Sunday, 2021-08-01

T42<supirlelik96> /graphical11:46
T42<supirlelik96>  log initt11:55
T42<supirlelik96>  log initt (edited)11:55
T42<supirlelik96> (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>come on, just s...)12:07
T42<edp_17> Hi all, I though, would be easier to make an aarch64 build. I've updated the target and rebuilt hybris-hal but when tried to build droid-hal, I got this error:
T42<edp_17> Can please someone advise how to solve it?12:16
mal@edp_17 there are the built arm versions of some files in system/core, please remove those manually12:23
mal@edp_17 so remove all *.o files from anywhere under system/core12:23
mal@supirlelik96 I don't understand what you have done to make those become files and not be symlinks, those come from a common place12:24
T42<supirlelik96> ok12:38
mal@supirlelik96 is that still a file after reinstalling12:42
T42<supirlelik96> vibration work12:47
T42<supirlelik96> phone on logo redmi12:48
T42<edp_17> mal: thanks12:51
mal@supirlelik96 which android base is that?12:52
T42<supirlelik96> lineage os 1612:53
malare you sure you have correctly disabled selinux?12:53
T42<supirlelik96> mal:
T42<supirlelik96> yes (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>are you sure yo...)12:53
malshow full output of "journalctl -b --no-pager"12:54
T42<supirlelik96> audit = n  in kerne;12:54
T42<supirlelik96> ok (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>show full outpu...)12:54
T42<supirlelik96> and  cmdline selinux=0 (re @supirlelik96: audit = n  in kerne;)12:54
mal@supirlelik96 no, CONFIG_AUDIT should be =y in kernel12:54
T42<supirlelik96> 😮12:54
malshow the defconfig file12:54
T42<supirlelik96> ok12:54
T42<supirlelik96> defconfig mal12:55
T42<supirlelik96> mal : defconfig on ubuntu pastebin (edited)12:56
T42<edp_17> mal: didn't work:
mal@supirlelik96 change to CONFIG_AUDIT=y and rebuild12:58
T42<supirlelik96> ok12:58
mal@edp_17 go to rpm/dhd and run "git clean -x -d -f"12:58
T42<edp_17> okay, thanks.12:58
T42<supirlelik96> mal:
T42<supirlelik96> mal: full journalctl log (edited)13:01
malshow output of /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/logcat13:04
T42<supirlelik96> ok13:05
malhow did you rebuild kernel?13:06
T42<supirlelik96> I'm recompiling the kernel using clang13:06
T42<supirlelik96> mal :13:07
T42<supirlelik96> sh-5.0# /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/logcat13:07
T42<supirlelik96> logcat read failure13:07
T42<supirlelik96> sh-5.0#13:07
T42<supirlelik96>  log droid-hal broken13:09
malwhat did you mean by that kernel build, did you build it the normal, how did you install the kernel?13:13
mal*normal way13:14
T42<supirlelik96> yes13:14
T42<supirlelik96> Yes, the kernel is assembled normally and I flash it hybirs-boot. img in twrp13:14
malcan you verify the correct kernel is used, check output of "zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_AUDIT"13:16
T42<supirlelik96> ok13:18
T42<edp_17> mal: cleaning rpm/dhd has worked. Thanks!14:27
T42<supirlelik96>  dmesg15:39
malyou never said if you verified what CONFIG_AUDIT is in your device using the command I gave15:45
T42<supirlelik96> My CONFIG_AUDIT=y16:06
maldo you have the proper ld.config.28.txt file setup, it seems the config you have on github is missing some parts so I can't verify it16:08
malalso you should not have folders tmp, installroot in the config repo git16:09
malthose are always regenerated at build time16:10
T42<supirlelik96> Yeah16:11
T42<supirlelik96> I will update the sources16:11
malthe whole sparse folder is missing from that git repo16:15
T42<supirlelik96> Yes17:19
T42<supirlelik96> Yeah17:19
