Monday, 2024-09-02

Mister_Magistermal: i have trade offer for you. I'll make an app reproducting the seeking bug, every time, without any input needed, and you or the jolla fix the bug. How about that?12:17
Mister_Magisterokay you'll have it in couple days, i have to update g2 to 4.6 and fix suspend on fajita and enchilada12:22
*** deathmist1 is now known as deathmist13:32
Mister_Magistermal: i listened to you and for g2 i disabled the build!
Mister_Magistermal: question, can i set up dcd in such a way as to add my repo to .ks file generation? i don't want to edit generated ks file14:06
Mister_Magisterhmmm # Override the common configs with device specifics if those exist14:10
malyou can14:10
malnot sure what exactly you want to do to add a repo14:11
Mister_Magisterdo you have some example? I wanna add some bloat… err i mean storeman14:11
malwhich repo?14:11
Mister_Magisterstoreman, chum and maybe my apps14:11
malssu configs allow adding repos14:12
Mister_Magisterbut i also need to add repo, to the build process and to the device14:12
malI assume ks generation add the repos in ssu configs14:13
malI mean adds repos which are in ssu configs14:13
Mister_Magisteryeah possibly14:14
Mister_Magistertho last time i added repos they weren't added to image14:14
Mister_Magisterbut i can add ssu configs in sparse14:14
Mister_Magisterthe most disgusting way to achieve it would be to add ssu configs in sparse and then add zypper in on %define additional_post_scripts xd14:15
Mister_Magisterbut I would like to do it in more civilised way14:16
Mister_Magisteri don't understand how ks file is generated lol14:26
T42<elros34> add something similar
Mister_Magisterye but that will be on-device repo thats easy one14:29
Mister_Magisteror will it be enabled during build too?14:29
T42<elros34> and in ks file too14:29
Mister_Magisteryeah the issue is how to add it to ks file14:29
Mister_Magisterwithout editing it post generation14:29
Mister_Magisteri found that %gen_ks generates ks i think14:29
Mister_Magistersomething proprietary i assume14:30
T42<elros34> just rebuild droid-config and run --mic, it's enough to regenerate ks file with new repo14:30
Mister_Magisterye but how do you add it to ks file?14:31
T42<elros34> it's done automatgically, i do not remember which scripts do it specifically14:32
Mister_Magisterso just adding repo config adds it to ks file?14:32
T42<elros34> IIRC yes it's enough14:32
Mister_Magisterbut i think i found code repsonsible for it xd14:33
Mister_Magisterwell thanks i'll try14:33
Mister_Magisterand just add packages you want to patterns14:33
Mister_Magistergod i love 4.6 update, first it broke my x2 now it broke my g214:42
Mister_Magisterand in both cases usb networking doesn't wokr14:43
Mister_Magisterah networking was my fault14:44
Mister_Magister4.6 is great it can't even mount sdcard14:45
Mister_Magisterudisksctl-user[2816]: -bash: export: line 24: illegal option -f14:45
Mister_Magistereh starting surfaceflinger, as always, fixed the display, so now remains the question, what did jolla break this time14:51
Mister_Magisteryeah great, absolutely nothing changed except the sfos version because i did not change dhd at all a15:00
Mister_Magisterand now the display fix is not working15:00
Mister_Magisterkay its droidmedia update15:03
Mister_Magisterk turns out i forgot about hack for display in droidmedia, which was not merged for the past ~idk years15:24
Mister_Magisteradded PR15:27
Mister_Magisterhappens roughly once per year lmao15:28
Mister_Magisterdue to this entire adventure i forgot to add the repos and apps15:35
Mister_Magisterthanks @elros34 for the packages help, i added packages as recommended so its optional bloat, i still have to verify if it works with building the image15:58
Mister_Magisterit works15:59
Mister_Magister@elros34 now what? :P
Mister_MagisterI assume i have to replace this with %{_bindir}/%{name}16:02
Mister_Magisteryeap that was it16:10
Mister_Magistertoday obs is going hard cause i'm literally updating every device xd20:44

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