Friday, 2024-08-02

gv2pacmd list:
gv2"0 source output(s) available."11:30
gv2pa output with verbose:
T42<birdzhang> is tas2557 firmware loaded?11:46
T42<birdzhang> show dmesg|grep -i tas25511:47
gv2found smth:
gv2i'll try now, lets see12:45
gv2looks like firmware is okay now at least13:07
T42<birdzhang> speaker should works now13:11
T42<birdzhang> actually the fixes for tas2557 firmware load is
gv2looks like my kernel already has that code13:22
gv2still no output13:23
gv2I: [pulseaudio] droid-util.c: Open output stream "primary output"->"Speaker".13:39
gv2E: [pulseaudio] droid-util.c: Couldn't find compatible configuration for mix port "primary output"13:39
gv2E: [pulseaudio] droid-sink.c: Failed to open output stream.13:39
gv2well, i am out of ideas.16:41
gv2Gonna take a break, here is the current dmesg and pa output16:42
gv2mal: i can't connect to mobile data btw. Can't see anything wrong about it but it's just not connecting18:16
gv2"ping: sendto: Network is unreachable"18:16
gv2so much issues and so much questions, sorry :(18:16
T42<b100dian> Hmm if I remember correctly dummy_netd was a possible fix for this18:17
gv2installed it, let me test again18:20
gv2yup it's okay now, tysm18:24
T42<elros34> did you add symlinks from /vendor/etc similar to how it was done for "vince"? Did you examine audio_policy_configuration.xml and more verbose pa autput especially related to parsing that file?18:46
gv2@elros34 yes i did copied these audio policy files but didin't messed with it19:29
gv2i'll try to get more verbose output from pulseaudio now19:29
gv2still checking19:39
gv2"tas2557_get_Cali_prm_r0, no calibration data"19:54
gv2maybe anything abt this?19:55
T42<b100dian> maybe that's on a persist partition, does your device have one? In general these kinds of messages can be tracked down to their kernel source to understand what was it looking for20:12
gv2yup my device has persist partition20:13
gv2i'll quickly do a few greps in kernel source then20:13
T42<b100dian> This
T42<b100dian> Seems to come from
gv2currently working on dipper btw20:16
T42<b100dian> Sorry. In that case I can't find the message on github, maybe it is not indexed well20:19
gv2no problem. these repos are new so yeah probably some missing index.20:21
gv2our lovely driver is here:
gv2found it20:23
gv22057:           dev_err(pTAS2557->dev, "%s, no calibration data\n", __func__);20:23
T42<b100dian> do you have other calibration messages in dmesg?20:27
gv2also this: "tas2557_calibration_get = 0"20:28
gv2and nothing else20:28
T42<b100dian> Like (found lineage is indexed)20:28
gv2i found the "calibration file" but20:29
gv2i don't have a idea how to give the file to firmware so it can do magic with it๐Ÿ˜…20:30
T42<b100dian> /mnt/vendor/persist/audio/tas2557_cal.bin ?20:30
T42<b100dian> From
gv2oh nice20:31
gv2yup that one exists too20:31
gv2the file i found was a "ftcfg" file in /vendor/etc20:32
gv2so it exists too, i wonder why it can't read it20:33
T42<b100dian> but there should be other error messages if it wouldn't be read20:33
T42<b100dian> what was your most recent dmesg about, this?20:33
gv2only these lines20:34
gv2oh also20:35
gv2i get these only once at boot:
gv2and it's spamming the calibration thingy time by time20:36
gv2and nothing else from the module tas2557 itself20:37
T42<b100dian> Maybe this is the message that needs to be fixed
T42<b100dian> TAS2557 was powered down, will load coefficient when power up20:41
genv2yeah that is a possibilitytoo, maybe it kills itself for no reason so pulseaudio can't find it20:45
*** genv2 is now known as gv220:47
gv2well, looks like it's not even attempting to load that calibration data22:49

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