Tuesday, 2024-09-03

T42<b100dian> assuming one device shares all hardware (except camera) with another, other than the install script, is there anywhere else that the device codename is tested? E.g. can I instruct a such (potential) user to manually "flash" by extracting the tar file?00:26
T42<b100dian> (I already asked them to boot the kernel and see if they get telnet)00:28
T42<b100dian> ok, I see the upgrade boot img script checks. But does initial boot do anything?00:44
T42<Mister_Magister> no00:48
T42<Mister_Magister> once you get installed there's absolutely no checks00:48
T42<Mister_Magister> there was dude who installed my fajita image on enchilada (they're basically the same device) and it worked flawlessly00:50
T42<b100dian> ok, that's promising01:05
T42<b100dian> some thousand years ago I went through the pain of building sailfish because I had tilapia instead of grouper (Wifi vs 3G nexus 7). Should I have known this, I wouldn't be here ;))01:07
T42<b100dian> @Mister_Magister that was the first time Asus let me down. Those devices came with a such SSD they wouldn't work for more than a year.01:09
T42<b100dian> until they started to crawl down. No TRIM.01:10
T42<Mister_Magister> @b100dian switch to op6 lol07:48
Mister_Magistermal: maaaaaaaaaaal my fren, can I bother you about droidmedia? the gstdroid plugin gets instantly blacklisted despite removing the cache, doing gst-inspect on said plugin segfaults the program, and doing anything in browser segfaults the browser, which suggests to me at least that there's something wrong with droidmedia as its the only common link08:14
Mister_MagisterI could also use spiiroin's help but he's not here08:16
malI need to find the command I used in the past to debug droidmedia related crashes, maybe sometime later today09:42
Mister_Magisterdo you know how can i get a hold of spiiroin?09:44
Mister_Magistermal: idk why but I cannot build dhd, the dhd.inc is not being included. I have two devices that are in the same had, use same repos, and files are exactly the same, but on one it works on second it doesn't https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/7babed7fa15611:22
Mister_Magisterand dhd is 1:1 the same https://github.com/sailfish-oneplus6/droid-hal-enchilada11:22
Mister_Magistergreat nevermind11:24
Mister_Magisterthere was a diff, lack of newline at the end of file11:24
T42<edp_17> Hi all, any idea what's wrong? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wSk9sP74dc/12:58
T42<elros34> python2 vs 3 issue?13:23
T42<edp_17> đź‘Ť13:33
T42<edp_17> Thanks @elros34. Yeah, as you said, it reminds me for something that I had to install v3. Let me try that.13:34
T42<elros34> I am not sure, script error looks like python2 code13:35
T42<edp_17> It looks like the opposite. I have v3 but need v2. :)13:37
T42<edp_17> Hmm, looks like I have both installed. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VkmCVSPX29/13:41
T42<edp_17> Well, no. I only have got Python 3.8.513:43
T42<elros34> IIRC older habuild image had python2 byt default13:45
T42<edp_17> I've installed python-is-python2 and it gave me version
T42<edp_17> Now, there is an issue in the do_last function in fsnamei.c: error, forbidden warning: namei.c:275113:57
T42<edp_17> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vwXPTsqyMb/13:57
T42<edp_17> I guess need to turn off something in defconfig.13:58
T42<elros34> you didn't enable some filesystem only because they are marked as optional in mer-kernel-check?14:26
T42<edp_17> Oh, mer-kernel-check. I need to run that to see what it says. (Yes, I did enable a few filesystems, probably that is the issue here.)15:05
Mister_Magistermal: just reminder about the "maybe sometime later today"16:21
