Friday, 2024-09-06

Mister_Magisteroki i've slept through almost entirety of my work today time to do some portin'17:31
Mister_Magisterlemme dig up logs so that mal will stop being angry at me17:31
Mister_Magisteroh shiet wait i messed up the patch17:38
Mister_Magisterits fixed17:38
Mister_Magisterso its done, i made the PR i notified ginko about the PR, i reverted hybris debug patch and now i have to fix fajita and enchilada zipsa17:41
Mister_Magisteri got beer in one hand and keyboard in the other time to do some work :P17:42
malMister_Magister: merged, thanks17:53
malit seems all other bases have that already so everything should be good now17:55
Mister_Magistermal: don't tell me you haven't done it yourself because then you couldn't review it yourself and then you would have to bother somebody so that they can review it so that you can merge it?18:05
Mister_Magisterhe probably like "not at all!" xd18:11
Mister_Magistermal: how… busy are you? I have a problem where in the zip aspect ratio is not being set, but if you update from older zip it works fine and i have no clue how to go about debugging it18:15
malwell I have pushed changes to lineage base branches in hybris-patches without review before18:17
malreason why I didn't do that was that I didn't seem to have local checkout of hybris-16.0 source tree and to be sure that the patch applied without issues I would have wanted to have it18:18
Mister_Magistermal: but i literally just cloned the repo out of source to make the patch xd18:18
malyeah, that probably would have been fine also18:19
Mister_Magisterwell anyway its done18:19
Mister_Magisternow i need to figure out why this doesn't set pixel_ratio18:19
Mister_Magistercould it be because i added notch cutouts?18:19
malis the /etc/dconf/db/vendor.d/silica-configs.txt file correct in the zip?18:20
malthat config is wrong18:20
Mister_Magisteryeah that config is wrong18:21
Mister_Magisteri lack the [] part18:21
malafaik each file needs the proper sections for configs18:21
Mister_Magisterwe literally arrived at the same thing at the same time xd18:21
malwhat is the display resolution of that device?18:22
Mister_Magistersomething by something18:23
Mister_Magisterum 1080 x 2340 pixels, 19.5:9 ratio (~402 ppi density)18:23
malI think the notch config is not entirely accurate then, it does probably work though18:24
malthe x offset is a bit small18:24
Mister_Magisterits scaled18:24
Mister_Magister@notkit said so, no clue why though18:24
malon fp5 I have cutouts = [[568, 0, 88, 103]]18:25
T42<Mister_Magister> @NotKit a word18:26
Mister_Magisterits not like theres documentation for it18:26
Mister_Magistermal: while i have you here… how do i debug videos playing at 20fps18:37
maldo logs show anything suspicious? does gst report any dropped frames for example?18:43
Mister_Magisteri'll try the GST_DEBUG as i haven't tried that one yet but nothing in journal18:46
malalso nothing in logcat?18:47
Mister_Magistersorry i meant logcat18:48
Mister_MagisterDPI is back  :)18:56
Mister_Magistermal: any info on "Device supports multiple back cameras, please define dconf /apps/jolla-camera/backCameraLabels"?18:59
maldoes the device have more than 1 back camera?19:11
malif so then add some label for them like this
Mister_Magisteryes it does19:14
Mister_Magisterwish it hadn't19:14
Mister_Magistercause the other one is no different xd I think its used for depth19:15
malok, then adding the config might not be useful19:15
Mister_Magistermal: how bad of an idea would be to copy home from one device to another19:56
Mister_Magisterat least like .config and .local20:12
Mister_Magistermaybe without overwrite20:12
Mister_Magisteror i could just copy everything starting with harbour and my apps20:12
Mister_Magisterthat would be probably the safest20:13
T42<b100dian> I am finally debugging video recording on A11 / codec2 and camera2 branch, with the newly-found HYBRIS_ENABLE_LINKER_DEBUG_MAP20:22
T42<b100dian> And I have a crash that is a plain function call in bionic
T42<b100dian> basically this
T42<b100dian> given that the call comes from a thread spawned inside stagefright, could it have any relationship with hybris, maybe a hook is needed for that function too?20:26
malcould be, checking what that does20:54
T42<b100dian> Presumably in this case it just lowers the API30 level from error to warning only (or it should)20:57
T42<b100dian> "In API level 29, fdsan warns when it finds a bug. In API level 30, fdsan aborts when it finds a bug". . I'm on 3020:58
T42<b100dian> I would like to understand is if hybris is in action when stagefright plugin calls what seems to be a bionic-only function20:59
mal@b100dian add a dummy hooks like the ones for other fdsan things like this
T42<b100dian> on it21:06
maland then the other part like this
malthis is how the function is defined check the parameters etc from that21:08
T42<b100dian> Thanks.21:16
T42<b100dian> Unrelatedly, trying to fork libhybris, and finding out I already had, and there's a commit that makes test-hwcomposer run on this adaptation, presumably by disabling/skipping HWC121:16
mal@b100dian any luck with libhybris?22:15
T42<b100dian> had some trouble using directly `enum android_fdsan_error_level`, went for char because little-endian and that enum doesn't seem big. Now I have local packages, maybe I should just scp libhybris rpm? (As there are so many). Or just OBS build and zypper up22:20
T42<b100dian> the android types are not immediately available, maybe I should have included some "Q" header, but I have not seen that in the current hooks22:21
T42<b100dian> I'll grab
T42<b100dian> Looks like the crash is not there, now there's a lockup of the viewport (and the whole app if you interact with it). Lemme build on OBS, to make sure there's no interdependencies between .so files, because gdb also doesn't show anymore symbols ;)22:39
malcheck logcat for anything waiting for something22:42
T42<b100dian> Ok, there is something. Recording starts around [FTS_TS] message (touched the screen) and ends in some  DroidMediaCamera: setup_capture_session failed. But that's progress !22:51
malbtw, feel free to make a PR to libhybris for that hook22:56
T42<b100dian> libhybris/libhybris, not sailfish-mirror I suppose22:59
malyes, libhybris/libhybris22:59

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