it14:54
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Fuslcoderus: i have a terminal open14:54
Fuslbut can't do devel-su14:54
coderusFusl: do you have warehouse installed?14:54
Fusli dont think so14:54
coderusmm sucks, for enabling installing untrusted packages you need to write devicelock i guess?14:55
Fuslbut its enabled14:55
coderusFusl: cool14:55
coderuswait some minutes please, i'll give you package14:56
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coderusFusl: pm'ed you15:13
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chem|stcoderus: how about sharing your knowledge?15:54
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coderuschem|st: it's not legal :)15:58
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coderusbtw, Fusl disappeared :D15:58
ShellkrDoes anyone have an original '/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/lockscreen/Lockscreen.qml' I can diff against?16:01
coderusShellkr: sure16:05
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Shellkrgreat! thanks16:09
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coderusShellkr: maybe you need just /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 folder?16:12
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Shellkrcoderus: That is very likely... I checked the dates and two files where changed the 29th.. so want to see what changed in them.16:32
coderusShellkr: https://www.dropbox.com/s/klsxevayntq037m/lipstick-
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Shellkrawesome coderus! But I think I fixed it.. Commented out 'BatteryStatusBar' and now it starts as normal. http://a.pomf.se/xlhzla.png16:52
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Sail0rApr 29 19:38:53 Jolla [1145]: Challenge produces CRASH!17:42
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Sail0rwhat does that mean?17:42
Morpog_PCChallenge accepted!17:43
Sail0rwhy does my jolla participate in a challenge ! xD17:43
Sail0rmaybe it's battling with the other jolla17:43
Morpog_PCIt got a Barney Stinson personality it seems17:44
Yaniela battle on the seven sea^Wfrequencies17:44
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Stskeepshttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/04/29/microsoft-brings-android-ios-apps-to-windows-10/ - curious17:45
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Yaniel\o/ linux-4.0.1-117:45
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SfietKonstantinWStskeeps: I have seen this, very very interesting17:49
SfietKonstantinWIt seems (not sure) that they transpile code from Java / ObjC to WP17:50
SfietKonstantinWso basically, you get native apps (and experience ?) at the end17:50
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coderusShellkr: lol, again this buggy patdch!17:56
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Shellkrcoderus: Yeah, it didn't work sadly enough so I disabled it... and it was probably there it happened somehow. A good experience though... now I know how to do in case something else fail. I also want to take the moment to thank for all your submissions. You are someone who make my Jolla damn lot more fun to have. Thank you! ;)18:11
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chem|stcoderus: why are you acting so strangely on tjc?18:42
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coderuschem|st: me not20:03
coderuschem|st: it's you20:03
coderuschem|st: seems i can't post my ideas in your question about same thing20:04
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chem|stcoderus: explain what you mean please, I think we have soem kind of misunderstanding20:05
chem|stcause having "sailfish" set as process blocker is not what you meant, right?20:07
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coderusno, it what i mean20:18
coderusjust you suggested something to prevennt somebody to guess your code20:18
coderusi just added something to prevent accidentally locking your phone20:18
coderusi'm not saying it's better and should be done instead your suggestion20:19
coderusit's for other purpose20:19
coderusi'm just very lazy to create my own topics, so i decided it's fun to have some suggestions about devicelock in one place20:19
coderusso, i was wrong20:20
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HtheBanyone like to help me out?20:51
HtheBhow can I check logfiles for android apps?20:51
HtheBsomehow, I cant run candy crush anymore after the latest early access update20:52
HtheBI also noted that PowerAmp does not work, does anyone has a working version for Jolla?20:52
coderusHtheB: check journalctl first20:53
HtheBok, let me export journalctl20:53
coderusthen sailfish logcat and then android logcat20:53
