Wednesday, 2024-08-28

*** Ischwitch is now known as Ingvix07:20
*** rdr_ is now known as rdr08:25
mal@fredldotme we were wondering where did you get that eglinfo you used in libhybris testing?18:20
T42<fredldotme> A collection of the following:19:42
T42<fredldotme> - getting snaps to work with libhybris19:42
T42<fredldotme> - snap install graphics-test-tools19:43
mal@fredldotme a new PR to test19:43
T42<fredldotme> The snapcraft.yaml of that package should help figure out where it came from19:43
mallooks like mesa19:44
T42<fredldotme> Looks very interesting, I'll try to get this patch running on UT and see if everything works as expected (if you don't beat me to eglinfo testing)19:45

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