Friday, 2024-08-30

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Mister_Magistermal: so, to do 4.6 update, do i need anything special? i seen that fp2 doesn't have 4.6 yet15:09
Mister_Magisteroh wait15:10
Mister_Magisterit has 4.6 now15:10
* Mister_Magister stealing15:10
Mister_Magisterso there's not yet stated what version of droidmedia i need for 4.6 but i'll try stealing that from fp2 aswell15:12
malprobably not that critical, but official devices use 0.20240322.015:15
Mister_Magisteryeah i used same as in your repo15:16
malmostly about adding android 13 support since 4.5.015:16
Mister_Magisternow stealing submodules comits15:16
Mister_Magisteroh mal quick question: why is your hal 6 years old
malI probably have forgotten to push new changes there15:29
Mister_Magistercaught me off-guard xd15:29
mallatest dhd submodule should be fine15:29
malin local tree I see to have
malwhich just couple of commit behind15:30
Mister_Magisterhm i have trouble building droidmedia, i do make droidmedia, but there's no in out/target/product/victara/system/lib/15:32
maldid you remember to export needed env vars?15:32
malPORT_ARCH specifically15:32
Mister_Magisterstupid me15:32
Mister_Magistershould i remake entire out or no need15:33
malusually no need15:33
Mister_Magistergotcha thankies15:33
Mister_Magisterit is indeed building now15:33
Mister_Magisterquestion, i should remove this right? fp2 doesn't have it
malthat is in jolla hw common now15:35
Mister_Magisteryeah oki15:35
Mister_Magisterjust making sure15:35
Mister_Magisteri'm just like popping my head here once per year to make update xd15:36
malI usually just disable such repos in testing project to keep the binaries in older releases15:38
mal*such packages15:38
Mister_Magisterah it yeets old binaries?15:39
Mister_Magisterwelp rip old repos xd15:39
malyou can add it back and let those build once15:39
malthen disable15:39
Mister_Magisterbut then i would have to bother and this device has like two users combined15:40
Mister_Magisterwe gonna have so much fun porting together soon mal :p15:41
Mister_MagisterI know you just can't wait :D15:42
Mister_Magisterjust like good old times 9 years ago15:42
Mister_Magister(yes i've been here for so long time flies)15:42
malwhat device are you planning on porting?15:45
Mister_Magisteri wanna update moto x from sfos 2 to sfos 4 just as a museum piece, then I need to fix kernel on fajita/enchilada before continuing porting15:46
Mister_Magistermal: you not surprised i've been here fo so long? :P15:46
malnot really, I remember still those times15:48
Mister_Magister:D I'm still waiting for proper fix for my g2's display!15:48
malnewer bases are so much easier now15:49
Mister_Magisteryeah i noticed, in my first release on g2 i didn't have settings working and it took us months to get display, nowadays its super simple just add config here and there and you are 90% there15:50
Mister_Magistermal: the infamous comment:
Mister_Magisterlike nowadays phone use white led backend in mce for the led, and it was first introduced because i needed it for g215:51
Mister_Magisterthat just means you did great job, you and all the ogs like monich and spiiroin and and the rest i forgot nicks of15:52
Mister_Magistergreat, its not booting after update, what did i break16:24
Mister_Magisterhm its not giving me ethernet on usb in rootfs (it does in kernel)16:27
Mister_Magisteroh it booted16:28
Mister_Magisterafter like couple minutes lmao16:28
Mister_Magisterno audio, no wifi weeird16:29
Mister_Magisterno vibra literally nothing works lol16:29
Mister_Magisternot a single module is loaded16:32
T42<b100dian> Was gonna say that:)16:32
Mister_Magisterhow did it boot is beyond me16:32
Mister_Magisterthing is why? modprobe says unknown symbol in module?16:33
Mister_Magisterany ideas welcome16:35
Mister_MagisterI did modify the kernel but i booted it before update and it was working fine16:35
T42<elros34> mismatch between flashed kernel/build droid-hal-modules16:35