coderusHtheB: why you need android PowerAmp?20:54
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HtheBwanted to test something out20:54
chem|stcoderus: lol, pocket-locking as is pocket-dialing are bugs - so you are just lazy, how about telling people to set "unlimited" instead of having a word setup in the first place?!20:54
HtheBnothing special20:54
coderuschem|st: why if you need to prevent accidental locking you should limit your privacy by setting unlimited count of attempts20:56
chem|stcoderus: if you have a word preset that is basically unlimited attempts20:57
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chem|stit just slows the script by 1/n steps20:58
HtheBcoderus: how can i clear the journal ?20:59
HtheBjust reboot?20:59
chem|stHtheB: you do not need to clear the journal, journal output is highly configurable21:00
chem|stbut yes, without persistent logs you only have since last boot21:00
HtheBit has TOO many information21:00
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chem|stHtheB: journalctl --since 18:0021:00
coderuschem|st: i'm sorry, wtf in your head?21:00
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coderusunlimited attempts for entering "sailfish" word instead of lock code, yes21:01
coderusbut not for devicelock code21:02
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chem|stcoderus: that is unclear from what you wrote on tjc, what I understood is nAttempts "sailfish" nAttempts "sailish" nAttempts21:03
chem|stand so on21:03
coderusi didn't wrote anything21:03
chem|stso that is basically nAttempts=unlimited21:04
coderusthink as you want21:04
coderusif you still don't understand21:04
HtheBcoderus: I found some error messages about ofono21:04
coderusi don't want to try to explain it more21:04
chem|stcoderus: you are even too lazy to explain it properly...21:05
coderusHtheB: i don't care, send them to #nemomobile21:05
coderuschem|st: yes21:05
coderusfor those who don't want to understand21:05
HtheBtigeli: ping?21:05
coderuschem|st: get BB10 device in your hands and look what i'm talking about21:06
coderusor watch some videos on youtube, there are many21:06
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chem|stcoderus: you cannot talk about other devices people do not have21:06
chem|styou say "after each %N wrong attempts ask to enter "sailfish" instead of lock code to proceed" and that is "have unlimited attempts on lock-code if you know that you need to enter 'sailfish'"21:07
coderussure, because of that i'm suggesting you to watch youtube21:07
coderuschem|st: you still have limited number of attempts to enter devicelock code21:08
chem|stcoderus: and you don't understand that anyone without BB10 knowledge does understand it exactly that way - other people are lazy just as you are21:08
coderuschem|st: i don't care anymore21:08
coderusi see that anyone dont care21:08
coderusverybody asking why i'm so unfriendly21:09
coderusbecause nobody care21:09
chem|stI care or I would not keep this discussion alive with you!21:09
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coderusso, you understant what i mean or not?21:11
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HtheBanyone from Jolla care over here? :)21:15
chem|stcoderus: I try to but everything I found on BB is just the same, even the BB website does say something else - you said there are lots of youtube videos about it, all lockscreen and password videos I found do either not show unlocking or use picture lock21:21
chem|stBB website says 10 tries then you need to contact your service provider21:23
chem|stthat is for BB10.221:25
coderuschem|st: you have limited number of attempts, if you enter code wrong 5 times device witll be blocked, understand this?21:26
coderuschem|st: you carrying phone in your pocket, and it can accidentally block your device, understand?21:28
chem|st(you could simply tell what happens after entering "sailfish"...)21:29
coderusto prevent blocking it in your pocket you need to enter "sailfish" to continue entering lock code21:29
coderusafter 3rd wrong attenpt devicelock ui will ask you to enter "sailfish" to continue21:30
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coderusyay, finally21:31
chem|stcoderus: nope21:31
coderusnope? :D21:31
chem|stwhat happens after saiflish?21:32
chem|stthat is what people do not understand, I now get what you mean but that is kind a cryptic21:32
coderusyou can try entering your devicelock again. "sailfish" is like captcha21:32
chem|styou only prevent to enter the code again by making sure it is not buttlocked, but still after 15 tries it is permanently locked21:33
chem|stand that needs to be in your answer :)21:33
coderusit just to prevent it to lock accidentally in your pocket21:33