T42<supirlelik96> mal:
T42<supirlelik96> I have CONFIG_AUDIT=y in my kernel and your command outputs y too18:10
T42<supirlelik96> I have CONFIG_AUDIT=y in my kernel hybris and your command outputs y too (edited)18:11
malstill waiting for the config repo to be update18:14
T42<supirlelik96> i am updating repo on git18:14
T42<supirlelik96> mal:
T42<supirlelik96> I updated repi18:25
T42<supirlelik96> I updated source on repo (edited)18:25
maldo you have /system/etc/ld.config.28.txt file?18:29
mal@supirlelik96 that looks wrong, the symlink should be pointing ../18:30
malI mean to ../system-etc-ld.config.28.txt.mount18:31
T42<supirlelik96> i see18:31
malbut you should also check that you have /system/etc/ld.config.28.txt18:31
malon device18:31
T42<supirlelik96> ok18:31
T42<supirlelik96> mal: system_root&18:41
T42<supirlelik96> mal: system_root? (edited)18:41
maldon't you have /system?18:42
T42<supirlelik96> yes18:43
T42<supirlelik96> /system_root/system18:43
malthe /system should point to that afaik18:43
T42<supirlelik96> I have ld.config.28.txt18:44
malso now fix the symlink I mentioned a moment ago18:45
T42<supirlelik96> ok18:46
T42<elros34> will that mount unit even work? It should be in /usr/lib/systemd intead /lib/systemd/18:49
mal@supirlelik96 fix that also18:50
T42<elros34> From which droid-config repo do you copy files? It's outdated if it use /lib/systemd/18:53
mal@elros34 I think the example in faq points to a quite old commit18:56
malit should be fixed18:57
T42<elros34> right but he also has sparse/etc/selinux/ and mny other files  probably copied from different device18:58
T42<supirlelik96> yes from mi a2 (re @elros34: right but he also ha...)19:06
T42<elros34> that doesn't tell me much, codename or even url  would be better19:09
T42<supirlelik96> i fixed symlink and rebuild droid-config19:19
T42<supirlelik96> i fixed symlink and rebuild droid-configs (edited)19:19
T42<supirlelik96> i fixed symlinks and rebuild droid-configs (edited)19:19
malplease do not edit telegram posts on this channel, those are shown duplicated in irc side19:33
T42<supirlelik96> ok19:33
T42<elros34> according to github path and symlink is still wrong19:38
T42<elros34> also with your latest commit some important lines from ld.config.28.txt were also removed19:41
T42<supirlelik96> init log19:56
T42<supirlelik96> [   34.384944] droid-hal-init: Failed to initialize property area19:58
T42<elros34> yeah or ignore advices... If you would not add that grep init then it would be clear whether selinux is corectly disabled from dmesg19:58
T42<elros34> as you can see your previous dmesg starts from second 0, this once from 3 which is too late20:01
T42<supirlelik96> In the audit=y kernel and in the device tree I added the parameters:20:02
T42<supirlelik96> In the audit=y kernel and in the device tree I added20:02
T42<supirlelik96> In the audit=y kernel and in the device tree I added the parameters: (edited)20:02
T42<supirlelik96> In the audit=y kernel and in the device tree I added the parameters:20:02
T42<supirlelik96> BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=yes20:02
T42<supirlelik96> BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += androidboot.selinux=permissive20:02
T42<supirlelik96> BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += audit=0 selinux=0 androidboot.configfs=true (edited)20:02
T42<supirlelik96> when I do dmesg, I only have 3 (re @elros34: as you can see your ...)20:03
T42<supirlelik96> when I do dmesg, I only have from 3 (edited) (re @elros34: as you can see your ...)20:03
T42<elros34> because it's too late, you need to reboot and be fast. I do not believe changes users make so I always ask for dmesg20:04