Mister_Magisterbut that's literally not possible16:36
Mister_Magisterremoved droid-local-repo and build droid-hal16:36
Mister_Magisterthen on update it proceeded to flash the kernel16:36
Mister_Magisterits the same kernel as the droid-hal16:36
Mister_Magisteroh… there's not a single module in rpm16:38
Mister_Magisterso it loads from older kernel16:38
Mister_Magistersomething wrong while building kernel16:38
Mister_MagisterI'll mostlikely figure it out from here dw16:39
Mister_Magistermy guess is that this is the culprit
T42<elros34> you have some uncommited changes, are you sure modules are built without error?16:44
Mister_Magisterwdym i have uncommited changes16:45
Mister_Magisteryup they're building without error16:46
Mister_Magisterwell except those 3 lines is ent16:46
T42<elros34> in kernel. - this looks strange16:47
Mister_Magisterlemme fix that real quick16:48
Mister_Magisterwell that didn't change anything16:55
Mister_Magisternow i got /home/foidbgen/hadk-victara/out/target/product/victara/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/../../system/usr/lib/modules/
Mister_Magisterthe modules do exist16:56
Mister_Magisterthey're just not being depmoded i think16:57
Mister_Magisterhuh wait i don't think thats issue16:57
Mister_Magisterhuh i just had moduels in the rpm now they're gone17:07
Mister_Magisterye so just creating the driectory is enough even tho it still throws errors and there's no ko's in that directory17:14
Mister_Magisterhuh okay now i got modules but… modem doesn't work17:23
Mister_Magisterbluetooth also doesn't work17:24
maldo mount work? any firmware loading errors?17:25
Mister_Magisteralso very weird but… led doesn't work17:26
Mister_Magisterneither does vibrator17:26
Mister_Magisterboth should be purely kernel no?17:26
Mister_Magisterril-daemon and minimedia are dying17:27
Mister_Magisterminimedia is waiting for idk why17:27
Mister_Magisterokay i can turn on led manually17:28
Mister_Magisterand vibra might be not working because of minimedia perhaps17:29
malor is vibra some permission issue?17:30
malcheck the permissions of the relevant sysfs paths17:30
Mister_Magisteri'm not sure what sysfs paths is it using17:30
Mister_Magisteri only know led sysfs17:30
maldepends on kernel it could be that timed_output or something17:31
Mister_Magisterits really weird as all was working fine just fine before update17:31
Mister_Magisterlets ignore vibra and led for now as its non-important17:32
Mister_Magisterany clues for and ril?17:32
Mister_MagisterFatal signal 13 (SIGPIPE), code 0 in tid 12643 (hci_qcomm_init) oh god17:34
Mister_Magisterand riild is getting segfault17:34
T42<elros34> didn't you make recently some changes to kernel?17:36
Mister_Magisteri did add seccomp but if i'm not mistaken it was working fine with newer kernel on the sfos before update17:37
Mister_Magisterbut i can't say  that with 100% certainty17:37
Mister_Magisterlemme check17:37
Mister_Magisterthrough the magic of having two devices… xd17:38
Mister_Magisterwell at least led still works17:38
Mister_Magisteroh yeah okay ril is f'd17:39
Mister_Magisterlet me see if everything gets fixed on older kernel17:45
Mister_Magisterwell the answer is no sadly17:48
Mister_MagisterI have no clue what sfos 4.6 did or what changed so much that not even led light is working17:50
Mister_Magisteryeah I installed kernel packages (kernel + modules) from previous release that was known working and rild is still segfaulting17:55
Mister_Magisterhm so i thought maybe permissions after all, but checking the 999-android udev rules its all fine18:08
Mister_Magisterhuh it has additional udev for leds/vibra18:11
Mister_MagisterI replaced the udev with old one and surprise surprise led didn't spring back to life, in fact nothing changed18:14
Mister_Magisterhm in init.rc i'm getting /init.rc: 30: invalid command 'setcon'18:45
Mister_Magisterbut on my other phone, that also has setcon in init.rc, there's no issue18:45
Mister_Magisteraaany ideas?18:46