T42<edp_17> The "mer-kernel-check" on "./out/target/product/$DEVICE/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config | grep ERROR" gave me: "ERROR: CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_QTAGUID is invalid"16:22
T42<edp_17> I have to see how to turn this off properly because unsetting it wasn't enough.16:22
malMister_Magister: maybe something like this: HYBRIS_ENABLE_LINKER_DEBUG_MAP=1 gdb --args gst-inspect-1.0 --gst-disable-segtrap --gst-disable-registry-fork droidcamsrc16:23
Mister_Magisteray thanks!16:23
Mister_Magisterwell that command only says "there's no such thing as droidcamsrc" cause plugin didn't load, but i'll try substituing it with .so path16:24
Mister_Magisterhttps://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/74085cad86d8 hm16:25
maldo you have libhybris debug info installed?16:27
Mister_MagisterI have now16:28
maldo you see anything in logcat?16:28
Mister_Magisternot really16:29
malwhich libhybris version do you have?16:29
Mister_Magisterye there's nothing in logcat16:32
malcan you try with the older libhybris you had before16:32
malin 4.5.0 you had
Mister_Magisterhm i could, but its not like it was workign in 4.5 either16:34
Mister_Magisterlast time working i think was 3.3?16:34
malI thought that was working before17:07
Mister_Magisternah i took over the port after it was seemingly abandoned at 3.3 and trying to get everything working17:08
Mister_Magisteryesterday i fixed kernel panic so just updated to 4.6 while i was at it17:08
Mister_MagisterI just need spiiroin to fix two leds and the media crash17:09
malwhat is the led issue?17:09
Mister_Magisteron x2 it stopped autodetecting it, on op6(t) which we currently are talking about it doesn't work at all17:10
Mister_Magisterand he's mce god17:10
Mister_Magisterhmm i decided to yeet out and clone libhybris (cause i didn't have it during build process) and start from scratch maybe i broke something and uh17:11
Mister_Magisterlibhwc2_compat_layer misisng :P17:11
Mister_Magisterah submodules17:12
T42<elros34> why don't you enable verbose output  of particular mce led module and at least provide some basic info to spiiroin or whoever17:17
Mister_Magisterif i knew how to do that that would be great17:17
Mister_Magisteri tried with -Tvvv and it seems its writing values17:24
Mister_Magisterlike i basically have this https://github.com/mer-hybris/mce-plugin-libhybris/blob/master/sysfs-led-vanilla.c#L31217:25
Mister_Magisterthis one is for opx i have op6t so supposedly they work the same (paths are the same)17:25
Mister_Magisterbut the blink_delay is never written to17:26
Mister_Magisterand for some reason despite pattern being 255,0,0 it writes like 45,0,017:26
Mister_Magisterand 45 is i think too low cause when i read brightness it says 017:27
Mister_Magisternote that i can't get it to light up by hand either so idk how it works17:29
Mister_Magistermal: so i rebuilt it aaaaaand nothing changed17:35
Mister_Magisterthis is android 9 btw17:44
Mister_Magisterbruh no clue whatsoever17:55
Mister_Magisteroh hey, https://github.com/sailfish-on-ginkgo/droid-config-ginkgo/issues/2#issuecomment-2296490303 its the same thing17:56
Mister_Magistersomething wrong in android base is my only guess18:02
Mister_Magisterwould be nice if i could enable TRACE of ./bionic/linker/linker_soinfo.cpp18:04
Mister_Magisteridk how18:04
Mister_Magisteridk if its that one, at least according to sources it is but on device it behaves differently18:10
Mister_Magisterthe line numbers in the segfault don't make any goddamn sense18:15
Mister_Magistermal: sorry to botther but any suggestions? :P18:17
Mister_Magisteri'm grepping looking searching and have no clue18:17
malare you debugging media issue or led?18:20
Mister_Magisterled is noniportant18:20
Mister_MagisterI just went on little led sidequest per elros's request18:20
