Saturday, 2024-08-03

T42<birdzhang> last time i have this weird issue was because my dirty build environment00:01
gv2@birdzhang the android build environment right? I'll try rebuilding it clean then11:43
T42<Umeaman> Has hybris been updated to work with Android 14?14:52
malnot everything has been integrated yet15:01
T42<Umeaman> Okey, because even though I can install the GSI version if LOS on my phone I can't downgrade due to FRP.17:55
gv2great that sms also got broken on it's own18:36
gv2@b100dian looks like the calibration and "powered down" messages was not the problem20:42
gv2i installed lineage after sms broke (instant regret). before going back to sailfishos i checked how was the driver doing in lineage20:43
gv2exact same error messages but speaker is working, so the device itself is okay on sfos, we have another problem.20:43
T42<b100dian> that's good to know, that a log in lineage is similar. What does it mean "sms broke" though?20:45
gv2jolla messaging app broke on it's own for some reason. but that was a temporary problem probably so no need to worry about that20:46
gv2i couldn't send/recieve messages from sms20:47
gv2anyways, i will install sfos now.20:47

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