Saturday, 2024-09-07

T42<b100dian> Hmm after build from OBS and reboot I have to fix something, it doesn't boot into gui anymore :D00:00
T42<b100dian> Hmm.. reverted the repo to mer-hybris and its back..00:09
T42<b100dian> oh I get it. The rpm packaging repo was not updated 😊00:15
T42<b100dian> All good now. Never update libhybris submodule with an old rpm/:) Camera is not crashing but locking, will debug some other time00:41
Mister_Magistermal: look how cute
malMister_Magister: nice11:08
T42<birdzhang> Mister_Magister: yes, it's working, nice patch!13:15

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