Thursday, 2024-09-19

ExTechOpGood Morning, everyone! (the "next meeting" date on the channel title does not seem to have been updated)06:39
rainemakgood morning06:59
direc85Good morning!06:59
rainemak#startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 19th September 202406:59
sailbotMeeting started Thu Sep 19 06:59:59 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at
sailbotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.06:59
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rainemak#info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:07:00
rainemakI am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.07:00
rainemak#topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info07:00
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ExTechOp#info Otto Mäkelä, community07:00
rubdos[m]#info Ruben De Smet, community07:00
direc85#info Matti Viljanen, Jolla07:01
Crabster#info Crabster - lurker07:01
pvuorela#info Pekka Vuorela, Jolla07:01
rainemak#info Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla07:02
*** Azrael is now known as Guest389807:02
flypig#info David Llewellyn-Jones, community07:02
sebix[m]#info Sebix, community07:02
rainemakNo topics today. Let's try to keep this brief if plausible -- we have a planning day starting right after this one.07:03
sebix[m]Does anyone have further input to the Hackathon (happening on the following weekend)?07:04
rubdos[m]Q for the hackathon: any forecast on the weather conditions?07:04
rainemaksebix[m], a good topic for general discussion07:04
Thaodan#info Björn Bidar ,  Sailor @ Jolla07:04
flypigsebix[m]: could you summarise the plan?07:05
rainemakplease let's take that for generic07:05
rainemak#topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)07:05
*** sailbot changes topic to "Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 19th September 2024)"07:05
rainemakI know that flypig has some :-) => I haven't had time for check them07:06
rainemakagain that is07:06
rubdos[m]Which ones would that be? ^^07:06
flypigMaybe this would also be a good one to flag:07:07
rainemakrubdos[m], xulrunner PR07:07
rubdos[m]Hehe, I know, just joking. I'll keep it to myself :)07:07
flypigUnfortunately I'm stuck making your requested changes to the gecko-dev PR rainemak. I can't get it to work if I start the browsaer with the prefs set to true. I'll persevere with it though.07:08
flypigThat's on this one for ref:
flypigBut, no rush for these, and no need to further discuss them today.07:09
rainemakflypig, that embedlite-components PR looks pretty straightforward07:11
rainemak=> merged07:12
flypigrainemak: yes, I agree.07:12
flypigBrilliant, thank you!07:12
rainemaklet's move to the general discussion07:12
rainemakif nothing else07:12
direc85I should test building esr91 with the Rust 1.78 and LLVM PRs, I don't remember if there was something else holding those up.07:12
direc85 and for reference07:12
direc85*Rust 1.7907:13
flypigdirec85: if I get time I'll try that too and post what happens on the PRs.07:14
rainemak#topic General discussion (20 mins)07:14
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sebix[m]Concerning the weather in Prague next weekend: Depending on the source 15-20°C and partly cloudy. But no significant rain and therefore no floods :)07:15
direc85flypig, thanks, let's see how it goes07:15
rubdos[m]Good, then I'll finally book all my tickets :'-)07:16
rubdos[m]Any suggested hotel/place to stay?07:16
flypigsebix[m]: As I've not followed all the conversation on the forum, I'm keen to know what the plan is.07:16
flypigI'm also interested to hear accommodation advice!07:16
direc85Do we have any estimate of how many people will join?07:20
rubdos[m]#info Topic for Prague next week07:21
rubdos[m]^ contains a list of sign-ups07:21
sebix[m]flypig: There's no schedule yet as far as I know apart from the location and the start at 9h. But I myself will only arrive at 12am though. I guess we do organize and plan once we meet there or do it day by day. I can assist in doing that, and organize for example some common workgroups or modus operandi07:21
sebix[m]direc85: Currently 11 people confirmed07:22