T42<supirlelik96> ok20:04
T42<supirlelik96> dmesg from 020:07
T42<supirlelik96> dmesg from 0.65 (edited)20:07
T42<supirlelik96> dmesg from 0.65 (re @elros34: because it's too lat...)20:08
T42<neochapay> Oh kmmmon disable selinux first!!!! (re @supirlelik96: https://paste.ubuntu...)20:10
T42<supirlelik96> WHAT??? (re @supirlelik96: In the audit=y kerne...)20:10
T42<neochapay> You kernel start with enabled selinux as i say you 1 week ago... (re @supirlelik96: WHAT???)20:11
T42<neochapay> Disable it20:11
T42<supirlelik96> in kernel defconfig?20:11
T42<neochapay> I don't know how you device generate kernel cmd line.20:12
T42<neochapay> . (re @supirlelik96: in kernel defconfig?)20:12
T42<elros34> it's possible to do this via defconfig only CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX_BOOTPARAM_VALUE=0:
T42<supirlelik96> ok THANK YOU (re @elros34: it's possible to do ...)20:18
T42<supirlelik96> I have this parameter20:20
T42<supirlelik96> I already had this parameter20:20
T42<supirlelik96> I already had this parameter (re @elros34: it's possible to do ...)20:20
T42<supirlelik96> this line remove?20:21
T42<supirlelik96> I already had this line (edited) (re @elros34: it's possible to do ...)20:21
T42<elros34> obviously no20:21
T42<supirlelik96> yeah20:21
T42<elros34> if you can confirm it in config.gz then dmesg from 0s is not required20:22
T42<supirlelik96> ok20:22
T42<supirlelik96> onc:/ # zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX_BOOTPARAM20:26
T42<supirlelik96> # CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX_BOOTPARAM is not set (re @elros34: if you can confirm i...)20:26
T42<supirlelik96> onc:/ # zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX_BOOTPARAM20:26
T42<supirlelik96> # CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX_BOOTPARAM is not set (edited) (re @elros34: if you can confirm i...)20:26
T42<elros34> now you do understand why I ask about dmesg:)20:27
T42<supirlelik96> yes20:27
T42<elros34> show you .config or config.gz20:29
T42<supirlelik96> ok (re @elros34: show you .config or ...)20:30
T42<elros34> that log looks good, look at line 9520:31
T42<supirlelik96> wow20:32
T42<supirlelik96> (re @elros34: show you .config or ...)20:32
T42<elros34> that doesn't make sense20:33
T42<supirlelik96> I correctly understood that it is necessary to fix this error with droid-hal-init20:34
T42<supirlelik96> [   34.384944] droid-hal-init: Failed to initialize property area20:34
T42<supirlelik96> yeah20:34
T42<elros34> you are mixing something so we are going nowhere. Read again link I gave few days ago. Then compare your config.gz and .config. Your latest dmesg suggest that you have correct defconfig but in your latest paste it is not correct20:38
T42<supirlelik96> yeah20:41
T42<elros34> your create symlink wrong way ln -s ..somename. It should be ln -s ../somename20:42
T42<supirlelik96> defconfig my kernel (edited)20:43
T42<supirlelik96> I created a symlink like this ln-s ..file-name link-name20:44
T42<supirlelik96> I created a symlink like this ln -s ..file-name symlink-name (edited)20:45
T42<supirlelik96> I understand thank you (re @elros34: your create symlink ...)20:45
T42<elros34> also add printk.devkmsg=on to kernel boot params20:46
T42<supirlelik96> щл20:48
T42<supirlelik96> ok20:48
T42<supirlelik96> Im rebuidling kernel (re @elros34: also add printk.devk...)21:01
T42<supirlelik96> also droid-configs and rootfs21:01
T42<elros34> did you finally fixed /usr/lib/systemd path?21:02
T42<supirlelik96> ?21:06
T42<supirlelik96> I created symlinks correctly now (re @elros34: did you finally fixe...)21:06
