Thursday, 2024-10-17

ExTechOpGood morning/day/evening, everyone!06:44
direc85Good morning!07:01
rainemak#startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 202407:02
sailbotMeeting started Thu Oct 17 07:02:06 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at
sailbotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.07:02
*** sailbot changes topic to " (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:02
rainemak#info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:07:02
rainemakI am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.07:02
rainemak#topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info07:02
*** sailbot changes topic to "Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:02
rainemakSorry for being a bit late07:02
piggz[m]#info piggz community07:02
piggz[m]Gm flypig07:02
ExTechOp#info Otto Mäkelä, community07:02
direc85#info Matti Viljanen, Jolla07:03
flypig#info David Llewellyn-Jones, community07:03
Crabster#info Crabster - lurker07:03
rainemak#info Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla07:03
pvuorela#info Pekka Vuorela, Jolla07:04
sebix[m]#info Sebix, community07:04
rainemakalright, let's get started07:05
rainemak#topic What are Jolla’s plans on re-releasing the ca. 15 Open Source Software components at GitHub (2 mins -- asked by olf)07:06
*** sailbot changes topic to "What are Jolla’s plans on re-releasing the ca. 15 Open Source Software components at GitHub (2 mins -- asked by olf) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> Too long question to be pasted here. Hence, above link. Yes, there07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> are components in the roadmap that we're planning to open source.07:06
dcaliste#info Damien Caliste, community07:07
rainemakNext topic is similar. So, maybe we move there already.07:08
sebix[m]Is that the complete answer?07:08
rainemak#topic Jolla Weather App (2 mins -- asked by cquence)07:09
*** sailbot changes topic to "Jolla Weather App (2 mins -- asked by cquence) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:09
rainemak#info <cquence> Any updates on restoring/opensourcing/creating a plug-in07:09
rainemak#info <cquence> architecture to load custom weather backends for the weather07:09
rainemak#info <cquence> application? I really like MeeCast but I do miss the original07:09
rainemak#info <cquence> Jolla weather app.07:09
rainemak#info <Jolla> Same as above. Plug-in architecture might be a good idea how ever #info <Jolla> APIs tend to be quite service specific. How would like to see07:10
rainemak#info <Jolla> architecture evolving?07:10
ExTechOpAny info on the time scale for this?07:10
rainemakOn the roadmap, hoping to get some of them out still during fall.07:12
rainemak#topic Decouple the device encryption password with the login screen (2mins asked by Systematics)07:15
*** sailbot changes topic to "Decouple the device encryption password with the login screen (2mins asked by Systematics) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:15
rainemak#info <Systematics> As raised concern in previous meetings I would like to use a07:15
rainemak#info <Systematics> long and complex device encryption password for my07:15
rainemak#info <Systematics> smartphone. Without a fingerprint reader I would need to type07:15
rainemak#info <Systematics> the long and complex password (special characters) every time07:15
rainemak#info <Systematics> if I want to unlock my phone. The C2 does not have a07:15
rainemak#info <Systematics> fingerprint reader. What is the current state of decoupling07:15
rainemak#info <Systematics> the password?07:15
rainemak#info <Jolla> Thanks for raising this again. We have not implemented anything on07:15
rainemak#info <Jolla> this regards but this is not forgotten either. This keeps popping07:15
rainemak#info <Jolla> up every-now-and-then.07:15
rainemakMaybe somebody could remind me but I do not think we promised to implement this. Implementing this add extra bit of complexity to the device lock handling.07:17
piggz[m]Reminder, community ports already have this :)07:18
rainemaka question: how frequently you shutdown your device?07:20
direc85As rarely as I can :)07:21
piggz[m]Well, probably too regularly. Waydroid on volla x23 can leak quite the ram, and too often i have to reboot, but thats an issue for me, not generally :)07:21
ExTechOpNot that often, maybe every couple of weeks.07:21
direc85Typically it's the X10III pulseaudio bug that forces me to reboot. Restarting the service doesn't always restore the audio in phone calls. Something like once every 2-3 weeks.07:22
sebix[m]At least daily or until I lose audio in phone calls and have to reboot quickly :/07:22
rainemaksame for myself, as rarely as I can => thus I do not really unlock the luks too often. So likely, my device would be already unlocked state if I'd loose it.07:25
rainemakThanks for the answers. Shall we move on.07:26
rainemak#topic SB2 bugs prevalent in Qt6 builds (7mins asked by rinigus)07:27
*** sailbot changes topic to "SB2 bugs prevalent in Qt6 builds (7mins asked by rinigus) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:27
ExTechOpdirec85 It'd be nice if that finally got fixed07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus> We have frequently wrong permissions for files that were07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus> generated during package builds of Qt6. Similar was for Qt515.07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus> Corresponding bug report was filed a while ago. Any progress07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus> regarding it?07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus>07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus> Corresponding bug: SDK sometimes creates files with 00007:27
rainemak#info <rinigus> permissions07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus>07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus>07:27
rainemak#info <rinigus> Bug report updated with the example from Qt6 build.07:27
rainemak#info <Jolla> Some of did poke this or something similar. We'll update rinigus07:29
rainemak#info <Jolla> and piggz you directly once we have something.07:29
piggz[m]Eager to get a fix for this one :)07:30
piggz[m]Qt6 is expected to hit chum soon (tm)07:30
rainemakthat's by the way nice works!07:30
piggz[m]Ta :)07:31
rainemakpvuorela, direc85, by any chance do you recall who did see this? Maybe it was mal who commented about the above?07:32
flypigOut of curiosity, do you know which part of the toolchain is writing the wrong permissions?07:32
