#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2020-05-07

omnimal: yes, and thank you for your input and being here!01:17
spiiroinomni mal: rapidly blinking green led = mce has asked process that supposedly owns display atm to start drawing and has not received a reply -> system is stuck in middle of display power up sequence04:07
spiiroinnormally the display owener would be lipstick compositor, but it can also be ulock ui / upgrade ui / act dead charging ui / etc04:08
spiiroinif you still have logs, the should be mce complaining about compositor around that time04:10
*** leinir_ is now known as leinir07:45
ender|found another problem with the latest update: the Share screen is completely empty - i can only go back18:31
malwhich device?18:34
ender|Xperia 1019:34
omniall of a sudden the lockscreen seem broken, instead of the keypad to enter your code there's the... loading wheel (in lack of better description)21:12
omniit reacts to keypresses, as if the keypad or something is there21:14
omnion reboot I got the keypad back to unlock the device...21:16

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