b100dian[m]Me an Mark are round this area 50°04'34.74"N 14°24'11.20"E which is a walk in the Kinsky Garden park away from the venue, Patrick found a hotel more or less in the opposite direction (so N-W) . Maybe we should also post that on the forum07:22
flypigThanks sebix[m]. Is that 9:00 on Friday morning?07:23
flypigb100dian[m]: I think that's really helpful info to share on the forum.07:23
sebix[m]<flypig> "I'm also interested to hear..." <- to be honest I just looked online whats nearby, available and is not too expensive. I have been there a few times in the past for work but the hotels I used back then are too expensive for non-business trips for me07:24
sebix[m]flypig: yes, I think so07:24
flypigBut it's okay to turn up late (i.e. on Saturday, say)?07:24
sebix[m]flypig: There are no obligations :)07:25
b100dian[m]I mysekf am only flying on Friday so I'll miss most of the first day. So don't worry:)07:25
flypigOkay, that's reassuring to hear :)07:25
flypigThank you!07:25
flypigIt'sa super-exciting :D07:26
rubdos[m]I'm very much looking forward to it :)07:26
* rubdos[m] AFK for 10 mins07:26
b100dian[m]#info Vlad G., community07:27
b100dian[m]Forgot proper introduction, sorry for being late07:27
b100dian[m]We should make an actual plan what to hack on in the following days, the original pist on the firum mentions this Friday setting this more or less in stone07:29
b100dian[m]*post in the forum07:30
flypigI have to drop off (train arriving at the station). Looking forward to the hackathon and enjoy the sauna today sailors!07:30
rainemakI'm coming there as well07:30
sebix[m]Topics that I'd really like to see discussed at the hackathon are the issues and problems that we are facing on the larger scale. For example, how can be make SFOS more accessible, more successful and financially sustainable etc.07:30
direc85I'm joining too07:31
sebix[m]Not only the - very important of course - deep-dive technical hacking.07:31
b100dian[m]I agree SFOS is still pretty much unknown.. Needs more coverage:)07:32
b100dian[m]@direc85 nice!07:32
rubdos[m]sustainability is key indeed.  So many people were looking at me in agony going through my broken Xperia 10, while I'm still waiting for the IV release :'-)07:34
rubdos[m]It makes a bad impression, is what I mean07:35
sebix[m]Yeah, I have the problem that I can't recommend SFOS to non-technical people even though they are very much interested in privacy/security on their phones and would be actually the perfect target group :/07:36
sebix[m]Some weeks ago I had a good exchange with Antti on this07:37
rainemakbefore ExTechOp asks, Xperia 10 IV and 10 V images are on cbeta now07:38
piggz[m]general question by me a sailor might have seen before ... as part of an sdk build, some files are generated, but fail to install due to permission error.  within the sdk, it looks like r permission exists, but from the host, files are missing r, only have w permission.  and sailor seen behaviour like this?07:38
rubdos[m]I'm basically surrounded by people of the "just use Lineage" type, and I don't blame them.  I'm not sure how we can make a constructive hackathon on that topic though, but it's certainly an interesting topic!07:38
piggz[m]nevermind, i think i found it already :)07:39
dcalisteMaybe coming back to creating a list of papercut issues ? Defining what is a papercut and what is not is a difficult problem though.07:40
piggz[m]or did i....07:40
ExTechOprainemak What does the cbeta phase mean in practical terms, when can we expect a working install to become available to the general public?07:40
sebix[m]rubdos[m]: Maybe we can get a common understanding and develop some ideas etc. I guess we can't change the world on a single weekend, but we can make an important step :)07:40
sebix[m]dcaliste: Yeah, I did like the idea of the papercut list/thread a lot07:41
rainemakExTechOp, the first images are with issues like communicated multiple times. Now we just check that all is good flashing and installation wise then roll out to public for the brave community members07:41
rubdos[m]I understood there's very little time between cbeta and EA lately :-)07:42
rainemakrubdos[m], I wanted it so :-)07:42
ExTechOpSince I've selected the "[×] I am brave and might be an early adopter" I might then see it soon, thanks!07:42
