Sunday, 2024-09-01

theflyingrahulQuick question: my target and tooling is at the latest version (4.6). While running mic build, I see mic version as 1.0.13 (sfos Is that okay?
theflyingrahulDo I have to update the platform sdk or is it safe to continue the build?09:09
theflyingrahul1The MIC build succeeds, however, I see a bunch a FAILS before the zip packing the rootfs. Are they safe to ignore? What do they mean?11:10
T42<elros34> some scripts must be executed at first boot on device instead when sfos image is created. For example if would be used now then capabilities would be lost during creating or/and unpacking tar image11:31
theflyingrahulThanks @elros34! Asking again, do I have to upgrade the platform SDK to 4.6, if my target is 4.6? My platform SDK is currently 4.514:57
T42<edp_17> I alway keep those three (sdk, target, tooling) in sync. So, yes, I'd also upgrade that to 4.6.15:06
malI use: "sdk-foreach-su -ly ssu re some_version" then "sdk-foreach-su -ly zypper ref" and finally "sdk-foreach-su -ly zypper dup"15:07
malI think there was some newer way also to do that15:08
malthat will update all targets, toolings and also sdk15:09
malremoving the -y will make it ask for each of those if you want to do it15:09
theflyingrahulThanks @edp_17 and @mal. Will do that!15:21
T42<elros34> if mic works then there is no reson to worry about that15:29
T42<elros34> of course it's the best to keep all updated but don't focus on that, you will build image not once untile you make port fully working15:31
theflyingrahulGot it! The build is successful. Will flash the image in a bit and revert15:32

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