Saturday, 2024-12-28

ecrnbluetooth kind of works01:32
ecrnafter replacing whole net/bluetooth/ and include/net/bluetooth/ from unmodified android kernel of the same version01:33
ecrnis it safe to clear tee files from efs partition?06:01
T42<TheVancedGamer> ecrn: you just killed encryption and android06:06
ecrni moved the directory06:14
ecrnnot deleted06:14
ecrncan move it back if something is broken really06:14
ecrnbut it seems that the tee entries were re-created06:15
ecrnwhen trying to enroll fingerprint06:15
ecrn12-28 06:16:15.966   232   232 E gatekeeper: [gk_verify_handler] result = 106:16
ecrn12-28 06:16:16.285     0     0 I         : [3:tz_iwlog_thread:  833] SW> gatekeeper [ERR] (gk_ver_curr_pwd:82) security issue mistmatch pwd_handle06:17
ecrn12-28 06:16:15.968   674   674 E BiometricsFingerprintDeathRecipient::serviceDied - Fingerprint Sevice died06:17
ecrnI thought maybe the gatekeeper has some sort of password already set06:18

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