Mister_Magisterokay bluetooth is fixed and there's suspecion that rild was broken for a while now18:59
Mister_Magisteralso i commented out setcon and intirc went through19:00
Mister_Magisterstill no clue what are media.player and and what starts them and why they do not start19:01
Mister_Magisteron 4.5 it has no trouble finding media.player and but on 4.6 it just can't19:15
Mister_Magisterok old droidmedia doesn't need media.player and media.camera19:20
Mister_Magisterit works fine just fine19:20
Mister_Magisterstill no led or vibra no clue why19:21
Mister_Magisterhm i take that back minimedia still broken huh19:21
Mister_Magisterugh nothing makes sense19:26
Mister_Magisterhm if i launch minimediaservice manually it works, implying permissions19:48
Mister_Magisterbut i checked every udev rule so like where19:48
Mister_Magisteralso led has correct permissions19:48
Mister_Magisterthe old one i mean19:50
Mister_Magisterok i can turn on led myself and i can output to /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable and it works fine and both are system:system19:54
Mister_Magisterso to sum up current issues: ril is broken but it was broken on older release aswell, droidmedia, and led/vibra19:59
T42<elros34> it should be input:input
T42<elros34> nemo/defaultuser is not in system group, maybe if you OTA then it may still be, I am not sure20:02
Mister_Magisteryou sure? in the udev files its system:input20:02
Mister_Magistereven in the link you sent its system:input20:02
T42<elros34> right20:02
Mister_Magisteri changed it to system:input and nothing changed20:02
T42<elros34> did you restart whatever service is handling it now?20:04
Mister_Magisterisn't it mce?20:04
Mister_Magisteranyway i just changed it in the files and rebooted and still no led20:04
Mister_Magisteri have idea for droidmedia though20:05
Mister_Magisteryeap vibra also nothing20:05
Mister_MagisterI wonder if i lack some config file in 4.620:08
Mister_Magisteri have the csd thingy
Mister_Magisterok minimedia fixed, i was preloading one lib that i was missing, dang i should write notes what to build like the or bt backports20:12
Mister_Magisternow i just need to fix led and vibra20:13
Mister_Magisterspiiroin: you're our mce expert might i bother you about the led and vibra?20:23
malyou checked the permissions already?20:54
malah you did20:55
malusually it's permission issue20:55
Mister_Magisteryeah thought about it21:00
Mister_Magisterpermissions are correct21:00
Mister_Magistereven crosschecked with 4.521:00
Mister_Magister4.6 is single blame for the led and vibra here21:00
Mister_Magisterokay i got vibra to work but no led21:22
Mister_Magisterdo i need to tell it somewhere my custom led path?21:22
maldo you have only that timed_output or also some led vibra paths?21:41
Mister_Magistervibra works fine21:49
Mister_Magisterand just timed_output21:50
Mister_Magisteri fixed led by adding config21:50
Mister_Magisterdespite it in 4.5 not needing one21:50
Mister_Magistergood old porting, nothing works and you have no clue why22:03
Mister_Magisterstill didn't fix ril but as whole two users and neither of them uses it (not that its useful anyway cause microphone in call doesn't work) so i'm not too pressed to fix it22:03
Mister_Magisterthe rild is segfaulting for god unknown reason and debugging something closed source is not so easy22:11
maltry running it manually with gdb22:12
Mister_Magisteri tried22:14
Mister_Magistereven with following threads22:14
Mister_Magisterit doesn't stop at siegv22:14
Mister_Magisterand its the memory map segv22:14
Mister_Magisterfixed permissions for vibra and led in device init.mmi.rc, and added led config to mce cause it doesn't work without it even tho i looked at my backup and 100% i didn't have it in 4.5 some kind of regression idk22:15
Mister_Magisternow fixing rild would be nice but its quite late22:16
Mister_Magisterim just happy i got it back to the same spot at 4.522:16
Mister_Magistermal: you probably going to sleep right22:16
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