#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2017-01-05

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* pahartik tried to upgrade "Sailfish Linux" to latest version on "Jolla Mobile" but it seems stuck before rebooting, only showing theme background when display is awake and volume change bar when changed with keys04:08
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* pahartik assumes "holding down power key" is softest way out after one hour of waiting04:13
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abransonthe_mgt: i'm not sure. pebble sold millions - that should be enough to sustain a company. i think the problem is they're all locked into this push towards growth, and fail if they saturate their market too early. I'm not sure why there can't be cottage tech companies.07:40
* pahartik removed battery for moment and "Jolla Mobile" still reboots to same state, after several attempts07:42
Stskeepsabranson: i think that things would look a lot different if some tech efforts were owned by the users too07:42
abransonStskeeps: yes, it's difficult to focus on a small market when big investors are pouring tens of millions into your company.07:43
Stskeepsabranson: http://ukcryptocurrency.com/more/micropayment-calculator/ was a bit of an eye-opener for me07:44
abransonmakes one wonder how often one could get away with those enormously successful kickstarters such as pebble (and the jolla tablet) managed.07:44
abransonStskeeps: that's a real eye opener there07:45
r0kk3rzabranson: yeah the recent successful hardware startups deliberately slow growth07:50
r0kk3rzlook at oneplus07:50
abransonr0kk3rz: yeah, they showed you can even make the consequent scarcity a selling point. everyone wanted a oneplus one when it was invite only.07:52
abransonnext jolla community phone should be invite only ;)07:52
abransonthe Jolla C was very well received for such a tiny run07:52
Nicd-this all reminds me of Jennifer Government... :P07:53
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temmi_hoowell scarcity parsity but the slow growth means you also don't need to grow so fast that making profit is of no difference compared to vc money being shoveled in07:54
temmi_hoowith normal valley startup model the exponentialism is such a thing that if you do or don't happen to have any actual business doesn't really show up anywhere until the investors start to ask their funds returned when due07:55
temmi_hoowhich is of course why most of them fail, has nothing to do with business and everything to do with financing model07:56
r0kk3rztemmi_hoo: afaiu they like to see huge growth because they want billion dollar businesses07:56
temmi_hoothat too07:56
r0kk3rzand industry domination, not just a tidy money maker07:56
temmi_hoothe vc funders in question think it is a must that 90% die during first three years and of those surviving, 90% just kind of exist without that hopeful exponential growth in business, so about 1% of the initially funded must cover all of the losses AND make the profit for that vc07:57
temmi_hooeven if the 9% that also survived could well pay off their debt and prove out to be a solid business albeit not one that grows faster than fast^fast07:58
temmi_hooalso, if you're not trying to grow the company faster than the actual paying cusotmer business grows you don't need that much vc money and you can build a solid company07:59
temmi_hooyes it will be slower and yes it will have less profits for the investors and yes it will be more predictable that which number of slow solid growth companies do pay their investment and profit08:00
temmi_hooi'm all for solid things instead of valley honeys08:00
abransonthere are longer term benefits too that might not cash up so easily. such as having a finger in the pies of lots of different small tech companies with loyal customers, which would make it easier to find a market for a new one.08:01
temmi_hooi think the valley model is just flawed on every level08:04
temmi_hooeven the flaws are flawed08:04
temmi_hooevery time somebody starts to thell that you cannot make money without going public and you cannot make money without making exit and you cannot make money without... ... i remind myself of würth, hilti and teknos08:05
temmi_hooall privately owned longish term companies08:05
temmi_hoothe woman who owns teknos is i think the fourth generation family owner so nobody has yet made exit08:06
temmi_hooeverybody in the primary blood line is pretty nicely well to do08:07
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temmi_hoothe currently living people have been well to do from before they were born08:07
temmi_hooso i think somebody has made nice amounts of money with solid slow growing business without any sort of exit08:08
Jopeprecisely my values also08:10
Jopewhen I was more depressed, I really really hated every aspect of the fast growth startup scene08:10
Jopethe slush party made me feel physically ill08:10
Jopenow I'm just concerned, no hate08:10
