Monday, 2019-04-08

T4Hound77 was added by: Hound7703:15
T4<Hound77> Can I build SFOS on Viper OS ?03:21
T4neochapay was added by: neochapay03:28
r0kk3rzwhats viper os?03:50
T4<Hound77> … Do I have to download all the three or only one ?03:51
r0kk3rzyou need the tooling and an appropriate target03:53
T4<Hound77> So only one. So if choose armv7hl its for 64 bit port ?03:55
r0kk3rztwo, the tooling and the target :P and yes choose armv7hl for arm ports03:57
T4<Hound77> Okay. Thank you.03:58
Mister_Magistermal: it's titian06:16
Mister_Magisterand ye it has very very old gst-droid06:16
Mister_Magisterand i also get what abranson was talking about sometimes app freeze when i pulldown pulldown menu and i have to reboot06:17
T4<Hound77> ```<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> … <manifest> …   <project path="device/motorola/payton" "name="LineageOS/android_device_motorola_payton" remote="github" revision="1ineage-15.1" /> …   <project path="kernel/motorola/payton" "name="LineageOS/android_kernel_motorola_msm8998" remote="github" revision="lineage-15.1" /> … </manifest>`06:30
T4<Hound77> Is there something wrong with this ?06:30
r0kk3rzyes, you didnt use pastebin :P06:30
T4<Hound77> Yeah sorry.06:32
T4<linusdan> charlie: nope, it has to be with the sailfish repositories06:37
r0kk3rzthose are device repos06:41
T4<meierrom> @Hound77 [Can I build SFOS on Viper OS ?], Isn't Viper OS an Android fork? So no, that's not how it works.07:51
T4<Hound77> So does Lineage.07:57
T4<meierrom> @Hound77 [So does Lineage.], I'm getting you now. It may work but you'll be pretty much on your own fixing stuff. Better follow HADK. :)08:21
r0kk3rzyou'd need to patch whatever tree they use08:21
T4<Hound77> Okay08:46
T4<Hound77> Is it possible to use Volte on Sailfish ?08:47
r0kk3rznot as yet08:52
T4<Hound77> Does it have to be developed by Jolla ? Or any one. Since it's open source.08:54
r0kk3rza lot of the telephony stack is open source, so could be done by anyone08:56
r0kk3rzit was announced as a 'sailfish 3' feature, so they might work on it08:56
*** OhYash1 is now known as ohyash08:59
*** OhYash1 is now known as ohyash09:11
T4<Hound77> In the port guide 5.2 Device repos,  … ```repo sync``` … works on $ANDROID_ROOT folder but not at home. Is it right because … ```repo init``` … was don't on that folder.09:25
T4<Hound77> [Edit] In the port guide 5.2 Device repos,  … ```repo sync``` … works on $ANDROID_ROOT folder but not at home. Is it right because … ```repo init``` … was done on that folder.09:26
T4<Hound77> [Edit] In the port guide 5.2 Device repos,  … ```repo sync``` … works on $ANDROID_ROOT folder but not at home. Is it right because … ```repo init``` … was done on $ANDROID_ROOT folder.09:26
T4<birdzhang> @Hound77 pls do not use edit feature, see the pinned message09:28
T4<Hound77> In the port guide 5.2 Device repos,  … repo sync … works on $ANDROID_ROOT folder but not at home. Is it right because … repo init … was done on $ANDROID_ROOT folder.09:32
T4ychristianp was added by: ychristianp09:33
T4<Hound77> How much exactly does repo sync end downloads for hybris-15.1?11:08
T4<Hound77> Why do I get this error ? It happened after I restart my PC. …
malrun without --fetch-submodules once14:25
T4<Hound77> It runs now but why ? It used to work before I restarted my PC.14:26
T4<Hound77> Whats the difference ?14:27
malno idea, what --fetch-submodules has had some issues occasionally14:27
T4<Hound77> Okay14:28
T4<Hound77> Can some one explain me the 5.3 Configure Mountpoint Information ?17:36
T4<austenite> @Hound77  check fstab , it has some mountpoints17:41
T4<Hound77> @austenite [@Hound77  check fstab , it has some mountpoint …], On phone ?17:58
*** OhYash1 is now known as ohyash18:11
T4<austenite> @Hound77 [On phone ?], in device sources, or run ls -l /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/  via adb18:28
T4<austenite> and @Hound77 we are not supposed to use direct reply/edit feature in telegram 😉18:36
T4<DSstill01> @austenite [and @Hound77 we are not supposed to use direct …], Ah19:04
*** OhYash1 is now known as ohyash20:29
UmeaboyWhere are the APN settings defined in Sailfish? I know where to change the Data and MMS options, but I was wondering what file that presets the APN when Sailfish is installed and runned.22:41
malUmeaboy: isn't that just in apn settings, not sure what the menu is called in the english version22:45
Umeaboymal: I'm not talking about the actual menu item.22:45
malnot really sure what settings you are trying to change22:46
UmeaboyI'm talking about what file that presets the APN settings.22:46
Umeaboymal: Can I PM you?23:19
UmeaboyI just have a question for my fork.23:19
UmeaboyI want to make it right.23:19
UmeaboyHopefully I added the right APN settings now:
UmeaboyI don't I need anymore info.23:38
UmeaboyOK. Take care!23:45

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