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chem|stwhat I and I guess some others understand is, you set nAttempts and after each set you need to type "sailfsh" to proceed... endlessly21:34
coderuswhy the hell endlessly?21:34
chem|stthat is why we said it is the same as "unlimited"21:34
chem|stbecause you did not say so in your answer21:35
coderusi did not said it because i did not meant it21:35
chem|styou just said, after being noted, "its not the same"21:35
coderusi have no idea why peoples guess something i did not said21:36
chem|stbecause you did not say otherwise21:36
chem|stsimple as that21:36
coderusi have no idea what happening in peoples mind :D21:36
chem|st"and proceed" proceed with what? another nAttempts?21:36
coderusyou understand what "sailfish" trick mean?21:37
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chem|styes I do, I commented what I understood on tjc :)21:42
coderuschem|st: really? i just removed my answer :D21:43
IZh"Sailfish" sounds like "selfish". Is it intentional? :-)21:47
chem|stcoderus: lol, ok should I set you up with a separate anti-butt-permanent-lock tjc or will you do it yourself as it is a good idea :)21:48
chem|stIZh: depends where you are at, in west yorkshire it is pretty sure not even close to the same21:48
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IZhchem|st: Agree.21:50
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coderuschem|st: i know nobody will implement it in sailfish :)21:56
coderusthings are not changing in two years21:56
coderuspeoples have a lot of good ideas, check tjc, and check percentage of implemented ideas21:57
coderuseverybody should have own OS21:57
coderusthats why we have patchmanager21:57
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AnonynekoIs patchmanager sort of like xposed?22:01
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tigeliHtheB: pong22:05
HtheBtigeli: I have some major problems :(22:06
HtheBI wish you could help me again, like you've fixed the wifi problems that i had22:06
tigeliHtheB: what kind of problems22:06
HtheBproblem that I have is:22:06
HtheBgrayed out Network modes22:06
HtheBI cant change network modes :( It's stuck at 4G, so I cant receive calls at all22:07
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HtheBit reverts back to 3G if I call, but not when I receive a call :P22:07
HtheBI also have problems with alien :(22:08
HtheBI have seen a lot of errors on the journal22:08
HtheBsome games wont start at all anymore, im sure it has to do with that alien erros22:08
tigeliHtheB: as a sidenote some network do not support fallbacking to 2G, but only to 3G from LTE22:09
tigeliHtheB: but no menu when you press the network modes?22:09
sakustaroo https://www.visualstudio.com/products/code-vs22:09
HtheBno, it's totally grayed out22:09
HtheBi have errors on ofono22:09
HtheBcheck out your query22:09
HtheBi've sent a link with the journal22:10
tigeliyeah, noticed22:11
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chem|stcoderus: true for now...22:18
sakustarnoo, why is VS code so much like sublime but no ctrl+d22:19
Anonynekoprobably because it's https://twitter.com/omnisharp/status/59352797089708851222:20
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HtheBcoderus: it's fixed, thanks to tigeli22:36
HtheBthis command fixed it:22:36
HtheBdbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.RadioSettings.SetProperty string:"TechnologyPreference" variant:string:"any"22:36
coderusit will be better to know which one is was set to make it unresponsive :)22:38
HtheBit might be because I didnt disable the patch before upgrading from .28 to .2922:40
HtheBanyway, glad thats over :D22:41
HtheBi hope that he could also help me to fix the android issues22:41
HtheBmaybe Jolla could add some message22:41
HtheBlike: IF Patchmanager is installed > then (output message: "Please do not forget to disable all patches before continue." > Continue? "Yes/No") else > Upgrade Jolla22:44
HtheBthis would prevent a lot of troubles like I have them :p22:44
coderusjolla doesn't care about it22:45
coderusit should do patchmanager itself22:45
coderusrelease announcement have this22:45
HtheBcoderus: i wish SfietKonstantinW could implement it then :(22:45
HtheBbecause it's a pain in the *ss22:46
HtheBI didnt know that upgrading from .28 to .29 would still f*ck things up so badly22:46
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sakustarAnonyneko: maybe22:50
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coderusHtheB: you should unapply patches before each update22:54
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HtheBcoderus: yeah :P i've learned my lesson23:04
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