* Stskeeps believes in the customers being part of that growth and earning from it08:11
JopeI'm not sure whether the customers are entitled to the profits in my world08:12
Jopeperhaps I'm too traditional there08:12
larstiqJope: how about the losses?08:12
locusfgiven how much shit Jolla gets from its customers, yes08:13
pp_there's the "customer owned company" model at least in .fi :D08:13
Jopelarstiq, definitely also not the customer's responsibility08:13
Jopepp, you mean a co-op08:13
Jopes-market and all that08:13
pp_yep, they've turned into monsters08:13
abransonco-op is the best model for a company. just ask John Lewis.08:15
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larstiqJope: customers do take on some risk supporting a company, Stskeeps's notion doesn't seem so far fetched to me08:19
Jopeyep, I get where you're coming from08:19
Jopeif you buy something that stops being supported soon after, you didn't get as much perceived value08:20
larstiqyou might need to spend time/effort on migrating away08:21
entilyou may know in advance that you're buying risk08:22
Nicd-pp_: well, you're free to run for a position in the co-op board08:22
pp_the finnish ones grew too big and started expanding into e.g. russia, and now are controlled by politicians who give them zoning rights nobody else gets etc.08:22
pp_the local co-op's own another central co-op and nobody really controls that monster08:23
entilpp_: at least the s-market cashiers ask "are you a owner?" when you buy something08:23
entil"ooh yes, I'm an _owner_" *fuzzies*08:23
pp_I love the signs "Dear owner, please return your shopping cart here!"08:24
larstiqand the s-chain commercial where the son is standing on top of the world08:24
Nicd-pp_: and you're free to propose your local co-op separates from S-Ryhmä08:24
entilNicd-: that's about as useful as proposing lapland secede from southern finland08:24
entilbut this john lewis thing seems nice08:24
entilI love co-ops on smaller scales08:24
Nicd-is it Lapland's fault? or Finland's?08:24
Nicd-or the fault of the people who want to do something but never do? :P08:25
entilit's just the way the world works, it's no one's fault, things just tend to go that way08:25
Stskeepsor perhaps the problems are that co-ops don't work with the traditional company model08:26
Stskeepsthat it's more of a network of participants08:26
Stskeepsand value of that network08:26
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r0kk3rzplus theres still politics within co-ops08:45
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abransonthere are still people involved after all...09:14
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temmi_hoos-market doesn't really fit the co-op model very well as most of the customers just want to buy stuff and not really be part of the company09:23
temmi_hoothen the s-ryhmä is a co-op of the co-ops which is where business politics happens and you get weird results09:23
temmi_hoowhen connecting s-ryhmä to external entities such as the local municipalities the s is no worse than any other09:24
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temmi_hooeverybody has their bedfriends and it's maan tapa all the way down09:24
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Jopetemmi_hoo, fact09:25
temmi_hooin finland we have this thing called maan tapa so we don't need corruption09:26
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phlixito understand when to choose landgrab or sustain, i recommend a talk by the stackoverflow ceo09:32
phlixiyou should not forget the needed investment for creating a smartphone or such09:33
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phlixithats pretty much impossible without fast growth. thats why its hard... there is already apple and google... no landgrab avail09:33
the_mgtabranson yep, that is what I meant with that ipod shuffle thing. instead of focussing of doing well what they were already doing very well, they invented new stuff that was too niche09:39
the_mgtI mean, I understand the idea of creating new demands, because eventually everyone that wanted a smart watch already had one. like with tablets. or new german cars in china. at one point, the market becomes saturated09:40
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Tomotemmi_hoo: oh snap xD10:01
temmi_hoohey it is official by all the relevant standards of how corruption is measured: finland has very little corruption10:02
temmi_hoopractically zero but there is a margin of error in the measurement10:02
Tomoyeah, i get that and also agree with you that the corruption is just hidden10:03
Tomobuilt into the systems of "hyväveliverkko" and all that10:04
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temmi_hooand the "en arvellut olevani jäävi päättämään sukulaisilleni osittain virtaavista rahoista"10:10
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r0kk3rzwell thats not a good sign22:05
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