Thursday, 2024-08-29

T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: does usb-moded have support for functionfs mtp?12:04
mal@TheVancedGamer what is the function name on your device?12:27
T42<TheVancedGamer> ffs.mtp12:27
malthis defined that at least and mtp works12:28
malso try that12:28
tohaturok[m]guys, I continue working on Xperia 5IV port, I've enabled rndis when I boot the device via hybris-boot.img. I did it via android init scripts. I see the USB and the new interface on the host. Can you tell me how to configure an IP address for the device?15:17
malsomething like: ifconfig interace_name
tohaturok[m]do I also need to start dhcp?16:13
tohaturok[m]I mean on device16:18
malnot quite sure what you are even doing16:18
malwhat kind of usb-moded configuration do you have?16:19
tohaturok[m]I disabled usb-moded service. It doesn't work. I enabled rndis via configfs in android's init script16:20
malit's just a matter of configuring usb-moded correctly16:21
malwhich android base are you using?16:21
mal this is what I used on xperia 10iv16:22
malnote that it needs some connman configuration also16:23
mal and
tohaturok[m]let me try this configuration16:24
malI hope the extcon path is the same16:24
malmight not be, difficult to say16:24
tohaturok[m]I've checked configs. It's the same16:41
tohaturok[m]I enabled usb-moded service and unfortunately don't see any new usb connections on host16:42
maland this which type of build? the community way or the sony instructions way?16:42
tohaturok[m]There is usb-moded related log from device.
tohaturok[m]sony instruction way16:43
malwhat kernel configs have added?16:44
mal*have you added16:44
malrelated to usb16:44
malin that log it uses rndis_bam.rndis? did you have that before?16:44
T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: i'm back, but usb-moded keeps spamming this:16:45
T42<TheVancedGamer> ```16:45
T42<TheVancedGamer>  usb_moded[5140]: wait canceled```16:45
T42<TheVancedGamer> and it rapid-fires on host16:45
T42<TheVancedGamer> usb_moded[5140]: Using online property16:45
T42<TheVancedGamer> Aug 29 16:30:15 ubuntu-phablet usb_moded[5140]: wait canceled16:45
T42<TheVancedGamer> actual log16:45
tohaturok[m]I'm not sure that I used it before16:45
tohaturok[m]I see in android init script it uses gsi.rndis16:47
maltohaturok[m]: try that16:47
tohaturok[m]as far as I remember I don't have RNDIS_BAM in kernel config file16:48
tohaturok[m]let me check16:48
tohaturok[m]This is in my defconfig
tohaturok[m]but I can't find CONFIG_USB_CONFIGFS_RMNET_BAM=y in out/target/product/pdx224/obj/kernel/.config16:52
tohaturok[m]mal: Do you mean try gsi.rndis as function in usb-moded config?16:54
T42<fredldotme> mal, got to test the second refcounting patch, works very well and seems to have glmark-es2-wayland from graphics-test-tools working as well now!17:36
mal@fredldotme nice, that glmark-es2-wayland failed before?18:18
T42<fredldotme> Might be the libwayland-related patch to catch up with some other movement in master18:20
tohaturok[m]mal: I've changed config and got the same error19:11
tohaturok[m]It looks like my config wasn't picked up19:13
tohaturok[m]It's located in /etc/usb-moded directory19:14
malcan show what you have in config repo?19:15
tohaturok[m]As I understand it, usb-moded picks up all the configs in that directory. Is that correct?19:16
tohaturok[m]this is config repo which I used

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