Wednesday, 2024-07-31

T42<Verevka86> Hi everyone, is CONFIG_NFS_FS config important for running sfos?05:34
T42<Verevka86> rndis can't get ip address, hybris-20, kernel 4.1905:36
T42<elros34> it's optional according to mer-kernel-check like other network  file systems07:48
T42<elros34> it's common now that rndis is not configured automatically correctly and you need to set it up to get telnet connection07:52
T42<Verevka86> Thank you, I'll try later08:11
gv2mal: can you check this one:
gv2i think there is a problem with linker config10:11
T42<elros34> you need to disable ratelimiting in kernel (see hadk-hot), a lot of potentially useful messages are lost now and use "journalctl --no-tail -f "10:17
T42<elros34> did you create correct /etc/selinux files?10:18
gv2you mean journal limit?10:19
gv2yeah i did, selinux must be fine10:19
T42<elros34> doesnt' look, show your repo10:19
T42<elros34> kernel: apexd: 107 output lines suppressed due to ratelimiting so no journal but kernel10:19
T42<elros34> that doesnt show most important thing, use ls -alR or something like that10:20
T42<elros34> dbus-contexts != dbus_contexts10:21
gv2yeah that "-" was the issue really10:23
gv2me and my stupid mistakes again10:23
gv2okay now i'll try to disable that ratelimit thingy10:26
T42<elros34> why do you build 4.5.0.x release instead latest?10:51
gv2lastest one is 4.6.0 right?10:54
gv2i tried to build 4.6.0 first but a file about 4.6.0 was missing from the server10:54
gv2ohay got it, so i must use
gv2wikipedia is outdated simply10:55
malgv2: which android base was that again?10:56
T42<elros34> next issue is boringssl_self_test_apex32 failure10:56
gv2mal: android 1310:56
malcan you show what revision your droid-config submodule has10:57
gv2 fa339dea81aa201d4e6ac808836e85a650b8d37b droid-configs-device (0.0.1-567-gfa339de)10:58
gv2this one right?10:58
T42<elros34> he builds for old sfos release that is why he has  unrecognized option '--hwc-restart error10:58
malah, but if apexd is failing there could be one issue I caused10:58
gv2building right now btw, lets see10:59
malgv2: please pastebin file /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/apexd.rc10:59
malI assume you have /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/apexd file, if yes then you probably need to patch that apexd.rc11:01
gv2yup i have that one aswell11:02
gv2if it'll be okay after new build no need tho11:02
gv2i can wait11:02
malno, I forgot to add the patch to hybris-patches, on device please test applying the apexd.rc changes from this patch
gv2patched rc file now11:11
T42<elros34> based on this commit description doesn't these reboot_on_failure in apex or other services cause rebooting instead powering off on old sony. I remember such a bug reports in forum11:11
gv2looks like it's no longer rebooting on its own11:12
mal@elros34 but the relevant part is the path of apexd11:12
malbecause we have patched apexd11:12
T42<elros34> ok just wondering, not being able to power off device is quiet a bug and potentially can be cause be some failing service11:14
malyes, disabling reboot from there fixes shutdown on new xperias11:14
malbecause for some reason apexd doesn't shutdown cleanly11:15
T42<elros34> but did you test similar removal on older adaptations? some random bug report
maldoes that even have apexd?11:16
T42<elros34> no idea but I remember reboot_on_failure was in 1 or 2 more services besides apexd but I do not remember on which android version11:18
gv2flashed 4.611:47
gv2got a sign of life from the system, some kind of loading screen.11:48
gv2wifi is working, impressive11:56
gv2ofono is ded, sailjail seems okay12:01
gv2uh actually first of all mal, can i somehow hide the notch? Mi8's notch is big so above of the screen is simply useless right now12:04
mal4.6 has initial support for notch12:04
mal that has example those go to for example file /etc/dconf/db/vendor.d/silica-screen.txt12:07
gv2what a luck notch support just has arrived when i got a device with notch :)12:09
T42<Verevka86> <gv2> can you show your device tree and kernel? I also started working on android 13.0 port, it would help me I think)13:00
gv2i am currently uploading my work to github13:01
gv2but you can take my android 13 based port for sagit
gv2as reference13:01
T42<Verevka86> <gv2> sagit 😃 thank you 🤝13:50
gv2np, thanks for your work on sagit btw (:13:56
gv2i used your ubuntu touch for a long time while sagit was my daily13:56
gv2mal: i couldn't get ofono working (misc info: )15:38
gv2any suggestion?15:38
gv2in sim cards menu, there is nothing but a inactive "use sim card" option.15:39
malwhat does binder-list say?15:46
maldo you have the ofono-binder-plugin installed?15:47
gv2installed now, and all okay 😀 I thought it was installed so..15:51
malremember to add it to patterns16:11
sskrasI am not SailfishOS user yet, but I thought folks here should now about my issue16:27
sskrasI have Xperia X running Android 7. It had a pattern unlock enabled at boot. And I broken its' screen recently.16:28
sskrasis there any ideas whether I can boot into the original OS?16:28
sskrasadb is not activating when the boot asks to draw the pattern16:28
sskrasfastboot ... is too unknown to me and seems of no help16:29
sskrasPS. This vanilla phone, no unlock, no rooting.16:29
sskrasactually I would like to copy the storage out of that device. But even if I do so, I have no ideas if after writing it to another Xperia X device it would boot properly...16:31
sskraswell, the screen shows things (esp. if I bend it at certain points). But the input device generates around 10 touches per second making my finger-drawn pattern to be discarded after a second or so...16:33
gv2mal: only a few things left.16:48
gv2currently pulseaudio is dead ofc16:48
gv2also "droid-hal-init: Service 'minimedia' (pid 5642) exited with status 1"17:20
malwhat audio hal libraries do you find on the device?17:44
malnot sure if critical but that strace says it can't find libtinyalsa.so17:45
gv2these ig17:49
malI didn't mean that17:50
malfind where that is17:50
gv2#  /system/lib64/libtinyalsa.so17:51
gv2also linked to /apex/
malwondering why it doesn't look for it there17:52
malbtw, does your device have /odm ?17:52
gv2by default there is only /vendor/odm afaik17:53
gv2nope, it has odm17:56
gv2also /system_root/odm17:56
b100dianabr you mentioned on telegram fanclub there is some alarm code before entering pin if rtclock is present + encryption, can you detail where should I look? minui/yamui aren't looking like handling these19:11
T42<elros34> gv2 don't start pulseaudio as root20:53
gvo@elros34 doesn't sfos itself start it as root?21:22
T42<elros34> no. See /usr/lib/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service21:47
maland if starting pulseaudio from terminal as defaultuser it's important to have needed env vars set etc22:09
malthe first one is env var and the second contains some parameters you need to give pulseaudio22:11

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