malyou can always add more prints to libhybris if you think it might help debugging it, have you looked at libhybris debug output? that requires debug build of libhybris18:22
Mister_MagisterI have not18:23
Mister_Magisteryou sure its libhybris and not android?18:23
Mister_Magisterhttps://github.com/mer-hybris/libhybris/blob/master/rpm/libhybris.spec#L1C12-L1C26 is debug enabled when you build on devel?18:25
malyou need to add these to project config18:28
mal%_with_arm_tracing 118:29
mal%_with_trace 118:29
mal%_with_debug 118:29
malin obs project page18:29
mal*project config page18:29
Mister_Magisterhttps://build.sailfishos.org/project/prjconf/nemo:testing:hw:oneplus:fajita added18:31
Mister_Magisterwill ping u once i have it on device18:33
T42<Mister_Magister> okay i have it18:37
Mister_Magisterdo i need some environmental variables18:37
* Mister_Magister i totally did not mistake chats18:38
Mister_Magistermal: according to buildlog --enable-debug is applied but i don't see any output anywhere :/ tried HYBRIS_TRACE and HYBRIS_LOGGING_LEVEL and got nothing18:51
T42<elros34> maybe you need one of these env variables: https://irclogs.sailfishos.org/logs/%23sailfishos-porters/%23sailfishos-porters.2021-02-12.log.html to enable infinite spam18:56
Mister_Magisteroh hey, its me18:56
Mister_Magisterhi me18:56
Mister_Magisteradd them all!18:57
Mister_Magisteroh hey, i got something18:57
Mister_Magisterwell hooked/unhooked is not telling me much though18:58
Mister_Magisteryeah i think i enabled every hybris envrionmental variable possible and still no useful info19:01
Mister_Magisterhybris debug level has to be text not number19:02
Mister_Magisteroh i think hybris is using android o specific code for android p19:03
Mister_Magisterthats not all debugging still i think19:06
Mister_Magisterthere's still some traces i don't see19:06
malsometimes the unhooked ones give hints19:08
Mister_Magisterlike i could use this https://github.com/sailfishos-mirror/libhybris/blob/a328b9e4e1e60896fe5576b8001887934baa61a2/hybris/common/o/linker_soinfo.cpp#L37619:11
Mister_Magisterbut no clue how to enable it19:11
Mister_Magisterits failing at 37219:13
Mister_Magisterthere's no dereference there so i have no clue how the hell am i getting segfault there19:14
Mister_Magister:412 trace would also be useful19:15
Mister_Magisteridk how to enable the TRACE() and DEBUG() both would be super useful, the linker stuff is useless19:15
malyou can always patch it and build locally19:15
malor on obs from your own branch19:16
Mister_Magistertell me if you see ANYTHING useful here19:16
Mister_Magisteri wonder if i can attach breakpoint there19:16
malwhy not unhooked in that?19:18
Mister_Magisteri can19:18
Mister_Magisteri'll throw in hooked19:19
Mister_Magisteri think im too dumb at gdb to attach breakpoint in libhybris19:20
Mister_Magisteroh hey, i managed to do it19:24
Mister_Magisterhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… well it still doesn't tell me much19:28
Mister_Magisterim just getting lost in the gdb19:37
Mister_Magisterwish i had gui19:37
Mister_Magisterah great19:50
Mister_Magistersegfault is in ??19:50
Mister_Magisterso my best guess is libstagefright.so, something inside is the issue19:51
Mister_Magisterno wait we got debug symbols for that19:51
Mister_Magistergimme second while my brain is fried19:51
Mister_Magisterits calling some function that does god knows what19:53
Mister_Magisterand its causing segfault19:53
Mister_Magisterfunction's name is "function" xd19:54
Mister_Magisterwait maybe it is libstagefright, ye i think it is19:54
Mister_Magistermal: isn't libstagefright built by libhybris?19:55
Mister_Magisteror am i completely delusional19:55
T42<elros34> isn't it part of android build?19:56
Mister_Magisterye but isn't it using libhybris for it?19:56
Mister_Magisterwish we had droid-hal debug symbols19:56
Mister_Magisteror do we…?19:56
