Thursday, 2024-08-01

gv1oh i checked system/pulseaudio.service instead of user/pulseaudio.service09:30
gv1also i had set that env value but starting it with the config file at sysconfig/pulseaudio made it instantly crash so tried without that09:31
gv1anyways right now i can set volume from settings and bluetooth audio is working09:32
gv1with these 2 in /odm/lib64:  libtinyalsa.so09:33
T42<b100dian> Audio works with bluetooth and not without? Is this in calls or in general?09:40
gv1speaker doesn't work in general09:41
gv1the internal microphone is okay tho, just speaker is dead09:42
maldoes source command export the variables?17:17
malwhy not just in case use them manually17:17
mal"HYBRIS_USE_VENDOR_NAMESPACE=yes /usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no -n --file=/etc/pulse/"17:18
gv2it looks interesting now
gv2the audio thingy is named "TAS2557" i think17:23
maldid it fail?17:27
gv2no sign of life from the speaker17:28
gv2but it doesn't exit17:30
gv2and bluetooth audio works fine17:30
*** genv2 is now known as gv221:01
T42<elros34> you can make logs more verbose by adding one or more -v. You may also see output of 'pactl list' (or something like that) before and after trying to play music21:29
T42<elros34> maybe pacmd list would be better as it shows active port21:36

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