Monday, 2024-05-20

*** rainemak__ is now known as rainemak05:57
T42_<A_T_R> How to add fingerprint support09:38
T42_<b100dian> Which device?09:39
T42_<A_T_R> Asus max pro m109:41
T42_<A_T_R> Hybris 17.1 x00td09:41
T42_<b100dian> Back sensor - should work with the sailfishos-open one I hope10:06
T42_<A_T_R> Install sailfishos-open package ? (re @b100dian: Back sensor - should...)10:29
T42_<b100dian> No no, I mean this
T42_<A_T_R> Thanks i will try11:28
T42_<A_T_R> If the device uses keymaster 4, how to check keymaster version?15:08
malprobably output of binder-list15:09
T42_<A_T_R> `binder-list | grep keymaster` result nothig15:11
T42_<A_T_R> i am getting `android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-impl` in dmesg , so it is 3 not 4 ?15:16
T42_<b100dian> Sounds like it15:18
T42_<A_T_R> i am getting this error
maldid you build the needed parts in habuild?15:37
T42_<A_T_R> About this yes15:38
T42_<SiuJongHo> Jolla 2 !!! :
T42_<SiuJongHo> oh15:55
T42_<SiuJongHo> Jolla 2 :
T42_<SiuJongHo> Jolla 215:55
T42_<A_T_R> I did one mistake (re @A_T_R: About this https://g...)15:56
T42_<A_T_R> I did not build these in habuild instead on host machine but successfully compiled16:02
T42_<A_T_R> do i need this ?16:06
T42_<A_T_R> installed this package `droid-biometry-fp-1.1.3-202405201633.aarch64.rpm`  and where do i find out fingerprint settings ?16:35
retvthe jolla 2 phone is native or requires android services running?16:38
retvthe android 9 firmware seems to lack the ims app for interfacing with the proper binder interfaces18:03
T42_<Pachof> Hello, does anyone know if there is a port of sailfish OS for redmi note 12 5g?18:03
retvon xperia 1018:04
T42_<elros34> @Pachof  device codename may rings some bell20:49
T42_<Pachof> The code name is sunstone20:49
T42_<elros34> never heard but you may search for codename in channel logs and github: droid-config-<codename>20:50
T42_<b100dian> For 4.6.x, where would the settings for notch and corner roundess be?20:59
T42_<adampigg> ooo, there are notch settings?21:00
T42_<b100dian> There's notch support in the changelog, yes21:01
T42_<b100dian> The new Jolla C2 device has that, and rounded corners too21:01
T42_<adampigg> will have to try that on volla21:02
T42_<b100dian> Yes, I have two notched devices, one with rounded corners, so that's why I was curios, I guess I'll find out sooner or later21:03

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