Thursday, 2024-08-22

T42<WunderW_PL> Does it make big difference about which Android base I choose for porting, if my device supports many?06:36
T42<WunderW_PL> From Lineage 14 it supports even 19, I decided to choose 18.1, but is it something very relevant if all have same hardware support?06:37
T42<elros34> hybris-18 is ok, 20 is quiet new, mind there is no 19. Use one which has best support07:08
T42<WunderW_PL> In Fairphone 4 guide I found I need to execute:08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> ```08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> ./hybris-patches/ --mb```08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> 08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> Is it necessary?08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> In Fairphone 4 guide I found I need to execute:08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> ```08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> ./hybris-patches/ --mb```08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> 08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> Is it necessary? Can't find this in HADK (edited)08:12
T42<WunderW_PL> Also FP4 guide says something about replacing calendar tests08:12
T42<b100dian> Yes, fom hybris 16 and on
T42<b100dian> Appropriate branch is here
T42<WunderW_PL> Ok thanks10:06
T42<WunderW_PL> applied the patches10:06
T42<WunderW_PL> Trying to build first bit now10:06
T42<WunderW_PL> ```10:12
T42<WunderW_PL> error: vendor/motorola/msm8937-common/Android.bp:130:1: module "vendor.qti.gnss@3.0-service" variant "android_arm64_armv8-a": module source path "vendor/motorola/msm8937-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/vintf/manifest/vendor.qti.gnss@3.0-service.xml" does not exist```10:12
T42<WunderW_PL> 10:12
T42<WunderW_PL> Getting such error. First of all, /vendor/lib of my device contains only vendor.qti.gnss@*1.0**10:12
T42<WunderW_PL> Secondly, even though I executed ./, the vendor.qti.gnss files aren't there. Any idea?10:12
T42<WunderW_PL> Could editing `vendor/motorola/msm8937-common/Android.bp` and replacing 3.0 with 1.0 help? (re @WunderW_PL: error: vendor/motoro...)10:13
T42<WunderW_PL> Thanks (re @Verevka86: https://www.toptal.c...)10:13
T42<WunderW_PL> No... vintf directory doesn't exist at all in device (re @WunderW_PL: Could editing vendor...)10:14
T42<Verevka86> This is not for you 😁 (re @WunderW_PL: Thanks)10:14
T42<Verevka86> can you tell me why I have such a mistake? symlink is located in /system and refers to apex. It worked in hybris-18.1, but it doesn't seem to work in hybris-20.0 (re @Verevka86: https://www.toptal.c...)10:17
T42<arcyfix> don't worry, I know him... he must have forgotten it already (re @Verevka86: This is not for you ...)10:17
T42<Verevka86> with such errors, you will be helped in the android Build topic10:19
T42<WunderW_PL> Seems like the 18.1 base for this device (Lenovorola G5s) is strange10:37
T42<WunderW_PL> I will just try to use older10:37
T42<WunderW_PL> Where the proprietary files list looks better10:37
T42<b100dian> Why do you need proprietary files, there's no vendor partition? (i.e. pre-treble device)?10:44
T42<WunderW_PL> i mean, it complains about missing vendor files11:05
T42<WunderW_PL> so i used extract-files11:05
T42<b100dian> I just used BUILD_WITHOUT_VENDOR a long time ago
T42<b100dian> But only if you have a separate vendor partition on the device already12:46
T42<WunderW_PL> Good to know!13:13
T42<WunderW_PL> Thanks13:13
T42<elros34> didn't you accidentally run make before applying hybris-patches?13:23
T42<WunderW_PL> no, but anyway, i migrated to hybris-15.1, so i didn't apply patches at all13:23
T42<WunderW_PL> rootfs is building now13:23
T42<WunderW_PL> hopefully it works13:23
T42<Lukapanio> moto 8937? cedric? montana? (re @WunderW_PL: error: vendor/motoro...)13:24
T42<WunderW_PL> montana13:24
T42<WunderW_PL> flashed, it doesn't boot though. if i connect to pc while booting, a new device appears: "Failed to boot init in real rootfs"13:54
T42<WunderW_PL> i can get access to console though, through telnet13:54
T42<WunderW_PL> any ideas?13:54
T42<elros34> read instruction  you see on screen after you telnet14:05
T42<elros34> I mean this line: "Log so far is in /init.log"14:08
T42<WunderW_PL> Found this. Can it be related to fixup-mountpoints?15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> 15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> 15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> My device part in fixup-mountpoints:15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> 15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> 15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> Here i'm not sure, if I did it correctly.15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> Found this. Can it be related to fixup-mountpoints?15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> 15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> 15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> My device part in fixup-mountpoints:15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> 15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> 15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> Here i'm not sure, if I did it correctly. (edited)15:25
T42<WunderW_PL> I.e. if the `block/platform/soc/7824900.sdhci/by-name/` part is correct? This is how I got this on Android side, but Sailfish uses `/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/` one. This is where I think15:26
T42<elros34> yes log clearly indicates rown fixup-mountpoints15:27
T42<elros34> wrong*15:27
T42<WunderW_PL> Good to know. At least I know where to look now.15:28
T42<WunderW_PL> I will experiment with the prefix then maybe.15:28
T42<WunderW_PL> bootdevice... indeed. Thanks so much!15:29
T42<WunderW_PL> After fixing the fixup-mountpoints, I only run make hybris-boot and make hybris-recovery, then can instantly generate rootfs archvie?15:30
T42<WunderW_PL> After fixing the fixup-mountpoints, I only run make hybris-boot and make hybris-recovery, then can instantly generate rootfs flashing archive? (edited)15:30
T42<elros34> not sure what you mean by "instantly". You run make hybris-hal which will build hybris-boot which you can flash. That will allow you to pass initramfs stage and start booting system. Still you will have wrong systemd mount units which you might either fix manually or build droid-hal and create new sfos image15:31
T42<WunderW_PL> Thanks a lot. I guess I will just rebuild everything.15:32
T42<WunderW_PL> Really, big thank you15:32
T42<WunderW_PL> After fixing fixup-mountpoints, I rebuilt everything and reflashed18:35
T42<WunderW_PL> That error doesn't popup anymore18:36
T42<WunderW_PL> But still doesn't boot, stuck on the "Bootloader locked" screen of Motorola18:36
T42<WunderW_PL> Can't telnet... I booted to TWRP and checked /data/.stowaways/sailfishos/init.log:
T42<WunderW_PL> but can't find anything useful there.18:36
T42<elros34> usually you don't find anything useful in /data/.stowaways/sailfishos/init.log, you need journal logs. Do  you telnet at correct port 22?18:41
T42<elros34> 2323*18:41

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