T42<elros34> I remember to debug android functions you need to copy and symbols from out/ build directory and load them some way19:58
Mister_Magisteryeah like19:59
Mister_Magisterthat would be HUGE19:59
Mister_Magisteri'll copy ./obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_intermediates/libstagefright.so.debug and see19:59
T42<elros34> https://irclogs.sailfishos.org/logs/%23sailfishos-porters/%23sailfishos-porters.2017-07-06.log.html#t2017-07-06T08:35:0519:59
Mister_Magisteroi it read it20:00
Mister_Magister@elros34 i think i figured it out myself which is always welcome20:00
Mister_Magisterye its not asking about the stagefright symbols letsgo20:01
Mister_Magistereh no, its still ??20:02
Mister_Magister@elros34 you linked message of one of my fren to my other fren xd20:03
Mister_Magisterbut its calling function on stagefright so why im getting ??20:03
Mister_Magisterunless the pointer to the function is wrong but i doubt it20:03
malMister_Magister: I assume that device is 32-bit?20:06
malaarch64 then=?20:06
maland aarch64 sfos also?20:06
Mister_Magisterop6 is aarch6420:07
Mister_Magisterits loading lib64 all over the logs20:07
malis that op6 which has that media issue?20:07
Mister_Magisterop6t to be exact but they're basically the exact same device20:08
Mister_Magisterit always ends with this20:10
Mister_Magisterand if i had debug symbols for whatever this is it would be awesome20:10
Mister_Magisterwait, what if its /usr/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/libgstdroid.so itself?20:10
Mister_Magisteri don't have debug symbols for it20:10
Mister_Magistermal: are there somewhere debug symbols for gstdroid?20:11
Mister_Magisteryeah stagefright symbols are definitely loaded cause i see functions and all so thats not it20:13
malMister_Magister: which android base?20:14
Mister_Magistergst-droid is built by adaptation common… and jolla doesn't like posting debuginfo rpms :P so oof20:15
maltry adding this patch https://github.com/mer-hybris/hybris-patches/blob/hybris-sony-aosp-11/bionic/0006-halium-libdl-neutralize-cfi_slowpath_common-as-it-br.patch20:15
Mister_Magisteruhhhh sure not sure how its related but okay20:16
malcalling unhooked method: __cfi_slowpath_diag@0x782a5dc10020:17
Mister_Magisterwhat do i rebuild that's releveant20:18
Mister_Magisterjust entire droid-hal?20:18
malprobably easiest20:18
Mister_Magisterim bad at debugging hybris :P20:19
Mister_Magisterthanks mal <320:19
malyou might be able to copy just the relevant bionic libs but just as easy to repackage droid-hal20:19
Mister_Magisterwell well see if that works xd20:19
Mister_Magistermal: you're god20:22
malwell I didn't find that :)20:22
Mister_Magisterwhat do you mean?20:22
malkrnlyng helped20:23
Mister_Magisterbut he isn't in chat is he helping from behind the scenes?20:23
malI was chatting with him on another chat system20:23
Mister_Magisterahhh pass him my thanks20:23
Mister_Magisterand ofc20:24
T42<Mister_Magister> thanks @NotKit for the patch in the first place xd20:24
malhopefully that helps20:24
Mister_Magisteryeah it works20:24
Mister_Magisteri didn't reboot but it already worked20:24
Mister_Magisterit was fun because everyone i know and everyone who has been here for long time was included in this issue you, krnlng, thekit, even saidinesh was caught up in the log xd20:26
malif you want you could make a PR to the hybris-patches repo to addthat20:26
Mister_Magisteri can, right after i fix my PR to droidmedia to add the g2 hack for the display thats still not fixed so that i don't forget it ever20:27
Mister_Magisterbut i should make pr so that i don't forget this patch in couple of years20:27
malI personally would prefer less vendor specific define there20:27
Mister_Magisterisn't this patch vendor specific?20:28
malwell in a way yes but still20:28