T42<supirlelik96> I don't understand what needs to be done to fix it?21:09
T42<elros34> simply move sparse/lib/systemd to sparse/usr/lib/systemd21:10
T42<supirlelik96> ok21:10
T42<supirlelik96> thanks21:10
T42<supirlelik96> Im fixed  and building rootfs21:11
T42<supirlelik96> Im fixed  and building droid-configs and also roofs (edited)21:11
T42<supirlelik96> Im fixed path and building droid-configs and also roofs (edited)21:13
T42<supirlelik96> init log21:35
T42<supirlelik96> journalctl (edited)21:37
maldid you fix the systemd paths21:38
T42<supirlelik96> iam fixed paths21:39
T42<supirlelik96> and simlinks21:39
malI meant what elros34 said, you need to move the sparse/lib/systemd folder to sparse/usr/lib/systemd in config repo21:40
T42<elros34> why do you keep adding | grep init, always provide full logs21:40
T42<supirlelik96> ok21:40
T42<supirlelik96> yes (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>I meant what el...)21:40
malyour repo in github still has those in lib
T42<supirlelik96>  console-ramoops21:42
T42<supirlelik96> Im not updated source on git (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>your repo in gi...)21:43
T42<elros34> why console-ramoops? According to that log you have not added printk.devkmsg=on to bootparams. How excatly did you build kernel?21:44
T42<supirlelik96> yes21:45
T42<supirlelik96> im update source on git21:45
T42<supirlelik96> kmsg dev21:47
T42<elros34> line 41, do you see printk.devkmsg=on there?21:49
T42<supirlelik96> no21:50
T42<supirlelik96> yeag21:51
T42<supirlelik96> yeah (edited)21:51
T42<supirlelik96> In cmdline kernel ignoring and cmdline in isnt ignore21:51
T42<elros34> could you answer question I asked/21:52
T42<supirlelik96> The cmdline is ignored in the kernel it is necessary to add the cmdline in the device tree21:52
T42<supirlelik96> I will have to rebuild the device tree again and the kernel21:53
T42<elros34> I asked how excatly do you build kernel.21:53
T42<supirlelik96> The cmdline is ignored in the kernel it is necessary to add the cmdline in the device tree (edited)21:53
T42<supirlelik96> in kernel/xiaomi/onclite/  ARCH64=arm make mrproper21:54
T42<supirlelik96> android_root (re @elros34: I asked how excatly ...)21:54
T42<supirlelik96> in kernel/xiaomi/onclite/  ARCH64=arm make mrproper21:55
T42<supirlelik96> android_root rebuild hybris-hal (edited) (re @elros34: I asked how excatly ...)21:55
T42<supirlelik96> in HABUILD_SDK21:55
T42<supirlelik96> in kernel/xiaomi/onclite/  ARCH64=arm make mrproper21:55
T42<supirlelik96> android_root rebuild hybris-hal21:55
T42<supirlelik96> (source build/envsetup.sh21:55
T42<supirlelik96> export USE_CCACHE=121:55
T42<supirlelik96> breakfast $DEVICE21:55
T42<supirlelik96> make -j$(nproc --all) hybris-hal droidmedia) (edited) (re @elros34: I asked how excatly ...)21:55
T42<elros34> is that all?21:56
T42<supirlelik96> yes21:57
T42<supirlelik96> only the kernel that I changed is recompiled21:58
T42<elros34> I see not reason for make mrproper. Also after building hybris-hal you need to package it: -d.21:58
T42<supirlelik96> okey21:58
T42<supirlelik96> I am rebuild droid-configs21:59
T42<supirlelik96> Hmm, but I still did the droid-configs rebild22:00
T42<supirlelik96> Hmm, but I still did the droid-configs rebuld (edited)22:00
T42<supirlelik96> Hmm, but I still did the droid-configs rebuilf (edited)22:00
T42<supirlelik96> Hmm, but I still did the droid-configs rebuild (edited)22:00
mal@supirlelik96 what did I tell you about editing post in telegram? I see those last edits as 4 separate lines in irc22:21

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