Thursday, 2024-09-05

malMister_Magister: reminder of the hybris-patches change11:40
Mister_Magisterye thanks will do will do, i've been tired and busy with work work11:41
Mister_Magistermal: btw uhhh video playback is like 20fps and i assume its not gonna be easy to debug especially since there's nothing indicative in logs right?11:41
malhave you verified from logcat that it really uses hw codec?11:42
Mister_Magisterwell it wasn't playing any video before the fix so pretty sure11:48
T42<Umeaman> Does the VNDK version affect the portability of Sailfish OS?17:19
Mister_Magistermal: i am here debugging the life out of LED wondering why it wont work… turns out enchilada (op6) has it but fajita (op6t), which i have DOESN'T17:31
Mister_Magisterwasted time and effort17:31
malso manually it works?17:53
Mister_Magisterwhat do you mean?17:56
malI mean if you write something to sysfs17:58
Mister_Magisterno it doesn't my phone literally doesn't have LED17:59
Mister_MagisterSo let me repeat. I've been working on LED, debugging, wondering why it doesn't work, and it turns out LED works flawlessly on enchilada (op6) and it doesn't work on fajita (op6t) because fajita doesn't have LED and i own fajita and not enchilada18:05
Mister_Magisterand they're basically the same device18:05
Mister_Magisterits first time i have device that doesn't have status led18:13
Mister_Magisterbut because the sister device has it, all the sysfs paths exist xd very confusing18:14
Mister_Magisterlong story short i was debugging why non-existant led doesn't turn on xd18:24
Mister_Magisteri still could bother spiiroin about regression in mce white led but eh19:57
Mister_Magistermaybe i'll figure it out myself19:57
Mister_Magisterregression being its no longer autodetected correctly since 4.619:57
Mister_Magistermal: i'll do all the housekeeping tasks tomorrow as tomorrow is friday, life has been hectic20:18
Mister_Magisteri'm behind with work-work and can't focus for shit20:18
Mister_Magistermeanwhile people who are installing zips are complaining dpi is all fucked god knows why xd20:18
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