direc85For reference, KDE has 15-minute bugs instead of papercuts, but the idea is pretty much the same.07:42
dcalistesebix[m], yeh, that's the list of all the little things that Linux users can easily circumvent via SSH or because they know how it works, but that usual users cannot overcome and which block a larger adoption.07:43
rainemakExTechOp, for this one early adopter is probably more than community members have used to see07:43
rainemakdirec85, honestly there's no such thing as 15-minute bug ;-)07:43
dcalisteThere was this epic thread on TJC :
rainemakExTechOp, known issues like Camera disabled, Fingerprint not working on 10 V and Battery status no updating on 10 V to name major ones <= imo07:44
direc85rainemak: from certain point of view that is true x)07:44
direc85More info about how KDE handles the 15-minute bugs:
dcalisteSome of these little annoyances were squashed. Some are still present and harder to solve.07:45
rubdos[m]care to differ, was a 15 minute fix ;-)07:45
direc85rubdos[m]: just noticed that the review took 43 seconds :D07:46
rubdos[m]It was a very obvious fix :'-)07:47
rainemakrubdos[m], I'm counting whole duration ;-) from finding issues, context switching, fixing it, testing, reviewing, integrating, etc ;-)07:47
rubdos[m]testing is overrated! Just hit merge!07:47
rubdos[m](I'm kidding)07:47
rainemakI'm steering our operations so that we'd have earlier cbeta releases and from there to public07:49
rubdos[m]I'm very happy to read that rainemak.07:49
rubdos[m]shortening the cycle will help both Jolla and the community, I'd say07:49
b100dian[m]Would there be Xperia 10 4/5 devices from Jolla folks to look at the camera logs just in case..?07:50
b100dian[m]Although small chance if mal aready looked:D07:51
rubdos[m]I'm bringing my IV, my 10 I, and probably my freerunner.  I can't claim that it'll be running Sailfish by the time I'm there.07:51
rubdos[m]But since the turnaround time is so short 🙏07:51
rainemakb100dian[m], the whole camera service is disabled as it was hanging / crashing (or something like) and this way preventing suspending => causing heavy battery drain07:55
rainemakb100dian[m], we provided fixes but unfortunately we do not new vendor blobs yet07:56
rainemakb100dian[m], Camera 2 API is surely something to look07:56
rainemakshall we schedule our next meeting07:56
rainemak#topic Next meeting time and date (5 mins)07:57
*** sailbot changes topic to "Next meeting time and date (5 mins) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 19th September 2024)"07:57
rainemakProposing Thursday 3rd October at 07:00am UTC07:57
b100dian[m]ah, so nothing Jolla (or anyone not Sony) can do07:57
ExTechOprainemak Was there any word from Sony about correcting bugs in the binary blobs?07:57
rainemakb100dian[m], I don't think so07:57
rainemakExTechOp, no news yet07:57
ExTechOp3rd works for me.07:58
rainemak#info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd October 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-10-03T0700Z07:58
ExTechOpWe really need to get more people to attend these meetings. Do they get mirrored onto Matrix?07:59
rainemakthat's it then07:59
rubdos[m]iCal file that holds the meeting date would still be great07:59
b100dian[m]If you've set up an IRC bridge for that yourself07:59
rubdos[m]can just dump it in my calendars07:59
sailbotMeeting ended Thu Sep 19 07:59:56 2024 UTC.07:59
sailbot Minutes:
sailbot Minutes (text):
sailbot Log:
*** sailbot changes topic to "Next meeting will be held on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-09-05T0700Z"07:59
ExTechOpThank you everyone!08:00
rainemakthank you everybody!08:00
b100dian[m]Ruben De Smet: isn't the link with the date - in the forum - doing already that, downloading an .ics?08:00
dcalisteThank you.08:00
direc85I just created a bi-weekly meeting in my private calendar for the rest of the year, that's usually close enough.08:00
direc85Thanks everyone!08:00
ExTechOpb100dian[m] I'm kinda new to that part, is this explained anywhere in detail?08:01
direc85ExTechOp: The Matrix-IRC bridge? shoud get you started :)08:02
Crabsterthx #?08:04

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