Saturday, 2024-10-05

rinigus@b100dian: tama is a copy of Jolla's approach to the port. So, no lineageos and with lvm for partitions.04:38
rinigusAnd similar multiple devices was relatively easy to make04:39
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b100dian@elros34 wow, doing that from init, chapeau!19:49
T42<NotKit> for systemd-mounted partitions, you can also just use udev-symlinked paths like /dev/disk/by-partlabel/name, with the exception of userdata in hybris-boot19:51
T42<elros34> well AFAIK you can't, that is whole idea of fixup-moutpoints?19:58
T42<b100dian> yeah, I was planning more along those lines, run dmsetup if required, then link the partitions to a common place. Still have to do different dhd configs if I want to actually display the device codename, make everything installable form zip and, well. maybe even for kernel update19:58

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