Friday, 2024-08-23

T42<WunderW_PL> got access to telnet06:34
T42<WunderW_PL> after booting when adding init_enter_debug206:34
T42<WunderW_PL> and configuring usb networking06:34
T42<WunderW_PL> it disconnects quite fast after that, so i will try to grab some logs06:34
T42<WunderW_PL> what's the command to grab correct logs?06:36
T42<elros34> does it disconnect even with init_enter_debug2 or you also continue booting process? Read "generting logs" section in hadk-hot07:14
T42<elros34> basically you need systemd journal at this  stage07:15
T42<WunderW_PL> I managed to get constant console (re @elros34: does it disconnect e...)07:20
tohaturok[m]Guys, I've booted with hybris-boot.img which built by command 'make hybris-hal', connected to device by telnet, read init.log and found that an error occurs when  mounting /data. Is it ok? Here is part of log
tohaturok[m]should I fix it?15:55
malto what format is userdata partition formatted?16:00
malassuming you have verified that sda94 is correct partition16:01
tohaturok[m]mal: I'm assuming it's ext4, but I'm not sure. I flashed sailfishos.img to the userdata partition. How can I check the partition type?17:47
T42<elros34> in android recovery. Did you format it to remove encryption? I am not sure I get you right, you flash sfos  img or install tarball? Your paste is dead, wasn't it log from regular init-script?18:31
maltohaturok[m]: wait what exactly did you flash? normal community build doesn't create flashable userdata image18:43
tohaturok[m]mal: I flashed sailfish.img001 from Sailfish_OS*.zip file I built using
tohaturok[m]and after that I flashed hybris-boot.img from out/target/product/$DEVICE/ to boot partition19:26
tohaturok[m]elros34: no, I didn't format partition, I just flash the sailfish.img001 to userdata with command fastboot flash userdata sailfish.img00119:28
T42<elros34> forget about it, aosp way requires different abootimg than regular hadk19:29
T42<elros34> you must use one which is created during droid-hal-img-boot-(sony or whatever) build which has lvm support19:34
tohaturok[m]Okay, got it. “What's the difference between droid-hal-img-boot-vendor and hybris-boot?” - this question has been on my mind for a long time. Now I got the answer to it. Thanks19:38
T42<elros34> both are simple scripts which you can read if you know some basic scripting19:43
tohaturok[m]I didn't manage to connect to phone via usb with boot image from droid-hal-img-boot- package19:49
T42<elros34> I think regular boot image doesn't create any connection, recovery one should have someting but I nevery used it. I prefer greate hybris-boot which allows you to debug in every situation19:51
T42<elros34> later there should be usb-moded which might create ssh connection if it's configured correctly19:52
tohaturok[m]got it19:52
malwhich device are you building?19:56
tohaturok[m]xperia5 IV19:56
tohaturok[m]As I said, the hybris-boot image from droid-hal-img-boot booted without UI, showed sailfishos bootlogo and stayed on a black screen. I got this system log from the device and I see that silica is not starting due to the error /usr/sbin/dummy_compositor: unrecognized option '--hwc-restart'
malwhich sfos version are you building?19:59
tohaturok[m]I tried build 4.5 and 4.619:59
tohaturok[m]this log from 4.520:00
T42<elros34> didnt you fixed this common hwc-restart error already?20:00
malyou should be building
tohaturok[m]elros34: not yet20:00
tohaturok[m]mal: ok, I have 4.6 build. Let me upload it on device and check log20:01
malthat hwc-restart error happens only in 4.5.020:01
T42<elros34> it's so common, if you would use channel search then you would find solution:
tohaturok[m]elros34: thanks, I often forget about this search. Let me check20:05
tohaturok[m]guys, there are two logs from 4.6 - and
T42<elros34> insane amount of spam compared to older devices..20:38
T42<elros34> don't you see anything on screen when you press power button few times? How about new interface in "ifconfig -a' in host system20:43
tohaturok[m]I don't see anything, only the LED starts to glow a little darker after pressing the power button20:47
tohaturok[m]and not have any new interface on the host20:48
T42<elros34> this might be irrelevant: service startting /usr/share/sailfish-device-encryption/ fails because of some mistake in script20:53
malwhy is there no sign of lipstick even trying to start in those latest logs20:54
T42<elros34> jolla-startupwizard-pre-user-session starts. Isn't it enough?20:56
malmissed that one20:56
malone thing to check, if the mce compositor config correctly done20:57
tohaturok[m]How to check this?20:57
malsomething like this, you need to make sure the service is correct, for sonys I would assume it's always the same
tohaturok[m]Thanks, guys. It's late, I'll check the composer configuration tomorrow. I appreciate your help21:07
T42<elros34> it is there21:08

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