Friday, 2024-05-17

T42_<adampigg> Did you edit the gbinder config as per wiki? (re @A_T_R: Hi i am trying to bo...)13:37
T42_<Umeaman> I don't mean to sound rude, but I find it even more confusing to use both the HADK PDF & the documentation on the subdomain for sailfishos. Any way to make it LESS confusing?14:41
T42_<Umeaman> Why not focus to put all the info needed from the PDF and build the HADK similar to how Ubports have done? That way we can update the HADK using git PR's.14:46
T42_<A_T_R> Modified  anbox-hybris.conf at /etc/gbinder.d/ (re @adampigg: Did you edit the gbi...)14:48
T42_<elros34> @A_T_R but what error do you have? This is first thing to check14:49
T42_<A_T_R> waydroid log or sudo waydroid logcat , which one i should provide14:53
T42_<A_T_R> Waydroid log. `failed to get service waydroidplatform, trying again`14:56
T42_<elros34> is this first and only error you got? What about container, does it start, initialization an so one. Be more verbose15:03
T42_<A_T_R> How to check libgbinder version15:11
T42_<elros34> easy to remember "zypper se -s <package partial name> or zypper info/rpm15:16
T42_<A_T_R> libgbinder version 1.1.30-1.10.2.jolla15:41
T42_<A_T_R> 1 libgbinder version 1.1.30-1.10.2.jolla adaptation-community-common (edited)15:42
T42_<A_T_R> 2 libgbinder version 1.1.30-1.7.1.jolla adaptation-common15:42
T42_<A_T_R> From github15:53
T42_<A_T_R> ```15:53
T42_<A_T_R> Once libgbinder 1.1.20 is available in SailfishOS, the config file will no longer be required.```15:53
T42_<A_T_R> Which does meant to remove the config it its exist ?15:54

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