malI need to check the PR more carefully but not tonight20:29
Mister_Magisterwell i got news20:29
Mister_Magisteralso the g2 fix was once needed outside of g2 iirc20:29
Mister_Magisterbut i got news thats not end of the fight xd20:29
T42<b100dian> The level of sorcery today is too darn high. Makes me wanna resume my camera2 recording debugging on L18.1 :)20:29
Mister_Magisteryes i did remove cache20:29
Mister_Magister@b100dian i agree my brain's fried and i didn't even do anything, just crying like a little child to mal20:30
malI have some plans to continue camera2 work, I have been busy with more critical work20:30
Mister_Magisterhopefully its qt6 :)))))))20:30
malofono binder stuff20:31
T42<b100dian> The hints above should help me debug a crash I have, just making notes here, please continue20:31
Mister_Magistermal: so as you can see in log, i when i inspect the so it works fine but when i check GST_DEBUG=5 it still says  Added plugin 'libgstdroid.so' plugin with 0 features from binary registry20:31
malgit diff of the binder stuff so far about 9100 lines :D20:32
Mister_Magister@b100dian thats the point of irc logs and spamming what you're doing/what you figured out, so that others can learn if they have same or similar issue :P20:32
malthat will be fun PR to review :D20:33
Mister_Magistersimilarly at work i'll be using software to automaticaly prettify code in project and thats a CR touching every file in the project… fun20:33
mal@b100dian what crash do you have?20:33
T42<b100dian> I dont get a blank video on record, but a crash with ?? and ?? here and there. I will try the hints above regarding gdb support write back20:35
Mister_Magistermeanwhile… job's not done :P20:35
Mister_Magisterye /usr/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/libgstdroid.so works, libgstdroid.so is blacklisted20:36
Mister_Magistermal: https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/c3331c3636b320:36
Mister_Magisterwhen i do gst-inspect-1.0 /usr/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/libgstdroid.so it shows everything fine, but when i check the plugin, its blacklisted and says  Added plugin 'libgstdroid.so' plugin with 0 features from binary registry20:37
malhave you removed the gst cache which blacklists it?20:37
Mister_Magisterabout 20 times so far yes20:37
malanything in logs?20:37
maldoes it still crash somehow20:37
Mister_Magisteryeah i don't get anything from GST_DEBUG its instantly blacklisted20:39
maltry running it via gdb still without forcing the lib path20:39
malafter removing cache first of course20:40
Mister_Magisternothing in logcat20:40
Mister_Magistermal: what i'm looking for in gdb? gotta break somewhere20:41
maldoes it crash or not?20:42
malso it doesn't list the droid stuff if you just run  gst-inspect-1.0 ?20:42
Mister_Magisterhttps://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/e84e7597ead9 thats all, no crash20:42
Mister_Magisterwhen i clean cache and then GST_DEBUG gst-inspect it reads plugin and instantly blacklists it with  Added plugin 'libgstdroid.so' plugin with 0 features from binary registry20:43
Mister_Magisteroh i'm dumb20:43
Mister_Magisterit's not rm -rf ~/.cache/gstreamer20:43
Mister_Magisterits rm -rf ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.020:43
Mister_Magistermal: you can kill me now20:43
malso you didn't remove cache20:44
Mister_Magisterin my defense you sent me ~/.cache/gstreamer :P20:44
malI did?20:44
Mister_Magisterok you sent ~/.cache/gstreamer*20:45
Mister_Magisteryou win20:45
maldoes camera work now?20:45
Mister_Magisterphotos work, recording doesn't20:46
Mister_Magisteri'm checking video playback20:46
maldoes logcat should something waiting?20:46
Mister_Magisterayy got video playbac20:46
malref video recording20:46
Mister_Magisterah only the classic20:47
Mister_MagisterWaiting for service 'media.audio_flinger' on '/dev/binder'...20:47
