Friday, 2024-10-04

T42<edp_17> @elros34 : I've managed to get logcat and journal. In journal it seems service starting but then there is no other sign in there. No hidl_compat related stuff either. Logcat is similarly doesn't say nothing about them. I am not sure what else I should check in there.08:48
T42<edp_17> logcat:
T42<edp_17> journal:
T42<edp_17> Hahaha, pulseaudio is masked. Let me get new logs with pulseaudio enabled.08:57
T42<edp_17> Here are the logs with pulseaudion unmasked and started.09:17
T42<edp_17> logcat:
T42<edp_17> journal:
T42<edp_17> Looks like starts, however there is an error from pulseaudio: E: [pulseaudio] module-droid-hidl.c: [audiosystem-passthrough] No interfaces could be configured!09:18
T42<edp_17> Could be this related?09:18
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T42<elros34> I wonder if you even need audiosystem-passthrough and  if yes what mode you should/shouldn't use: hw2_0 ? Frankly you are asking wrong person. Did you check binder-list whether this audio-hal-2 create some interfaces? BTW  regular instead jb2q pulseaudio wasn't working?13:40
T42<elros34> totally unrelated: don't you have sleep issues with this device, I see  repeated crashes for example infamous time_daemon every 5s13:46
T42<edp_17> Thanks @elros34, I will try to see those. Regarding the sleep issues, I haven't noticed nothing. It lost about 4% battery charge overnight, so, it is quite good.13:53
T42<elros34> not bad13:54
T42<edp_17> Indeed. :)13:55
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T42<elros34> @b100dian reading you porting adventure and can't resist")  system_root is good, just copy paste description error in system_root.mount. Real issue are other failing droid mounts especially: /product  one cause apexd-bootstrap failure14:40
T42<b100dian> Always appreciating your help like this @elros34 🙂 It14:41
T42<b100dian> It is not my adventure, but it does interest me make it available on more devices14:41
T42<b100dian> So you say that /system/bin/logd or other binaries not found are also because of /product :hmm:14:42
T42<elros34> I guess more because apex failure -> wrong linker path -> misleading no such file error14:43
T42<elros34> but fixing /produc will probably fix apex-bootstrap14:44
T42<b100dian> That would make sense, :fingerscrossed:14:51
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rinigusI wonder if someone here has tried to port to recent google pixel devices? @TheVancedGamer was working on pixel 7pro and halium port, but not sure how far it progressed17:48
riniguson paper, with aosp and drivers available, should be possible to port. or are there some known issues awaiting with pixel 7 and later?17:49
T42<elros34> what can be worst then sony aosp :)17:53
rinigus@elros34: for sony xz2/xz3 it was rather smooth. in addition, you have a chance to ask for help from Jolla and Sony AOSP folks. So, it is actually quite good in my experience17:54
rinigusbut as my sony xz2 is bit damaged, I have to prepare to move to new device. hence the interest. (sony 10v is rather expensive in our shops and looking for alternative)17:56
T42<elros34> ok I got maybe wrong impression that bugs on sony are not that rare but for sure you are right that jolla devs working on similar devices is a big help17:57
rinigusthey are not. camera on xz2 was shitty in aosp9, but better on aosp10. there maybe some other issues here and there, but nothing comes out into my mind right now.17:59
riniguslet's say, I am considering whether to go for xperia 5/1 iv as one of the alternatives. but would have to check current aosp status of them (bugs) before.18:00
T42<TheVancedGamer> rinigus: you'll definitely get vendor surprises with pixel 7{pro}, currently on android 14 vendor, and updated to android 15 vendor on beta18:01
T42<TheVancedGamer> so hybris-21 is a must18:01
rinigusin this sense, pixel and xperias are, to my knowledge, the only ones that provide hardware blobs that I can point the users to.18:01
rinigus@TheVancedGamer: thank you very much for heads up! is there some list available for these surprises?18:03
rinigusas we have for sony?18:03
T42<TheVancedGamer> rinigus: lots of aidl hals, composer3, and that's all I can recall :P18:03
rinigus@TheVancedGamer: sorry to hear it. did you managed to get it work for halium? or its collecting dust now?18:04
rinigusI remember piggz used halium as a base for one of the ports18:05
rinigusSFOS ports18:05
T42<TheVancedGamer> rinigus: @NotKit booted UT on his Pixel 7 but with halium 13, i'm doing Halium 1418:05
T42<TheVancedGamer> so far I have booting rootfs and running services in android side18:05
T42<elros34> @rinigus btw if you are talking about sony nagara, the I think there were somebody trying to boot it without success but that shouldn't stop you (for long:P)18:07
rinigus@TheVancedGamer: that halium 13 and UT, did @NotKit managed to make it work? hopefully Jolla's effort with xperia 10v would contribute to overall effort with halium 14/hybris 1418:08
rinigus@elros34: my porting skills are mainly coming over here and asking for help :) .18:09
rinigus(grepping the logs for nagara)18:10
T42<b100dian> hmm 10v more expensive than 1/5iv ?  Interesting18:21
rinigus@b100dian: no, not really. but 10v getting towards 400 and I would expect 1/5iv to be more pleasant to use. so, don't mind paying too much extra for it18:24
T42<b100dian> TBH I do have a 5iv in the drawer, just not enough energy to port it..18:25
rinigus@b100dian: please do - better than collecting dust there18:26
T42<b100dian> :)18:26
T42<b100dian> @elros34 you were right, and my port now works on the sibling / cheaper and more popular device
T42<b100dian> Now I need to study a bit how to make different mount points and in general the image installable on another device code21:15
T42<b100dian> I'm sure tama will be a good inspiration for that ;)21:16
T42<elros34> my  hacky way for slightly different partition layout on similar device +  busybox patch21:50

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