direc85I remeber some conversation in #sailfishos, I'll have a peek there.07:32
rainemakgenerally speaking, sb2 may cause troubles like it did when we first introduced rust07:33
pvuorelai have no idea here.07:33
piggz[m]Flypig mostly the part that writes *.qmltypes files07:33
rainemakI'm not too into this topic but I'd expect that sb2 lua scripts could lead to something07:34
flypigThanks :) I don't know which bit does that off the top of my head... the qmoc compiler?07:34
ViGeno it's not that07:35
ViGeit was something something qmlregistersomething07:35
flypigOkay, thanks. That's interesting (just curiousity).07:35
piggz[m]Flypig, i cant remember rn, but something like vige says, will be in some logs07:35
ViGeLooks like the logfile is already gone from OBS :( or at least I can't find it now07:36
rainemakI'd say that we do not to need to solve this right now. Same time it sounds we get good start with this topic already. Nice to see ViGe as well.07:38
ViGerainemak: I almost missed this again, I should have some alarm for these meetings...07:39
rainemaklet's move on07:40
ViGeIt might be that the easiest fix is to accelerate qmltyperegistrar. Or then see what it does and really fix the underlying issue which is most likely in sb2.07:40
rainemak#topic SFOS 5.0 telephony and data stack (5mins asked by cquence)07:40
*** sailbot changes topic to "SFOS 5.0 telephony and data stack (5mins asked by cquence) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:40
direc85It was mal who commented on that, but there's not much to add here.07:40
rainemak#info <cquence> Can you please provide some clarification whether the new07:40
rainemak#info <cquence> telephony and data stack will become the new standard for all07:40
rainemak#info <cquence> devices? If not, which devices will be getting it? Since C207:40
rainemak#info <cquence> doesn’t support 5G, what are the plans for enabling 5G in this07:40
rainemak#info <cquence> new stack? Will you be using a different device for development?07:40
rainemak#info <cquence> Any information you can share will be helpful.07:40
rainemak#info <Jolla> Eventually it'll replaces current approach. There are hardware07:41
rainemakadaptation specific bits as well. Xperia 10 IV and 10 V are still using older approach.07:41
rainemaklet's try again...07:41
rainemak#info <Jolla> Eventually it'll replaces current approach. There are hardware07:41
rainemak#info <Jolla> adaptation specific bits as well. Xperia 10 IV and 10 V are still07:41
rainemak#info <Jolla> using older approach.07:41
rainemakI guess, nothing more to update on this.07:46
flypigIs this AIDL telephony interface due to a move to Android 13?07:46
rainemakA13 but I don't know why for example Sony still uses HIDL07:46
rainemakthere's by the weird IDL misinterpretation in Android sources07:47
flypigThanks (and sorry, I didn't read that entire thread, so it's probably all there already).07:47
rainemakI cannot find it now... something regarding definition vs description somewhere07:49
rainemakmoving on07:49
rainemak#topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)07:49
*** sailbot changes topic to "Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:49
rainemakwe don't need to use 5mins here if not really needed07:50
rainemakI'd rather leave more time for general discussion if there's need for that07:50
rainemaklet's move to general... we can continue PR discussion there as well if needed07:52
rainemak#topic General discussion (7 mins)07:52
*** sailbot changes topic to "General discussion (7 mins) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"07:52
rainemakWe're eagerly waiting to get Jolla C2s to our logistic partner here @ Tampere Finland07:53
piggz[m]Wondering if i should have got a c2 ......07:55
ExTechOpI've now installed Sailfish on my Sony Xperia 10V (works fine as far as it goes), and am interested in knowing how things are expected to proceed?07:57
flypigI'm certainly excited to find out what the phone is like... it looks great in the videos, but that never gives a full picture.07:57
flypigThe shop currently says "sold out" for the C2, but is the plan to reopen orders once it starts to ship?07:57
ViGeI was also too slow in making up my mind and was faced with the "sold out" text when I was finally ready to order one :(07:57
flypigExTechOp: could you elaborate on "as far as it goes"? I've not had time to flash my 10V yet, so wondering what to expect.07:58
rainemakExTechOp, once we have new vendor blobs that are working better we do a hotfix to re-enable camera and give instructions how to update 10 IV and 10 V07:58
ExTechOpThe mentioned problems of charge levels not updating and so on.07:58
rainemakwe're running out of time07:59
flypigViGe: I remember that happening to me with the original C. It's always a shame if you *want* to buy it but can't!07:59
ExTechOprainemak Thanks for the update!07:59
rainemakflypig, let's figure out a link for you regarding known issues08:00
rainemak#topic Next meeting time and date (1 min)08:00
*** sailbot changes topic to "Next meeting time and date (1 min) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 17th October 2024)"08:00
rainemakProposing Thursday 31st October at 07:00am UTC08:00
flypigrainemak: thank you, your discussion already helped (I shouldn't hold back from installing).08:01
rainemakah, true that08:01
rainemakwould it still work08:01
rainemak#info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 31st October 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-10-31T0700Z08:02
ViGeworks for me, I already added a reminder to my calendar :-D08:02
ExTechOpIndeed, do we have people from countries who have that day off?08:02
flypigSorry, my Halloween comment was just an observation, not a reason not to have the meeting!08:02
flypigExTechOp, are there any?08:03
rainemakThat is it for this week. Thank you all!08:03
sailbotMeeting ended Thu Oct 17 08:04:02 2024 UTC.08:04
sailbot Minutes:
sailbot Minutes (text):
sailbot Log:
*** sailbot changes topic to "Next meeting will be held on Thursday 17th October 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-10-17T0700Z"08:04
flypigThanks rainemak, all! Enjoyed the discussion as always.08:04
ExTechOpThank you, everyone!08:04
Crabsterthx #?08:04
direc85Thank you all!08:05
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Next meeting will be held on Thursday 31st October 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-10-31T0700Z"09:02
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