Thursday, 2020-07-02

T42<Uchihaitachii> Noice04:01
T42<ItsMeShouko> Hello, I am back again. So while running --mic tool, I received this:09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> repo problem: nothing provides pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> So, I tried running this:09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> rpm/dhd/helpers/ --mw=pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> Which resulted in this:09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> Cloning into 'pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue'...09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> Already up to date.09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> No provider of 'audioflingerglue-devel >= 0.0.1' found.09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> Setting version: 12.2.4+master.20191025110819.95ac67e09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> error: Failed build dependencies:09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko>         audioflingerglue-devel >= 0.0.1 is needed by pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue-12.2.4+master.20191025110819.95ac67e-1.armv7hl09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> Building target platforms: armv7hl-meego-linux09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> Building for target armv7hl-meego-linux09:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> * Check /home/shouko/hadk/hybris/mw/pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.log for full log.09:24
T42<adampigg> build audioflingerglue?11:07
T42<ankaos> @ItsMeShouko [Hello, I am back again. So while running --mic …], See my repo. Maybe fix this problem11:24
T42<ItsMeShouko> @adampigg [build audioflingerglue?], rpm/dhd/helpers/ --mw=audioflingerglue11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko> No provider of 'droid-bin-src-full' found.11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko> No provider of 'ubu-trusty' found.11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko> NOTICE: No tags describe the HEAD, will not fix package version.11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko> error: Failed build dependencies:11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko>         droid-bin-src-full is needed by audioflingerglue-0.0.7-1.%{device_rpm_architecture_string}11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko>         sudo-for-abuild is needed by audioflingerglue-0.0.7-1.%{device_rpm_architecture_string}11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko>         ubu-trusty is needed by audioflingerglue-0.0.7-1.%{device_rpm_architecture_string}11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko> Building target platforms: armv7hl-meego-linux11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko> Building for target armv7hl-meego-linux11:26
T42<ItsMeShouko> @ankaos [See my repo. Maybe fix this problem], link please?11:26
T42<ankaos> @ItsMeShouko [link please?],
T42<adampigg> read the hadk!11:27
T42<Uchihaitachii> @ItsMeShouko [Hello, I am back again. So while running --mic …], Pro12:31
T42<vtsoft> `error: in `sync --fetch-submodules`: revision refs/tags/android-9.0.0_r46 in platform/external/libopus not found13:56
T42<vtsoft> how` t13:56
T42<vtsoft> ```error: in `sync --fetch-submodules`: revision refs/tags/android-9.0.0_r46 in platform/external/libopus not found13:58
T42<vtsoft> ```I'm porting sailfish to I01WD. How to fix this error? my [manifest](
*** olesalscheider_ is now known as olesalscheider15:14
*** Mister_Magister_ is now known as Mister_Magister15:14
mal@vtsoft try with only "repo sync" without the --fetch-submodules16:05
T42<ItsMeShouko> @ItsMeShouko [Hello, I am back again. So while running --mic …], Bumping17:34
T42<ItsMeShouko> @ItsMeShouko [rpm/dhd/helpers/ --mw=audiofl …], *bumping17:34
T42<Uchihaitachii> 😃17:35
T42<ItsMeShouko> @Uchihaitachii [😃], Sar just don't look, help too17:35
T42<Uchihaitachii> @KernelPanix17:36
T42<KernelPanix> @Uchihaitachii [@KernelPanix], 😊😊😊17:41
deathmist@ItsMeShouko read. the. hadk.
deathmistalso why are you even trying to build audioflingerglue in the first place? the latest HADK doesn't mention this deprecated component even once17:49
T42<ItsMeShouko> I was reusing droid-* repos by some other dev who ported 3.2.117:52
T42<ItsMeShouko> I think that's why it is happening17:52
deathmist@ItsMeShouko you certainly need to upgrade every single submodule in those droid-* repos they've used because those won't work for 3.3 as is, that is practically guaranteed. also replace "audioflingerglue" package in patterns with "audiosystem-passthrough-dummy-af"17:58
deathmistoh and also add "pulseaudio-modules-droid-hidl"18:00
deathmist(that should be the replacement for "pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue")18:01
T42<vtsoft> @mal [@vtsoft try with only "repo sync" without the …], Thanks, repo sync was successful.18:48
rinigus@vtsoft: after plain repo sync, you could usually run one with --fetch-submodules20:14

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