Mister_Magisterbut i got pulseaudio-modules-droid-hidl20:48
Mister_Magisteri do have audiosystem-passthrough installed20:50
malcheck binders with binder-list20:50
Mister_Magisterwill do20:51
Mister_Magistermal: i installed audiosystem-passthrough-dummy-af and now its working… should i?20:53
Mister_Magisterso its good?20:53
malyes, that is usually needed20:54
Mister_Magisterso add to patterns and call it a day20:54
malor most modern android bases20:54
Mister_Magisterthanks mal again for help <3 big love20:55
malMister_Magister: the readme here did mention dummy af20:55
malfor media20:55
Mister_Magisterwhich readme20:55
Mister_Magisteryeah i was reading it20:55
malFor media, one of20:55
malaudiosystem-passthrough-dummy-af (from package audiosystem-passthrough) audioflingerglue20:55
Mister_Magisterit said its either operational af or dummy20:55
Mister_Magisterthe operational types20:55
Mister_Magisterwhy wouldn't it work in normal mode20:55
malnormal mode would the audioflingerglue which is only used on old bases20:56
malcan't remember which was the last one that built it20:56
Mister_Magisterah* okay20:56
Mister_Magisterso ye will add to patterns, revert libhybris debug build, rebuild both devices, and remember to make pr with patch20:56
malbut at least some progress20:56
Mister_Magisterthankies you're the best20:57
malneed to comment to that ginkgo issue tracker also20:57
Mister_Magisteroh, will do20:57
Mister_Magisteram just really tired and behind with work-work so will do that tomorrow20:58
malMister_Magister: seems to use the same base so maybe do the RP to patches first and once we get that merged you can just say update patches from there20:58
Mister_Magistermal: if you could ping spiiroing tomorrow to come over for a chat that woud be great xd20:59
malI'll try to remember21:00
Mister_Magisteragain, big thanks21:00
Mister_Magisteri'll be advertising op6 as the next port "to get", just like my g2 was (and well still is)21:02
Mister_Magisterits fairly modern, ultra smooth, and fully working21:02
* Mister_Magister except for the led21:02
T42<morciatka> Mister_Magister, hey quick question, are cameras working on the 6/6T port now? (not that I would use it, I want to do a 7TP port *soon* myself)21:03
Mister_MagisterNOW… yes21:03
Mister_Magisterphoto AND camera21:03
T42<morciatka> really cool21:03
Mister_Magisterwell can't say about enchilada (op6) cause i don't have it (yet) but op6t works and probably op6 will do too21:04
T42<morciatka> last time the 4.5 build worked just fine on both devices without any changes needed iirc21:05
Mister_Magisterwell i still rather not install fajita build on enchilada but that just proves they're literally the same21:05
T42<morciatka> I left it on my 6T since then, @TheVancedGamer actually used it remotely for his experiments21:06
Mister_Magisteri'm also building and updating the encihlada build, just can't test it21:06
Mister_Magister@morciatka you can OTA it to 4.6 now21:06
Mister_Magisterwith all the fixes in… like 5 minutes21:06
T42<morciatka> was thinking of doing that, I'll probably also do it then21:06
Mister_Magisterjust the classic, devel-su; ssu re; zypper clean -a; zypper ref -f; version --dup21:07
Mister_Magister@morciatka did i even publish 4.5 zip?21:10
T42<morciatka> btw, was that cpu_freq_msm the only problematic thing in the kernel?21:10
T42<morciatka> no, I kindly asked for it since I wanted to try something21:10
T42<morciatka> over on Caleb's discord server21:11
Mister_Magisterah, that just caused panic, and panic was caused because i fixed suspend in kernel so not the only issue. The suspend fix is ugly hack blocking wakelocks but eh it works21:11
Mister_Magisteryou can join my tg group if you wish to follow my dev adventures21:12

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