#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2018-11-25

attahIs there any word on when the commercial Sailfish X for XA2 might appear? *take my money*20:26
tiwakeattah: I have it installed on my XA220:30
tiwakenot "commercial" though20:30
attahso no Android?20:31
attahI'm in the unfortunate situation that modern life requires a handful of Android apps... and 4.x got EOL'd hard some months back20:32
tiwakeoh, iunnno20:32
attahso by next year i will have had to give up20:32
attahalready next weekend will be a huge PITA, christmas market without mobile payments20:33
tiwakeI'm kinda shopping around for a SIP phone service20:34
r0kk3rzattah: when dalvik works im guessing :)20:35
attahthat's what i'm afraid for20:35
attahshould be a huge can of worms :/20:36
r0kk3rzwell the rest of the proprietary stuff should JustWorkTM so the alien-dalvik upgrade is the only reason to delay20:41
tiwakeooma seems good, but I can't find anything about it outside of iOS and android20:50
paso where to file bug reports for sailfish OS that are not fitting the mer bugtracker?21:55
pasomething related to UI, f.ex.21:55
mornfalli suspect you are stuck with the TJC blackhole21:59
r0kk3rzyeah tjc is the official bug ignore list22:12
pabut i mean, is there a bug tracker for sailfish specific bugs? not mer-related?22:33
mornfallother than that, no22:33
mornfall(as far as i know, anyway)22:34
r0kk3rztechnically there is, but its not public22:46
r0kk3rzpa: whats the bug?22:48
par0kk3rz: the fact that the password form for a wifi network is a sort of modal dialog22:56
pathat prevents further interaction22:57
paso the usual use case take picture of wifi pwd -> enter it by switching between picture and form is impossible22:57
pai don't even know why would one design that form in such a way22:57
pathis on sailfish 322:58
padon't remember how it was on 2.x22:58
pabut anyhow.. why would such a bugtracker be private? you don't want your users to file bug reports??23:10

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