#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2020-05-06

omniI let my jolla1 begin its upgrade to the latest release an hour or two ago, how long am I expected to wait for it to get through?15:41
omnigreen led blinking rapidly15:41
malis it in the installation mode still?15:45
maldoes display show anything?15:45
omnithe display hasn't shown anything in quite a while15:49
omniit's just the led blinking green15:49
omniI did do a backup to the sdcard, but that doesn't save android stuff and resetting the device and going through all the intermediate upgrades took more than a full day last time an upgrade bricked this device15:53
omnibut perhaps I wasn't patient enough that time and interupted the upgrade15:53
omniI think the led was blinking or steady red then15:54
malbut was it originally in the update mode?15:56
omniI freed up space so it had 6GB or so  on the internal drive15:57
malhow far did the progress bar reach?15:58
omniI didn't watch, I went out for a walk15:58
omniit was done with the download and ready to install, so I pulled down and chose Install15:59
omnithe installation does some signature verification and checksumming, right? my wlan can be a bit flakey16:00
malyeah, it should get packages correctly if you reached that point16:01
omniis there a way to get some kind of console on it at this stage? through usb16:04
omnior if I were to reboot it (I'll be patient for a while longer though)16:05
omniI'd just hate to reset it again and go through all the upgrades16:05
omniI moved the usb cable from the charger to my laptop and it has brought up and rndis device seven times since16:13
malI think the green light means lipstick (the main graphics thing) is restarting16:16
maldoes the device reboot?16:17
Yanielwasn't that the fast red flashing?16:17
Yanielor I guess that was that lipstick has crashed16:17
omnimal: for at least an hour, possibly two or more, the phone has been in this stateand I haven't tried to reboot it in any fashion yet16:20
malupdate shouldn't take that long anyway so maybe rebooting the might make sense16:20
malbut not sure16:20
malalthough on a community device I had issue that processes were dying during update and it took quite long for it finish the update but on community devices update happens differently16:21
omniif I could only know...16:48
malhow did the host dmesg look like, did it look like it's rebooting or not16:53
omnihow would I know? and wouldn't there at least be an interrupt in the constant green flashing of the led?.17:12
omnithe dmesg messages on my laptop has changed a bit, though, more errors17:13
omniit's gone to "Device not responding to setup address."17:14
omniand then perhaps it gave up..?17:15
omni"unable to enumerate USB device"17:15
omniI disconnected and reconnected the USB cable again and got the same error messages17:16
omniso... something has... changed..? is this an indication of progress on the jolla1?17:18
malI think that should not happen17:19
omniI'm hesitant to poercycling the device since I'm afraid my impatience bricked it last time it was stuck in a similar state when doing an upgrade17:19
malone problem is that we don't know what the device did during update because you didn't see if the progress bar went to the end or not17:24
omnibut everything it does during the upgrade process would be behind that progress bar?17:28
malat least should be17:29
omniso, in other words it shouldn't be doing anything meaningful now and any interruption should be fine?17:29
omniI just wish I had some output...17:30
omniI'll chicken and wait just a little longer and then I'll press and hold the power button and, if that doesn't do anything, remove and re-insert the battery17:31
kidI've seen progress indication on Jolla1 and X, but on the tablet it's gone.18:53
malyes, progress bar is not working on tablet18:53
attahNot unfair for a device which there *were* 250 of18:56
attahmine won't boot any more18:57
omniso, I got around to dare and do something, held the power button for quite a while (more than ten seconds) without anything happening, then together with the volume-up button and eventually it buzzed for a while and then rebooted19:32
omniseems operational so far19:33
omniso it just got stuck for whatever reason19:34
omnihmmm... wait, what? it hadn't done an upgrade?19:35
omniperhaps I should prepare and do this manually...19:36
omnipointers please (and yes, I'll keep an eye on the progress bar)19:36
omniI've backed up my android things and now 'ssu re' followed by now running 'version --dup'20:30
omnissh connection cut during package upgrade of openssh-server, but that's fine, running inside screen, but I can't auth with the password any longer however...20:47
omniand I can't get a local shell in fingerterm either...20:52
omnihmm... I had changed shell to zsh for the nemo user, I hope its path hasn't changed _again_ *sigh*20:58
omniI can't open any apps but it's not sluggish any more so perhaps the upgrade is done and the system in need of a reboot, I'll wait a little longer21:13
malomni: if you did version --dup then you might have the issue I mentioned earlier21:27
malwhich means some processes crash a lot during the update21:27
omnimal: so how should you go about upgrading the device?21:33
omninow I'm just vaguely worried the zsh path has changed so I won't be able to log in again, but we'll see when I reboot in a bit21:34
omniI do have backups of everything, just that it takes time to get up sto speed again, going through all the intermediate versions21:35
omniI had installed some extra packages, but no additional repos, btw21:36
malversion --dup should finish eventually21:39
omniyeah, I thought so, seemed to be going a couple of % a minute but I waited till a few minutes ago22:11
omniit booted up just fine and seem operational, but I can't get a shell in fingerterm nor ssh in...22:12
omniit's reachable but won't accept the password the developer screen has generated and shown to me22:12
malprobably because of zsh you mentioned earlier, I remember someone having similar issue22:21
omniright, and hard to fix without managing to get a shell...22:27
omnihmm... for whatever reason I uninstaller and reinstalled File Browser and now I can't start that either..22:30
malmaybe you can fix it via recovery?22:31
malrecovery has a shell where you could change the shell back to normal22:31
omniah, yes, but I had some issues with usb earlier, could be the cable though22:35
omniyes, it was the cable, I'm now in recovery mode and have a shell23:01
omnigot a bit scared though, because it said "typed numbers won't be shown for security reasons" but they were, then I got a warning "Wrong code, try again (4 left) immediately followed by the same two lines as earlier but also "[OK] Code accepted."23:03
omnioh, got echoes, sigh..23:04
omnislow moving /me but I managed to sed the passwd file (after I had made a copy) and now I can get a shell!23:22
omniOH! I get it! the zsh package was never installed because it is still broken23:32
omni"Fatal error: nothing provides /bin/zsh needed by zsh-5.0.2+mer1-1.2.2.jolla.armv7hl"23:33
omniso I crammed it in nevertheless and the binary end up as /usr/bin/zsh23:34
omniwonder how though, have a vague memory of downloading it and manually installing with rpm...23:35
malgood that you got it working again23:57

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